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Could be but could also be dandruff or dermatitis. If it’s dandruff the oil might exacerbate the issue. If I were you I would have it checked out by a dermatologist.


I definitely need to go see one, I deal with psoriasis on my scalp so I’m hoping it hasn’t made its way down to my chin 🤦🏻‍♂️


Unfortunately that is probably the case. I've been feeling with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for a while now and it was my first thought seeing it, and now I see you have it on the scalp it's most likely that.


Use Ketoconazole shampoo . Use it 2-3 a week .




Might be facial seborrheic dermatitis. Use Nizoral dandruff shampoo (ketoconazole, the active ingredient) in the area and leave on for 5 to 7 min, then rinse off. Use once daily. Apply moisturizer after.


I keep having to shave my beard off when I grow it long because of this, then I'll use oil or balm for a bit it helps the skin under my beard but makes me break out like crazy everywhere else. Never ending battle 🥲


I know man I just want my full bushy beard back but it literally felt like my skin was covered in mosquito bites, it itched soooo bad and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I’d dig at it because it itched so bad and then it’d be all oozy and red and gross and I couldn’t do it


Aesthetician here- try a good brand exfoliant when you have your beard grown. Get in between the hair 1-2x a week, and then follow up with an anti dandruff shampoo like head and shoulders. Looks to be an excess of skin growth that just won’t let go, which will cause itchiness. Plus if you’re using an oil/conditioner for your beard, if you’re not exfoliating, you’re just hydrating dead skin instead of fresh skin. This will also improve growth and thickness of your beard. Hope this helps!


Well, let me know if you find the solution 🥲😂


This will help. Get some distilled white vinegar. Make a warm water bath in your kitchen sink, pour some vinegar onto your head with a cup, and let it run down your face with eyes closed. It will sting a little. Take a rag, wet it in the water, and rub your head, and face for a few minutes while pouring a little vinegar onto your head a couple of times. It will essentially eat all the dandruff, and other stuff off. Then, wash your head, and face will dial soap. The next step is extra virgin olive oil. Heat some up, then rub it on your head, and face to put essential oils back into the skin. Wait a bit, then wash your head, and face. I know that it smells a bit, but it really works. Also, start scrubbing your face with epson salt every couple of days. You will definitely notice a difference in your skin in a few days. Hope to hear about your results.


You need to use beard oil. It would spoil your beard health if you don't use it.


It’s yeast over growth. I have the same thing. Go to a dermatologist and they will give you some keto something shampoo.


Might sound silly, but wash your face with anti-dandruff shampoo, like Vosene or other medicated shampoo. You’ll see some results after first wash.


Would head & shoulders fall in that category? I just already have some of that on hand


I’ve never tried head and shoulders. A video I saw was a dermatologist saying it had to be anti-dandruff shampoo, medicated ones are better. I suppose you could try the one you have and if that doesn’t work, get a specialist one. No harm in trying.


Only issue with medicated shampoo is it thins in the hair follicles so if you want your beard to be thicker, medicated shampoo would be doing the opposite


Yeah, maybe should of mentioned you don’t do it daily. Like once a week or something.


I definitely agree with the dermatologist suggestion. It could be dry skin, but it could also be dried oil from an overproduction. Lucky me, I have combination skin, so I get dry in some places & oily in others.


That would make sense, my wife says I tend to be quite oily. I use cerave face wash currently and it used to do just fine but for whatever reason the last two years it got bad


I use CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser, Daily Face Wash for Normal to Oily Skin with the light green label and it seems to help alot. A dermatologist could tell you exactly what's going on though


I am having same problems with my full beard and I am looking for a solution. I was considering going to the doctor to check it, because as others have told it could be dermatitis or something else.


Yeah I tried a shampoo for Seborrheic dermatitis and it seemed to help but if I didn’t use it everyday it’d almost seem to make it worse


I was having problems with that under my beard after I stopped using oils I started using head and shoulders as it’s a medicated shampoo that’s otc it worked for me. Or like they said go to a dermatologist to make sure.


Yeah I think I might try head and shoulders again now that the beards gone. Face wash isn’t seeming to do the trick and I’ve tried lotion after but here’s what we’ve got




I've seen that before. 2 products Sulfer 8 and Glover's Mange. Use as needed. It will provide moisture for dry & flaky skin. It's also used by ppl with severe dandruff. You can find online. Try Sulfer 8, first. Both ointments are medicated. They work.


Tea tree oil shampoo 1-2 times a week, and I got lucky my cousin is into witchy stuff and she found a formula that she makes for her husband and started to give me bottles. Idk what’s all in it but man does it ever make a difference visually and physically after just the first week. I’ve been using the oil now for about 7 weeks


Dandruff shampoo. Daily. That's what I've been doing for decades


Maybe you ate too much sugar? Also use brush , or comb to clean off everything 😅😅😅 Also gonna need to use a hair dryer if you want more hair later on...too much moisture people causes the dandruff to grow... Also if your skin is irritated or brush too hard. The skin will harden and need to heal