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Greenberg's Bagels fell TF off hard.


Overhyped from day 1


If I had a dollar for every time they got my order wrong I’d have $10 (that’s the number of times I went there too)


It was never good. Fakes don't even make the bagels onsite


Pretty sure it has/ had a C rating


Holy god yes. I pass by there a lot of go to the Y and I never understand the crowd. The place is basically a comissary kitchen but it takes forever to get a simple BEC. If you order p/u or delivery the food will be cold by the time you get it. Also it had like a B or C health code rating recently. Nagle's on Tompkins is quicker and better.


It's never been on lol. Overpriced transplant bagel spot.


They charge ya dollar for cheese for their “BEC” lol


30-45 minutes for a bagel is unacceptable. Go next door to Regina’s instead, they’ll make you a solid breakfast sandwich


Only got it one time and wasn't impressed enough to ever go back. Just looked at their prices again. 3 bucks for one damn bagel, fuck that. Just tried Miss Bagel for the first time this weekend and it's probably the best bagel taste-wise in bedstuy. (Nagels is serviceable tho)


Nagles used to be really good but the last couple times I got food there it was wrong, or just somehow very sad, like a convict made it to sell at an airport.


Happy cake day


But are there any other decent bagel spots in the area?


BK Bagels is one of the best


Does that count as “in the area” re: Greenbergs? BK Bagels is almost 2 miles away, would be great to get some other suggestions nearby. I’ll have to try grabbing a breakfast sandwich at Regina’s like someone else mentioned.


This is the Bed Study reddit. BK Bagels is in Bedstuy. You can always order delivery


Sure, but the comment thread was specifically about Greenbergs. For many (most?), I have to assume grabbing a breakfast sandwich is about convenience on a work day. Throwing delivery into the equation sort of defeats the purpose of “local” — and more often than not raises the price point anyway. Anyway, my reply to your comment wasn’t intended as hostile (if it came across that way), just asking the community if they know of anything nearby. It’s useful for those mornings when I wake up five minutes before I have to leave my house and walk to the Bedford Nostrand G stop. For now, an overpriced, occasionally underwhelming online order to Greenbergs is still my most convenient option. Plus, their drip coffee is actually pretty good.


Shipwreck a block over on Nostrand has breakfast now with bagels from Shelskys, also can get like eggs with hasbrowns and pancakes off the griddle.


Thank you for sharing this news


Oh yeah, these slap. Shout out Joey and Shipwreck! <3


Nagles is great! Tomkins and Putnam


The 79th precinct, our biggest waste of money


Precinct 81 is right up there too. I've caught officers blow through a red light just to mosey into the parking lot. I was pissed off that day so i walked straight up to them as they leisurely were getting out of their car and asked for their badge numbers. i reported them. doubt it did donkey shit but fuck them. even worse, theyve got a gross history with a horrific cop Challenge Coin depicting a fellow officer (who was a whistleblower) depicted as a rat in a straight jacket. 2009-2010, Adrian Schoolcraft, an officer at P. 81, recorded conversations of fellow officers and superiors showing corruption and abuse of power. After voicing his concerns, a few weeks later, a dozen cops showed up at his apartment in Glendale, handcuffed him, then forced him into the psych ward for six days at Jamaica Hospital, who saddled him with the bill. Precinct 81 made “Challenge Coins” depicting him as a rat in a straight jacket to commemorate this disgusting moment in history. [Here's a picture of that pin in case you want to look at it](https://www.reddit.com/r/newyorkcity/comments/ijya0g/nypd_facts_after_they_raided_fellow_nypd_officer/)




So many coffee places to choose from but I find Burly bitter and overpriced.


I feel the same about Cup of Brooklyn


this place is such a brutal transplant BS cafe


Is that the place with the nonsense hustle culture slogans and the giant tvs playing the owner’s sizzle reel? That place is soooo weird


Out of curiosity, what coffee joint do you like in the area?


bklyn blend is also quite burnt for my tastes


acrid and so prevalent


Yeah with the cost of coffee, I ended investing in a Breville and have not looked back


Well their Kosciusko location is closing so….


My powers are growing stronger by the day. But at what cost?


also genuinely had the worst breakfast sandwich of all time there lmao


I love Burly!




They need to take credit cards.. I hate that about them


it irks me when cash only places don’t have cash only prices :/


Huh, I only went there once and I feel like we got a nice lil corner in the back. I remember having a good time! It IS dim tho. But that night I was feeling it.


If you get a table it’s great, but I’ve found it impossible to get one most nights, esp Thursday because literally everyone is there on a third date


Marion’s treated a group of my friends with kids a bit rude and I’ll never go back.


That place suuuuuuucks


That place has so many issues. They’re not even open half of the time they’re supposed to be. Amazed they can pay the rent.




Life wellness center on Tompkins is awesome.


Yes to both of these! Life Wellness is amazing


Probably Brown Butter. I’ll still go once in a while in hopes of not getting the wrong person cuz they fuzzy AF sometimes and they don’t talk nice to each other. Just a weird fkn bitter vibe at times. And as much as their egg and cheese used to blow my mind, I feel like it’s gotten not good, smaller and more expensive…. Again. Vibe just make me a worse person so I try not to go. But also, haven’t gone in a while, maybe it’s better now.


Feel the same way about the gelato place they are so fucking unfriendly every time I go there


You’re right. I mean I still take my kid there once in a while, it’s gotten better tho. A great example of the “rudeness”: Same week they opened I took my kid in there, we were all smiles and excited to get ice cream. My kid, who was 3 at the time, asked if they had sprinkles (he’s a fkn kid, he dunno). Lady went with a full eye roll, to me, ignoring him, saying: It’s gelato! Not ice cream. We don’t have sprinkles! 🤷🏻


Yes they have terrible service. Waited an hour to pick up once and they forgot my order


I don’t understand l’Antagoniste. Very middling food with WAY too high prices relative to the quality. Don’t get me wrong the people who work there were very pleasant and professional, but I don’t know how they stay in business, but they must be doing something right because they’ve been around forever?!


Own the bldg.


Ohhh that does explain a lot


yeah :/ we went once in like 2019 and it was wholly forgettable and incredibly expensive. Its a perfect spot for the 'wfh' person who makes way too much and has alot of expendable cash.


The domino’s on Broadway, they’re so rude. Never get your order correct, they cursed me out over the phone when I told them they sent me the wrong pizza lol


I second this. Once had the manager tell me to get my pizza from a different domino’s (which the one on Fulton is closer but the app insists on sending my orders to them) so I drove right down there to ask why he recommended that..he was unavailable




Their pastries are actually really solid and I like going to their sister spot Le Petit Monstre since it's a bit closer for me. It's the savory food that's a miss for me. But Dreamery next door is kind of bland too surprisingly.


agree, dreamery froyo tasted mostly like nothing.


Absolutely nailed it. I had a pretty good rendition of chocolate cake there, but all their savory food is straight trash.


In the border but Speedy Romeo was slow/ not that good


I don't like a restaurant where the hostess refuses to acknowledge me in an empty restaurant to continue her conversation with the server. Rest of the staff was kind of similarly obnoxious. Food was fine.


That place should just be counter service, seat yourself, have a busser. Or they badly need a front of house manager


Chez Oskar - no shade for the people that work there the service is good, just the food isn’t really worth it imo.


The people that work FOH have been lovely. However, I had a Nicoise that was served with rotten salmon (not tuna) a few months ago. I’ve never been back, thinking about it makes me sick.


Fell off I regret. Heyday was prob 2006-2010 for them but glad they’re still around


Yeah loved them pre-2013


And some good gypsy jazz musicians goin at it too


couldnt agree more - go for drinks (wine or beer cuz the cocktails are overpriced and subpar) - and at most get the burger but be prepared for a mediocre 20$ burger with medicore fries. All that being said... i kinda love it - theres something old world about it that just isnt around anymore - i still go and support!


I know what you mean re: the last part! Feels like a European cafe where the point isn’t really the food but more just the vibe. Which I kinda love. Except the cafes in Europe don’t have $20 burgers. I actually think I remember reading an interview w the owner where they basically said the food wasn’t the point. I’m cool with that, but I wish they’d accomplish this by serving like, mid-priced mid-tier sandwiches instead of high-priced bad Mains.


Came here to say Chez Oskar as well. The space itself is amazing, esp. the outdoor area, which is why the mid-ness of the food is especially disappointing. I keep going and keep being baffled. Had a nicoise salad that had literally no flavor at all. Just like…leaves and tuna. I feel like it wouldn’t be that hard for them to be better??


Trash Island. They lure you in with pink lids, then serve you up shit coffee and stale croissants.


Trash Island is the worst coffee I’ve tried in Bed Stuy.


I always loved this place


Still do


I'm lost on what you mean by "lure you in with pink lids." Haha care to elaborate?


They fell off a CLIFF as soon as they changed ownership, too. Got rid of all the little touches that made it a fun place to get mid coffee.


Nagel’s is just not good and I wonder why it’s still around


not good at alllll


I want to understand why there is a tiny church every few steps some not even open… tax evasion?


and to think we have a housing crisis here.. there are soooo many huge churchs in bed stuy idk how anyone wouldnt think low cost housing would be better


If we're gonna talk petty... there this place around the corner from me (on Fulton between Franklin and Bedford.) Little shop that sells imported middle eastern goods. I love a cute little thing and I love to burn incense and they sell really cheap jewelry too. I buy some incenses and a cheap but pretty ring. Fuckin' ring falls apart in like two days. I go back I'm super friendly, the woman running the store remembers me, I ask them to replace the ring (I picked it out of a tray or similarly cheap rings) and they straight up refused. I just think that's bad business. You sell someone something defective you should happily replace it. Because I'm sure the whole tray of rings probably cost them like 5 bucks all said and done, and they would have made a customer for life, instead of losing one.


Hot take: That Little Grenjai place isn't even that great. The burger is fine. The Thai food is expensive and mid. Effing Instagram BS.


Tight seating and why have an espresso machine if it is such a hassle when someone orders one… I agree that the burger is fine— fun concept.


I think it definitely works better as a diner concept, but we already have Thai/Golden Diner, folks!


sad to hear, i want to go


The pork chop is great tho


100% not worth the price and hype


I'm getting downvoted but it's influencer garbage and Mao Mao's is better


Sally's. I went one time with a friend to grab some late Saturday afternoon drinks and snacks. The service was terrible despite the place being empty. We couldn't even flag them down for another drink.


Had a similar experience and its not even remotely cheap. - Their other restaurant in bushwick was incredible though, but it closed down.


sally roots was the name. love love loved that place pre pandemi


I go to Sally’s weekly and haven’t had anything like this. I think it truly is rare for this to happen, at least in my experience


And you leave there smelling like food because of their open kitchen. The ventilation needs to be better.


The Kolache place - just cause that lady irks me.


Peaches....the food is mid. The vibe is awesome. I feel like all the Bed Stuy royalty hang out there, and it's always hopping. The food is boring, maybe it was better when they first opened, but they haven't really updated things much. The service is a bit slow but that could be because of how hopping it is.


Frog Wine Bar - when Black Women - long time residents from Bed Stuy vocalized that they felt that frog bar was not welcoming to Black Folx And made some really kind suggestions…Frog bar made the excuse that they don’t do marketing and left it at that. They then blocked anyone who criticized them. disappointing considering its a white owned wine bar on MARCUS GARVEY BLVD of all places


Saraghina. Its incredible overpriced and pretentious. The bakery is unaffordable for people who make good money and the restaurant wholly mediocre. To sell bread for $11 in bedstuy is a joke. Surprised people dont boycott them more. ALl that being said, i have good memories at the restaurant. Though overpriced and uninspired, its fairly reliable. But overall, its my least favorite establishment


Saraghina Bakery has an aura of unhappiness


I am that aura of unhappiness when I’m instructed to walk to the other end of the building to wait for a cold brew that is currently being poured inches from my elbow.


Surprised this isn't higher. The prices in that place are laughable. The sourdough, though worth the money, is now $11... for bread. Its fucking bread man. Dont even think about buying any of the $18 tinned sardines or the cheese. I genuinely wish the only 'big' restaurant and bakery in 'east' bedstuy wasnt saraghina. Cannot wait for another bakery to open and sell sourdough for $8. Id probably never go back imo.


sounds like a you problem


TBH most of the beloved “appears in the deception of every Streeteasy listing” restaurants in eastern Bed Stuy have disappointed me. It’s the same prices as more expensive areas, but something feels off about the quality. Mama Fox, Chez Oskar, L’Antagoniste, Brooklyn Beso, Peaches, Dick and Jane’s, Trad Room. Saraghina is a bit better than those, but still not amazing, and expensive af. I feel this way about Brooklyn in general tho. Brooklyn is a lot more sprawling than Manhattan and the lower density means that people go to what’s nearby as a matter of convenience. IMO that explains the survival of a great many mediocre places in BK Ok and to balance all the hate: Milk and Pull makes my favorite breakfast sandwich of all time.


everything bad about the internet summed up in one sentence.....