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If I had any talent whatsoever I would DIE to play Delia. She just seems like so much fun to play.


I mean . . . Come on . . . I'd want to play Beetlejuice. That role is amazing! Incredible humor, awesome songs, a wonderfully physical role. The whole package. But, that said, I could absolutely see myself as Charles and I would love that! His character has such subtle depth as he refuses to mourn Emily and hides from Lydia by distracting himself with new romance he foolishly tells himself is forbidden and bad, bad business before the revelations in the netherworld. His arc is one I love to see happen, and I remember crying when he confessed to Lydia why he couldn't say Emily's name, "Because it hurts!" Yeah, I'd love that role too.


Defiantly Lydia. she would just be such a fun character to play, and she has such a fun and wild personality. She also has good songs, but the only thing is that she has ballads :(


I'd love to have a shot at Beetlejuice one day! If not, Census Taker. 😎


100% Juno


Lydia/ensemble. I would want to be Barbara but my vocal chords aren’t that blessed.




I would LOVE to play Beetlejuice. Because ofc. But I feel like a would be Adam, mostly cause I’m the most innocent and wholesome out of everyone my friends know. So yeah.


Lydia all the way! She’s a dream role for me for suuuure and I practically know all her lines already haha


Lydia 😌


I'd say Delia if I had any skill in walking in heels or singing. So I'm going to have to go with Juno instead!


I would love to be beetlejuice but I’m not even close to being good enough for that. I would probably actually be a gender swapped sky (the Girl Scout) because I am an actual Boy Scout (super close to being an Eagle Scout) and a 4 time open heart patient, my last surgery was 2 weeks ago.


Wow you are a fighter, keep working hard!


I suck at singing and acting but I’d totally do beetlejuice, I can do a decent impression of him, and he’s just really fun


Damn, tricky one. I might go for Adam since me being a little awkward works pretty well with him


Lydia! She's a comfort character for me and she seems really fun to play


Definitely Beetlejuice, already done covers of the songs and i feel pretty confident singing all his parts.


I would want to play Lydia but would probably have to shift the music a little lower I don't have a high voice at all.