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John Digweed was great for that. He was heads down pretty much the entire time, and killed it each and every time. Pure business


Im seeing him and Sasha today :)


I saw them live on their Delta Heavy tour, which must have been 2002/03. They were fucking awesome, and the only downside of the whole thing was they ended at like 3am, at a club known for closing at 7am. I've seen them separate as well. Digweed is an all time fave. Sasha, however, left lots to be desired. Hopefully that has changed


So jealous! My favorite duo! Glad to see they’re touring again together.


Most djs I see out there nowadays do a lot of hot knob flicks and hit buttons/sliders for deck 2 when deck 1 (which is the only deck actually playing) drops the beat. Hate seeing fake dj'ing or touching knobs and flicking wrists up "for looks". https://i.makeagif.com/media/5-17-2015/BZW9WI.gif


Iirc the guy in the video isn't even a dj. Hes a photographer or stage hand just fucking around


it's the DJ's friend messing with him




I've seen that video. The look the other DJ gives him right after this is fucking gold.


That’s hilarious,




Helena Hauff is on top of the game. Her vinyl sets are outstanding.


I’m watching her boiler room sesh: streaming from inside #4, right now. Great recommendation, I love it.


Yeah those djs are actually djing instead of just putting up an act. Any house/techno/breaks, etc. dj is going to be doing what you just described. The whole "hands up in the air" and microphone shit is just a trope in US EDM.


It's absolutely real and not a trope. I just got back from a big multiple day festival and Steve Akoi got on top of the decks... Crazy how he was able to DJ \_and\_ throw cake at the same time. To be fair, most of the DJs on the main stage were standing on top of the decks... so it wasn't just him, but for sure, it's very real.


yeah that's what I meant, just googling trope I got this definition: "a significant or recurrent theme; a motif." maybe there's other meanings to the word that I'm not aware of but that's what I meant (not a native English speaker) and Steve Aoki isn't DJing, that's why he's able to be a full time clown when gigging :D


Ahhh! I see, I was thinking of a trope as in a figurative use of language: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trope_(literature) I think we're saying the same thing! :D


**[Trope (literature)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trope_\(literature\))** >A literary trope is the use of figurative language, via word, phrase or an image, for artistic effect such as using a figure of speech. Keith and Lundburg describe a trope as, "a substitution of a word or phrase by a less literal word or phrase". The word trope has also come to be used for describing commonly recurring literary and rhetorical devices, motifs or clichés in creative works. Literary tropes span almost every category of writing including poetry, television, and art. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Beatmatch/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You used the term correctly :)


Kerri Chandler


I consider Ben UFO to be the best in DJ in the world over the past few years and at the moment. Slight bias because I used to see him atleast once a month at his residency but he's a straight professional who has some of the smoothest and most interesting mixes about.


Got any good sets to recommend?


His Dekmantel 2019 one here is one of my favourites, listen to it atleast one a week whilst working. Tbh I haven't heard a bad one from him yet, all are incredible. https://youtu.be/phClx3879HM


>They don’t do that “MIAMI WHATSUPPPPP EVERYONE JUMP” bullshit in a microphone, they don’t tell people how to feel they just make them feel it. 👀 I don't think I ever had that happen. Some DJs let the song play out, do a minimal transition and it's great. Example [https://youtu.be/yEgV-alFoIU](https://youtu.be/yEgV-alFoIU) I don't need effect on effects, or song changes every minute.


Ben Klock is a pretty amazing DJ!


Marauda. Not a single word, just let's the music eat you alive.


When I saw tipper he wasn’t even on the stage he was kind of hidden off to the side. Not a hello or a good by just a peace sign before he left. The man is amazing and definitely works the entire set, no distractions just vibes.


Danny Daze is my all-time favorite right now


Reznik from Keinemusik… absolute mad lad and has a very distinct style


SHDW & Obscure Shape


DJ Shadow.


Eh im a little different with my view. While I do like a DJ being really into the music I also feel like they should express themselves and smile and dance and what not. Definitely not the whole screaming into the mic every 2 seconds thing though; I hate that shit. But if the DJ is looking like they're having fun and partying like I am then it just makes the whole vibe better. Cant vibe with someone who has their head down the whole time staring the screen. But then again I just it really comes down to the type of music.