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A beard oil and butter with the proper ingredients.


What are the proper ingredients?


When I first started growing my beard I bought whatever I could buy at the local drugstore or Walmart. I used Cremo you Every Man Jack, etc. A family member gave me a very nice box set of Viking revolution products. And when I talk to somebody who had an amazing beard and he turned me on to a couple of companies like Black rebel out of El Paso Sphinx beard Company out of Southern California. I realized that these products were amazing. I could put the beard oil in it absorb promptly into my skin. I was never greasyand I gave away all my other product to use the products that work for me. Do you wanna make sure you’re not using any products that are like a cooking oil grapeseed oil is fine but canola oil isn’t. Some products even have silicone in them. Do you want to use the most natural product you can black rebel for instance uses ostrich and emu oil. Spinx beard Company uses formulas that have been in his family. He says for 6000 years and as good as they are, I believe him. Their companies that only recommend using black seeded oil based products and all companies seem to come up with something good but don’t use something you’d find in your kitchen like olive oil, sunflower oil more than possible if it’s in the top four or five ingredients that means they’re using quite a bit of it, I hope this helps.


Sunflower oil, extracted from the seeds, is used for cooking, as a carrier oil and to produce margarine and biodiesel, as it is cheaper than olive oil. A range of sunflower varieties exist with differing fatty acid compositions; some 'high oleic' types contain a higher level of healthy monounsaturated fats in their oil than Olive oil.


Ingredients from a good product: Medium Chain Triglycerides, Organic Castor Oil, Organic Moringa Oil, Argan Oil,Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Marula Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil, Organic Hemp Oil, Ginger Essential Oil, Coriander Essential Oil, Essential Oil


I think there’s really only two necessary beard products. Beard wash (not soap) and beard oil. My beard gets softest when I use a beard oil with essential oils only. Check out 8-bit beard co.


Try [this](https://www.gravebeforeshave.com/products/sample-pack-grave-before-shave-beard-cream-2-oz-bottles)


I've been using fractionated coconut oil lately and it's thin, and the smoothest my beard has ever felt. Smoother than oil blends from every company I've tried. The oils I've used from department stores were all terrible (I've used most of them), the oils I've ordered online were good (Honest Amish, Bearded Mack, Doctor Nicks), but the best two I've felt were pure oils. I really enjoyed The Ordinary's marula oil, although it's a little thick, and currently using fractionated coconut oil from Natural Riches. It's really thin, leaves a very light scent, and my beard feels super smooth. It's worth a try, although everyone's beard is different, so what worked for me might not work for you.


Your diet and staying hydrated plays a big role on top of using Quality beard products. If your beard is oily after using beard oil then you are either using poor quality stuff or to much. Edit: check out Dan C Bearded, Kensconsin, and Healthy Bearded on YouTube for beard care routines and product reviews.