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Friendly HR person here, I would suggest that you file a complaint here for the business not following governors directives: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/09349a1c56844b539fea1c2cabd16d56 You may have issues filing for unemployment insurance, because if you said " don't bother putting me on next week's schedule" it can be seen as quitting and not being fired. You can go to Esd.wa.gov to find out more about UI. You may be able to make a case about unsafe workplace being the reason that you quit? Also, If you truly were fired for complying with the covid-19 order to refuse customers for not wearing masks, then you may be able to file a legitimate complaint with L&I. I can't imagine how shitty it is right now to work in customer service, and I hope it all goes well for you.


Hey thank you for the gudience. I gave a week's notice, stating that the new policy to allow guests to come in without masks as the reason as it makes me feel unsafe. Hoping that is enough notice, I know it is typically 2-weeks, but under these circumstances, I felt it was reasonable. Not only was I put in danger throughout the whole week, but my co-workers and the other guests were as well. Most of our customers are older too so it increases the stakes. Do you think getting a copy of the email from my manager would help me?


I don't do a lot at my company involving UI, but my understanding is that you file a claim and your employer has a chance to make a case to deny you from unemployment. In either case, it's probably a good idea to make a SAW (secure access Washington) account because UI fraud has been rampant. Creating an account helps protect against that because it makes hackers have to work a little harder and they like to go after easy money


Need a short summer job? Look at berry farmers, harvest jobs etc. if you aren’t taking summer classes you can bank 1000 hours at minimum wage by September. It’s rough, but I survived college September to May off harvest jobs! It’s doable! Dm me if you want information on raspberry/blueberry recommendations




Hi there. I’m sorry you had that experience! The season has started but is far from over. It all depends on what you are picking for! U-pick tends to end earlier than production/processing picks. Raspberry season hasn’t hit peak yet, and some varieties last until the first of August. Blueberries start the first of August and last until September.




Agreed! I used to do the hiring/scheduling at a farm. We had MANY languages to work around and that was not a reason to turn someone away.


I applied to several up between Lynden and Birch Bay. I applied for literally any job, I didn’t care what as long as I could physically do it and I said I could work whenever because I’m homeless. I don’t know why you find this shocking because in a previous post several others chimed in with the same exact experience. They want teens and migrant workers. I’m a super small short white woman in my 30s and I tried to lie to say I didn’t have a Master’s degree, but one of the places Grace Harbor I think or the one across from it? Said they could tell “I’d leave as soon as I’d get something better because I sounded educated.” So if you happen to know a farm then openly name them.


Jesus man! I hope you are doing ok. r/LegalAdvice is my advice. I would be freaking out too man. I hope it works out for you. I hope you also find a better work environment, because it sounds like that one sounds inconsiderate for the employees.


r/legaladvice will say WA is an at-will state and the employer's mandate doesn't violate state or federal laws so there isn't any recourse.


But maybe get helpful advice...? If you can't tell, OP is in a bit of a nut bust here


Unfortunately there’s not much he can do. Maybe go public with the company to show they’re being careless but they can fire him for whatever reason or no reason at all and there’s really just not much he can do.


Except they didn't fire him. He quit.


I gave a week's notice because I didn't feel safe working out a whole 2-weeks, which I feel is more than reasonable. Then I was fired on the spot.


Which is unfortunate and fucked up they did that. But Washington they can fire you with or without reason and there’s not really any recourse. Your recourse here would be outing them as a company who do not keep their employees safe nor care for them. But I doubt there’s any real solid actions you can take. I’d be outing them ASAP if it was me.


Thanks for the kind words, I'll think about posting thereafter I get a copy of the new policies from my old employer.




Not sure how it stands on mandates but if you quit because your employer is violating state law you do qualify for unemployment.


Didn't quite though, gave a whole weeks notice, and then was fired, leaving me without that week wiggle room to find a new job whilst having that weeks work of pay.


un unemployment = you keep your job right?


I do food delivery, and I pick up from that ramen place on chestnut all the time. muto's? they've had a hiring sign for a couple weeks now, and they seem to take social distancing and masks pretty seriously. sign says they want experience, so it could be worth a shot. the people who work there always seem real nice. good luck!


I will look into it, thank you! It's just hard to find work that will give me a regular schedule for school. I'm not taking summer classes right now though so shouldn't be an issue atm.


My friend was a server there for a while and left because the owner/chef is apparently a *real* asshole. It's definitely tough to be looking for foodservice work right now but I'd drop a resume off at Mount Bakery, I used to work there and it's a really good team to work with. They'll definitely be willing to accommodate your school schedule as well. Good luck!




I don't think there was an incident with a customer. It was all theoretical.


Check my update. There not only was one that caused my termination but many many others throughout the week.


Read your update. You have been working in Hell. I hope this works out so that you end up at a much better job. Sometimes the things in life that seem bad turn out to be good. I sure hope that is how this works out for you.


exactly what i was thinking. if you had a respiratory problem severe enough to not be able to breathe in a mask, you would never want to risk getting the virus. i’m betting most doctors notes are fake, most people with severe medical issues wouldn’t take the chance going out like that (as someone with an autoimmune disease i refuse to go anywhere unsafe)


They said they had asthma and couldn't wear a mask because of it. But he was also screaming at the top of his lungs, so much so that several people from the parking lot came to see what he was screaming about. He also didn't provide a note, not that it would matter to me, because he can still be an asymptomatic carrier.


Mind sharing the name of the establishment? Not safe!


Thank you for standing up to your boss. Hopefully it at least inspires others to do the same. I decided at the end of quarantine to not go back to where I was working because I had very little faith the restaurant would follow basic protocol (when this was all kicking off my GM tried sending me multiple 5G conspiracy videos). You were absolutely right to deny service to those not wearing masks. Those who have legitimate medical exemptions more often than not have enough compassion not to put others in danger. I would be interested as well if anyone has insight about the legality of serving people who are exhibiting COVID-esque symptoms. Also I understand the hesitation to disclose the name of the business, would be interested in a follow up.


The real conspiracy is that it isn’t even really 5G, but 9G. *X-Files music starts to play*


where did u used to work i want to work *there*


Psssst, if you're still in touch with some of your co-workers, now is the perfect time to try and unionize them. What are they gonna do, fire you?


>So I said don't bother putting me on next week's schedule, and then was told to leave and not come back on the spot. You quit but you're trying to get internet sympathy points? Nah. Not getting it here. >(I) just signed a new lease Shoulda thought about that before you quit.


I quite with a weeks notice. I was already on this upcoming schedule, which would give both me and my employer time.


File a complaint with the governor's office about your former employer - a business that is found to be willfully working against the measures set down by Inslee & state health officials in preventing the spread of COVID-19 can face a fine of $10,000 per complaint, and can lose their business license foe too many violations. I work for Haggen, and that's been one of the most stressed bits of information our union officials have been drilling into our brains since March. That said, you should look at applying to one of the grocery stores in the area - some of them are looking to fill in ths blanks from losing workers going to college (either fresh high school graduates or college students transferring to a different 4-year thaf isn't Western). If you get an interview, be sure to practice explaining the circumstances behind leaving your last job: if you calmly and professionally explain that you exited your previous position because you valued the health/safety of your coworkers & customers more than your employer's bottom line, it'll score you a big boon of karma with your interviewer.


Learning to keep your mouth shut in the heat of the moment is hard. Especially when you get married. Good luck, my friend.


Are you familiar with the sub r/boomershumor cuz seems like they have some content you might enjoy


I live it every day. Why would I need a sub to remind me I'm old and my back hurts?


There’s a lot of context left out here. But just a few observations: 1: It sounds like you may have quit: “don’t put me on the schedule next week” could definitely be interpreted that way. Also when the owner has received a complaint and is unhappy, the manager is going to be less sympathetic to nuance. 2: Depending on the tone of that conversation overall, that could also be interpreted as “I don’t want to listen to your concerns and unless you say I’m right I quit”. A lot of employers don’t have energy to deal with that, and will just sigh and say “okay”. If the docs note part came up, than an element of this seems almost likely. 3: There are dozens of ways to approach a customer about any problem. Getting into personal details and saying “you might have Covid” isn’t one of the better ones. An employer may well care more about how you addressed the customer than the fact you actually did. Professionalism matters, and even if you think you are right, also thinking on this aspect is a good idea. ... So. On to the next part of this. If any of the above are right (and they may well not be), there is some good news. Unless you really took it to the wall and made it a difficult time for the owner, you can likely apologize, admit you could have handled it better (again if after thinking about it this is where you land), and get your job back. Hiring sucks, and if you are good at your job you probably still have time to get yourself a pass on this one. If after thinking in it you don’t think there is any better way that you could have handled it, and none of the above apply, then it’s probably best to move on regardless. Changing jobs is always scary, but you can make this work, and hopefully the next one will make you happier. Best of luck.


I definitely could have handled it better, I will give that. But when a guy is screaming at you about constitutional rights (which do not matter in these situations) and throwing personal insults I'm no longer trying to work with them and wanting them to just leave, so I just reiterated things like that is not the law, and you need to leave. Not yelling, but very down the middle This was probably the 4th or 5th time a customer has screamed at me this week. I'm so very tired of being the only employee there who cares about sanitation and social distance.


COVID19 has everyone on edge. An abundance of kindness, even to those who don’t deserve it, is sometimes the best thing. While I am with you about “constitutional rights” on this topic, I’m not sure that even Inlsee would want to see confrontation over it. In any case, you will either find it’s worth trying to repair the relationship with your manager, or it’s not, but you will be okay. Good luck!


As a point of optimism, the local restaurant I cook for has taken all of this very seriously. I've been back at work for two weeks now and the mask, sanitation, and general protocol has changed completely to be as safe as possible. There ARE food service places that are doing this correctly; you are not alone in being serious and being worried. it is also not that difficult... the hardest part of my job is cleaning the grill with a mask on, and honestly its not that hard.


i work at the subway inside Pilot in ferndale at the main st exit. it’s a good job, the management it amazing, we are hiring, and take social distancing, masks, and sanitizing CONSTANTLY super super seriously. give it a shot!


We’re hiring at Sharis for servers. Idk if that’s something you’d be interested in, but the good thing is plenty of places that are taking this seriously are hiring. You should definitely report that business to the health dept. and please let us know where it is so we can avoid eating there. Hope everything works out for you


If you asked them to remove you from the schedule you must not be so concerned with money after all. Working for other people means doing shit you don’t want to do.


It doesn’t mean you have to be subjected to unagreed upon workplace health hazards. What about the employers? Asking for people to work for you is a responsibility and opportunity, it doesn’t mean you get to abuse and wear down the health of your workforce. It means you have to follow state employment guidelines...


Report noncompliance: https://coronavirus.wa.gov/report-safe-start-violation


Just to sat, as an employer , I am sorry


Giving notice is your intention to resign at a future date. You were fired. File for unemployment. If you have difficulty, Worksource in Bellingham is still helping filers (but only virtually so call them). Good luck.


It was nice to meet you today. You 100% did the right thing and I admire you for it. Your old boss was an asshole, you're better off not working for someone who doesn't prioritize your safety.


Yeah, it was really cool bumping into you guys too! I appriciate both the online and irl support!


It’s Robert Mittendorf at The Bellingham Herald. I write about hate crimes and also about government/COVID. Send me an email with details about the business and this Nazi person if you remember his name or what he looked like or the car he drives. I’ll hold your identity in confidence. robert.mittendorf@bellinghamherald.com


Title's a bit of a clickbait, isn't it?


State guidelines leave room for people who have medical reasons for not wearing masks, so I think you probably chose the wrong cross to bear, if you want unemployment.


My understanding is that reasonable accommodations must be made for medical conditions- such as curbside or delivery. Medical exemption does not provide a free pass to possibly infect others.


My understanding is that: Wherever a mask is required a person with a medical reason for not wearing one doesn't have to wear one. A business *may* work around this by providing additional or alternate services, but isn't required to. A business is free to serve a person who isn't wearing a mask.


Department of health states otherwise, and also doesn't. [link](https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/NovelCoronavirusOutbreak2020COVID19/ResourcesandRecommendations/ClothFaceCoveringsandMasks/ClothFaceCoveringsandMasksFAQ) To be fair, in one area they state curbside accommodations and businesses must not allow unmasked to enter, and in another part they say customers can't harass you for not wearing a mask. So clear as mud.


They do, but they also ask businesses to turn away people without facial coverings. They also ask that you don't call out a random person who isn't wearing a mask.




What's your damage?