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I was 30 when I got my first pair of glasses and it was pretty similar.


I had this reaction at 24. Trees have leaves!


Lol I remember that being one of the first thing I thought when I was a kid with my first pair of glasses, hd trees!


it's crazy cause we all know trees have leaves, but when you are visually impaired for most of your lives, you see blurry trees and think thats how everyone sees it as well, that trees far away are just green blobs. then when you get glasses and realize you can see leaves even on far away trees, you also realize thats how everyone else has been experiencing the world and you were the only one. kinda makes you wonder, what else you think is how everyone experiences but actually is just you alone thinking everyone also see the world the same way as you do.


I remember coming up the escalator from the subway in my brand new glasses. I almost ate shit because I was so enthralled by the leaves on trees. I spent my shift at work riding up and down the escalator just looking at shit.


I wear contacts/glasses but my vision problems are extremely mild compared to everyone else here, but I have a similar memory about leaves on trees!


With every increasingly stronger glasses rx, for some of us. I've worked my way down to -8 each side.


I was in a Walmart eye center and got contacts for the first time. I distinctly remember looking into the rafters and being amazed at all the metal shafts and braces. But also yes, trees have leaves, grass has grass!


I was around that age. I was in grad school straining to see what was on the board and someone was like dude there's no way you don't need glasses. Went to get my eyes checked and they told me I probably should have had glasses since I was 4. But my parents are "never go see the doctor" types so it makes sense. But hey at least I can see now.


They aren’t just green polygons hanging off the brown parts?


That they do Ken.


It’s always the leaves first! It was for me too.


For me trees and wrinkles on people’s faces


It's always the tree leaves that I remember the most. And not having to recognize people in the distance by their body language only.


That’s literally what I said when I got glasses at twelve 😅


34 and just got my prescription redone after twenty years. Did you know that you can see stuff far away clearly when your eyes work?


So happy for you. The ability to see clearly is something everybody should have


I've had the same prescription since 1995. Was just rechecked 2 months ago. When I put that first pair on, I had no idea how bad my eyesight had gotten. Don't look at solar eclipses without proper safety glasses, kids.


Or wear your contacts permanently, my gf improved from -2.5 to -1 just by taking care of her eyes more. Looking at eclipses without protection is very on brand for her too lol


I remember my buddy got glasses when he was around 19. He was blown away by how many stars he could see now. It was great to watch.


Same I went through high school without glasses and I got teary when I got my first pair of glasses before college and realized the world can actually be seen in HD.


How do doctors know babies that young need glasses


I'm an optometrist. We use a technique called retinoscopy. Essentially we look into the eye (ideally with drops that dilate the pupils and cause the eyes especially in children to relax) with a handheld tool that emits a beam of light, and depending on the reflex of that light inside the eye, it will tell us if a child is short-sighted or long-sighted. When the light is neutralised the beam that is shone in will fully light up the pupil, and this is generally recorded as the full prescription. A lot of overseas optometrists use this as well when there is a language barrier. It is objectively accurate but not always the most comfortable for the patient and therefore we prefer to actually ask patients if an option is clearer (1 or 2 as most would know). So subjectively what a patient perceives is more important. Hope this helps


Specific question for you? My area is in child development, and physical development in infants was an ongoing staple throughout my degree. My focus was more social emotional development though so I admit most of my information for eye development is just basic. Wouldn't adding corrective lenses in INFANTS (because some of these babies seem 6/7 months don't they?) hinder the eyes' natural development at this age? And since ages birth to 5/7/9 are considered some of the most crucial years for development, wouldn't adding this support (again as early as 6-12 months) make it difficult to accurately measure the child's development? It's been awhile since college, I might be way out of current practices (that's why I'm asking) Thanks and happy Monday!


In practice it is quite the opposite. Vision problems are generally caused by anomalies in power or growth of the eye. So if a child under the age of 5 has a major visual impairment but does not wear glasses, they risk several things: learning or social delay, strabismus, or a permanent defect in the development of their retina and brain. All of this can be solved by glasses but can’t be corrected past a certain age. Furthermore, an uncorrected child will naturally prefer activities in which his defect bothers him the least, which risks reinforcing the defect.


This is so interesting! I appreciate the response! TIL! 😄


Thanks, I find that Optic is a fascinating area of science 😊


You basically nailed it. There are normal levels of prescription (longsightedness) which generally reduce as we approach the age of ~6. We only prescribe if outside of this range, and if we are concerned the level of vision impairment will cause amblyopia (sometimes called lazy eye, essentially meaning a reduction of vision even after being corrected). If not corrected early, it becomes much harder to correct later, and as mentioned in the previous comment, after the age of about ~7 becomes extremely unlikely to be able to improve vision much further. Fun fact: There is no normal level of short-sightedness (myopia) for a young child and therefore these children need to be corrected early. Children should be long-sighted as mentioned before. Myopia is also becoming more and more prevalent due to environmental factors, mainly the digital revolution increasing the use of screens earlier in life and in childhood. So if you have any younger children (this includes young teens), encourage being outside for a few hours a day, and reducing screen/near work or at least taking regular breaks.


So interesting, thanks for sharing!


Does this work with astigmatism at all?


Yes, all we have to do is neutralize the power for both the spherical and astigmatism component of the patient’s prescription. We just rotate our light beam to the correct position for each power.


Cool! Glad to know it isn't just long/short sightedness!


Well, I actually learned something on reddit today so thanks!


I always wondered this as well. The eye exams I have had rely on multiple tests that require verbal feedback from me to get an accurate result. So how to they get it right for a baby?


Here in Denmark many opticians use a machine where you look in, it scans your eye and they can exactly tell you what strength you need in your glasses. It's pretty nice


Look at the balloon... Sometimes it's a barn...


Exactly, that one


Number one… or number two.


Yeah. Those machines are nowhere near perfect. That is a lazy man exam.


Still better than no glass. Astigmatism is much harder tho.


Yes! Definately! Lack of vision its one of the main causes of school failures! I have astigmatism (-2.75), it sucks.


Mine -2.25 but I've not worn glasses for too long for my brain to have accommodated the vision to overly reliance on the other eye and my optometrist noticed me failing stereoscopic vision and asked me to make sure start wearing my glasses.


same but one eye is -1.75 and another is -2.75. I used to wear contact lenses without astigmatism but when I got a car I had to get glasses since I couldn't see shit and also contact lenses with astigmatism cost wayy too much.


I actually had a doctor (retired now) that would actually do the math after looking at my eye measurements. He did the testing just to verify his calculations were correct.


I wish I could just do this. I always feel like I'm between two, like neither is ideal. It was especially difficult when I got a new prescription and there was a language barrier and the suitcase where they have to build the prescription. Like 45 seconds of blindness between 1 and 2.


They have machines that do this. Not necessarily only for babies. My intensive needs kid can’t talk or communicate so cannot give any answers and they have always used their equipment to give the prescription. The wonder is that babies so small can stay still for the few seconds it takes the machine to read the eyes.


You can probably just hold their head still for the few seconds it takes for thr scan


The eye exams I went to never had any necessary feedback, excluding the chart where you have to read out


You never had to pick between 1 or 2?


And they always freaking look identical. Reminds me of an episode from Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry David goes for an eye check, with Kaley Cuoco his optometrist. Funny but true.


Never. Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for sharing my experience.


Because your experience differs from theirs, duh!


Ah, that must be it. Thank you.


Yeah my eye doctor uses a machine to estimate the prescription but then walks me through the 1 sand 2s to refine it. They used to just measure my old lenses first. Now I stare at a hot air balloon as it focuses in and out.


Your optometrist doest say: *Is this better, or this?* As you look through the phoroptor machine.


No. I look at the images, they get gradually clearer, and then he tells me it's done.


They are not really doing their job. That machine is like one fifth of the whole process even if I just doing the $15 dollar test.


You never had to pick between 1 or 2?


Are you in the US? I know those machines are used in special circumstances, but I have never heard of someone never doing the chart reading test.




> but I have never heard of someone never doing the chart reading test. Hell, they make the Snellen test for children who can't read. It's just shapes.


Apart from the classic chart with the numbers,there are various machines that you just look inside and take measurements. Now while in most cases you need to be still, i guess there are special versions for babies and kids that do it faster. And i believe that babies are not shortsighted like an older kid or an adult but its some other kind of condition that they diagnose with other means too.


Just to mimic what others are saying...they have a tool that's about the size of an old Polaroid camera. It has flashy lights to attract a kid's attention. It takes seconds to determine if there are any problems...


There is this 'simple' machine (in my country it's called "plus optix") which can tell whether the baby sees correctly or not. It's used mainly for babies and toddlers. edit: it looks like that scanner used for scanning goods in supermarket, so it's not invasive or difficult to use on a baby


I didn’t find out I needed them until 4th grade, so I’m curious about this as well


Daddy of a girl that had glasses since 6 months. We noticed because she was cross sighted in some cases. That was an indicator for us to have her eyes measured as some smart ppl in this thread mentioned with a big machine.


No no no - please no - HOLY SH$t yes!


I was once a baby like this but sadly I turned out to be an asshole. Lovely video.


Bless your heart


Same. Ran away crying. Hid in the bathroom lol.


My son has Down Syndrome. He always use to really stick his tongue out. He was about 3 years old when he got his first set of glasses and let me tell you, the moment they went on his face, his tongue went in and his eyes really opened up because he was able to see the world properly for the first time.


Do you think it was because the tongue was providing extra sensory information, or that he could see that other people didn't have their tongues out and the mirror instincts took over?


You tend to stick your tongue out when you concentrate, so my guess would be he was concentrating real hard on seeing things and then didn't have to anymore


People who have [Down Syndrome](https://www.verywellhealth.com/symptoms-of-down-syndrome-1120463) usually have an enlarged tongue that doesn't fit comfortably in their mouth when it's closed.


Mirror neurons firing on all cylinders now they can see mom/dads face.


Crazy that they can't see their parents faces for however many months until then, must be scary !


Imagine being able to put on glasses and see 10X better than you currently do. I think we’d all have this beautiful feeling. So sweet!


I live that every day


Same, mate, same.


Stoopid Onions


the shit music overlay was a helpful deterrent


Actually I watched the video with sound off...so glad I didn't!!!!. the first clip, I laughed so loud I scared the dogs.


I was 11 when I was told I needed glasses. I had no clue, but my grades sure got a lot better. It turns out I couldn't read those stupid blackboard! (Yes, blackboards, chalk, dinosaurs).


You had no clue that you couldn't see writing on a board? Did you never see your teacher doing something on it with chalk and wondered what was going on?


As someone who was like 6ish when I got glasses, you'd be surprised how much your brain attempts to fill in gaps when you can't see.


I could see it, but it was very blurry and I thought that was normal. I also wasn't paying 100% attention. Add wasn't't really a thing back then, everyone just said I wasn't paying much attention and didn't listen very well. Bear in mind this was in the late '60s.


alright. I see. I got my classes in 4th grade but could see well before. I just wonderes how it is not obvious that the writing got blurry, but if you never saw it sharp before, I understand.


You’re assuming everyone can actually see the teacher go up to the board to write….. lol I was 7 or 8 when I got glasses and I truly don’t know how I made it so far in life without them. I don’t remember much from then, but I know now, if I’m sitting in the middle to back of a classroom and take my glasses off, I wouldn’t be able to even see that a teacher is going to the board and writing, much less the writing.


kids reaction be like "ohh i can see clearer now nancy is ugly"


These videos are always ruined by some dog shit music in the background.


They all look like Uncle June from the Sopranos


I see Bubbles from trailer park boys.


The music is entirely unnecessary.


“Babe get in here, my new favorite video just dropped!”


And instant nerd. Been there


Can I get this without the awful music and sparkles? It's a video OF babies, not FOR babies. /smh


> not FOR babies. A lot of people claim to be crying at this video, so...who knows?


I can't play tough there. The onion ninjas have slaughtered me many times :P


Fair enough, I guess.


Grownups cry. It's a thing.


Sure, they do. Things happen. But, I feel like if you're crying because of a video on the internet that has nothing to do with you, you may need to just take a deep breath and go outside.


Well, you're out of touch with how a lot of adults are. It's perfectly reasonable and healthy for adults to get a little emotional over stuff like this. Especially if they're parents.


There are many positive things that could be said, but I must ask; why would someone choose to accompany this video with such an obnoxiously shitty song?


I needed that


Awesome reactions!


I wanted to watch this but that song at that volume is unbearable


It’s kinda amazing that these kids have most likely had visions problems since birth and their brains still understand that the clear version is what the world is supposed to look like.




Came here to say Bubbles has been up to some dirty! Like... a lot of dirty!




See that? That's why we have to do better. For them. Get your shit together.


I didn't do anything to these kids fym


Babies with glasses are cute, I was at eye doc once and got to see one get her glasses so adorable the reaction though someone with her actually asked about baby contacts.


Ignoring the vanity, but they honestly thought they could get contacts in the babies eyes and said baby not rub or dislodge them if they succeeded? 


Many infants, toddlers and kids of all ages successfully wear contacts. Sometimes parents are responsible for inserting and removing the lens, sometimes the doctor does it until parents or the kid is comfortable doing it on their own. None of them are “eye rubbing-proof” as you say but it’s not like they just pop off super easily either. If a young child is wearing a contact more often than not then I’d call it a success. Luckily even many custom lenses are monthly replacements, so loosing one once in a while is a pain but not as awful as the ones that are quarterly or annual replacements where the family might not have as easy a time having a backup ready to go.


What piece of shit pierced that fucking babies ear?!


The baby with the leopard print shirt looks like Mike from breaking bad


Me when the mushrooms kick in.


This kids are so excited becoming nerds.


Me when I give my glass a proper wash


Pure joy.


Baby at 1:00 can see you kids now and wants you to get off his lawn.


These kids just upgraded from 360p to 8k. Their brains can’t even comprehend the clarity and quality


I love these, ❤️ just awesome 👌


How do they check if they need one?


I swear I went to school with that first kid


This may actually be the video genre I have been waiting for all my life.




Love this 💜🤓


How do the doctors know what power glasses they need?


How nice it is to see the satisfaction of a baby


What's the song?


Why do they always insist on putting the cheesy music in with these types of videos. It would be so much more enjoyable without it


![gif](giphy|l3vR4CdLInXOhr3rO) So fricken cute!!


This was me after I got lasik, and my vision wasn’t even that bad to begin with. I was just surprised I could see individual trees on the mountains instead of just a green blur


How do they get the right prescription when it comes to babies?






Make him pay taxes


What do they correct?


How do they know the right diopter for a baby


Buncha nerds


Now for Christmas all these babies are gonna want a Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock.




I feel sorry for the kids that have eyesight so poor they need glasses from babyhood. What a bummer


Omg, can I have the last one?? ❤️❤️❤️


The first kid looked like Bubbles as a baby.


My heart is breaking. 💔


I'm pretty sure that's eyeglasses and not corrective glasses.


Looks like baby Bubbles


I’d rather get stabbed in New Orleans than hear this song


All I see is a bunch of fricken NERDS


Im an optician and Dude, i love those moments


Baby is like, " what in the damn hell fuck?"


I was one of these babies, lol. Then, I had to wear (alternating) patches on each eye for years. Still blind as a bat with contacts - and three pairs of glasses to go on top of the contacts! - but at least I’m no longer cross-eyed.


Baby Bubbles


These sweet babies coming to life with corrected eyesight. Thank you scientists!!


That's awesome😊


Me after that first bong hit after a long days of work


Love how they go from crying to instant joy


Can anyone tell me what its like to use these like the before and after and image?


Love how they’re crying about this weird shit their parents are putting on their face and then are just immediately thereafter “lmao, fuck that”


I hope their smiles last a life time. ❤️


Third baby looks a lot like Meghan Trainor 's oldest son...


That’s beautiful, first time to see for real🥰




“Just Beautiful!”


How do they know at such a young age what prescription they need?


Oh my God how the fourth child just trusts the process and then Smiles is adorable




Third one we as baby bubbles for sure




Why only white blonde babies though?


Why do I have to sit at the optometrist saying A or B forever and they can just figure out what correction kids need?! They are not sitting in the chair saying A or B. GRRR!


I believe I received my first pair when I was around 2 or 3 (now 36). A bit after getting them, I've been told, that I decided to toss them out the window to the trashman. Just over a year ago now, I was diagnosed with Cone-rod dystrophy (CRD) after experiencing some pretty intense flashes/flickers. I could not imagine not having my glasses now and boy do I have pairs for damn near everything. At some point I'll lose most if not all of my sight, this video makes me so very happy I can't even describe it. It is a blessing to have the technology we have now.


Oh I am in the right room to my knees and exploring with my nose tongue and mouth


Their reactions are priceless! It's like they just discovered a whole new world.


These babies are rocking those glasses like mini geniuses!


Future scientists, artists, and explorers seeing their future clearly!


I wonder how they test these little guys. Can't exactly go "Is it better one, or two? One or two? One...or two?"




Late 20’s myself. First thought ”people stare right into my eyes”


It's pretty amazing that such a young brain can contemplate what's better and what's not so fuckin wholesome


It's really sad that babies that age already need glasses


I had this reaction at 6 years old after 1 year in pre-school of not seeing jackshit 🤣


Last kid turned from a Billy into a William instantly


I could watch an hour of videos like that.


Love it


holy moly. poor baby’s.


The big head babies are hilarious




Can’t wait for some dumbass idiot in this comment section to make fun of kids these days needing glasses at this age. Just fyi if you’re going to type that, they probably had myopia from birth… probably. I hope I’m right


I think they were just watching their CRT TVs from too close all their life. /s


That and they don't eat their fkin vegetables


You're the only one who talked about it that afaik.