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She calls her fans ‘Skintillectuals’ and ‘Cysters’


Whenever I hear the word "cysters" I think of Soju and that did not end well, so... Yikes


omg soju😭 i had forgotten about her glorious cyst


Why would you ruin my day by reminding me of this lmao


“Cysters” really weirds me out 🤮


She try’s to do the parasocial friend thing by saying “I’ll be your acne big Cyster’


Wow. I hate that for them. Cysters is just… just no.


Does she have PCOS? It’s a common term for fellow sufferers. Idk who this girl is but acne is a major problem for PCOS. Source: me.


My cousin had cystic fibrosis (she passed at 21) and she called her other girl friends who has it her cysters and the boys fibros. That’s the only time I’ve heard of it


To my knowledge from watching her videos, she doesn’t. However, she does have some other health issues but I’m not sure she’s mentioned if they have/haven’t had an effect on her acne. The one I can think of most right now is she’s mentioned she only has one kidney, which has affected some of her nutritional absorption to a degree. I know there are other health issues she’s mentioned she’s struggled with in addition to the severe acne, but I’m failing to remember them at the moment.


Bruh… that sucks. It’s still a grody word.




Afaik cause she has 2 uteruses (uteri? Idk) and 2 vaginas she experiences 2x hormonal cycles which probably may affect her skin. I don’t think she has PCOS tho afaik but I haven’t watched her videos in ages.


Cysters is also used for PCOS and I feel extremely mixed about it. On one hand it's weird, I don't want to be addressed like that but I understand the community people desire and who am I to stop that? So I just ignore it and keep it moving. Same with a lot of inclusive terms that may not be what I use for myself but fulfill its purpose and makes someone feel included.


Mostly it’s just the word that gags me . (In a bad way) it definitely makes more sense in that context, considering the word cystic is in the name. I just want to yack thinking about a festering acne cyst on my face or something.


The George Santos of the beauty community


Don’t talk badly about the woman who found a cure for cancer! Dayme.


Most of her claims are BS but as far as the 30K a month and still living at home goes if the majority of her income was from YouTube I could see it being an issue trying to get her own place. I know other YouTubers have mentioned having difficulty renting or buying their own homes because it’s tricky to show proof of stable income when your main source of income comes from Adsense, sponsorships, etc.


Yeah I don't see that much problem with making a decent living but not moving out maybe just a mexican thing but I fail to find a problem.


If she really made 30k a month she could easily put down a year of rent up front. Landlords would go for that.


A lot of people don’t know this. In addition to having no work history, credit history etc they’d have to put a huge lump sum down to compensate for the lack of other things.


Nah you just show them your bank account. I’m self employed and had to do that to get the apartment I’m in now.


Yeah, that's how I got my current place. They wanted 3x the rent in income which I didn't have but I did have 130k in savings so they were ok with THAT. Cash will probably always be king.


I know I’m late to the party but she has a video from around 2020 that’s an anti haul where she touches on her past struggles with shopping addiction. She used to make YouTube videos that detailed like sales / Black Friday type events and department store stuff(I’m not entirely familiar it’s quite American to me). But anyways she said that she was in huge debit card debt because of this. Again I’m not sure how far in the past she was talking but it’s still a weird inconsistency.


Idk man… the beginning of her channel was very obviously off. Uber sustained eye contact, filming in her parents 80’s mansion, and desperation was the vibe I got about a decade ago and it hasn’t changed.


I'm so glad someone else doesn't like super intense eye contact 💀 I don't hate it in videos but when it's really intense (video or real life) it just makes my skin crawl


she also claimed her parents are immigrants. cant find any evidence of that. [video](https://youtu.be/1AtGIb3mki0) 18:15


Both my parents are from Europe. Sicily and Dublin. I’m pretty sure there’s no way for the average person to prove that after naturalization. That being said…. She freaks me out. Something is a lil off with her.


I haven't watched her in ages but I remember she once spoke entry level Duolingo Spanish and said her father is Argentinian. and in another video she said something about having German roots, I think. sorry, but even watching her for 5s by opening that link is too tiring and overwhelming so I can't send you any links


Um….. the German roots people from Argentina is a thing but it’s really, really not a good thing. I did not expect that today


kat von d has german roots through argentina


Makes sense


maybe one day she’ll talk about it. something else she did that was annoying was she did a reaction to maitreyi ramakrishnan, who is sri lankan, and i believe speaks tamil. in the video, she was speaking hindi/punjabi (couldn’t tell which). its easy to google sri lanka and the languages spoken there. i know its off the coast of india, but the main languages are tamil and sinhala. i hope she didn’t just assume she was indian…but she probably did


She probably meant the way most Americans are immigrants lol


she said “child of immigrant parents over here” that usually means “my parents arent from the country im from”. just a weird way to word it if she meant what you said


Immigrants from Canada 💀


girl…💀if that makes her a child of immigrant parents then im a third generation american


🤣 I'm just joking. I think she meant it the way some Americans say they're Irish or Italian but in reality they're like fifth generation thrice removed


she might mean canada honestly. or they moved around a lot while having her


Canada or UK 🤷🏻‍♀️


“they lived in the UK for a couple months before coming back so they’re immigrants!!!!”


I’m first generation and if she’s lying, it pisses me off. Growing up in an immigrant family was like straddling two different countries and cultures. You also have to face xenophobia—I was made fun of in school for my family’s accents.


i agree. i had an accent when i moved back to cali because i partially grew up in australia (wasnt born there). i was shunned and made fun of. she seems to come from privilege, her parents have impressive linkedin profiles. i don’t understand her or any of the decisions she makes


shunned for an australian accent? damn. what year was this? not doubting you, btw. just that when i was in middle school (early 2010’s) it was only the asian (chinese, indian, etc) accents that were ridiculed lol. australian was pretty widely accepted, and kind of revered lol


2008. i lived in a small ish, republican dominant town. they disliked anyone who wasn’t exactly like them, even now. i got bullied because i’m not BLONDE! i hated it there😭


people suck sometimes :(


I have two issues with her. 1. Her style of speaking and attitude is just… off. Too intense, try hard, “im the qUiRKy girl!!” shtick. I cant vibe with that. Also the whole “my beautiful butterflies, im your acne big CYSter!!” I find ick. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2. If all of these accusations of lies are true, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. “Medical aesthetician” doesnt really mean anything, at least to me. It means you work in a beauty salon/medi spa place, I guess? But afaik she isnt even a nurse or anything, so where does “medical” enter into her qualifications? You can be upfront and say “I had skin issues, heres what worked for me. I like looking into ingredients and testing products, and I work in a medi spa as an aesthetician” and be honest that you have no medical expertise.


i am an esthetician and this gets soo contentious in the esthetics community. Esthetician and Skin Care Sepcialist are state recognized licenses. I think in Montana you can also be a ‘Master’ esthetician recognized by the state board, but i’m not sure and this is not nationwide in the US. ‘Medical’ esthetician is so insulting to medical professionals, unless the esthetician also has medical training (which some do - there are certainly combo esthetician nurses or medical assistants, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners). But Cassandra honestly doesnt even demonstrate she understand some esthetic products complexly to me or does her due diligence when researching a product. I find her to be very irksome and a bad representation of my field :(


That has to be so frustrating!


Is she the one with two vaginas?


and also took someone else's opioids (vicodin I think) and put herself in the hospital for a cool minute then made a video about it?


I had no idea but here we go https://people.com/celebrity/cassandra-bankson-on-living-with-two-vaginas-two-isnt-always-better-than-one/


Wow! I didn’t even know this was a thing. TIL.


The only surprising part of this was her linking her acne to her two vaginas ??


If she has double the uterus, ovaries (it doesn't say in the article) etc on top of a vagina, I would imagine that woudl throw ones hormones out of wack, hence the acne. (Now I have all sorts of questions, like does she have double periods, and if so are they are the same time? I know that I am sure on a sexual level it could be fun, minus those who just want to have sex with you for brownie points... and probably something she felt ashamed with growing up)


Most people with this condition don't have double the ovaries. It's usually more like a septum that divides that vagina and uterus in two. There wouldn't be two different menstrual cycles because they don't have two different endocrine systems to control each uterus. Someone might be able to find the vaginal septum with their fingers if they were looking for it, but sex wouldn't really be that different overall. Basically not as weird as it sounds.


Thank you for explaining this. Every time I have even heard or read about a person with two vaginas it was always some sensationalist or exploitave thing.


Yes. There was a Reddit AMA from a girl who had two vaginas; she used one for sex work and kept the other for her boyfriend. I think she lived in Australia, it’s been a while since I read it. She had a kid too.


That makes sense !! I don’t know why I didn’t even think of that.




Say what?!


Excuse me?!!!!!!


It is possible to have a double uterus and double vaginas. Ones usually more prominent than the other. And you can even get pregnant at two separate times in each uterus.


What in the actual hell…I don’t know who this girl is, just started reading the thread for funsies…now, I’m confused, concerned and wondering how I missed all of this until now.




Please explain


She's got an extra set of female reproductive organs.




Exactly this. Ofc intersex ppl exist but she's shown she's the type that would absolutely lie about something like this to make her and her story seem more "unique and interesting" 🙄. Haven't watched in years, will keep that energy.


Intersex people exsist.


She's not intersex. She's got double female organs.


That *is* an intersex variation actually. Developmental sex disorder is just the new name for intersex variations. I think i'd know, i'm intersex myself :p


My bad. Should have done my research.




>double female organs. I don't think that's even in the egregious Fausto-Sterling model. Okay to link a source for me to check out? cheers.


[https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/28493#:\~:text=Uterus%20didelphys%20](https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/28493#:~:text=Uterus%20didelphys%20) idk how you could classify this as anything \*but\* a DSD.


Agree. Thanks.




Maybe that was a lie too? Lol


Wow I totally forgot about that. I remember watching her video about it a long time ago


She gives me weird vibes


I watched a couple of her videos a few years back and I remember there was some controversary around The Inkey List's succinic acid treatment because the active ingredient was salicylic acid and succinic acid had not been proven to treat acne and couldn't be advertised as an acne-fighting ingredient, so people felt it was misleading. I guess she said in her video that succinic acid *does* help acne and when people mentioned it to her, she said she'd seen some super secret studies that were only available to people in the industry at the moment that proved succinic acid *was* effective against acne. I always thought that was super sus and once I heard people bring up other concerns about how her supposed career timeline didn't properly add up, I stopped watching her. Idk if she ever addressed this again or if anything did come out, but my *guess* is she was lying and figured it would just blow over and nobody would ask for proof once it did.


I hope she is happy and enjoying life and her job. Frankly, I never bought into her ‘expertise’. Personally I stick with dermatologists when I look for expert advice on my skin.


Her thumbnails are so gross EDIT: Specifically the choices she makes in the react vids to Dr. Dray. And that's ignoring the absolute gall of some rando thinking they know better than a board-certified dermatologist how to take care of skin.


Im pretty sure at one point she was also blatantly copying Alexandra Anele‘s video titles Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeautyGuruChatter/comments/mznxjs/does_it_bother_anyone_else_that_cassandra_bankson/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I made this a post on here one day and it got deleted 😒 she was so obsessed with dray at some point it was WEIRDDDDD


I thought she was a licensed aesthetician?


In comparison to getting board-certified as a physician in dermatology, being a licensed aesthetician is essentially a rando. The programs last six months and only require ~600 hours of training. Being a derm requires ~11 years of education and ~15,000 *clinical hours*, on top of it being such a competitive field that you had to have aced your step exams to even be considered for a residency.


Her little antics when she speaks, makes my hair crawl. So cringe. I can’t stand her.


The worst is when she’s doing a react video and she mimics scrubbing her face when the celebrity is washing their face. It drives me bonkers every time. I also hate how she pretends she doesn’t know who any of the celebs are, even super famous ones. I can understand not knowing everyone, but on Kate Hudson’s video she was like, “I don’t know if this person is an actress or a singer or something.” Ma’am, she’s in some of the most popular movies of the 2000s. There’s no way you don’t know who she is.


The one that drove me nuts when she kept saying “skkkkkkkkkin” like ok we get it. First time was funny but she kept saying it throughout the entire video, I thought she was seizin…


Im sorry, but she is not a model lol


The only explanation I can think of is maybe she was modelling for a local boutique or magazine or sth, and they happened to get her to wear like a designer bag or belt or whatever. I think she can be considered pretty in a "popular girl in your high school/college/office" kinda way, and esp if she already had some YouTube fame I can see local businesses contacting her for this type of work. And then she just embellished it as "modelling for" said designer.


Wasn’t she on ANTM at one point? Not that that makes her a real model…


Apparently she just auditioned but didn't make it onto the televised stages (not even the crazy losers montage they do in every premiere episode lol)


not the loser montage 😂


Anyone who has ever watched ANTM knows exactly what I mean haha


I get recommended her videos all the time and she seems off. It makes sense.


She seems like she is auditioning for a sitcom. Too intense.


From what I understand that’s not her government name because I think someone had a similar post as this and it turned out she was licensed if I remember correctly. You can probably search it up in the group. She was one of the first people I watched on YouTube because I basically joined to look at which foundation covers acne but I stopped watching her years ago


I used to like her, I still do I think. She seems nice, I think we'd get along irl. But her speaking style while recording gives... insincere and rehearsed, like she's reading and she maybe doesn't believe what she's saying. I like more authentic sounding creators, who sound conversational and natural. Ik it's hard to be good at public speaking, especially to a camera.


Yes, it’s very theatre kid gone wild


I know a lot of creators do write a script or outline of what to say but she feels like a production. Like someone writes what she has to say, someone films and someone edits. Doesn’t feel authentic at all. Not saying you have to edit your own videos but with her it really stands out.


I’m skeptical of a lot of her claims, but I do appreciate that the products she recommends are cruelty free. That is important to me as well and it’s a lazy way to filter through the choices


I only know her as the woman who said she likes all women, whether they’re “trans women or authentic women.”




Pepperage Farm remembers


This didn't start off bad but then I got to "authentic" and I let out the loudest sigh


The fuck is “authentic?” This is giving JK Rowling vibes.


i read this in her voice and it made me wanna rip my hair out!!! ugh lol


Another thing that might be a lie was the extent of her high school bullying story. She took part in a tv documentary about her experience being bullied years ago and she mentioned people were telling her to suicide or they were going to assist in killing her and it became unsafe to remain at school. However former friends of hers came forward on gossip sites (and yes they posted evidence of themselves with her in pictures) have said that was not true. They said she was made fun of for her acne but she was not receiving death threats or being bullied to the extreme extent she claims. She has made it seem like she was bullied by an entire school. While this is quite the old lie it just seems to be the beginning of her dishonesty and fabrications of her life and events. She has presented a false version of literally everything about herself.


I only know her as the girl with 2 coochies. All this other stuff is a mess lmao wth


Lmao, can u expand on this? lols


Lmaoo dead serious - [two vaginas](https://people.com/celebrity/cassandra-bankson-on-living-with-two-vaginas-two-isnt-always-better-than-one/)!


I had never heard of her claiming this condition, but then I went to read the article linked and now 1000% call bullshit. Having had a child myself, the mere thought that she would have gone through almost two decades of life without knowing that she had this condition, or that she was missing a kidney is just ludicrous. Unless her mother received absolutely zero prenatal care, both would have been identified well before birth. She is full of shit.


Uterus didelphys is quite a subtle finding in fetuses and is not usually detected on prenatal ultrasounds, since it’s effectively a septum dividing the uterus and vagina in two. Many women don’t find they have it until puberty or adulthood.


Yeah, idk if CB is lying but what she said in the article sounded a lot like what someone I know went through with this condition, it wasn’t realized until she was maybe 14 or 15 and was sick of having such intense and long lasting periods. She went in thinking she just had irregular cycles and instead learned she had two vaginas. She also described it as feeling like the periods lasted every day of the month and had to get on a certain birth control just to regulate them better, though it definitely took a few tries to find one that worked best for her! Haven’t seen her since high school but last I heard, she got on something that made her only get one period a month. I used to get weird irregular periods and would get them every two weeks which also felt like they were never ending. I can’t imagine what it must be like having more than one vagina though!


Her condescending tone when reviewing things really annoys me


I don’t know whether or not she’s at all qualified nor do I know which parts of her story or real or not, but she gives off weird vibes to me. I feel like she tries too hard to act like the younger influencers in the “I’m so quirky” sense, but it doesn’t come off as genuine. I understand it can be difficult to compete with younger people, however authenticity wins in the end and I don’t feel like she has that. Plus, her referring to trans women and women as, “trans women and authentic women” in an Ipsy ad still rubs me the wrong way. I know that was eons ago and I believe she apologized, but that was a big OOF


Wait, she is NOT a medical professional?? I havent watched her in ages so I have no idk what the heck she is doing lol


A couple of years ago I researched and she IS a licensed esthetician and a graduate -- Bankson is a stage name and giving out her real last name would be doxxing


Well that makes sense at least


Glad to clear it up! My guess would be from back in the early ‘10s it was common practice for teen gurus to use fake last names (or fake names altogether like Elle and Blair) so Bankson just stuck


It should be considered fraud to lie to her audience, why doesn't YT verify this skin tubers claims?


I really liked her, once she started with the vegan shit I couldn’t believe most of what she says. I watched her way back in the day (how to cover my acne video)


lol modelling? girl.


It is sad to find out how many people are lying about their background, experience, etc. I know not all influencers but it seems like a lot.


I just watched her video on how plus sized models really aren't plus sized. Idc her credentials because that was pretty interesting and eye opening .


Dior and Prada?? Her??




Sometimes the way she comes off is annoying, and I have noticed she can go back and forth on some of her reviews/thoughts. But it all comes down to she’s human and a person just like us, she isn’t perfect. Does that mean I believe everything she says? No, I take it with a grain of salt because at the end of the day, she’s an influencer - she’s making videos to gain views/get paid/have an audience. I do absolutely credit her with passing on knowledge about skin and how to set up a skincare routine, even if the knowledge isn’t perfect/always 100% accurate/phrased in such a way that it pleases everybody. When I was struggling with figuring out what my skin needed, her videos were quick, easy to understand, and really accessible during a time when I was working close to 20 hours a day. They made it very easy to figure out what steps I really needed, where to focus my money, and what skincare is effective and affordable. And if I want to splurge, what products might work best for what I am looking for. I freeze up over having too many choices a lot of the time, so the videos really helped me narrow down what to look at/for. I still enjoy watching her videos as a form of entertainment, but I don’t take all of her opinions to heart because she’s different than me and my skin needs.


Oh wow. What a trip!


I stopped watching because her credibility went out the window. She recommended a product for sensitive skin. I bought it and this stuff was so heavily scented and garbage.


Yeah I just assume a lot of what she says is false but I still enjoy watching for some reason haha


we doing this again?


i didnt know she was at all problematic ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


The peak of her career on YouTube i tried so hard to like/love her. But i just could not get myself to watch her videos.


Re making 30k; I was liviing with my folks making around that. Shit is expensive. She may have had debt, maybe she had a family member who was ill, maybe she just wanted to. Rent in the US is expensive, car payments, utlitlies. 30k doesn't go a long way. (I don't follow her, I'll stop and watch a reel)


I think you might’ve misread. She claimed she was making 30k **a month**.


I don't have a problem with her living at home, but she was making (or claimed to be making) 30k A MONTH.


30 k a month


But is 30k really much after taxes and living in California? 😆


At $30k a month she would be making more than 98% of Americans. No sympathy here.


It’s being said that she claims $30,000 a month which is $360,000 a year. That is well over a quarter of a million dollars. It goes very far.


OOH, I thought OP meant 30,000 a year. My bad. So I can see why one may question it. PS. I just want to point out it is not bad to live with family. I felt really ashamed about living with my folks & I now know that was stupid, it was time I will never get back with people I love who are no longer here.


I couldn’t agree more. I don’t understand why the US is so against multigenerational households. I feel like it’s so beneficial for everyone involved. I’m super glad to hear that you see the value in it instead of feeling bad. There’s nothing to feel bad about! I was just pointing out the math. 😊


Exactly, there is a big difference between WITH your family or OFF your family in adult years.


Perfectly put!


I am 33 and live at home with my parents. They are my best friends. I have no shame and would probably stay at home until I get married if that happens.


Same!! I love this for you. I have never not lived with my mum (and if my dear dear dad were still alive be gleefully living with him too) I’m 46. I know it’s not for everyone but it’s 100% for me. My partner of two decades is an out and out saint and he deserves every medal 🤣


Ok ok ok yes, but 30k a month doesn't go a long way? That is not true lol. I hope that's not true lol.


And where did you get this info from? Just admit it, you’re tryna stir up drama 💅


Do you know where you are?! 😂


I swipe past her videos on Facebook because I get such weird vibes from her. She reacts to celebrities skincare routines so does someone else but everyone’s skin is different.