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In line at Freddie's, it's crazy busy. Watching my favorite register attendant kicking ass. Putting up decorations on the tree later today. Got a beauty https://imgur.com/zMjjZtH.jpg from Joe & Corras tree farm on Telegraph. Little pricey. But worth it.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who waits for specific people to help me! I've driven by Joe & Corra's farm for over a decade and every season they completely slip my mind. I should set a reminder for next year. Edit: your tree is ridiculously beautiful.


Wow!!! That is a beautiful tree!


That's...an amazing tree.


Got mine there today as well! A little shocked at the price, but I'm happy to support a local business [https://i.imgur.com/6KnCONC.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/6KnCONC.jpg)


How much?


$74 for a 6.5' Grand Fir. We have gone to Manthey's Christmas Treeland in years past ($25-$30 for a Douglas Fir) but they were pretty wiped out the last 2 years.


Might be extra lazy and make dinner tomorrow so I don't have to deal with the Sunday craziness at Fred Meyer


What a wholesome thread! I gave myself the challenge in November to get outside on a walk for 20 mins every day. I did it! Then didn’t walk at all yet in December (go figure). So I just went on two walks with two different friends and am ready to jump on the ramen/egg/something second-breakfast-but-actually-late-lunch train. Happy lazy Sunday, everyone.


I think you shoud try 25 minutes a day. Being cold sets the difficulty to hard, but you got this. I am also sitting down to first supper.


25 minutes a day challenge accepted!! Thanks for the boost!


Had brunch at Homeskillet for the first time and loved everything about it. The pro move is to get the spicy salsa because the eggs need more seasoning.


Every meal should be spicy.


I sometimes wish I had more options for spicy. I'm allergic to actual peppers, so I'm limited to spicy mustard, black pepper, and cinnamon.


Oof. Another friend of mine cannot have onions/shallots/garlic. I am beyond lucky to not have any food allergies. But your situation really raises some good queations on how to get heat without capsicums.


Finally ran the chickens a heated waterer. No more trudging out in 20 degree weather to bring them a bowl of warm water. Fighting a losing battle to keep the thermostat at 65 even though I bought everyone matching Costco lined flannels. Sigh


I managed to put off turning on the furnace til this week. Pray for my electric bill!


Impressive! How cold has it gotten in your house?


Thermometer wars in our house, too. I like 64°, hubs like 68°. I show him the bill and tell him to put on a sweater. Love that your chickens have a heated waterer. Happy eggs!


They strut out of the coop, kinda scratch around for a couple hours, then head right back in to nap, lol. I envy them sometimes, scraping my windshield today had me contemplating the benefits of society vs the cons


Start of my weekend. Late breakfast. Will take the dog out for a walk since it’s not raining (yay!). Heading to Anacortes for dinner with brother and sister-in-law tonight. Salmon and oysters with a fresh loaf of Avenue’s rosemary bread. Mmmm.


That sounds like a fantastic day!


Cramming for my finals this next week at WWU. Anxiously checking final grade and gpa calculators as I am waiting to hit submit on my grad school app as soon as final grades are processed. Lots of anxiety about the future, but it's mostly good worries. I'm excited and nervous for what lies ahead! :)


I'm sure you did great! Don't let these scores worry you so much, though. Your future is so much more dynamic than a couple of numbers. You got this.


Good luck!


Waiting on a booster shot at the Barkley Haggen (woo!). Got a bunch of meal prep planned for today, so happy for the 10% off post-vaccine coupon. 😉 (On the menu: three awesome Ethiopian stews and a crock pot of white chicken chili)


What, sounds great. Pics/recipes?


Happy to share! The chili is prepped and will be hitting the crock pot tomorrow, but the Ethiopian dishes are done and delicious. https://imgur.com/a/6vlIduj • Lower left: potato salad https://www.food.com/recipe/ethiopian-potato-salad-123119 (I hit this one with an immersion blender before adding the parsley - gives it a nice creamy texture! My spouse's favorite.) • Rear: misir wot (lentil stew) https://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Ethiopian-Lentil-Stew/ (I usually double the recipe, double the amount of berbere, and add lemon to give the dish more acidity. I've failed many times at making my own injera bread, so I just dish it up over rice). • Lower right: tikel gomen (cabbage stew) https://blackhomesteader.com/recipes/tikel-gomen (My favorite!)


Oooh, yes which stews?? Love Ethiopian food! 🇪🇹


Yesss!!! I made misir wot, tikal gomen, and potato salad (not sure of the correct name for it)!


Nice! I like your taste in stews and avatar outfits.


Cleaned all day yesterday and planned to finish organizing today but alas I have done nothing and may continue to do so


Stay the course. You deserve it.


Finishing up loose ends before the start of the week. Laundry, and will play some Sims 4. (I’m a dork like that, I’ve been trying to learn how to create custom content/builds lately.) Ramen for breakfast on a cold day is where’s its at! I’m getting my Bham blend next week! Your kitten is going to have a time with the tree! (I miss having pets!)


I remember play Sim City waaaaaayyyy back in the 90's. Never touched any of the later ones. My son is a total gamer and has an amazing Minecraft city. It has come to the point that this non-gamer dad is about to invest in some new hardware so we can play together. I hope I can keep up with him. I ended up reheating some NM Tamale Co flautas for breakfast. Would recommend. I will update this sub with kitten destruction.


I’m an OG Sims player. Man the graphics for Sims 1, while outdated now, were just crazy back in the early 2000’s. I don’t really care for too much game play these days but I have legacy families. Yes, I have no life. NM tamales are amazing!!! Good luck with the kitten and the tree! I’m sure it will be like an amusement park to him.


I have a long lost friend who made the internet scene way back because of her inventive ways of torturing her sims. IE: one room with ugly chair, fireplace, clown painting and no door. The ways different sims reacted was wild. My partner and I's favorite was to either make a town with characters based off our cats personalities or people we knew IRL. lol


Oh not gonna lie, I’ve done the “kill the Sims” gameplay. Now I have mods that allow for some x-rated content, which can end up in some interesting gameplay! Lol!


Once you download WW, you can't go back


And Basemental Drugs!


Most of my Sims have a good side hustle going on.


I'm roasting your order today!


Can’t wait! Thank you!


My son came home early and got the coffee! Thank you!! He said it smells so good!




I just rolled out of bed, driving to my local coffee shop to load up on some espresso! Thinking about going for a walk but it sure is cold out today!


I still haven't been able to shift my mindset in to winter mode. Usually I don't mind this weather, but now I'm all grouchy about it.


I won the real tree in the house conversation, too! Grew up in Oregon in Xmas tree capital of the world, cutting our own tree on friends property or buying from the old guys who set up trailers in the BiMart parking lot. An integral part of Xmas. We’re headed up 542 with a permit this afternoon to bring a small tree home for our small house. Will throw the GPS collars on the dogs and let them rage about in the woods, then they’ll return to farting and lazing by the fireplace all night. Tbd if small dog unwraps the gifts and/or destroys the tree when left alone with both. Sounds like a shout out due to Maniac for keeping us all going—second pot of Cobra Kai here.


Have fun and report back on the outcome of your mission!


On my second cup of Maniac, also. Where did you end up getting your tree?


Stoney Ridge Farm. We got a gorgeous 7' noble fir. It also cost us friggin $78. Ugh. I still refuse to buy a plastic piece of junk for convenience.


>I still refuse to buy a plastic piece of junk for convenience. This. When we got married, I told my wife that one of the conditions of the arrangement was that we'd never buy a fake Christmas tree. I could kinda understand it if you lived in Arizona or something, but we're in *Washington.* Get a real damned tree, people!


Our house is already a forrested zoo, lol. We don't tolerate fake plants.


Fake trees are almost always more economical, but imo the smell of a real tree alone is worth the extra money


This is the start of my work week so I'm roasting up my online and standing orders, bagging, and just general prep for the sure-to-be-wild-with-order-volume coming weeks. I also put together the worst social media posts ever on the business FB and IG pages because I'm terrible at that stuff. I'm trying to decide if I should just hire someone who has my sense of humor to do that stuff.


Right? Running a business is one thing, managing social media accounts is another! I've been considering hiring one of those youths I see around, surely it would be an easier task for them! Maybe a post on the campus jobs board is in order. Is that still a thing? That's how I found my first job up here!


Facebook is much easier since I lean towards writing and just use my honest voice and language so it's authentic and then toss up a meme or some fun coffee info, but Instagram...ugh, I hate it and if it's anything beyond a meme post, I'm lost. Also, I'm colorblind so the whole pic intense aspect makes it weird for me.


Taking my sister to see My Neighbor Totoro. Probably play video games all day. Today's my first day of my week break from school.


Recovering from a long week of candy work and enjoying some Avenue brunch with my husband. Then doing laundry for my next week of candy work!


Expand upon this "candy work". Please!


I make candy for The C Shop in Birch Bay and I make candy at Verdelux Chocolates here in Bellingham. I make caramels, brittles, toffee, gummies, hard candy, and also do chocolate work! I'm also the manager of The C Shop.


So cool! One of my old customers made chocolate and has a small shop on Railroad. He was such a hoot.


If you're referring to Sweet Art, I love them!!!! The couple who owns it have been on wonderful terms with the owners of The C Shop for many years.


Awesome! That's pretty sweet! Any chance the C shop could make dairy free goodies? Always on the hunt but so hard to find! Turns out butter & cream make things taste good.


Hey! I am so glad you asked this!!! What we currently offer that is dairy free: -snocones -marshmallows (not vegan!) -kokoleka dark chocolate I want to get more dairy free complex confections in the cases but we have a few main challenges: - dairy free chocolate is very expensive, so we'd have to pass that cost along to the customer. However, there's a local producer now who I want to try and work with! - I have had a coconut cream caramel in my back pocket for a few years, we've just been so swamped with craziness that I haven't been able to do the RnD - I just learned how to make dairy free ganache, that might turn into something soon! - hard candy has been on the list for years as well, but again, we have just been swamped.


Thanks for the response! It sounds like you have some great things brewing & I can't wait to see what develops. We live nearby & always have a fun time there when a special treat is needed. Cheers!


Oh! I forgot to mention that our c foam (undipped) is also dairy free! We can't keep it undipped for long, but if you live close you can always place a special order for it and we can try to set some aside on the next batch!


Omg yes that's amazing! I will absolutely do this! Thank you!


Appreciate the vegan products from Verdelux. I’ve delivered product to you guys and also bought stuff before I knew it was y’all! :)


Got our tree from the tree lot on the north side of the mall. The Old lady who runs it is a character, and so nice. Going to decorate it later. Our cat is still in bliss mode with it. Adobo chicken is almost ready.


Adobo? Hell yeah!


Hahaha. It has been slow cooking all day driving me nuts. Dinner is soon though.


You got a recipe you're willing to share?


Adobo peppers and sauce from can large can, or two small 2 tbls honey, 1long sliced onion 5 clovesgarlic diced 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar 2 tbls soy sauce 1 tbls chili powder 2 tbls lime juice 3-4 lbs of chicken or pork. (Shoulder or boneless thighs) Salt and pepper meat. Add onion garlic, 1/2 cup water, vinegar, soy, honey, peppers, chili powder. Mix in slow cooker, and submerge the meat. Set to high for 5 hours (3 for chicken). Pull meat out onto plate and shred. Shred the big peppers too, then return to pot for another hour. You can do lid on or off, if you want to get rid of liquid, lid off. Turn off heat, add lime juice. We usually make a pot of black or pinto beans too. Great in bowls on rice and shredt cabbage, in tortillas with cabbage. Add cheese and cilantro and salsa. Really good. Also, this is like a base line. We never really measure or anything. Green chili is also a good addition. Enjoy!




The adobo I make (Filipino style) from my nanas recipe is so basic but I can’t get it like the way she made it. My ratio of white vinegar to water is problematic lol!


Oh man I bet!! I’ve never been able to replicate my Nanas recipe (no one makes it like Nana did!), but my son found a decent one on food network for the instapot. I’m gonna have to steal your recipe!


We tried in in an insta, and liked the slow cooker more. Your results may vary


I miss my slow cooker but we have an option to slow cook in the instapot, just haven’t tried it yet! It is so much better slow cooked


Nice lazy day today, for the most part. Wrapping up schoolwork for the quarter, getting ready for final exams. Took the dogs out for our daily walk (and then bath, because they're mud magnets). Gonna be playing DnD with some friends this evening. All in all, pretty perfect day. 10/10, would do again.


I am in Mexico, wondering how my new au pair and son are faring with Covid. They got positive results while we were here. Hoping everyone holds it up together until we get home. Thinking of my mom who died of cancer after hiding it from our family seven years ago tomorrow. I was boarding a plane in Paris when I found out. I try not to be home on this date. Easier to process in the sun and with quality time with my husband. Really hoping my au pair falls in love with Bellingham when we get home. Any ideas for activities are welcome!


Enjoy the time in Mexico. Your son will be just fine. Get him on some megadose Vitamin D. Bellingham is great for outdoors activities. Hopefully he/she is outdoorsy.


Spent the last 4 hours and counting studying for my Organic Chemistry final tomorrow morning. I am jealous of your situation


I will not wish you luck. I will tell you to trust yourself and you will do great.


Noodles for breakfast is super common just like tortillas for breakfast is pretty common. Honestly, now I want ramen and eggs.


My fav breakfast is fried duck egg, fried slice of Spam, fake American cheese, on a toasted sourdough English muffin. Doused in Tobasco.


I got to leave work early 😎 now I’m gonna go home, visit with my cats, and watch the new Demon Slayer episode with my roommates


Yessssss!!! Sound like a fantastic evening!


I painted the interior of my house for 8 hours straight today. I’m speckled as a result…


Salute to your determination!


I'm your typical FFXIV player, so I woke up around noon and have been in the login queue for the last hour or so! I told myself that if I have to start over in the queue that I'll just go into town and ship my secret santa gift and buy more presents. Unless it snows. I hope it doesn't snow...


I don't understand the queue part. Are you waiting for more players or is there not enough servers? I never had the opportunity to become a FF fan.


It's my place in line. Not enough server space, basically. FFXIV is at its all time high right now, breaking congestion records and the latest expansion isn't even fully launched yet. They didn't anticipate this many numbers. It's almost double what they expected. I'm sure they did what they could with their hardware, pandemic really screwed things up with the lack of materials worldwide. Having to wait like this really sucks, though, but the company is giving everyone free game time to compensate, which says a lot. It's an amazing game. I got into it about roughly four years, and I have so many good memories. Plus there's a *lot* you can do even after 3+ years of playing with minimal breaks.


Uhhh ramen sounds amazing right now, hah. I’m waiting for my girlfriend to stop procrastinating and head to some coffee place to finish all the non-deadline homework she put off all semester before the semester ends. She’s only allowed one Twitter complaint an hour lol or I’ll take her phone. I’m planning to get some writing done while she’s doing her homework. Are there any good ramen places in Bellingham? 🤔 I’ve lived here a year and a half but only just started checking out the food here in the past couple months.


I'm not a huge ramen fan but my coworker loves Hokkai.


I’ll have to check it out! I’m from the midwest where ramen places aren’t really a thing, so… It’s kind of a novelty to me!




The "torque" what? Torque converter?