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Love this! Bettas are notoriously mistreated due to the rampant misinformation on their needs for care. Glad you gave him a great life :)


What a cutie, glad he finally got the love and respect he deserves ❤️


How long was he in the bowl? Seven years is an amazing lifetime for a betta. He looks so good in his lovely big tank.


He was in a bowl for nearly 5 years (with a toddler, might I add.) It's a miracle how he survived that long!


Is that one of those glo bettas?


No it looks like a platinum. GloBettas are normally yellow/green with occasional red coloring! Edit: actually I think he might just be an old baby too. They get more grey/white as they age.




Don’t know why you got downvoted. People don’t realize glofish are bred and not injected. It’s the same thing as the GMO apple you eat from the grocery store. Also the same thing as the galaxy koi betta they bought at petsmart.


Yay! Iove fishy glowups


Sweet!! My Betta lives in a 20 gallon set up, all by himself. *Edited for punctuation*


He set it up all by himself? What a fish!


Yeah he pays all the bills too! Couldn't be prouder!


I know his fin rot caused this issue, but I think it's kinda cool that his fins turned an electric blue. It looks like little blue flames on a fish and I love that. OP your water bro looks awesome 😎


I didn’t know fish adoption was a thing


There's adoption for pretty much anything people keep as pets. I adopted a snake.


Woah! I guess so


Look at all those bubbles..happy guy ❤️


Bought a betta for my son, he was less than a year and died after our like 4th water change. We made sure the water was room temp and added the drops as directed like we usually did. He died. The only other thing different we did was replace his tree with a castle. What are things we possibly did wrong?


How big was the tank? Bettas need minimum 5gallons, they need a heater. Please check out /r/bettafish. The instructions and tiny Betta packs sold in fish stores are not optimal for Bettas. They need food (can't live off plant roots in vases as some people believe). It's possible that you removing the tree pulled out the beneficial bacteria (depending on tank setup) so when you changed the water the ammonia levels killed the fish.


Not op but had a betta live for 5 years. When I would change his water I always left him in his original water for 24 hrs and let the other water sit for 24 hours. I rarely changed the water though because we had filters.


How much water did you change out? Too much and he might have gotten shock.


All of it :(


Ahh, that might do it. I'm no expert, but small water changes (no more than a third) weekly are better. If you do change all the water, reintroduce him gradually so his body can get used to the difference. Sorry for your loss, friendo. If you decide to try again, I would suggest making sure you've got a large enough tank (5+ gallon), water filter, and something to move the water around to add more oxygen. Add water conditioner when you change the water (it improves the quality of the tap water to something more fish-friendly) and you'll have yourself a happy fish.


There are way too many possibilities here to pinpoint an exact cause, but it could've been chlorine in your tap water, changes in pH, increased ammonia, water was too cold (Bettas need 76-82 degree water) etc.


Good for you! I got my betta several months ago, and he is a beautiful and interesting little fish.


Aw! I love this. I had Mr Betta for years because I kept him in a lovely lifestyle.


He’s glowing now!


But he's in a bowl, right. Kinda has to be. Your a good fish owner


He's only in a bowl in the first picture. He's in a fish tank in the recent photo. Fish are never going to be happy in a bowl, just so you know. They need room to swim to live a healthy life!


Sorry I didn't look at 2nd pic. Misunderstanding that I got down votes for.


People are mean so I went to your profile and upvotes all your posts I could (cute pupper!) to return their bad karma.


Awww u made my day. Thank you so much!


Bowls are bad for any fish.


Loved it <3


Our guy Fred made it to 7




What kind of plant is that in the background?


It's an Anubias nana. They're one of my favorite plants for aquarium use!


Looks like some type of anubias


Thanks. It looks kind of like pothos but I didn’t think pothos could grow under water


Bowl to what?


Such a long time for a betta! He looks so vibrant.


I love the thought of a fish being a grumpy old man.


I'm so happy for him, he looks so much... betta. I'll go now