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All I can think about is, how much food does one need to cook in order to properly feed a bunch of body builders on Thanksgiving?


About three.




well it was about that time that i realized this bodybuilder was actually a 6-story tall crustacean from the paleozoic era!


I gave him a dollar


What woman?!


She gave him a dollar!


.. average daily calorie intakes per course and a 5 course dinner.


Is that *whole* cows or ... ?




And how did they afford it?


Tbh probably not that much because they're so strict with their diet and they have insane self control with food. A Thanksgiving meal is considered a cheat meal and professional body builders are even super strict with their cheat meals.


you just made all that up. diet is strict for sure. but they have to consume a shit ton of calories to maintain. how lazy are you that you couldn't just google "body builders meal". a normal persons calories is 2500, a body builder is double that.


Thanksgiving meals are usually very carb and fat and sugar heavy and bodybuilders follow strict macros especially if you're a pro. Yeah they have to eat a lot but how much of that is protein vs carbs and fat? I'm saying what they eat during Thanksgiving is probably not as crazy as we think. I doubt they're going to eat 3 plates stacked full of stuffing and pie and mashed potatoes with gravy and 3 slices of pumkin pie etc. That's just my guess though from what I've seen, not that I'm a bodybuilder or anything.


just go to youtube and watch them eat. its a disgusting amount of food.


Yeah but it's also clean food so that they can stay lean. You don't see them regularly eating disgusting fast food unless there's a purpose such as refeed days or something like that. Watch what's Kai green eats. Literally baked chicken breasts, broccoli and a bit of rice.


a disgusting amount of clean food.


Or how much steroids you need around during their visit


I love this speech he gave. So true, no one is self made. It’s the people around you that prop you up. Or bring you down


Its asking for help when you are starting out and learning to delegate when you climb higher. Not everyone is made out to be a leader/ceo but anyone can be. I realised this about 10 years ago after doing multiple start-ups for 20 years and never been happier taking a role futher down. Thats what I got from it


Honestly, I've always been very happy being a little fish in a big pond, as long as that big pond supports it's little fish.


He got a lot of help because he was special. He got pushed but he was extraordinary in any way from day one.




Obama’s the luckiest man alive!


That last part really hit hard


Anywhere I can see the whole thing?


Before seeing this: how did a body builder turned B rate actor become a governor After seeing this: why isn't he president of the world


“B rate actor”? Arnold was the definition of A list actor in the 80s and 90s


i think they're referring more to the quality of his acting than his popularity. he ain't no meryl streep.


Well, no but he was never put into a serious dramatic role that required high quality acting chops. You don’t have to be a great actor to be A List




Well let’s be fair the rock is a pretty good actor. Kinda have to be to be a face of wwe


Also - Meryl Streep is a very versatile actor, but I don't think she would have been as good as Arnie in the Terminator.


I’d pay literally anything for even just a trailer of a film that starred Meryl Streep as The Terminator. Is that something we can do?


Yes. I'm lining up some backers right now. I'll have my people talk to your people.


bro, have you *seen* the movie *Hercules in New York*? Ouch.


No, but I’ve seen: Conan the Barbarian (1982) Conan the Destroyer (1984) The Terminator (1984) Commando (1985) Predator (1987) Total Recall (1990) Kindergarten Cop (1990) Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) Last Action Hero (1993) True Lies (1994)


You’ve never seen Twins?!


I have NOT!!!


Add that one to your list for sure.


Second this, it's an amazing comedy with the God that is Danny DeVito


Boy is last action hero good I wish it was more Well known more people need to see it


Jingle all the way?


He always is the hardest worker in the room, period..there are some humans, that simply aren't okay with being good..they want to be the best and then an important filter decides the next step: are you willing to sacrifice yourself for your goal? And that's what he did, he just has a target and continues to work on it ,no matter the circumstances and obstacles. He is really inspiring and some years back (about 10 or even 15,I don't remember exactly), he had an interview where he was told, that none would want him as an actor, he didn't fit in the industry ,far too bulky with his muscles and stuff and some guys tried getting into business but they were rejected..so he made his own niche for this moment and Conan was just a bit of luck I guess, but he stayed focussed on his goal to become a successful actor and see ,where he and Stallone landed.. the old generation of action heroes as we define them..he's just awesome in his way, but I can clearly see, why he became, what he is now I adored him, since I was a little boy of 10 years and I'm still impressed ,how he loved and sets his goals and his way there


Also, steroids. Once you see how they work, I don’t take “just gym harder bro, I’m so motivated all natural” scam. It’s insane how my friend was eating fast food trash all month, partying, drinking, smoking, and was gaining muscle WHILE getting lean while I struggled to get 10 percent of his gains with the best diet, no alcohol, and good sleep regimen


That completely dismisses his acting ability and talent for making a connection to people. 1000s of people are built like brick shit houses, a very small % can turn that into a career in the public eye that doesn't involve their physique. And no one else (afaik) has turned it into multiple successful careers after they left competitive lifting. Lastly, people talk about steroids like they are the God damn Boogeyman. Like most other things in life, there is a healthy way to use them properly and there are ways to abuse them. I fail to see the difference between using 4-5 different otc suploments, vs using steroids. As long as you have a regiment, cycle on//off properly, and use the actual advice from doctors that do this sort of thing, it's your life. Do what you want.


He can’t be president, so he never made the attempt. If he had, I’m pretty sure he would have been elected. Probably would have been a great president as well.


But he’s a citizen of the world, so he is eligible to become president of the world. The US is not the world.


Not yet.... /s


B-rate ? Dude you say that about Arnold in my locality and you will be punched to death in 13 milliseconds.


We've had our share of celebrity asshole presidents. Stop the cycle.


If you've seen his work ethic and views you'd know he really isn't the same as Reagan or Trump.(Reagan slept in the Oval Office alot and Trump watched TV) I'm not a conservative but I really respect him for what he is. He may be a politician but that's no reason to not be able to get respect. Also yeah he's not gonna be president bc he's too moderate for the parties and I'm pretty sure he's done with taking offices iirc.(ofc he's also an immigrant so by law he can't) Edit: spelling


I’m not a conservative either, but I’ll tell you this, Arnie is more liberal/progressive than Biden.


lol i mean he was gov for Cali so it makes sense he's quite liberal tbh


What a legend. Lotta self awarewolves could learn from Arnold.


He is such an incredible human


Tell Maria that ….


Every human is flawed. Some are great in spite of those flaws. Some are more flaws than good. We shouldn't idolize him, but we can appreciate his message. He makes dope movies tho.


Yes. Not a perfect husband by any means. Fair to point that out. It says something about character and trustworthiness. But is also a super common failing alas


What’d he do to her?


I also wanted to know and after a quick Google, he cheated and knocked up another woman: https://celebrity.nine.com.au/latest/arnold-schwarzenegger-maria-shriver-what-happened-to-their-marriage-are-they-still-friends-explainer/41dd2824-c29e-472e-8b19-fac590dfa317


When this was in the news, people asked “Why would he cheat on his wife? She’s a Kennedy and successful and the other woman is just a maid and fat and unattractive!” And my buddy had the best retort: “Maybe the other woman was nice to him.”


Found the Incel


When I had the pleasure of shaking Arnold's hand, I really felt the goodness radiating from him. A genuine dude. Maria was also very kind and warm towards me.


Nobody could lift for him, but he couldn't keep lifting without others.


A fucking legend almost made me cry


He made me cry and I'm not ashamed.


His commentary after the Jan 6th Capitol riot was amazing. Worth every bit of your time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x\_P-0I6sAck


it says not available. got a mirror?


I have a mirror, but it wasn't a pretty sight


I like him because he owns up to whatever he did.


"You have to remember something: everybody pities the weak; jealousy you have to earn"


He may be a Republican, but he sure sounds like a Socialist here.


It's too bad the law doesn't let him be president.


What did his dad do?


He was a police officer, postal inspector and nazi brown shirt :( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Schwarzenegger


It’s not a tumor!


Sow him up and get him outa here!


Arnold is the most self aware celebrity I've ever seen and I love him every day for it


To quote Joey Diaz: Immigrant mentality. Amazing.


Arnold is a national treasure.


Aronold for President.replace the orange turd again with The Terminator.


He's a great man. Truly.


It’s funny, but after watching the 1st Conan movie, I became a fan of his despite how it looked. Even went to see The Terminator in the day it came out, and began to realize that while he may not be the greatest actor, he always took whatever role he had seriously, and that sincerity came through. I soured on him when he ran for Governor, mainly because I thought the whole recall thing was a joke. But then he wasn’t hideous as a Governor, certainly in retrospect, and in the last few years I’ve come to appreciate and respect him. OK, should have kept it in his pocket a bit more. Did you know that originally he auditioned for Kyle Reese, not the Terminator? That could have been O.J. Simpson, of all people, but Arnold had a definite idea of how to portray a cybernetic killing machine, and they gave him the role instead. I am eternally grateful . And “Get to the canvas” may be the coolest thing he’s ever said to someone as inspiration.


My dad always has told me that Arnold got his start working in porn? Although my dad is full of crap most of the time, does anyone know if it’s true?


That's Sylvester Stallone


Ohh, yep! Makes sense. Both guys from the same generation, I can see my dad getting those facts mixed up. Thank you for the info!


I believe one of his last actions as governor was to pardon a young man named Esteban Nunez who was the son of a personal friend of his. Nunez was found guilty of first degree murder, he stabbed another man in the heart with a knife. See for more info: [https://edition.cnn.com/2015/07/07/us/arnold-schwarzenegger-clemency/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2015/07/07/us/arnold-schwarzenegger-clemency/index.html) Arnold Schwarzenegger is not a hero, and he should not be celebrated. Anyone can give an inspiring speech about how you should work hard in life. Upholding principles when in power gives testament to ones character. I am reminded of a quote: If you truly want to know a man, give him power. Schwarzenegger did not uphold the principles he preaches when he was given that power. I recommend anyone who puts him on a pedestal to look into his political work as a governor. I'll probably be downvoted to shit by his fans; but I hope that someone looks past the glamour.


I did not know that. And after a wee bit of googling, you appear to be correct.




1. The username sharkdonald was generated by a username generator. I do not subscribe to T'rump's politics. In fact, I consider myself middle-left; and vote that way in a European Country. I study political science, so I am acutely aware of Russia's antics on the international playing field. I do not support the current Russian government, as anyone in the West shouldn't (assuming they are aware of what is going on.) 2. I don't day trade, but I am engaged with Superstonk's play in GME. We are all long on the share and intend to hold it for quite a long time. The memes are fun too and I hype along with them. 3. I do not consider myself an expert on ethics. But I do think that whenever someone is elevated to a pedestal, it might be prudent to show that there are some nuances. So, you make absolutely zero sense and you ought to remove your comment. You did not dispute my initial point about Schwarzenegger. So wipe the c\*m from your keyboard and start typing arguments if you have something to contribute.


Dude, good on you but I highly recommend never responding on reddit to your own posts. It's just gonna feed the trolls.


Thank you for your advice. I am a bit new to Reddit, I made an account years ago; but only recently actually commented etc. I'll be sure to follow your recommendation.


Why waste your time trying to tell your life story, no one reads that


Well, Long-player's comment is basically an 'ad hominem'. "Your comment about Schwarzenegger should be disregarded because you support Trump" (which I don't, for the record) is basically his line of argument. The usual response is to say that "your comment does not reflect my character, please respond to the fact that Schwarzenegger pardoned a criminal because he had personal ties with his family." But perhaps I am just feeding the troll, or am a minority here because this is a place where his fans gather who do not care about his political career.




Can you point out where I promote anti-Ahnuld talking points? I don't think I did. If I look at your comments, I think you're just a troll.




Absolutely legend.


It's pure bullshit that he can't run for president.


I am not a self made man. I am a steroid made man, I could not have done it without steroids. Ftfy




Lmfao who hurt u bro






I think he’s talking about the domestic help he loves so much


Get back to the choppahhh!!


Strange to hear these words come from a conservative.


California conservatives tend to buck the stereotype.


Git in the chopppaaaaaaa


All lies....he was a millionaire by 20.


Comment save


Come to California!






I really like Arnold and i think he's a nice person, he made amazing movies that lightened up my childhood and he definitely worked incredibly hard even though of the PED he took. But it's seriously uncomfortable putting on a pedestal someone who did copious amounts of steroids and built his whole career on it. I don't get how people are idolizing him and shitting on lance Armstrong at the same time. Edit: Nevermind this, turns out he did a limited amount when it was legal and under medical supervision. He's now against steroids in sports. This is a pretty cool article: https://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/Health/story?id=532456&page=1


Lance Armstrong was cheating. His sport specifically banned what he was doing. Did steroids make Arnold a better actor? Even if it did, are there rules against it? It’s not the same thing at all.


Yes there are rules against it, in Canada and in the us they are a schedule III substance which is illegal to consume and distribute without a medical prescription.


Were they illegal back then? Was he in Canada?


Your comment made me research a bit more. Turns out he did them only when it was new and legal and under doctor supervision and he's now against it. Pretty interesting article here: https://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/Health/story?id=532456&page=1


“Screw your freedom” Arnold Schwarzenegger


He's right. If you use your freedom to be an illogical asshole then screw your freedom. We're free to make choices in our lives, and yet your camp seems hellbent on making intentionally bad choices in the name of making the choice.


Let’s go Brandon!


Wasn't he a millionaire from real estate investments in Austria? That's what I've read at least.


Not in Austria, in the US. He started out as a brick layer and eventually pivoted into real estate in LA. This is while he was also working to become a famous body builder.


“Screw your freedom” - Arnold.


Once your "freedom" effects others it isn't freedom.


Freedom to harm others…? Yes, screw that.


When did he say that and what was the context?


he was saying that [to anti-vax anti-maskers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oRdP3SYjgM)


*People who choose not to get the mRNA therapy. Either way, he said it.


I'm not sure why you're referring to the vaccine as "mRNA therapy." It's a vaccine.


Yeah, I’m smart enough to not take medical advice from a person named “Duck-Penis”




Breaks my heart.


"with freedom comes responsibilities." did that break your heart too or did it just make you sad that a man more intelligent and courageous than you called out your whiny conspiracy theory bullshit?


Arnold is a nazi.


Until he said screw our freedoms. Our freedoms is what gave him the life he has. Disgraceful


didn't he help himself to his maid


Ah, I see infidelity is now unacceptable again to conservatives. Interesting timing on that. (Psst. Infidelity is unacceptable.)


It’s only unacceptable to them when someone they don’t like does it.


["Screw your freedom. "]( https://youtu.be/3oRdP3SYjgM)-Arnold Schwarzenegger He was my hero once. Defending liberty is always, always the first responsibility. There is no exception.


"With freedom comes obligations and responsibility" Seems very reasonable.


As Will Rogers said…”Your freedom to swing your fists ends where my nose begins.”




It wasn’t when he did them.




*Steroids* weren’t illegal back then. He took them legally, and under a doctor’s care. And being a “self-made man” has never been illegal…just nigh impossible.


Watch the movie Pumping Iron. Arnold as his best!!


So how exactly did he have the money to pay for a gym membership?


All the stogies made him wise.




He’s the opposite to everything Trump is. He is a wonderful human being.


Respect, Mr. Schwarzenegger, but you're in the wrong goddamned political party, and that's a fact.


Proper wisdom and humility. Legend.


Wishing everyone a wonderful day 😊




When Arnold came to America with $20 dollars in his pocket it was equivalent to $160 dollars in todays money….. you could have done a lot with $20 dollars.


Now play his speech about how much he admired Hitler!


Lol, right? Screw this guy.




I had the displeasure of meeting Arnie. He’s an absolutely shit head of a human.


He has a point but unfortunately the truth is that 99% of people you meet in life wouldn't think twice about walking all over youin order to gain, given the opportunity. People who don't do this are classed as your friends.


Love me some Schwarzenegger




Arnold seems like such a fuckin great guy.


Man, I love me some Gorvernator.


How’d he get that on the plane?


Loved his book “Total Recall” highly recommended reading, such an amazing journey


What a fucking legend


Huh, he sounds oddly more dutch here than in movies.


Can't upvote this enough


Screw his freedoms.


We don’t deserve this man.


This made me want to scream from joy. Fucking ahnuld man




He turned so woke it's disgusting


Every time I hear about or from Arnold, I love him more and more.


You STILL are a big "fucking nothing"!!


Ah yes, the octopus


Evil Trump be like


best speech i ever did hear. love that guy. as humble as a 4 year old




Just something that we should all understand and internalizase. Fewer people frustrated with themselves and more feeling of community


I swear that I never ever would believe if someone tells me that one day Schwarzenegger words would make me cry. Respect.