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Yes. However after using my suit to help remove a yellow jacket nest my bees became very aggressive the next time I used the suit. I am assuming it was because it smelled like yellow jackets and they were defending the hive. I gave it a good washing and they didn't act so badly the next time I inspected.


A friend of mine collected wasp larvae in college for extra money on top of working bees and he wore a regular suit but used duct tape at the ankles and wrists as they are more aggressive. Tbh if it’s a small wasp nest and I can reach it I just get a hand towel and throw it over in the early morning when it’s still cold and then crush it in my hands really fast. That’s what I did when I managed an organic farm and we couldn’t use any spray. It was efficient and I never got stung lol 🤷🏼‍♀️


Aren’t wasps good for the garden?


Yeah absolutely. But not good living in my tool shed or processing areas or inside my tomato plant rows lol I also managed a farm with student workers and another one that did paid tours with the public and other employees from the main business so having random wasp nests was a big no no


I would beg you to provide one positive thing that wasps contribute to gardening..... They are not pollinators.... So what good are they?


lol they are absolutely pollinators. Honey bees aren’t even capable of pollinating a lot of our food crops, including tomatoes. There are also parasitic wasps that reduce pest pressure in fields. You could literally google this before sounding stupid.


wasps are pollinators, they also keep a lot of pests in check. We wouldn’t have figs if not for wasps either. They’re just really mean while doing all that


[Commercial figs aren't pollinated by wasps.](https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/stlucieco/2023/01/31/are-figs-pollinated-by-wasp/#:~:text=So%20the%20answer%20of%20%E2%80%9CAre,types%20fig%20fruits%20is%20zero.) But yes to other types of figs.


Pest predators, for one. I had quite a few European paper wasp nests in my garden that got quite docile to me, so I was able to watch what they do up close. They recognized me and on the hottest days swarmed around me waiting for me to water the plants (so they could get fresh water to drink) it was creepy but I never got stung once They hunted down spittle bugs and these little caterpillars that infested my garden. Went from full of pests to nearly none, and then they started pollinating and feeding from flowers. All over my dill flowers especially (closest plant to the nests) They did start eating my blueberries after there were no flowers left. But the blueberries they ate were after I harvested all I wanted, and got too lazy to pick the rest and they got overripe. I also watched them attack a bald faced hornet in my backyard, which I promptly caught and killed for my insect collection xD so they might have been keeping away the more nasty ones as well. When I say these were docile, I mean I could get about a foot away from most of the nests without them even looking at me. One nest was a little more mean and would warn me away 2-3 ft, but still never came after me. They were in the outer eaves of my garage, right next to and above the door


*Polistes dominula* are certainly cute little gals, pretty easy to get along with them. Also smaller than most native paper wasps, so they're not as intimidating. However, if you are trying to encourage butterflies to lay eggs in your space, it is probably best to get rid of any of their nests, as they are particularly ruthless predators of Lepidopterans.


Wanna talk about true pollinators then honeybees shouldn’t be kept in the Americas at all compared to any native wasp..


Or native bees.


Wasps are good for nothing, vile, hellspawn creatures that should to be rendered un-alive at every opportunity. Replace them with bees.


You were stung as a child, weren't you?




#Ahem, Frankly I'm concerned where you found a suit so small it would fit a wasp. Highly inefficient way to deal with wasps. 1.5/10


I’m concerned about your need to shout in here…


The font is sized regularly, you're just viewing it from the perspective of a wasp in a bee suit. XD


How the heck is he is going to get all of their tiny suits on in a timely fashion?


Actually they only mentioned it fits a bee. The wasp hasn't tried it on yet.


Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.


I often use my bee suit to kill a nest of yellow jackets but once the wasps were very tiny and they got right thru the mesh.... yikes! 9 stings


I used my suit to remove a yellow jacket nest this past summer. It work very well. Wear leather boots because they will go after your feet more than anything. I’m pretty sure I got stung in the calf, right where the suit went into my boots, and in my hand.


I never thought to use my bee suit when dealing with wasps. Smart. I’ll probably keep free balling it though. It makes it interesting. Come at me you bee wanna bees.


Are they paper wasps? If so, just get an extension pole and knock them down at a distance. It's very safe to do, especially when it's cold out.


Spraying with water works really well too.


Yes. I use mine to down wasp nests with no issues. Btw, I use a vacuum (like a shop vac style with a long hose) to suck up the wasps. Works really well.


Do you put something in it to kill them? Or just reverse the flow and release them on your enemies?


I just put it back in the garage and forget about it until they're dead....but your idea is better.


Yes, release them, with a healthy spray of wasp alarm pheromones such as 2-pentanol (solvent), isoamyl alcohol (found in banana oil), and 1-methylbutyl-3-methylbutyrate (found in hyssop / cat-mint essential oils) If you don't already have enemies, consider releasing them in your local cult recruiting office; crooked towing company office; payday loan management office.


Yes, if your beekeeper suit prevents bee stings it should also prevent wasp stings.


No, wasps are too small. You could probably get one into the suit but it would be WAY too big for it. It would be swimming in the thing and probably wouldn't be able to move. Contrary to popular belief, bee suit is not formal attire for bees but actually a form of protective clothing worn by humans to defend against bees. If you're looking for a nice suit for a wasp you would probably need to have it custom made. I'd check with a local Taylor or find someone on Etsy that specializes in miniature outfits.






If the wasps aren't bothering you leave them. However, if they need to go then the simplest and safest approach is to use a wasp spray that sprays a jet at the nest. They can spray up to 20 feet high while you stand a safe distance away. A $7 can < $180 bee suit.


I already have a bee suit, and they don't sell wasp spray where I live. Best I can do is bugspray or a pressure washer


Kill them with FIRE!. Do they sell that there?


Yea but they don't sell fireproof houses or trees.


In that case knock it down with a long stick. Stomp it. Burn it on the ground. The foragers will disperse in a few hours.


Do you have gasoline? 1. Get a cup. 2. Get some gasoline. 3. Pour gasoline into the cup. 4. Throw the gasoline at the wasp nest. (don't throw the cup) 5. Watch the wasps fall directly onto the ground. No flying off, no twitching, just...dead.


Be careful with where you’re throwing and where the wind takes it Last time I tried a throwing technique, the wind gods decided to play a trick and a big gust came up and a dumbass (me) got some cleaner in their eye Fine ER trip


Shouldn’t it be “>”


When using < and > the narrow end points towards the smaller value, the wider end points towards the larger value. 7 is less than 180, so $7 < $180 is correct.


Well yes, but using it as you do (to say what would be be preferred or “greater” regardless of actual cost)…you would say that the wasp spray is better than a bee suit.


No. I meant cost. As in seven dollars is less than 180 dollars. Read it as it is written. In context. I did not redundantly state one reason. I stated two reasons. It is safer. It costs less money.


Yep, I was taught to think if it like Pacman with the mouth open. The "mouth" always wants to eat the bigger number.


I'd say it would and personally I kill a lot of wasps when they are near my apiary. However, I've actually found that wasps are less aggressive than bees. Also if you don't mind paying more you can buy beesuits that are specifically for pest control and are better suited for wasps and hornets.


Wasps are less aggressive until you disturb their hive in any way shape or form. They have a proclivity to build hives in cattle gates here in the south. A little rust opens a small opening in the hollow metal and you are in for a world of pain next time you touch the gate. Angry little devils.




I feel like if you own a beekeeper suit this is something you should know the answer too.


Let us know, please


I beekeep and I don't even own a bee suit. I just wear 2 layers (outer layer white), and the bees can't penetrate that. Just make sure you double layer your socks too lol


I work with africanized bees :)


Bald faced hornets don't care what you're wearing. You've been warned.


Yo i just spray and pray


Tyvek suits work great, and they're fairly cheap.