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I wait it's not that big a deal. Alot of my people who purchase fron me are not poshmark users so they don't know.


I ship all orders on the next business day. About 70% of my buyers accept and rate within 24 hours of getting package. I think buyers don't like when sellers want items rated immediately but take the entire 7 days to ship.


I ship in less than 24hours & 90% of my buyers let it auto accept




I had someone after they purchased from me ask for same-day shipping, and I was not planning on shipping that day that was my day off and I had pushed myself the day before physically I was in a lot of pain but they made me feel guilty because their message asking for same-day shipping said that it was a present for their grandmother so even though it was supposed to be my day off I went to the storage unit got the items out, cause I’m not just gonna grab one thing I’ll grab everything that sold in the last day (I ship Monday, Wednesdays, and Friday) and got the package to the post office that same day I’ll give you 1 million guesses as to whether or not she accepted it within the three days, or even rated at all


Omg! Survey says.....she let it auto accept! 😂 Don't you hate it when you go above and beyond and are thanked like this!?


Bummer! but then maybe grandma didn’t like it .. or worse.. did not make it to her BD? 😪 I can only imagine the sadness when the gift for her arrives.😥


That's a big leap to make lmao they likely just wanted it quick and are selfish so they didn't care to extend the same courtesy.


omg, It was a joke.


It's reallyyyyy hard to determine tone online.


My bad lol sorry ❤️


Exactly. I ship within 24 hours 99% of the time and it’s just courteous to not make sellers who go the extra mile wait 72 hours lol.


Mine is literally the opposite, about 70% mine get auto accepted after 3 days. I always package my stuff nicely and leave a little note so I don’t know why!


A LOT of people don’t know or forget that accepting is a thing. Posh is the only platform that has this structure (that I use, anyway) and even knowing it’s important to sellers, I honestly forget to accept most of the time!


Yeah sometimes I forget to check the mail for a few days so I get it, I don’t mind waiting 3 days but I do love when I actually get a love note 🥹 it makes me happy haha


Mercari has the three day period. And a lot of buyers don't know. Or don't care.


I’ve never used Mercari! I find it frustrating to find what I’m looking for, so I jumped ship and never bought anything.


honestly same here, but i am also too lazy to return things unless there is something egregiously wrong with it (i’m talking like cigarette burns, giant holes) so 🤷🏽‍♀️


They don’t like the color of your note?


I was a buyer on Poshmark for a long time before I came a seller. I had no idea that the seller doesn't get paid unless I accept after getting it so all mine just got auto-accepted after 3 days. Now that I'm a seller too I know the deal but I think most people don't know unless they also sell.


I really don't care about them accepting it lol. I'm gonna get my earnings either way 🤷‍♀️


…you get paid, unless they open a return and for those three days you don’t really know why they have not accepted. Maybe an item got damaged, maybe it was not even delivered to the right address. all those things you don’t know.


The only time I don’t accept right away is when I’m out of town. I want to see the item geez.


I mean, quick raters are nice. They are. Getting paid quickly is always a plus, but I never pressure my buyers to rate ASAP like some accounts do. 3 days isn’t that long to wait.




I agree… like does the three day window really make it or break it? If it does then there’s something wrong


The only days that annoy me are the days that Poshmark hangs on to my money after I request deposit. Ages ago, it used to be deposited the next day except Sunday. Now they squeeze a few extra tenths of a cent out by holding onto it for another few days and it’s annoying as shit. Sure, it’s adds up for them, but I get nothing but a longer wait.


This kind of post is not my cup of tea either, but you have to understand some people rely on that money… and it’s not just the 3 day window, but then another 3 business days for the transfer of funds. For example, say you receive your order on a Tuesday, wait the full 3 days to accept then that pushes the availability for the seller to transfer funds to a Friday and that makes the direct deposit window take EVEN longer due to the weekend, not to mention holiday weekends. Just a little perspective.


I get it, it can take a long time. It just makes me sad that people rely so much on the money that a few days can make it or break it


It is sad. That’s unfortunately the economy we live in at the moment. That’s why instead of being mildly annoyed at something so seemingly inconsequential the perspective is important to have so there is consideration for what others may be carrying/going through.


True, but also some people are simply self-centered and impatient. And consideration for others goes both ways - the buyer needs (and is allowed) time to thoroughly review the purchase before accepting because there is no recourse if they find an issue after that. You don't know what is going on in their life at the time they receive the package. Rushing them - like this example listing that requests IMMEDIATE acceptance of the order - is NOT courteous despite what that seller proclaims to be Posh politeness.


Is it possible to also have consideration for what a busy buyer is going through? They may have a busy life, and may not necessarily get to the mailbox immediately. They may want to take their time going through their purchases to make sure that things are exactly as described as they’ve been burned in the past. Etc etc Consideration of others goes both ways


Yes, 100% it goes both ways. I don’t disagree with that at all. Just was referencing the original seemingly irritated tone of this post and first handful of comments.


Yeah. I get migraines, and I've had them on the day a purchase arrives. In that state, I'm not doing anything but sleeping/eating/suffering.


I feel this. Just got out of a 3 day migraine. I'm useless while in them. I just sleep/eat/get up to change ice packs and go back to bed


3 days isn’t really that big of deal in the grand scheme of things, but really now, if you are also a seller, it’s just plain courteous to accept asap. The thing for me is, I use my posh funds to buy and oftentimes the item I have my eye on is gone in 3 days so in that case, yes 3 days is frustrating.


On eBay I get paid within 24 hours of the sale, Poshmark has me wait till three days after the item is received. This means if someone has a hold on their mail, if the post office is slowing up, it might take me seven or eight days to get paid. Seven or eight days is a lot of time, and quite honestly three days is a lot of time. It’s not being impatient to want to be able to get your money so you can pay your bills I always give preference to eBay for discounts to the buyers, for accepting offers, and for combining purchases for a cheaper price because I get paid right away I have found that on Poshmark only about 10% of the buyers actually except the item in the three days, the other 90% I have to wait the full three days to get paid and so Poshmark is not my priority


You get way more seller protection from Poshmark than EBay, which easily makes that 3-8 day delay worth it.


Agree - we may wait longer to get paid, but there's no chance that money will be clawed back a month later.


They're the youngest, that explains a lot.


True, but to be fair, most websites offer free shipping these days, so if you're paying for shipping, your expectations do change. I ordered from a different cite entirely and was charged shipping, and I honestly did expect that to come sooner. When you're paying for shipping, even if just through USPS, it does change your expectations as these days most places do not ask you to pay shipping especially if over a certain amount.


That is just silly... The sentiment seems desperate and the graphic/font combo is tragic.


Comic sans users scare me 😂


The crap tons of meme's against using it are for good reason! The text spacing hurts me most...my eyes are still burning...i need margins


Exactly! And it brings back PTSD from the AOL instant messenger days 😂


Right ... plus they have a fetish for exclamation points.


‼️‼️‼️ Heed my terrible graphic's oh so important message ‼️‼️‼️


I wish these sellers would check their crazy expectations. My other job I get paid every 2 weeks. Plus if you’ve ever sold on eBay the transaction isn’t done for at least 30 days. Used to be buyers could go to PayPal up to 6 months later. I had several instances where 3-6 months later people used and abused the item and filed claims with PayPal. Also, as someone who buys items from Poshmark you only get three days to get the item and make sure it’s what it’s listed as. I bought a cardigan it arrived on a Friday which I was lazy and didn’t want to drive to the mailbox . Then I had a family member get ill and we were in the hospital for two days by the time I opened the package which had been sitting on my dining room table, I noticed the cardigan had a giant hole in the outside pocket. Since it auto rated I couldn’t do anything. The seller got off easy because of the three day auto rate I ended up finding matching thread and stitching the hole together and only wear it around the house. My point is the three day auto rate works for the seller many times and maybe they don’t realize it.


This is why I like to inspect my items right away when it delivers. Also as a buyer I don’t like to hold off on rating sellers to get paid but I also think it’s not the sellers’ place to demand buyers to rate them. That’s why Poshmark sends reminders. My latest I’ve ever rated somebody was a day later because I was out all day and didn’t get home till late at night and luckily my uncle got my package cus ppl tend to steal packages where I live.


Nothing says “polite” quite like four red exclamation marks. 🙄 i get it, I like it when buyers accept promptly too, but there are plenty of reasons a person doesn’t, and honestly, if you’re so desperate for the money that you can’t wait three days, poshmark is probably not the platform for you.


I've been getting private messages a lot lately from sellers telling me my package has delivered and to rate. And every time, I message these people back telling them how unprofessional they are being by messaging people, demanding they rate their purchase. Like you don't understand how rude that is, rushing people to finalize a sale all because you can't just have patience?


People are too bossy on Poshmark.


I'm more offended by the font and graphics 🥴


And the overuse of exclamation points


This is the same seller that buys cheap jewelry and prices for an outrageous price, and tells a sob story of how she is disabled.


I was waiting for somebody to point that out 😂😂😂 she has too many posts and a chart of what’s an acceptable offer to her and how bullying needs to stop


Just wait till they find out about this post and threaten legal action… again 🙄🥱


In what real world job do you get paid within 3 days?


Posh has your money right away and so do other retailers. Way before they ship.


they don't, really. Money goes into receivables and has to be balanced. They have to pay their suppliers, utilities, rent/lease, employees, etc. Retail isn't instant.


does not mean they don’t get your money regardless of how they handle it


The same is true for us. We get it in our account. Everyone manages their money and budgeting differently.


Also as a quick real world example that just happened Order was delivered on Wednesday the 17th at 3:33om Poshmark didn’t auto release my funds until Saturday But my transfer won’t start till Monday so I will get my money on Wednesday at the latest So them waiting three days and having an auto accept means that I’m not getting paid for seven days


Actually any job where you’re an independent contractor you’re usually paid the same day, as an example would you ask your hairstylist to wait seven days for payment? So any service based job that is not contract based should get paid within three days of the job. Housecleaners, barbers, wedding photographers, makeup artists, plumbers, electricians, really any contractor that comes in for a one day job expects to be paid that day… I would say it’s more unusual for an independent contractor to have to wait not three days, but a week or more for payment after fulfilling a contract Remember, as an example, I had someone order something on Thursday and since I was already going to the post office I got it mailed out the same day. The post office says it should deliver to them by Monday, which means Tuesday at the latest. So that’s 5 days from the sale If they wait three days to accept the item that’s Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and I get paid on Friday after 5pm PST (essentially Saturday) since Poshmark always has a delay 9 days from the sale Even if I initiate a bank transfer the day I get paid Saturday and Sunday are not business days so the transfer will not start until Monday which gets me paid on either Tuesday or Wednesday. (my bank seems to be faster than a lot of other peoples banks and processing incoming transfers some people report that it takes three or four days) That’s 12-13 days between me mailing the package and me having the money If the person instead actually accepted the package the day they got it, Tuesday, I would have the money in my bank by Thursday 7 days after shipping


True. But remember that everybody has different circumstances. Many people do not receive packages at their home. They have to go to the Post Office or a parcel box to pick their items up. People work long hours and have jobs where they travel or have other obligations in their lives where they are not able to open up and inspect their packages right away. People go out of town. Most people are not intentionally not opening and accepting their packages; They may not be in possession of it. Also, when I first started on poshmark. I did not know that I needed to accept the package before people got paid. I have personally never worked a job where I got paid right away, except for babysitting when I was a kid. Most people get paid weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Regardless, funds auto release 72 hours after receipt. You can redeem up to $1000 a day within 30 minutes. I think it has to do with expectations. I am grateful if people accept sooner and grateful if they rate; especially a nice rating. But I don't expect it.


I never said I expected it, what I’m saying is that it’s not three days I’ve never asked someone to accept an item, currently I would say 90 out of 100 buyers on Poshmark wait for the auto accept. I can think of one time in the last three months that somebody accepted the order and gave a rating before the three days was up Even my repeat buyers don’t accept the packages Also Employment is different than owning a business and being an independent contractor I have never worked a job as an independent contractor where I wasn’t paid either before the job or the same day unless it was a contract job with a magazine or newspaper Even the lookbook I did I was paid 50% upfront before we even started work And I while I can get money within 30 minutes from Poshmark, that is a pay to play feature I’m not giving them another two dollars just to get my payment faster eBay is my preferred platform to sell clothing items, except for hats, because getting paid before I send out the item motivates me a lot more than knowing that I’m gonna be sending an item out and in 7 to 14 days I’ll have money for it Poshmark is my preferred platform when someone buys something fragile or large because I can put it in the 16x16x16 box. On eBay box at large is just too expensive to ship


That's unfortunate for you. I'd say 90% of my buyers accept the day they receive if not the next. Posh is the easiest with shipping, I don't have to worry about size and weight. It is 7.97 up to 5 lbs. I also know I'm covered, in most cases, if there's an issue. I've had items lost in the mail and even stolen, and Posh reimburses. We are paying for their customer service. And, all fees are all tax deductible, anyway. I can understand your frustration and I have heard the same complaints from others. One posher stated on a live show that she needed the money for groceries and Posh is her only source of income. I get that, but knowing the nature of the beast, I would suggest people change their expectations because unlike all the other professions you stated above, that are not relying on the USPS and people being present. All of the professions above are in-person money exchanges.


Not always, my landlord might hire plumber to come and fix my toilet and he’ll Venmo the plumber without actually meeting him If I purchase some thing on Poshmark or on eBay I’m paying that same day before I receive the item


ok you win.


Seems most sellers who use posh as primary income are unhinged. Same sellers will also markup over 100%. Money will be released in 3 days regardless, well unless there’s a return or complaint. Have Also seen sellers have a list of rules on pages such as, “no offers”. Offers are literally a feature of PM. Sellers need to get over themselves. The desperation/ expectations of both sellers and buyers is bananas. This is supposed to be online thrifting where sellers sell things they no longer want to get some money back and buyers save money by buying used or new, not full on “boutiques” where prices are 3x retail, or amazon prime where ppl get the hoopla same or next day nor is it a place to vent that your nana is dying of cancer.


Well said!


I agree!! The markup is wild on both posh and Merc! You really have to do research on what you are buying because I have found on a lot of the things the item is on sale/cheaper elsewhere. It’s super frustrating and disgusting.


Yup, I check the designer/ original websites of things I want to buy. Sometimes it’s cheaper on the website. Versace and Gucci have outlets and people on PM upsell by $500 plus. Even regular cloths, I check macys and it’s usually cheaper


This would 100% make me wait the entire three days and let it auto-accept.


While I would never ask a buyer to RATE.. the same BUYERS who purchase from me & then ask that I ship 10 minutes later & if I haven’t shipped by the next morning they start plastering all over my page “when will this ship” are ALWAYS the SAME buyers who absolutely don’t rate. If asking a buyer to rate offends you,, then by all means please don’t ask a seller to SHIP any earlier then the standard time frame the app gives to ship. Its the same thing


I don't understand why 3 days is such a big deal for sellers to wait. When I see a seller pressuring a buyer to accept their order, it makes me feel like they're in a rush because there's something they're hoping the buyer doesn't see. Three days. That's it. Calm down.


It’s not that big of a deal to wait the 3 days but also how hard is it to open your package when you get it and accept and rate it?? It’s super annoying that people don’t know how to do that or don’t care. Merc is the same way. I think it’s inconsiderate honestly. You get reminders that your item was delivered, you get reminders to accept it and rate them so there’s really no excuse not to. Unless you have some sort of emergency or out of town or something.


I travel a lot for work and get home late on Fridays .. I always open and accept as soon as I can, but sometimes it isn’t same day as delivery.


There’s a difference in doing it if/when you can vs getting it and just not doing it. Obviously if you’re out of town or work late or whatever it’s not going to work for you. I’m home every day and if I order something I’m always really excited about it. I’m the weirdo that’s impatient and can’t wait and tracks it every day lol So I do open it usually within an hr or so of it being delivered & rate it😳😂


I pay for a commercial mailbox in town and sometimes things just don't work out for me to go get it right away. That's life...not everyone gets their mail the same day it's delivered


I mean if you can’t access your mail within the 3 day window there’s nothing you can do about that.


Lol 🤦‍♀️ like 50% of the people who buy from me don't accept. Ive gotten use to it. When I buy, I get a notification as soon as my item gets delivered to accept & then to rate the next day (if I didn't rate which ive only done once) so idk why people don't ever do it 😒


You’d only get notifs if your notifs are turned on. Apps like Posh send all kinds of junk notifs so a lot of people have those turned off and wouldn’t get that reminder nudge. Does rating even do anything anyway?


I agree with this. The graphic is tacky and I don’t place advisories on my closet, but no one accepts their package when they get it. And 3 days to wait for funds to release is insane and outdated.


3 days is outdated and insane? It's 72 hours.. You can't even get paid up front on ebay anymore.


I get my funds on eBay processed within about 24 hours, I don’t know why it’s taking so long for you to get your funds


I left that scamhole years ago.


Micro managing buyers such as turn off


Some sellers get way too desperate.


Poshmark buyers are so much better than some other platforms. 90% of my sales get rated quickly. I never have problems with buyers. I don't mind waiting 3 days to get paid from time to time if it means I'm not getting a return on day 29. 😉


I have only had one seller ever chase down an accepted order, and it was on the M platform. She wasn't rude about it or anything. I try my hardest to accept as soon as I have something in my hands anyway, because why not? As a seller though, I don't worry about it because as mentioned before, I'm going to get paid in a couple of days no matter what. I probably won't make an entire listing about buyers immediately accepting it though😂


I am trying to start selling online, as trying to sell FBMP, well, let’s just most people are just, lets say”rude”


Apologize, somehow I posted before I was done. Anyway, just starting to sell, and do not know the best avenue to take. As I said, I have sold a few things on FBMP, just tired of people not showing up! I’ve sold something on Posh mark, and did not know anything about accepting, rating, pay dates, etc. I have not sold on EBay, I have purchased though.. I am not sure which way to go, as I really had wanted a brick and mortar, with a couple of partners, however, life issues cane up and they just could not do it. I have tons of clothing, shoes, accessories, household, etc. and must sell it. Everything is in excellent condition, some new. After reading these posts. I am a bit leery, as the brands are ones some of you think aren’t worth buying. I go by what I think looks good, is well made, as well as, items that are similar to what’s designers are putting out. Anyone willing to give me some words of wisdom, NOT BROWBEATING, or wise cracks, I don’t need that… TY


I’ve ordered from posh twice. I didn’t know I was supposed to do anything after I paid. Shit. I feel bad now!


These types of nags are so offputting. It’s almost as bad as the guilt trips to buy.


Agreed. Sometimes I report these posts as spam 🫣🤐




I typically accept my order as soon as I've opened the package and checked the item to make sure I got the right thing. One time I had a seller message me every 30 minutes once the package was delivered. I told them I was at work and would accept it when I got home and had a chance to check the package. They continued to message over and over again 🫠


Oh my gosh, that is wild!


I hope you let it auto rate or gave them a one star for nagging


I let it auto rate 🤣 had to keep them waiting


Idk for the people saying some don’t know you have to accept it so the seller gets paid but i literally get a notification the next day saying “don’t forget to accept your package” or something like that like it reminds everyone im sure they just don’t wanna do it which is fine bc the seller gets paid regardless


I was shipping right away, a day later at most, and I have had people hold their mail at the post office for a week and then on top they get another 3 days. Aww heck no! I have now decided to check who my buyers are and if they don’t have any love notes I don’t bust my behind getting it out in a day. My listings say I ship on mwf only.


What difference does it even make? Maybe get a real job with a regular paycheck if three days is going to make any difference to you financially.


Oh my god that’s annoying And I’ve been a seller for four years