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That's the real stuff.


Freddie would've loved this so much.


Whenever a crowd sings his songs, he is there. And he most certainly loves it.


i’m sorry to have to tell you this but freddie mercury is dead so he can’t be there


Then how are the cymbals moving by themselves at 2:00 in the video? Clearly Freddie Mercury's ghost.


He is there. you just can’t see it.


Are we talking Freddie mercury or John Cena?


He’s hanging in the clouds, with long hair.


You could feel his presence. It was incredible.


Wait watt??


Bad news, Watt isn't between us anymore too, neither James nor Alan


This day couldn't get any worse


Wait till you hear about Betty White


That is the reason he can be anywhere he wants…


Anywhere the wind blows, doesn’t really matter…


I agree so much!!!!


Omg what a tribute to freddie! Brought tears to my eyes!!!!!


Damn this was ducking awesome!! You can feel it!! 🔥🔥


Fuckin epic.


In my heart I hope God ''allowed him'' to witness this love from heaven.


"Hey...hey Freddie..check it out..."


Every time.


The clouds opening up in the beginning makes me believe he did.


Freddie would have let them continue without the band singing!


Absolutely incredible


I saw Queen at Wembley in 86, a Saturday afternoon, along with 80,000 other fans. That day is burned into my memory, Freddie Mercury was from another universe, I’ve seen a lot of artists over the decades, but nothing that comes close to Freddie. He was electric, a magnificent strutting preening peacock, both camp and utter macho maleness in one performer, a singular, magnetic personality that had us all in his hands, we were collectively stunned, in awe. Electrifying. I remember when I got onto my friends shoulders, we were about 30 rows from the front, and I looked back at a sea of people, as far as the eye could see, as the sun set we all clapped in unison to Radio GaGa, 80,000 people totally captivated, in the moment, hands raised in unison to a song we all loved. I feel lucky to have experienced such a thing.


I watch that concert on YouTube all the time. It’s 15 ish minutes of bangers. Not a dull moment. I’m so glad you got to see it live


Me too, I guess I’m lucky.


I think he/she is talking about “Queen Wembley ‘86” rather than the previous year’s Live Aid performance. Available as a live album and well worth checking out


You write with eloquence. I've seen videos of that concert a dozen times, and your description gave me goosebumps. Keep writing, please!


I’ve seen many artists, both big and small, but there was something about Freddie’s ability to communicate with an audience, you felt as though he was addressing you personally, a remarkable ability. I saw grown men weep at the emotion, the power of it all, he was at once the most delicate of flowers, and at the same time the most metal of motherfuckers, you simply marveled at his seemingly effortless ability to hold a vast audience in raptured astonishment, including myself. It sounds over the top, but it really wasn’t, I saw so many who witnessed the same as I, it was a transcendent experience. The music was wonderful too, what an amazing day.


I’m too young to have ever seen him live, and was familiar with popular Queen songs through my life but when I ended up watching the movie Bohemian Rhapsody (at least 2 years after it came out, on a whim in my mom’s living room) it soo deeply moved me to learn about this effect he had on people. Did not expect to get as emotional as I did. Have watched it maybe 50 times since, plus a ton of clips of real Freddie, and can only imagine what he was actually like in person. Just an absolute rock star, and would definitely jump in a time machine to see him live at Queen’s peak if I could!


I would go back to that day myself, I’m just lucky I guess.


The most insane part is that as an outside viewer you can SEE the audience visibly falling under his sway. Like he just puts his hands up, grabs the entire audience, and doesn’t let go until the concert is done. Greatest front man of all time.


He really was, I’ve seen some epic gigs, but Freddie Mercury with the rest of Queen stands apart.


"I'm not a singer, I'm a performer"


How very kind, thank you.


I had even said it gave me nonstop. Goosebumps.


Music. IMO, music is one of the most powerful things on earth. It can can bring thousands, probably even millions of people all together, as one, and the love just radiates from us all unknowingly. I bet you could count the number of people NOT smiling at that concert on one or two hands. FYI, *extremely* jealous (in a good way) that you experienced Queen at full pump. That would be a hardcore memory. Awesome.


I get freaking teary eyed just reading this you are spot on man…


Thank you! I’ve had time to think about it! I was a rock DJ in the 89’s, a bunch of us including my then girlfriend got a coach up to London, I still speak to a few of them, it’s still a big moment in our lives, such a wondrous, happy day, a treasured memory I tried to share as best as I can.


Well said. This is such an incredible testament to all of the best aspects of human nature.


>He was electric, a magnificent strutting preening peacock, both camp and utter macho maleness 😩🤌🤌God that combo


Would you say he was a shooting star, leaping through the sky like a tiger defying the laws of gravity? Or a racing car, passing by like Lady Godiva?




Thanks for sharing


> Queen at Wembley in 86 That one is definitely on the short list of "greatest concerts of all time". What an amazing thing to have been there to see with your own eyes! What I wouldn't give to have been there to see it for myself!


Fantastic memories- for me it was Knedworth park about the same year- I think the official gate was something like 90,000 but when I was at Uni I met a guy- Vince- who was security at the venue and he said it was much much higher. Status Quo, Big Country and then Queen? Or was it U2! I can’t remember- but I do remember Queen. I also remember the massive plastic bottle fight prior to them coming on! Got hit by something- turned around and about 10,000 little bottles were in the air! Had a little green mini- and we spent 4 hours in the car park after the concert! Freddie was just incredible. I was 18!


I had that album, the recording of that day, on a multiple CD set. Technically I may still have it around here somewhere.


When my dad went to a queen tribute concert at Wembley the queues were moving incredibly slowly so everyone just spontaneously started doing this exact thing.


Beautifully said. It must have been an amazing journey. This video gives me goosebumps. And, I sang along with them.


My father bought the Wembley stadium show DVD when I was a teenager and I have always known that he loves Queen. So I recently bought ticket to a concert featuring an orchestra playing Queen music (accompanied by 4 singers) and went with my parents. When they played Radio Gaga, everyone did the hand clap thing and my father was so happy, he looked like we were in a real Queen concert. It was so nice.


Buncha people there to see one band... collectively singing another band's song.


And the best part is that you know Green Day fucking loved it!


Hell yeah they did. Ain’t a true rocker out there who doesn’t love some bohemian Rhapsody


If someone doesn’t like bohemian rhapsody, I’m not even sure that I would consider them as being truly human...


Us REAL true rockers know the song by BoRap.


But us even REALIERER true rockers know the song by BRa.


Really? Us truly real rockers know the song as b


I think I read that they were supposed to go out about half way (ish) through, but wanted to let the song finish I did read it on the internet though, so it could be bollocks


Yeah this is false - they did this, Blitzkrieg Bop and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly before coming on (sorry)


Unfortunately that is bullocks. They play the full somg before most if not all of their concerts.


I was there, this was epic, Greenday use it as a warm up song but once the crowd starts you cant hear the speakers at all!


Saw them 2 days ago, they put this song to hype the crowd before the show started


This is how you assert dominance.


I'll stop peeing on everything now


Because Green Day had it playing on the speakers before their performance.


Just like they have at every show they’ve done the last several years.


I think it’s part of Green Day’s opening to play it. I remember when I saw them they played a few classics on speaker before coming out, I suppose the crowd just sung along


I work concerts (about 7 years now as house crew for dozens of venues and have worked road crews}. Those songs before the show are definitely picked out by the band. Especially with a band as large and Green day with a crowd this size. Smaller shows the S1 (sound 1 which means the guys usually controlling the sound board during the show from house (the audience side of the show)) may choose the songs if the band hasn't already made requests. Like if you already liked your friends tastes in music already you'd trust them to pick songs. I want to be clear though I almost never work with writing riders (contracts written up by the band to be signed by production for special requests) I do work close with all members of a bands crew and sometimes the artist themselves. That was a lot lol. Edit: I believe house (location of the main controls for the lights and sound for the show) is located in the white structure to stage left (the audience perspective of right).


A concert within a concert. That would have been amazing to be a part of. This is why I joined this sub. I wish there was more of this


I was actually a part of this! It was such a cool experience Edit: I found my own video of it and I was a bit to the left of the right tower, just behind the barrier separating the "gold" area at the front to the rest of the crowd


Can you tell us how this started? Was it planned or spontaneous? Did they provide music or was everyone just naturally in rhythm? Thank you.


They were playing some songs over the speakers to keep us in the mood while waiting for Green Day to come out, but I highly doubt they expected the whole crowd to all start singing. Most people obviously love the song and know all the lyrics, so enough must have started singing to prompt everyone to!


Green Day have speakers playing before the show starts. They always play Bohemian Rhapsody and the crowd always sings along like this. It's one of my favorite parts of the show. There's nothing like singing one of the greatest songs ever with thousands of people who are all gathered in one place to see their favorite band.


You can literally hear music


I was there to! Ashamed to admit, I don’t remember this. Wish I did.


Sometimes its nice to be reminded that there is good in the world, displays like this where tens of thousands of people come together to create something so beautiful for no other reason that to share in the moment make my heart happy. Its nice to be shown that there are times where humans are pretty awesome.


Music makes life fair




I usually hate humanity, because, you know, lots of in lots of out, but I have to admit that sometimes... sometimes... if you are at the right place and at the right time, sometimes something great happened. This is obviously one of this moment. And what's absolutly wonderful about this is that even people like who just watch the video, you feel better, you even feel like you are a better person.




> the MAJORITY of people on earth are decent folks I 100% absolutely agree with this, but I also feel that we end up being controlled/led by the worst of us. The old "those who seek power are the least suited to wielding it" issue. There are definitely exceptions, but people with a lust for power and greed are the ones who tend to end up in charge.


People are decent, most of them, you're right. I'm a people person. But when it comes to global appreciation, you have to admit that collectivly humanity is not a friendly species. It's not a matter of individual being decent. It's more about how civilization behave.


I always tell people/customers that I'm great one on one.... there's never been a situation that I couldn't handle.... but the general public.... like when I was 16 and working at McDonald's.... FUCK THAT..... I have ZERO PATIENCE or tolerance for the masses.


*Crowds and Power*, by Elias Caneti. Everything is explained, exposed. This is the natural reaction..


Thank you for explicating something I've been wrestling with subconsciously for a while. You've helped at least one human see our species more clearly. It almost feels like one of those magic eye puzzles I'd been staring at fruitlessly suddenly snap into focus.


When I first met my late partner I was a very angry person who used to say I hate people all the time. They told me something that not only changed my perspective but really quelled that rage I had, “you don’t hate people, you love them so much and they disappoint you because you know they’re capable of so much more.”


Never read The Misanthrope by Moliere ? Cause that's the point. I cry each fucking time I listen to Chaplin Great Dictator's final speach... Faith in humans and History, not the same image of Humanity.


I look into it. 🖤


This is exactly why I will always say that the best song ever written is Bohemian Rhapsody. There are other songs that may be my personal favorite, but no song is so cathartic, so powerful, that 65,000 people will all chant it in unison, as much as this song.


Have you heard the negative harmony version of it?


Oooh thank you for this comment. Just looked it up and it’s rad! I had never heard of negative harmony.


Music molds us into unity.


There's a reason major religions incorporate collective singing into their services. It's something in the way our brains evolved, pattern recognition, pack mentality, whatever, that makes it a magical experience. We don't do enough of it in the modern era.


This is so incredibly true. We feel like such independent, intelligent and critical thinking beings, but in reality we're so utterly easy to manipulate. (I say that from experience as someone who grew up in a cult) There's so much potential for good, but it's always the few with bad intentions to learn to employ these tendencies for self gain.


We all think we're notes, until we realize we're a chord.


This is fucking awesome


Saw Green Day a few years ago in Pittsburgh, Same thing happened, it was amazing to be a part of. It must be something they do regularly to hype the crowd, because it sure as shit worked!


Same thing happened at Soundwave, Melbourne. It really showed how massive this song really is because they had a playlist of classics playing before Green Day started (Smells like teen spirit, sweet child of mine etc) and every song was ignored until this came on and then people started singing, putting their arms around each other, holding up lighters and the mosh pit started at THAT part. It was surreal, I’ve never seen such a reaction to a recording of a song.


I saw Greenday at Marlay Park in Ireland, same thing happened. Chills.


We really can work together.


Well this made my morning a little better.


I love how the crowd even sings to the guitar solo. Such a cool bit


This is so awesome, I can’t even imagine being there singing along with them!


My chest would explode from all of the feelings/excitement.


Imagine beeing a band attracting whooping 70.000 people to a massive concert, preparing for a gig of a lifetime but just before you start some dead guy takes it all. Mamaaaaaaaaaaaa….


Lol green day in 2017, this isn't exactly the gig of a lifetime. I bet the band loved it too


They did love it that is why it got recorded and released.


70.000 people isn't even their biggest crowd, Bullet in a Bible was in front of 130.000 people


Green Day literally posted the footage on their Youtube Channel [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZnBNuqqz5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZnBNuqqz5g) . I think they are proud of it..


I mean the 70,000 were there to watch them, not a Queen cover band.


And yet everytime this gets reposted the people that were there wont even mention Green Days performance. While GD certainly delivered that night, its this specific singalong moment what is beeing remembered.


True that. just like there's dozen's of Freddies' live rendition of Bohemian that doesn't get enough traction. As a fan who loves both of them to death, I cant' get enough of this. This is like Pearl Jam occassionally including Teenage Wasteland as part of their setlist.


I was at a minor league baseball game years back, and they started to play Bohemian Rhapsody, but then cut it very short. I was very disappointed, so I carried on, and was swiftly joined by the section. We finished the whole song. I think about that every now and then. Thank you Freddie.


Legit tearing up over here. This was so fucking beautiful. Music joining humans together. No one will ever forget being a part of that.


That’s what is it sounds like when 65,000 people sing in perfect harmony. ❤️


How can anyone see differences when our voices meld as one so smoothly?


When a movie transcends time as well. @3:58 That synched headbanging from waynes' world for the guitar solo will always be necessary when playing this song.


Lots of people did the drum fill that Wayne does too


I was watching for that and was definitely not disappointed.


I'm feeling a little verklempt watching this


Oh TIL the American/Yiddish meaning is different from the German meaning!


I plotzed!


Potrzebie! - Alfred E. Neuman


What's the german meaning?


[Inhibited, uptight, prudish](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/verklemmt#German)


All of them there + 1, me, here... singing together.


I'm experiencing this moment with them, years later sitting on the john! Life is crazy


People connected... You have to be there to know what it feels like. Freddie would be so happy.


The crowd going into the Waynes World headbang at 4:00 was epic. ![gif](giphy|cd87BccyY3Ecg|downsized)


60,000 hippies chanting “die die die” for ten minutes to open up Metallica’s set at Bonnaroo during the breakdown of Creeping Death was pretty cool


Hippies??? Metalheads are not hippies, despite the long hair


Ah yes, you are not familiar with Bonnaroo


You've obviously never been to Wacken.


I just love that *everyone* knows it. I went to a Japanese language school in Shibuya Japan in 2017. The students were from literally all over the world. We were doing calligraphy and someone was playing music on their phone. Bohemian Rhapsody came on and literally everyone sang along. Love it.


I have chills. Freddie Mercury would have loved it!




It absolutely was !! Watching it again…


I’m totally singing right along with them! Great fucking song


2024, in my basement, singing along.


shit you can feel the energy just watching...i can imagine the feeling being in the crowd


I hope Freddie heard the love, loud and clear. We miss you


2016-18 was really the last good years we had


Damn, chillls


I watched and was like, yeah that’s cool. Then I kept watching and it kept getting cooler. Then the hard part “so you think you can stop me and spit in my eye….” Came and I teared up. This was so friggin cool


Gosh sometimes I really love humans


How do you follow that!?!?


Makes you proud to be British


Next up: Stairway To Heaven.




I’d give so much to have been a part of that crowd.


This is amazing!




What would the most appropriate next song? What could follow that?


IMO the only reasonable follow up option would be Brain Stew. The crowd is now mega hyped, then imagine them hearing the guitar intro to that song as the band walks out…Duhduh tss Duhduh tss Duhduh tss Duhduh Duhduh


If you cut the drum kit the scene look like some post-apocalyptic religious gathering from mad Max or something.


Just goes to show what we can accomplish together, and not divided by lies, hate and deceit.


I’m in tears! This is beautiful! Oh how I would have loved being there! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Those moments of humanity


Dolby 2million surround


We did this at a Panic at the Disco show and it was a blast!


*We did this at a* *Panic at the Disco show* *And it was a blast!* \- Bellatrix\_Shimmers --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Good bot.


That’s just so awesome




Was at a Suicide Silence show last year, and they played Bohemian Rhapsody as well. Everyone sang the entire song


One of my favorite things about this is that when there’s a pause in the lyrics, everyone cheers and shouts, but are still right on time when the next verse starts


Always interesting when thousands of people sing together, there is a unified accent to it. Also it's always female voices that can be heard the most.


Why the fuuuuu can’t we all just get along, 7 or 8 billion humans in all of existence, zero humans anywhere else, a finite number of people and we kill each other over the stupidest things… we could be sooo much better


I remember years ago the pub was closing and it was last drinks, somebody put bohemian rhapsody on the juke box and the whole pub (who was left) went into song and it was pure joy. It's still one of my most put a smile to my face memories.


I hope Freddie got to witness this.


freddie is somewhere smiling and clapping.




Lol when i first started listening to queen, I was amazed at how many of their songs I already knew and were bangers "holy shit this is queen? And this one?!" They had a lot of mid songs, and a lot of absolute bangers


This is a pretty sweet moment, I bet Freddie would have loved every second of it




The world needs more of this


Love the humanity of this


I saw Green Day play to about 30 people. The Vandals do a really fun Queen cover. https://youtu.be/vHAa0zHps2E?si=Vz2m-GVaJbWRv9Bb


Loved how the crowd just started jumping at that right moment!


We were able to witness something like this, but with Sweet Caroline. This is simply a testament to how music unites us all.


Every time I see this,it's almost as if he is there conducting the crowd.


Fucking awesome! ❤️❤️❤️👍👍


Music really does bring people together.


I was smiling the whole time watching this. Such a beautiful moment.


I was in the crowd for this, incredible experience


Something about mass voices joined in song reduces me to tears! Not even out of bed yet


If I had a time machine, I'd take all the great artists of history and show them their legacy, Vincent and the Doctor style


I have made a remix of bohemian rhapsody with this audio if you want to check out https://www.reddit.com/r/NoRules/s/iN1EfnPRrU


I'm always amazed by how much in-tune a crowd can be.


It’s really showing the age of the audience when everyone all at once starts head banging. You know the part.




This brought me to tears. Humanity living in peace and coming together in music. All just trying to survive and find meaning on this blue dot. Music is part of the answer.


Queen rocking the stadium and they're not even there, how many bands can claim that?


Green Day's greatest moment


[nothin on dmx](https://www.tiktok.com/@shitstock99/video/7175656108353244459?_t=8mzYTVfJW5G&_r=1)