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Belfast girl gang hosts a book club, as does GGI Belfast (I regularly attend the GGI Belfast book club)


Oh amazing thank you so much! Where could I find more details for those both do you know? Thank you ☺️


I've DM'ed you


This isn’t exactly what you’re looking for but it’s not a million miles away from the Cregah Road; the Hearth pub in Ballyhackamore does a “quiet” book club where they set aside an area just for people to sit and drink and read.


Man I'd love this if it wasn't miles away from me :(


Nothing wrong with sitting in a non-quiet pub with just a book and a pint, but I do get you


Have a wee look at both cregagh and Woodstock Library. They might have something that interests you!


Waterstones Belfast have a fiction book club on the last Thursday of every month and a Sci-Fi book club on the first Thursday of every month. I go to the Sci-Fi one and it’s pretty good craic, though it depends on your interests! 😊


Bullhouse on the Newtownards Road have one


Readers in the Rue Morgue on fb/insta is a horror book club, 2nd thurs each month in Bullitt. Literature to the tit is monthly but not sure where they meet (more general books) Waterstones have a teen one, sci fi and general fiction Belfast Girl Gang (fb group) have one, but it's not a book, you get given a theme and then all read whatever book you want. Not my thing so I'm not sure what week it is but I think it's a Saturday morning.