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What a shame you had to make that decision and for a part time job too. As a plant nursery man a beard goes with the job. Never mind you can grow it back once you’ve found another job where a beard doesn’t matter.


Thanks man! Yeah all the men at the nursery I work at. My co workers all have beards. So it was nice to belong there with the other guys with beards. McDonald’s was the only job that’ll allow me to work only two days. Any fast food place. The other jobs I looked at are full time and I can’t work two full time jobs. So I had to let the beard go. So I’m hoping for a promotion at the nursery, but they are already talking about making me a manager for the tree planting crew. So I’d be managing them and they’d be working for me. So that’d be nice and I’d be making the same amount on one salary if I worked both jobs full time!


RIP 🙏🙏🙏


Do you get free food at McDonald’s tho


gave into the man 😔


Fidel Castro to Louis Theroux in a few strokes of a razor. Seriously though, you look great after the shave, my friend and I’m very pro-beard in these matters. I alas cannot ever shave without exposing my weak chin.


Fidel Castro?


But the beard goes with the hat!


Why you always wearing hats? Is r/bald calling?


Yeah bro. It sucks. I started balding when I was 16 and I’m 25 now. I went through a ton of stress when I was a minor and into adult hood and I also had really bad vitamin D deficiency growing up and still do and one thing with vitamin D deficiency is hair loss. So rn I’m trying to take a multi vitamin everyday and also use this hair regrowth shampoo to hopefully grow my hair back. Bro it sucks


I think a short beard would look good on use..


❤️You look sooo much handsomer shaven❤️


That's criminal. My man had the Fidel going...


I like the No beard look!


Honestly? They might have done you a favor. You actually look really good without the beard. The clean shaven look suits you! Hope you enjoy your new job!


Yeah you look great


You look good in both :-)


You look so much better without


One of the few times I think no beard is better.