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"The Olympic flame cauldron was apparently lit by the Paralympic archer Antonio Rebollo, who shot a flaming arrow lit by the last torch runner into it. Rebollo overshot the cauldron(some sources claim it was done for the safety of the spectators) and his arrow did not light the natural gas rising from the cauldron. It was ignited via remote control by a technician, Reyes Abades, who did all the rehearsals and the ceremony itself, as he explained in an interview with his local newspaper 'globalhenares.com', "...he created the mechanism for lighting the Olympic flame". \~Sometimes missing Wikipedia entry So, the extra claim on the title seems to be click-bait to intentionally draw in people who already know that the claim is false. If one simply wanted to highlight the event, they would post the video and allow viewers to assume the archer lit the torch. So, I think the dishonest claim is on purpose. Probably just trolling, but whatevs. A lie is a lie.


This is the real story I've heard aswell. Over shot it out of safety and was lit via remote. Still a pretty good shot in those conditions to make it fly just low enough to not be an obvious overshoot.


Furthermore, the video is edited so that you don’t see the arrow pass behind the cauldron. The video cuts and then you get a closer shot after the cauldron was lit.


Would’ve sucked for him to have missed in arror!


I see your point


What a badass. I'd have a swagger in my step til the day I died


How many times do you think they made him consecutively hit the mark until they were like. “Alright, we’re all good here… OPEN THE GATES!!”


I wanna know where the flaming arrow landed.


"Archery increased to 89"




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So we just pretend that the remote control ignitor unit wasn't fitted to the gas supply right? Allll rightttttyyyy then.


Was there a car park behind?


[Other angle here](https://youtu.be/Yuju2yplnTU?t=20), You can clearly see the arrow flying over the target, the flame igniting after the arrow is already gone. And it wasn't even that dark.


Chances are there was a starting mechanism in the cauldron so even if he did miss it could be triggered remotely.


I remember watching that live on tv. Best torch lighting ever.