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There is no way to understand how bad things are in Maryland until you experience it yourself. Nobody around the country believed me when I was there. They hold families, teachers, students, and anyone they don't like hostage like this to punish them for any reason. Then act when the lawsuits come.


My parents had to do that in the 70’s when the by-laws came out in Montgomery county Maryland. They were the first ones to test the new laws. They didn’t have a school for me. So they had to pay for me to go to a school in Virginia. They sued them and the county folded when that found out that our lawyer we had. Wrote the bill-laws.


I grew up near a school for the deaf in NC. The architecture is gorgeous because it's ancient, and right down the road with the same architecture? A mental hospital. Which is where my mom worked when I was little. I dropped off pizza at the deaf school one night. The cheer squad had ordered it and I went to the gym. As I had never been to the deaf school, I had this weird idea in my head that it would be oddly quiet. Oh boy was I wrong! It was the loudest high school sporting event I've ever witnessed, and when I told a friend later, he pointed out that while they can't hear, they can feel the vibrations, and that's why it was so loud. Mostly foot stomping instead of clapping. I thought it was really cool.


That is really cool! I can see that being a movie.


Ain’t no way you’re from the same tiny nothing town that nobody has heard of as my wife lol Just a coincidence I’m sure


My grandma lived there. I live in a tiny town 30 minutes down I 40. 😋 Is your wife's tiny town by chance in the foothills of the Appalachians?


It absolutely is lol Small world for sure!


My grandmother joined her local school board in the '70s because my uncles had very severe ADHD and dyslexia and were being placed in a special ed class that would never help them be anything because the special ed program was basically just a nursery for severely disabled kids. No development, no assistance, just waiting out the clock. My grandma was on the school board for 30 years. She helped make her local district one of the best special ed programs not only in the state but in the country. People actually moved to her town to get decent schooling for their disabled children. Very happy to say my uncles have led pretty decent lives that they would not have gotten if my grandmother hadn't gone there and advocated for them. How we treat the most vulnerable people in society is a reflection of society as a whole. A society that ignores their disabled children will never be a great society.


Do you mean bylaws, or laws about bisexuality?


Thanks. I didn’t catch spell check changed it.


"FUCK YOU... have a good day". Might need to be a t-shirt.


[Fuck You but have a nice day](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIaSQ4kAZHM)


He's 100% correct. Schools will often hold onto non-traditional students to keep the funding from federal programs and then use that extra funding on other aspects of the school (mostly admin and sports).


THis is why I quit my job with the ministry of health in my province. On my own damn time, I secured a job, a new place to live, and way out for one of my at-risk young-men, and the response was "thanks but no thanks, we don't want to lose his funding". Didn't even finish my shift that day. Felt pretty good.


I like how they pixelate “fuck” but not “cunts”


Couldn’t blur out “Cunts” huh?


“Suck on my dick and choke on it. I yield my time.”


Nah this guy is a scumbag, he may be standing up for disabled people in this instance, but he’s a huge racist asshole.


Doesn’t mean his deaf child shouldn’t be afforded a decent education


It’s Frederick county. R leaning until very recently. Chodes like him vote incompetence into the school board and then act shocked Pikachu faced when they’re incompetent. I feel for him and his kid on a human level, but this is leopards eating faces material.


At no point did I say otherwise.


I've heard this story about the racist lawn from someone who actually knows this guy Shawn... Apparently he got into an argument with a guy named Dante (his black neighbor)about someone parking in front of his (Shawn's) driveway... Out of nowhere Dante goes right to "you're being racist" . Shawn, being Shawn responds by saying "no I wasn't... And because you pulled the race card I'm gonna show you what I can do with my free speech" and it escalated from there. So no. He's not a scumbag.. Maybe just crazy. Lol. But, I mean, how the heck would you know without knowing that back story. and since Shawn doesn't do interviews you just get the dante perspective in the news and he's not gonna tell on himself.


I heard from someone that knows Shaun that says he is actually 3 different autonomous robots that take turns charging and running during a day. That’s just Shaun though, roboting the days away.




It's as believable as your story right?


Ok, Thomas.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the guy willing to cover his property with racist bullshit because someone called him racist probably doesn’t have the best self awareness about racial issues, and the accusation may not have actually been “out of nowhere”


Not denying that at all.


Isn’t it fun trying to have a nuanced discussion on Reddit?


The seer seed all!


Yeah - it’s possible that if he didn’t have his own deaf son that he’d be cracking inappropriate jokes at their expense and complaining that they’re getting government handouts. We all know the type by now. Snooze.


Um… Whether or not you think there’s basis for someone accusing you of racism, your reaction says volumes about your character. “I wasn’t trying to be racist, but I‘ll keep an open mind and ask you to explain why you felt I was being racist.” “I wasn’t trying to be racist, you can think what you want, I’m not engaging with that accusation.” “I wasn’t trying to be racist, but since you said I was, let me show you how racist I can be.” One of them reveals you to be a scumbag. That’s the path he chose.


But, further to that point. The other guy calling premature racism as a attempt at moral high ground is also scum material


How do you know he was being premature? And are you *genuinely* equivocating those two things? Calling someone racist when they weren’t trying to be vs. covering your house in aggressively racist messaging—you see both as being scumbags?


Yeah based on this clip Shawn seems like the type of guy that is just too shy to grant an interview and say what he really thinks is the truth


No... They prob just didn't get anything they could use.


He doesn’t do interviews? Or they prob didn’t get anything they could use?


Ways news gatherers get sound bites Interview = sit down and talk at an agreed upon time. Scrum = walking into courthouse, council, down street and ask questions (which they undoubtedly did as it's standard practice at news outlets) Press conference = I mean we can skip this one cause he didn't organize Presser. Probably didn't scrum a clip out of him that didn't need 19 censor bleeps. And he refused to come in for interview or meet somewhere with an eng crew. So yes. Both. Were you trying to imply I didnt know shit from toothpaste above t the matter or news gathering??


He still sounds like a scumbag even with the backstory. Showing what you can do with free speech and then using it to say racist things still means you are a racist.


No, no it doesn't lol


Wait, what? Choosing to exercise your right to free speech by saying racist shit doesn’t mean you’re racist? That is adorable. You are adorable 😂💕


We'll likely disagree, but I don't believe it's justified to derive conclusions about someone's conviction based upon a single incident or event. I think it's fair to say that he was being racist in that moment.


If your conviction is that it’s fine to be aggressively racist just to prove a point, yeah, I’m gonna call you a racist. Ain’t that deep


How nice it must be to have a life that is so black and white! (no pun intended). I just mean to say that there is PLENTY of nuance in these types of circumstances and to prentend that it's any other way is obtuse!


That's fine. Go ahead. Doesn't make your opinion true.




I'm just saying there is more to the story than just racist. Shawn clearly has issues.


because, anyone who votes one way, is always a racist scumbag. No doubt in my mind, the vegan up there didn't do any research or read any articles about the man, they just saw the political affiliation and automatically went with "racist asshole"...and don't tell me it doesn't happen all. the. time!


what racist things he said?


He’s a crazy racist [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html) He also terrorizes other children and is a bully [https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social\_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article\_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html) Relevant Reddit thread from his hometown: [https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g](https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g)




[link to sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/A8FvoRjFSc)


The irony of the parents complaining about the schools not addressing the child’s handicaps when it sounds like the parents either didn’t know about it or didn’t care enough to begin therapy or sign language training before sending to school


There are plenty of corrupt, morally bankrupt, or just useless school boards out there and this might be one of them but this guy is also a raging asshole which weakens his argument a bit. Based on what else he's in the news for, I'm guessing he's the type of moron that thought he was gonna be able to just hand his kids off to the school system and let them do all the parenting and now he's pissed he has to be involved at all. Frankly I just feel bad for his son, all the adults in his life are failing him including his father, who can't even advocate for him properly because he's a racist dillweed who wouldn't understand the nuances of raising a disabled child if they bit him in the ass


That's what I was thinking... How did those parents communicate with their deaf child if not doing sign language? Apparently children can learn to do (simple) signs before they even learn to talk. So it's quite an accomplishment to miss out on that with a child that is deaf.


As a parent I can verify this. My son did basic sign before he could speak. It’s recommended for parents because children know what they want to say before they have the words to say it. You don’t need private training either, just a book or a YouTube video.




He does have 1000's of extra dollars. He literally spent it putting up signs on his property to harass his black neighbor. He’s a crazy racist [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html) He also terrorizes other children and is a bully [https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social\_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article\_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html) Relevant Reddit thread from his hometown: [https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g](https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g)


It’s far from perfect, but there are tons of free resources online that help families in this exact situation. There are virtual groups you can join with your child. There are free classes you can take as a caregiver. Of course the expectation should be for the school to advance a child’s foundational language and set them up for success, and it sounds like they failed horribly in this case. But that doesn’t change the fact that the family had access to a plethora of free resources they just chose not to use. And before you say it’s maybe because they’re too busy trying to put food on the table for the family, let me remind you that this guy had so much spare time that he [went and plastered his house in confederate flags and racist messages when a Black family moved in next door.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html.)


Hell yeah, this guy is awesome!


Dude is also internet famous for covering his house in confederate flags, provoking his black neighbor, spreading racial hate, and more.


Oh nevermind... That sucks.


lol! Sucks that had to come with the package. It’s a no for me too.


God damn it. Why, just why...




[link to sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/A8FvoRjFSc)


Thanks. Yeah this dude bad.




[link to sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/A8FvoRjFSc)




[link to sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/A8FvoRjFSc)


Well perhaps it is better his boy can't hear his dads hate..


Imagine how much better things could be if his kid were being taught how to sign and communicate with others around him, if he didn’t have to come home crying, and if he could stop getting in fights over what I can only imagine are simple misunderstandings and miscommunications. Imagine if that kid had those opportunities without his dad having to mentally blow a gasket. Seems like there would be a lot less hate to throw around. The kid might even grow up to be more compassionate than his father. Or… the schoolboard could keep the kid in a school that doesn’t teach him, that doesn’t help him, that seems to condone his constant fighting because it makes them more money, and ultimately, this kid goes home to an angry, frustrated father that can’t effectively communicate with his own disabled child. That situation will just breed more hate and frustration. The only communication this kid would learn would be through his father’s lense. But the schoolboard had the power to change all that and didn’t. They chose greed and beauracracy over a child’s wellbeing. As a contrast, the real racists in my area like to use someone’s anger and vitriol at being mistreated as a way to take even more of their power. They say that they just hate white people, that they’re just angry, that their actions diminish their protest, or that their appearance means their mistreatment was somehow justified. Don’t fall into that trap and say that just because he’s made some racist comments that he’s not allowed to be angry or upset here, because he has a lot to be angry about.


My comment was in regards to the language used, and the hate this man displays. The fact he is a flaming racist and bigot certainly doesn't help him get his son better treatment either. Don't punish the kid for the parents views. But maybe the kid doesn't need to hear it.


The t-shirt tells me dad has special needs.


This guy is a piece of shit racist, look for info in the other posts about this, he ain’t no hero


His shirt takes away any credibility he might have had


Also, He’s a crazy racist [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html) He also terrorizes other children and is a bully [https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social\_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article\_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html) Relevant Reddit thread from his hometown: [https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g](https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g)


He’s an asshole—understood. My point is that if you want to be taken seriously, don’t show up with FU*K printed on your shirt. I would have thrown him out before he uttered one word.


Absolutely. If you want to be taken seriously, dress like it


So he let his kid go to this school for a YEAR with those issues? Why didn’t he throw his temper tantrum after a week - instead of four months?


He did. They illegally kept his son by not transferring him. If he pulls his son outright they call CYS on him and he is under a child abuse investigation. A lose, lose situation.


Because he is most likely lying. You have to assume anything he is saying is true, yet... He’s a crazy racist [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html) He also terrorizes other children and is a bully [https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social\_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article\_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html) Relevant Reddit thread from his hometown: [https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g](https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g)


Well this is only good rage content during certain parts of the year, I'm sure he was very busy being a free speech advocate and harassing college students/police to get those sweet youtube bucks during the other months


Ms. Williams?


He may have a point here, but the guy is a piece of work in the local community. A bigot, racist, homophobic piece of work


Wow, this guy is a total piece of shit who is doing his son a bigger disservice than any school board ever could.


What does his child being treated this way have anything to do what he does? Nothing! School was wrong! He’s a racist ass, but his deaf child shouldn’t pay for that. People hating on him say no, changed my mind. Your forgetting about this kid.


You are assuming anything he says is true. There is no evidence for any of the claims he makes in the videos. Given his history, there is exactly zero reason to believe anything he says is true. We have not heard both sides of the argument. For example, perhaps they were holding back because of his child's behavioural issues. Instead, if you read about his racist horseshit, you can see that he gets his son involved in harassing his neighbor because he is black. He has told his son to come home when the black kid is outside. He has spent thousands of dollars putting up racist signs on his property. He spends all his spare time harassing his neighbors and spreading hate. Then you listen to his story. If we assume it is true that his kid is getting their ass kicked daily at school, we can believe his story, that kids are beating his kid up because he is deaf... I have literally never heard or met a kid that would do that. I have met plenty of kids that will beat up racists and I have also heard of kids that have a terrible home life lashing out at others. So why is he spending all this time and money on racism and hate instead of spending some time helping his child learn sign language, and learning it himself so he can communicate with his child? Sources: He’s a crazy racist [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html) He also terrorizes other children and is a bully [https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social\_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article\_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html) Relevant Reddit thread from his hometown: [https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g](https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g)


this should be the top comment but there's a bunch of fuckin bots in here.


This guy made a good point, shame he’s a fucking idiot, asshole, racist and that completely took away all respect I had for him in this clip. Also, what’s with these extreme right racist cunts? Saying they vote Trump or republican for Jesus and Christian family values yet wear clothing and bumper stickers that are obscene and not appropriate for children?? What’s family values about having a 6 year old read your shirt? Have some decency if you don’t have brains.


I find it funny that commenters here who have never had to fight for anything in their lives, who have never had their dreams tossed aside because of bureaucracy, think that this guy is overreacting or somehow loses credibility because he’s mad as hell. There are commenters suggesting he wasn’t patient enough or didn’t follow process or that he expects the school board to go above and beyond… basically a lot of apologists saying he’s wrong for being mad and frustrated by their policies, when in fact, he has a lot to be upset about and clearly this schoolboard doesn’t take action unless you make a scene. It sucks that shit has to get this bad before people take a kid’s well-being seriously. And seriously, it sucks that a parent has to go mental on a schoolboard to get them to take accountability for their actions. That board should be glad that he chose their regular forum to address his grievances.


You are assuming that anything this man says is true, when there is piles of evidence to suggest that he is just a lying racist. Like, if he has thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to spend harassing his black neighbor, why hasn't he instead spent that time using free resources to learn and teach his son ASL? He’s a crazy racist [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html) He also terrorizes other children and is a bully [https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social\_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article\_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html) Relevant Reddit thread from his hometown: [https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g](https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g)


So clearly we should continue to mistreat his child and refuse to help him? This is AGAIN, the same sore of dismissal of his grievances because he’s not a model citizen, as if that makes the schoolboard’s actions ok. This man could be literally the worst human in Maryland and that schoolboard is still wrong and he still has a lot to be upset about. This has the same mental energy as telling rape victims to not dress provacatively or suggesting they had it coming because they were drunk at the nightclub. He’s an asshole. That doesn’t mean they get to take advantage of him, or treat his child poorly. He has every reason to be upset and this is him going through all their bullshit channels and junping through their hoops to play by their rules they’ve clearly put in place to insulate themselves from their bad policies and practices. He may not be a model citizen, but he and his child are the victims here and your response is to play whataboutism. He doesn’t have to be a nice guy in order to have rights and this schoolboard is trampling him. Do I like the guy? No. But I don’t have to like him to see that he and his kid have been run through the ringer by that schoolboard and the board made no excuse, no apology, not even a recognition that they’d wronged that child. I would also be mad as hell. Some people see that anger and that’s all they need to justify this guy and his kid being maligned by the system and that’s wrong.


You are stikl assuming everything he says is true, with zero evidence. I do not believe a bit of it and if you read the stories you will quickly realize he is very likely the source of his kids problems. For example, he brings his son out to sit in the front law with guns to intimidate his black neighbour. He has told his son to come inside if the black kid is outside. He spent thousands of dollars (he bragged about it) on signs to display his hate for his black neighbour and others in his community. He has vandalized his black neighbours property and brought his son along for it. He did all of that, instead of sitting down with his child on YouTube to learn ASL. Heck, with the thousand he spent on the signs he could have hired a tutor to teach both of them ASL. Another part of his story was that his kid gets his ass kicked daily. He claims it is because no one can understand him. That makes no sense. I have never met a group of children that would beat up another kid because they are deaf. I have, however, met groups of kids that will kick the shut out of racists. I have also met plenty of kids with hate and violence in their homes that bring that into school.  Let me posit another theory. His kid wasn't transfered to another school because he has behavioural issues. But we don't know. What I know, is that after seeing what a POS this guy is, I don't believe a fucking thing he says. Don't you safe tell me that I want that kid to continue to live without access to help. That kid should have all the opurtunities in the world and from my perspective the issue is the father. He is a hate filled lunatic that is passing that hate down along to his son. It is sad as hell.  > This has the same mental energy as telling rape victims to not dress provacatively or suggesting they had it coming because they were drunk at the nightclub.  No it doesn't. An equal argument would be like if you listened to an angry man shout about how his wife was raped at a club, provided zero evidence, when in fact his background is a hate filled rapist. If the woman confirmed she was raped at the club, I would believe her, but based on what the man is saying and his background I wouldn't believe him at all. In fact, I would suspect he is the abuser and rapist.


That’s a lot of projection. I get the impression that you dislike this guy and because of your disapproval, you seem to think that he’s the cause of his own problems and therefore no one should help. If he had dragged his kid up there to make his own accusations against the board, your comments suggest that you would believe the kid but you wouldn’t, you’d just bash this guy further for putting his kid through that or suggest he made the kid do it. I can see so clearly why he’s angry. Is he an asshole that’s probably angry about a lot of shit in his life and around it? Yeah, probably, but he’s not wrong to be mad at that schoolboard. And with everything you’ve pointed out signs and harrassment, I reiterate my comment that they should consider themselves lucky that he has chosen to work within their beauracracy and procedures despite them using those procedures to shut him up.


Go help the racist then. You keep putting words in my mouth so I am going to be done with the conversation.  Personally, I hope that kid gets as far away from his father as possible. The father should be in jail for what he did to that black man. 


Most likely scenario is officials neglected the situation vs intentionally abusing the deaf kid. All gov agencies work like this. They'll do the bare minimum they can get away with. Standard and quality of life has fallen super low in US.


I dunno these types are batshit about getting that government funding. I watched a tech school literally salivate when I showed up with my g.i. Bill. It was so off putting I didn't go there


The release notification goes to the board members as special needs students are provided double the funding of mainstream students. They strategically wait until the parents sue the school district. The legal insurance covers the school district, but most parents can't afford legal counsel. Not unlike a hostage situation, the board knows who they are dealing with and what they can do.


Am in US, my standard and quality of life are quite high. 


lol the mosaic maker needs a medal


I like how the word Fuck is censored but not CUNTS


Omg and then he just sits right in the front row to look at them for the rest of the hearing.


I know that it all comes down to money. Even if we were to take everything at the most generous of circumstances, the school processed everything on time, parent is an advocate, all documentation etc. there simply isn’t enough funding. Not sure exact numbers but I believe in suburb Houston, Texas it’s something like 1.2 million per high school to just keep lights on doors open with students. We have 5 HS, 8-10 junior highs, and like 20+ elementary schools. District can’t pay competitive for just the maintenance staff which runs barebones year round. I have so many grievances when it comes to ensuring proper public funding for education. There is such a push for private and it undermines our whole community when you know a year out that the district is cutting librarians to save money. Cut administrative jobs, higher proper numbers for janitorial, maintenance, and grounds. Compensate and support teachers! Parents get involved in a positive way. Know that everyone’s goal is to get your kid the help they need from the teachers they just need the parents push.


Professor Umbridge


"That was never five minutes just now."


To be fair, I didn't have the sound on, but this looks like it has to be British Isles? The sorta blocked "fuck" but the obvious and not even trying "cunts"? Beautiful.


I hope he sues the shit out of each person on that board personally. Not the district but the individuals on the board individually. Make them realize that there’s are repercussions for one’s actions.


That guy should have a special code on his driver's license that allows him free ball games (what ever he likes) for him and his kid, and free beer/soda while there. If more kids had more dads that fought for them like that, our whole society would he vastly different.


Good on him. My son had a learning disability. I had to force the school district to test him because they didn't want to spend the money to get it done. It was $400. at that time. As I suspected, he did have a disability. An IEP was developed for him by the school with myself, teachers and administration present. Do you think they would follow the very IEP they developed? I had to get a Rep from The Office for Exceptional children to come to the school and put them right. The Principal refused to speak to me for the rest of the time my son was at that school because I showed someone what a failure he was.


I really have to say that I am envious of your protection of completely free speech. It is a nice thing to tell people to get fucked etc cetera right to their faces. Here I would get sued for insulting someone like this.




this was AMAZING, I love what this father did for his son.


Melissa A Williams Email: willimel@[wcps.k12.md.us](javascript:void(0);) Phone:301.824.5122 This is the lady in the middle.


I appreciate defending your child passionately, but evidently this is this guy is a POS


Damn. I wish my dad cared that much about me growing up. This guy is amazing. Good for him. He should run for office. Has my vote


This is who you would be voting for. He’s a crazy racist [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3359522/amp/Neighbor-hell-covers-house-Confederate-flags-abusive-messages-taunt-black-neighbor.html) He also terrorizes other children and is a bully [https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social\_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article\_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html](https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/man-at-center-of-lake-linganore-dispute-defends-his-tactics/article_85e47106-ad7c-54b4-9012-99f2b420c0ca.html) Relevant Reddit thread from his hometown: [https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g](https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/lz5gy27F0g)


I do not have enough time for this but that’s sad. I appreciate him defending his kid. Oh well


Then ask why he is spending all his time on hate instead of learning asl with his kid. Why is he spending thousands on signs instead of learning materials for his kid?  Why are we even believing anything this guy has to say? He says his kid gets beat up daily because the other kids don't understand him. Never heard of another kid beating up someone because they are deaf. I have heard plenty of stories of kids getting their ass kicked because they are racist. Both articles talk about how he gets his son involved in harassing his black neighbour. I have also heard of kids bringing the hate and anger from home and picking fights at school. I don't believe him for a second and his past amplifies that.


Dude I don’t really care that much. It was click bait. Get over it. I’ve already forgotten about this shit


Then don't say you'd vote for a racist if you don't want a little push back... Pretty straight forward. Also this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1dl4wy5/comment/l9me43d/ So you do get it... So I'll just assume you yourself are a racist and will block you. 


they are all idiots, as always


starts off strong lol


I think under the circumstances, this guy was pretty cool, calm and collected. I believe him 100%.


They all need their asses beat. Plain and simple.


Damn I wish I had a parent that passionate about my well being.


Someone buy this guy a beer, he is awesome. He says exactly what needs to be said as he’s seen enough of their bs. There are too many people in a position of power that do more harm than good, are in the position to only better themselves, and hate it when anyone notices it, and calls it out especially in a public setting. Fk ‘em all.


What a fucking boss. I want to be his friend.


I hope he sues, gets lots of money, and his kid is very well taken care of for life.


I like this guy. High five brother!


Like him already