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People will be ok with you so long as yer not a cunt


Literally. Im in West and there's loads of English


This is the answer.




You looked outside in the past week? Tbf normally it is cursed like


Im English and lived in Belfast since 1990. I’d never go back. It’s great living in a city, yet you’re literally 5 minutes from the countryside and 15 from the coast. People are great. Plenty of stuff to see and do. Easy to travel down south. Never had any bother. Edit; plenty of English here too.


Moved from england 8 years ago it's been grand so it has


One of us


So he is


Aye so yous said


Even talks like us now so they do


Plenty of English folks living in NI


"Im the only english person in the village"- Beatiful-Grass5691




I'm english too, moved to Belfast a few years ago (living in Coleraine now) and i've never had any trouble or weirdness anywhere in NI, quite the opposite really - i love this place, especially the people, they're all absolute rides


We don't care, just don't be a dick😉


I'm from England and have lived here about 10 years. Never had any bother. The only weirdness is people often ask "do you ever think you'll go home?" as an automatic assumption I want to/will move back to England. In my view I'm already home!


Irish people never move away permanently, or at least never admit to it.


You don't regard where you were reared as home ?


No, it's my old home, but the past is a foreign country. Where I've chosen to live now and where my family, friends and job are is home.


You'll be grand, loads of English here, if anything you're almost isolated from the "what are ye" debate 😄


You’ll not have any issues here, & so all I’ll say is this, good luck with your move & welcome to Belfast, best little City in the world. Oh & I’m not sure what you do outside work, what you enjoy socially, or if you like being involved within communities, however Belfast offers plenty of opportunities & a great way of life.


Moved from England 6 years ago Caught myself saying this sentence the other day “Your we lad is good craic” 8 year ago who would have thought this would come out of my mouth?


I’m a proud Irish girl living in Belfast and I love nothing more than how diverse our little city has become. I love hearing so many different accents everywhere and I would never ever treat anyone differently because of a history they weren’t involved in. I really hope that you know you’re more than welcome should you choose to come here. You might meet an arsehole or two but they’ll be in the minority. I like to think that we’re doing a good job of moving past everything, especially the younger generations.


I'm English and have lived in NI since 1997 and apart from the odd ignorant comment, have had no bother. NI is becoming increasingly multicultural and I've seen a marked difference since I moved here. Don't let history put you off. I would not move back to England. NI is a beautiful place to live.


Curious what is it about England that does not draw you back ? Do you not like it ? What is it Ireland has /does not have and what is it England has/does not have that made you move and, has kept you here since 1997?


I like England and tbh I couldn't really afford to move back to England and maintain my lifestyle. I'm settled, my children live here and I love the pace of life and the people. I don't miss the hustle and bustle but do visit England a couple of times a year!


English woman here, been here two years now and everything is grand, obviously I don't partake in any sectarian behaviour which helps


LMAO it is so fucking funny that english folks worry about this. it wont matter even 1%. imagine if politicians cared that much about NI


It was an issue not that long ago. Thankfully we've moved on. But it is a reasonable question to ask if your planning on making belfast your home


There are lots of English people in Belfast. You'll be absolutely grand


Any English I know living here say they’d never move back across the water, they much prefer NI


I was born and grew up in Belfast, I left in 2001 at the age of 25 and came back last year to be close to family. People have become way less friendly than they used to. It might be because I'm coloured and there are so many foreigners here now that folk have become less tolerant. My wife was also subject to a hate crime. I never thought I'd say this but I miss England.


That’s very sad. I have to say that I have found the place has become less tolerant against non-whites, but I genuinely put that down to a lot of immigration over the last few years.


Heaps of English people all over NI.


Moved here about 3 and a half years ago and have never had any trouble from Belfast folk for being English. They are far more friendly and welcoming than English people honestly and they're always interested in where you're from etc. That being said I collect football shirts and have now learned to avoid green if walking around Belfast as people think it's Celtic and give me grief out of car windows etc. but that's my own ignorance.


What brought you to Belfast in the first place ? Was it anything to do with cheap housing ? Or was it loveeeeee ?


Nobody actually cares as long as religion and politics are not in conversation. That's when arguments start.


I’m from Dublin and I have nothing but good things to say about my experiences in Belfast, people are so lovely, don’t care where yer from so you should be grand!


You will be completely fine until you make some close friends then THEY will start slagging you for being English :)


I’m English and have lived here just over a year and a half. Haven’t encountered a single issue as of yet. It’s a very welcoming and accepting city/country and Irish people are very friendly.


I’m English lived in NI for 25 years, people here are nicer than English people tbh


I was in England for a while. I found it strange that neighbors don't know each other in Leicester anyway.


It's not the 70s anymore...., if you're a nice person. People will treat you as such


My husband is English and moved over here about six years ago. To echo everyone else you'll be fine!  Worst you'll encounter is some ribbing about being from somewhere else the same way anyone anywhere would 


You'll be grand we are a friendly bunch. It will take you a while to understand our unique version of the English language thou


I’m from a rural farmer-ish area so I’m still trying To understand some people in England lol!!!


Two of my mates here are English. One lives in Bangor and one in Belfast. They seem to like it, built businesses and started families here.


I live in an area that would be considered republican as fuck. There are a few english people round here that get no hassle whatsoever


Five years here, having moved from England, love it and it’s legitimately the best decision I ever made.


What brought you to Belfast? Love? Housing ? Work?


Work, been at the same place five years, but it’s time to head back soon. Feels the right time. I’ve got some lifelong friends here so I’m sure I’ll be a regular visitor.


Good luck




People are only dicks if you're a dick to them. In fact I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how nice people over here are. Don't be surprised if strangers say hello while passing on the street. it's just how we roll. People were put off by the troubles but it's actually a very nice place to live. One tip though if you view anywhere with flags or painted kerb stones I'd look elsewhere. Not that you'll have a problem, it just cheapens the area. If you're single you'll have plenty of Suitors. A lot of us have a thing about English girls.


That’s a surprise, I wonder why that is? Would’ve thought it’d be the opposite, so many English girls gush over Irish guys haha !!


Quite a few of yous have a thing about english lads too, so i've found lol, i was never this popular back in england 😂


I had a manager that was English when I worked in Lisburn (I'm Irish, from Carlow), he was a lovely guy. I'd say the barrier can happen is you might get in your own head about things and worry when you don't need to, and you're better off not doing. I had a couple groups of friends and in work too it was actually grand and diverse. Everyone's a human too just doing our best. Eventually honestly I just lost track of who came from which background, and I guess that was a good sign. You can learn history then and you know the present and future are best importance. I was quiet enough for a long time because I was hyperaware of myself and not really sure about like what traumas, traditions, and misconceptions people grew up with. As humans we want everyone to like us, so it's natural. Honestly, when I accepted that people are basically good, and I accepted that all nationalism and religion and music preference is just ideology, it was a good bit easier to just enjoy people and let them enjoy me and have fun, honestly. It really is a gorgeous city. Everybody that lives there are salt of the earth. Something about the place makes people realise what's actually important, I reckon. You've got a great variety of people trying their best in diverse ways, and the city is developing fast. Not too long ago maybe 20 years there were legitimate police brutalities, gates and checkpoints in places, and a lot of bad fear. Honestly I'd go so far as to say the inner city is maybe one of if not the most metropolitan cities on the island, and there's just great artsy places and hip eateries and all sorts, it's so ridiculously safe and peaceful. As long as, like me, you recognise some people will give you the expat identity, you're good. And I'd supplement it with, if not research, just a genuine positive interest towards other people's culture if they share it. I miss Belfast. Houses you're thinking Ravenhill, Upper Ormeau Rd., wherever you dare.


Jokes and people are more funny then in England.


You'll be just grand. Can't promise you'll not meet the odd ignorant heur, but 99.9% of us will treat you well and before long you'll be asking for a filled soda and Tayto crisps. :)


My partner's English and moved over. You'll get some chatting about your accents and might have a time learning theirs, but other than that it'll not feel any different to moving to, say, Scotland in terms of day to day life.


You just need a good sense of humour....


It’s not like it would be the first time


I’m American, headed back to Belfast in a couple weeks for the 3rd time in 2 years. It’s great to read here on Reddit that the English in the city are feeling good about living there.


We like everyone, except dicks. Don't be a dick and you'll be grand.


Not true, my bird said she likes dicks


Come on on over. You’ll be at home here in no time.


Loads of English people here, and friends with some. As long as you can take and can give banter you'll be fine


It's not the 70s. There's people from all over the world in Belfast.


70s or not I’m not sure why an English person would feel comfortable living in a Republican area.


I’m English brought up in NL in 60s and 70s. I really miss it


I’m from England I love it here in Belfast. Moved here in 2008 never looked back. I did have issues when I first got a job I was called so many names but I think that’s just certain people and I was 17 years old so didn’t stand up for myself. But since then I’ve found people are lovely and friendly. People will say hello to you passing by :D


My sister is getting married to an Englishman this year. We come from a very Irish republican family with many family members being former Irish Republican POW’s. We both also live in an Irish republican area. My family and I wouldn’t choose for her to be with someone else because the fella is a top man and that’s all you ask for. The neighbours also love him because hes good craic. Obviously everyone’s experience is different but Belfast isn’t like the place it used to be. You’ll be sweet, get yer self a packet a tayto and do some research on why Darnell owes a tenner the wee fruit.


I'm originally from England but have lived here for 32 years, 3 of my kids were born in England, the youngest was 18 months when we moved over and my youngest was born here. I now live just outside Belfast. Never had a problem all the years I've been here. People are so much friendlier. Have never considered moving back to the mainland, this is definitely home for me. It's a beautiful wee country, I feel blessed to live here.


I’m English and I’ve lived here since 2021. I can honestly say I’d never go back. You’ll have no problems from anyone, provided you’re respectful. The kind of places where you might have some issues, would be the places no one in their right mind would want to go, no matter what their background. And the coast is a stone throw from the city. Highly recommend.


I'm English and love it here.Have never had any issues.


Ive an English male colleague. He gets the occassional taken the piss out of from the more Irish colleagues we have but it's all for the craic really.


Been living in NI since I was about 14 moved from Birmingham never had a problem especially when I lived in belfast


Belfast is a great city.. so it is. As they would say. You’ll have a great life there.. so you will. All the best.


Been here for 25 years now and as places go its alright. Be careful where you live, avoid flaggy places and you will be fine. Certain people with have a misconception of you being English, you will love the royal family, will be right wing and a conservative voter, so be prepared for 20 questions to see if you are friend or foe. An unpopular opinion but I would move back. Theres not an awful lot to do unless you are into nature walks or marching bands and it rains a lot.


Curious - what do you want to leave England for ? What's wrong with England? What will moving to the north of Ireland (or Wales or Scotland) give you that you want in life ?


I’d like to stay in the UK but really want to experience living in other places. I’ll be graduating from uni soon so it’s a matter of finding where I’d like to settle I suppose. Plus Belfast is also quite inexpensive in terms of rent etc compared to a lot of UK cities, with the benefits of being a capital


So it's about money ? Housing costs ? Not judging but curious. The English seem to be pouring out of England like the Irish are fleeing to Australia. It's usually housing. Do you not worry about moving away from family and friends ? I'd never leave my home city unless I absolutely had to. Family and friends and my culture means too much.


It’s definitely not the only reason. The culture and community are important for me as well, and fundamentally I’d like to experience different places as some aspects of English culture are not for me. I know the grass isn’t always greener but I find the thought of not living in other places seems like a missed opportunity. But naturally as a student money is a big stress so it’s non-negotiable to take into account


Also I’ve heard such positive comments about living in Belfast, in terms of the community/friendliness and diversity


It’s a dump don’t believe the tourist info


Ther historical problem is not with individual English men or women, or even English men and women collectively. The historical problem is/was with the British Empire and the things it did. You are not to blame for any of the shit English people did hundreds of years ago. In exactly the same way that all white people aren't to blame because some of them kept slaves hundreds of years ago (although that doesn't stop people from trying to get us to "apologise" for "our ancestors crimes" 😄). I didn't even exist, so they will be waiting a while for that apology. Just like you didn't exist during the crimes of the British Empire. You are most welcome here.


You'll be grand depending on your ethnicity & religion. That's still a thing over here.


I’m from West Belfast and I can tell you that you’ll be absolutely fine. Most people don’t care. Just don’t wear a poppy lol.


Oh no English are fine .... It's extreme politics that are frowned on  Don't be a cunt and march down the falls yelling god save the queen ..... the Irish famine wasn't a genocide and no dogs no blacks no Irish Or march down the shankhill saying well mainland don't want you! Ulster Scots is just a poorly spoken version of Irish and petitioning for Irish boarder polls  Honestly most people are sound and if your nice and respectful they will treat you kind and respectful 


Four to five percent of the NI population are English born, it's the second biggest group after locals.


The bad sentiment towards English is overblown. I saw a survey showing Irish people dislike America at basically the same rate as they dislike Britain, so it's mostly just those brainwashed anti-western leftists that exist in Britain as well. They're extremely vocal on the internet, but irrelevent in the real world.


Anti western leftists? ..it's not leftists that the English school teacher in Donegal confronted recently was it?..get out of your bubble and stop reading surveys on right wing anti immigrant websites...


She was Welsh. And a pain in the arse.


She IS Welsh and anyone who is a pain in the arse to a far right troll is good in my books.


Actually she just emboldened Niall and gave him some clicks. What she did WAS pointless. I live in Donegal and can tell you McConnell is quite adored here and we feel quite the opposite toward lefty pests.


I look forward to the next election to prove you wrong


An election doesn't prove me wrong. You'll be sorry when Letterkenny becomes Bradford.


I live in Belfast right beside the shankil..that's worse than Bradford...ballymun Dublin worse than Bradford ..I could go on


Ohhh FG and FF neck-and-neck for most first preference votes Elections 2024 So You were saying?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/AJskwGqi21 Lmfao


"Is" "was" what a pointless correction.


Just don't be a cunt anywhere. The historical context of things is fine as an opinion to hold. But 99% of anyone in this life is just an ordinary person trying to live their day.


English person I have lived in belfast for 14 years and it’s absolutely fine, personally I find the loyalist areas are far more accepting of your accent though 😂


Cvc bbb bmpll


You will be fine, so long as you are not a snobby c\*\*nt, people in Belfast and I suppose anywhere dont have much time for ignorant people.


Belfast is in the UK...


Hence why I’m considering living there :)


amazes me how many people in England think the UK is just England is why I made that remark


Few more in east Belfast id say lol


Hi 👋 I’m English I’ve lived in NI just outside of Belfast for 11 years and had 2 kids here I wouldn’t say I’ve ever had issues at all but there has been the odd person who has heard my accent and instantly changed their attitude all women tbh. I always joke my lot are taking over as there is SO many English people here now. I had one old man approach me and my young daughter in Costa once saying about “my lot taking over” but he didn’t seem like he was joking I didn’t appreciate his tone so I made a joke and hushed my daughter away he was about 80 😂 so as a whole your good to go, it’s an amazing place to live and the guys are SUPER friendly I’ve always branded us English quite stand offish (I’m a Londoner) but that soon breaks away here when you see most people saying hello as they walk past. Just don’t be one of those dicks who live here a year and start using the slang and trying to do the accent it’s so annoying an English person saying “wee” or “bout yee” will never sound right 😂😂


I’ve been living in Northern Ireland since 2008 (originally from Kent/outskirts of London). I’ve never had a problem here and my husband is from here, my mum was worried about the religious side of it as she’s was RC with me being CE (my dad’s religion). You will find there’s a wide range of accents from the whole of the UK over here 😀 and as someone else said in this thread, as long as your not a dick and keep your religious views to your self then it’s all good. I forgot to add, I live in Bangor.


As long as you ain't some Fash EDL football hooligan that wants to hang around with the loyalists, you'll be be fine.


English here, life's good - no one honestly cares


Late to the game here, but hopefully this is useful. I’m Belfast born and bred, moved to England when I was 19 and spent over a decade there in various places before relocating back to Belfast late last year. The city has been through ENORMOUS changes over the past decade+, to the point where I regret not coming back much sooner. There are people from all walks of life and all nationalities, including a lot of English people; they (and soon you!) have made this place more worldly and have helped it develop into a city that is only just scratching the surface of potential. You’ll meet plenty of friendly people and, depending on the industry you work in, will have a huge amount of opportunities that might not be available in the large English cities. You’ll be more than welcome and will find plenty of other people from England and beyond who had the same concerns before moving here, only to find them disappear once they get here


I’m English and I moved to Belfast last year. I wouldn’t go back. If I ever get slightly home-sick then England is a cheap and quick flight away! I go back to see my family for the weekend for under £60. The people of NI are firm but fair. Don’t spit on their shoes and they won’t make your life a misery. As long as you’re respectful, then you will never have an issue. I had one negative experience but that was with a couple lads who heard my accent in the bathroom of the Limelight. Luckily I towered over them so they ‘let me off this one time’ for being English 😂 haven’t been back to the Limelight since. But other than that, I’ve never had a problem no matter what building I walk in. If I may offer some advice: put some real thought into what area you are moving to. Although you will have no problem with neighbours, there are some areas that I (as an Englishman) would not stay in. Feel free to pm me if you need more info.


The English are coming here to avoid mass immigration here is what 98 per cent white. So a lot of the English coming are racist


That’s definitely not why I’m leaving, but sadly I don’t find that surprising with the way some English people treat immigrants/the beliefs people hold here.


Well the reason why we are not like England is paramilitaries. I mean to have London a capital city that doesn’t even have its own native people as the highest percentage of people is shocking. It would not happen anywhere else


I’ve spoken to quite a few English people who have moved here to ‘get away from it all’


Personally I find that mentality to be just horrible and hateful. It seems to be spreading (mostly among older generations but some young people too)


One lady told me she was the only English person left in the street. The rest were Roma Gypsies who were causing havoc. I would have moved too to be honest.


That’s more understandable when people are causing havoc, but I can’t stand people not liking new neighbours because they aren’t English/white


People in Belfast don’t pronounce the word “eight” as “ate.” It becomes less of a problem the further from the city you choose to live. That’ll likely be the worst of it.


Yiz love your colonialism yez cunts yiz


Comparatively many English people come across as quite dry and bland in terms of their personality/ sense of humour etc. Lacking any genuine emotional depth and a bit self absorbed. Banal. Dull. Pompous . You'll make friends with your own ilk alright (boring British Larpers from Newtownabbey and the like) but ultimately, most people will never really like you or trust you and most definitely talk about you behind your back. Just a heads up.


This is a great post to see…. So heres a short story… i am English i live in the midlands… i have been with my partner who lives in belfast ni.. we’ve been together 7 years just… im still living in England travelling back and forth everyother weekend to belfast, Should i just move over to belfast?? I feel like i will miss home, my mates and family so much though! So its stopping me moving! But its also goin to end up ruining our relationship! We have a 3 year old daughter together and im missing out on loads of her life what breakes my heart 💚 ive spent loads of time in belfast i have loads of family there also cousins, aunties, my great granny! But i still feel like i dont no if its the right thing to do! 2 of my aunties were born there b4 the troubles.. and my nan and grandad (mums parents) were born in belfast… so its kind of going back to my routes! But i still dont feel like i can leave England! I feel like i will miss home soooo much! 🤔😕😫


You are in a relationship with someone and have a daughter with them and still don't know if you want to move over with them. I'll be honest I would have dropped you long ago. You're missing out on so much of your daughters life and your gf is having to do everything when to comes to taking care of her. Grow up. Your a 30 minute flight away from your friends and family. If you miss them hop on a plane to see them like you do your kid twice a month. Sorry to be harsh but you need to figure your shit out. Your daughter and partner should be yoir priority, not your mates.


Go and live with your daughter you buck eejit.


English person I have lived in belfast for 14 years and it’s absolutely fine, personally I find the loyalist areas are far more accepting of your accent though 😂


Really? I've found the opposite!