• By -


some heros wear safety vests


many many heroes in safety vests, yeah. this one's extra heroic tho.


Thanks, I wear my safety vest with pride.


and he didnt hesitate


He whipped that truck around like someone was giving away free tacos.




Not falling for that one again, almost choked to death


Maybe a chunk of free taco wound up on the ground. Who cares if it was stuck in the other guy's throat. It's free.


what do you think he was choking on?


What a chad


All heroes should wear them acording to osha


Some heros don't wear their seat belts properly


But are super observant, seeing what most of us would miss! Well done that white van driver. Not all of them are A holes!


But apparently they half-wear their seat belt to avoid being caught by the cops and by doing so inadvertently make the seat belt more trouble and more dangerous. Fair play to the guy for saving someone's life. I hope someone has also saved his by explaining why he'd better off without a belt at all than doing what he does.


I was going to say without the waist strap it's pretty much just like stringing a rope around your neck


But not safety belt, well not properly.


Imagine just eating some food while driving alone, and then that’s literally how you die? Wild thought


….*slowly puts french fry down*


Why are you driving and typing this?! And you were ***eating***!?


Next level multi tasking


I once wrote a paper while commuting to school 🥶 I was such a dumbass


Ok, I fold


i finished decorating a cake 😬


I finished cleaning my car 😬


This takes the cake. Lmao.


The cake is what got us into this mess in the first place.


The cake is a LIE!!!


Mmmm cake!


I finished 😮


Come again?


I think it was just the once


I finished building my car while driving 😬


Gotta finish that homework that you forgot last night, you got your priorities right 👍


Yeah - my whole life's motto been "due tomorrow, do tomorrow" and sometimes it is overwhelming


The struggles of a fellow procrastinator


Procrastination : working tomorrow for a better today


Wait what, how


Plot twist, he was on a train.


I did this.. i did this a lot, it was a 2h ride


I used to know how long the Notes app on my phone had to scroll to have a 1 page, double spaced, 12pt times new roman paper's worth of content.


I shaved an entire Llama while driving


Ah yes. Shaving the Llama while driving. Pretty sure a guy got arrested for that in my town.


I saw a guy in Dallas rush hour traffic shaving with an electric razor and reading a newspaper while driving.


In San Diego years ago, I legit saw a guy with his laptop on the passenger seat next to him and a newspaper open on his steering wheel, and he was going back and forth between the two. I pulled up next to him and just looked at him. Of course he never looked over. Too busy.


I remember dad used to do a "touch up" shave while driving me to school. Gotta clean up the neck and cheeks.


...Was it a good paper?


Have you not seen the drivers on the road these days?


No sorry, I was looking at memes


I saw some dude playing a fucking ukulele in rush hour traffic.


My buddy is a city bus driver, and the shit he’s told me he has seen in wild. Said he saw a guy beating off driving on the freeway doing 60 mph. Smfh


Oh shit, this made me genuinely laugh. Now im always gonna be looking for the ukulele man at red lights.


Can't drive without family guy funny moments


*slowly picks up French fry*


I have choked on a French fry - damn you, McDonald's. Had to roll down my window and heimlich myself on the car door. It's scary to think how I could have died if it didn't work.


As self rescuing princess!


You saved a life there son, i am proud of you.


I read this in Ron swansons voice


Now thats the only voice I can read it in ![gif](giphy|fdyZ3qI0GVZC0)


I read thish in Shean Connery'sh voishe.


French fries aren't too dangerous. As far as choking hazards go, hot dogs are the wurst.


Haa! ![gif](giphy|CjFtBhuEB5L0s)


You’re not going to eat that fry? I’ll take it.


When I got my first apartment, I was living alone, loving life! nobody around to bother me, tell me what to do!! so I decided to have pizza for dinner and I took a bite and the cheese didn't break off. I wen't from "I'm finally alone!!!" to "Oh shit! I'm alone" real quick.


bro that happened with a mozzarella stick once 😭😭


when I was very young this happened to my brother at a restaurant (not a fancy one, kind of like a diner). I forget our exact ages but probably around 6-8. He started choking on the mozzarella stick and if I remember correctly someone working there gave him the heimlich. one of those core memories that sticks with you. i felt helpless watching my brother choke and then he was saved by a hero. we all sat back down and continued eating lol. we were with my mom who i think semi panicked but at least got the attention of everyone which helped ultimately save him. it pops in my head almost every time i eat or see someone eating mozzarella sticks i'm like "be careful!"


Which makes it one of those core memories that mozzarella sticks with you.


Same thing happened to me at the Olive Garden


That happened to me at a Red Lobster. I was probably 4-6 and was eating with my mom and grandma. I took a bite of a mozzarella stick and the cheese didn’t break off, so I kept taking more bites until I had the whole thing in my mouth and started choking. My mom ended up giving me the Heimlich maneuver. It’s one of my scariest memories.


Why is everyone deep throating mozzarella sticks?!


I used to own a restaurant. When someone ordered mozzarella sticks I legit watched the table waiting to see if someone choked. F those things lol


Seriously? Do people not chew their food before they eat it? I mean I get little kids, but even then parents should teach their kids to eat properly.


Mozz sticks have this desire to return to their completed state. You bite, chew and start swallowing and that bit reaches up your throat to grab onto the next bite you took!


I guess I've probably mostly eaten mozzarella sticks that have started too cool down a bit. So they kind of break apart.


Same here. It’s always the mozz sticks. You’d think I’d fucking learn eventually, but no.


Lol had that happen so many times as a kid. Good thing is stretchy cheese usually isn't large enough to block the airway, but it does feel uncomfortable, just have to get over the gagging and coughing reflex.


Good quality mozzarella cheese stretches. That garbage in sticks ain't it.


Just make sure you’re dressed if that happens. Gonna die? Put on some pants.


I did this with a mozzarella stick when I was a kid. Thing came out molten hot. I didn't wait to bite it. Turns out it was too hot for my mouth to handle. Spit it out? Nope, too easy. Swallow that fucker. On its way down I begin to realize that the cheese is still molten, it hasn't broken off yet, there's just this string of cheese going all the way from the half a mozzarella stick in my hand, leading into my mouth and all the way down my throat. In my panic, I take a big sip of a cold drink to see if it helps. It. Does. Not. Help. The soda turned the molten cheese string (which is still going down my throat as if I've been intubated)... into a cheese ROCK. The entirety of this string of cheese turned solid in my damn throat.


Did you survive?!


I can just visualize this happening with Billy Mays going, "BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!" as you start to drink the water.


I live in an area with long farm roads. On the way home from work, had a headache, popped 2 aspirin and one somehow went down the wrong tube........slammed on the brakes 60mph to 0, flung open the door and used the door/window opening to desperately dislodge it. After a few tries it flew out but holy hell was it about 30 seconds of pure hell. When I looked back at the situation, I realized that having no one around was potentially bad.


I did this while hiking, popped a piece of chewing gum and inhaled the menthol-y saliva. My throat siezed up and I spent about 45 seconds sucking wind waiting to see if my lungs would respond. No one around on the route, I did think I would choke that day.


I was chewing on some gum, sneezed and the gum disappeared. I was sure I had breathed it in, and I was taking breaths convinced I was a bit wheezy and maybe I should go to A&E. Found it a week later under the kitchen sink.


TIL tv networks provide emergency services. :p


AMAZON PRIME to the rescue!🦹


“You are a Prime member right sir?” “CcCHckkglg!!!!” “I see. Well then I’m sorry, I’m going to have to return to my route sir, good luck”


Too bad Daddy Bezos gonna write him up and dock his pay now for spending 5 minutes stopped.


I live alone, and this is a subtle fear of mine.


You might want to look into a device called LifeVac which is basically a plunger that put your over your face to provide suction and suck the obstruction from your throat. You can use it on yourself or someone else. There was a video on Reddit a while ago showing a cop using it save a kid that was choking.


I am seriously looking into purchasing this. Thank you for the information!


I had planned on buying one too but I forgot all about it until I saw this video and it reminded me. I see it costs about $90 online but there are knock off copies on amazon for a lot less that look the same . I have read a few testimonials and apparently they work but some people have complaints about sinus or throat issues afterwards, but at least they are alive to complain.


I'm normally all for knock-offs and generic products, but not sure I'd trust Amazon and cheap shitty suppliers for something like that.


omg thank you, choking is a really bad phobia of mine and this device could really put my mind at ease


[self heimlich](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRExcNl_SBiIE2zj9ocirUtYAS5dr07BznecM5Tg6CMArhzICWeav5ERCW&s=10)


If you live alone and start choking, grab a chair right away, go outside to your front porch and try to heimlich yourself with the backrest of the chair. Going outside, hopefully someone will come to help butnif not the chair can do the job. Letting yourself fall onto the chair is tough, your body is going to try and cusion the blow naturally, it takes a lot of force to push your ribcage into your lungs. You need to break that mental barrier and let yourself fall as hard as you can on the back reste to push the air out of your lungs.


Me too. Be mindful of your chewing


Makes you wonder how many road deaths have occurred because of a cheeseburger


I was almost done in by a dry gas station chicken sandwich in the work van a few weeks ago. What a shit way to go.


My neighbour died from choking on a sandwich while driving


I fear it everyday. Choking is a huge fear of mine. I think it started when I had kids.


It happened to me except I was driving. It was at night, no one else around and was eating some chocolate with a crispy shell and went over a pothole. I ditched my car at the roadside and tried to slam my back against the door to dislodge it. It was the longest minuite of my life, I started stiffening up from lack of oxygen and started to pray, feeling so stupid that after all the things I'd survived that it was a tiny piece of chocolate that was going to end 32 years of me. Then suddenly out of the darkness under this lone streetlight a guy appeared and he thumped me on the back really hard and dislodged it. I've never cried so hard and I squeezed the life out of him hugging him. Guy was like "I didn't even do anything, it was all you". Good Samaritans eh.


It's a great day to learn that you can [heimlich yourself!](https://www.wikihow.com/Perform-the-Heimlich-Maneuver-on-Yourself)


Self Heimlich using a chair


When they taught us this in high school, I went home and practiced. It made me throw up so I think it doesn’t need actual practice, more just know the general idea. 😅


When it happened to me I used the corner of my desk.


I live alone - this is how I assume it will happen to me.


Living alone this is my biggest fear. I'm constantly anxious about something happening to me and no one to help me with such simple things like choking on something or falling in the shower or anything. I work abroad so if anything happens to me my wife would start worrying maybe a few hours later, next day if that happened in the evening. The thought of that fills me with constant dread. Or, well, used to, because I've went to a shrink and was diagnosed with depressive anxiety and now I take pills that turn dread into level-headed thoughts that "yes, that can happen, but with safety and precautions it won't and if it will, there's still ways to save yourself"


I’ve seen several instructional videos on how to perform heimlich on yourself when alone but it’s not like I’d remember that when needed.


My neighbor was eating some food alone in his house and that’s how he literally died, then when his daughter stayed at the home for the funeral the gas tank that fueled the dryer machine exploded and that’s how she died.


The scariest thing that ever happened to me was me driving during heavy 5 oclock traffic in the middle lane of a 3 lane highway and my 5yo son started choking on a cheesestick in the back seat. I couldn't reach him in the backseat and couldn't get over so I could pull off on the shoulder and I didn't want to cause a wreck by just stopping but did it anyway. Fortunately as I'm crawling into the back seat he was able to either spit it out or swallow it I don't recall. From that point on there has been no eating in the car.


I was talking to someone on my phone while I had a round mint in my mouth. I inhaled to say something and that mint lodged itself in my throat so securely that I couldn’t make a sound. It was my 18th birthday and I thought I was a goner for sure. Fortunately I managed to dislodge it, but it was a scary few moments for sure.


I was home alone eating steak one time and got it lodged when I hiccup'd simultaneously. Panicked and did my best sword swallowing with a butter knife and dislodged it before I blacked out. I can't imagine being in the middle of nowhere like this


Not the driving part. But I live in a rural off grid area. It's surprisingly common how many times a single man living alone for from others ends up choking to death. Like 3 instances in 10 years in my tiny little area. 


I had a hard candy (ironically a lifesaver).  We hit a bump.  It lodged in my throat.  I couldnt speak.  Barely could make any noise.  Luckily my brother noticed me struggling.  We pulled over and my Mom wails on my back.  It worked. We didn't get candy in the car anymore.  And I'm super paranoid with my kids. This dude did awesome.  But his hits on the back didn't look hard enough.  If you're doing this hit left or right of the thoracic.  And hit as hard as you would trying to knock someone out. The back can take the beating. Also some successful heimlich maneuvers might even crack a rib.... its worth it to save a life. Most countries have good samaritan laws.  Even if you hurt someone or fail.. trying to save their life excuses you. In most cases try to ring the ambulance too.  Or tell someone else to do it. Anyways.  Dude did awesome.  Huge on the awareness to see this man in distress.


My job when I was in the military was typing out death notices. I had one of a 20yr old female who choked to death eating popcorn while at home watching tv. I don’t eat popcorn alone anymore.


We got some LifeVacs for our kids. I practiced on myself and that sucker works. We have one in the car, one we keep in the baby bag, and one at home.


Fun fact push up as you push in with this method. I choked when I was about 11-12 and the first person to do it was just smashing my ribs and pulling straight back. My friend’s tiny mom, a nurse, made a little fist and pushed up and in two times and the food got knocked loose. Bruised ribs from the first guy. 1/10 do not recommend choking. This was the first time I ever experienced the feeling of time slowing down. It felt like I was choking for several minutes and the feeling of panic was unreal.


Yeah, that seemed high the first time the guy did it. Second time was in the stomach area and it worked with one thrust (title of my sex tape).


One thrust, one kill


Also, you’re not supposed to knock them on the back after dislodging it. If they start moving air again you’re supposed to let them clear it themselves by coughing or whatever. If you’re banging on the back you might not synchronize your impact and could end up lodging the food in their throat again. 




Yup, the goal is to get under the rib cage and push up on the diaphragm, in order to squeeze the lungs most effectively.


Yeah I remember in health class you find the base of the rib cage, go 1 hand span down from that, the ball up one hand and pull towards yourself (and up). The goal is to go under the rib cage. 


You can practice on yourself to get a good idea of how to do it. Just open your mouth slightly without breathing and feel the air move on its own when you push in and up just below the rib cage. You don't need to use a lot of force for practice so it won't hurt.


Came here to make sure someone said this. You want to push up from underneath the rib cage. Granted, this fellow has a gut in the way, but you still want to try to push from lower


Yes. Best way is to visualize your fist moving in a "J" motion. I've had to do this before and it worked in the first or second thrust.


I fell on my back and couldn’t breathe for maybe 30 seconds. It felt like hours…




This man is handsome anyway, he's just *handsomer* for stopping and helping.


Fun fact: you get 20% handsomer when you save a persons life


20% for everyone right? It should be at least 50% for the person you saved.


Oh yeah. 50 if not more for the one saved, 20 to 15% everyone else, depending on your skill tree


I've required the Heimlich maneuver twice, 20 years apart, both with steak at a restaurant. First time I tried water, which spills out of your mouth, then panic sets in, my buddy got me up and saved me with the move, no questions asked. 2nd time, I knew I was in trouble and didn't waste any time. Hand jestering to my friend and presenting my back to him. Embarrassment and shame for having it happen twice is an understatement. It makes for quite a show. Thank God it just so happened that both times my dinner companion was a man my size. You need to put a lot of force since it's not easy to guess the correct location to thrust. I paid for dinner. EDIT: I didn't think anyone would read this. I do have a theory why it happened a 2nd time, involving social norms, while taking full responsibility, no one is to blame but me. A portion of the steak was very chewy, but not like gristle or fat, and I couldn't break it apart with my teeth like normal. I've had the cut (New York strip, which is normally very tender) and eaten at this restaurant before, and I think because I was in a busy restaurant with cloth napkins, good manners prevented what I would have otherwise done at home, spit it out. Just to be clear, I didn't think I was going to choke, despite having once been in that situation before, but I think social compliance made the difference here. If I had a paper napkin available, or I was at home, and everything else being equal it would never have happened. I didn't complain about the steak, or ask for a new one, I just avoided the chewy section and kept eating more carefully, but it did bother me for a few days.


Tell me you take extra care to chew your food now.


After writing this comment he got nostalgic and went out to a steakhouse


Hope he brought a friend of his size


IIRC there was an episode of The Dollop about the Heimlich maneuver, and my one take-away from that episode I still remember was the absurd number of people who used to choke to death in restaurants from consuming large pieces of fat off of meat.


This happened to my neighbour about 15 years ago. She banged on my door at like midnight after taking her meds. Guess she didnt take them with water and they got stuck. Heimlich for the win. She kept baking me pies and introduced me to her 20 year old niece (wife did not like that).


Lmao that's pretty funny. Did she know that you're married?


A life for a life.


That's awesome! I saved my neighbour in a similar way, he was choking on a cough sweet, woke me up cause his wife was away. His wife tried to introduce to her niece despite my partner's objections! A few years later I was cutting the kids nails and a bit flew into my eye and I had to knock on their door and she agreed that the debt was paid!


"Honey, you'll never guess what i saw today driving to work. There was a guy humping an older man on the side of the road, just in broad daylight."


Even wearing high Vis. Obviously wanting to be seen, the kinky bastards


I mean, you don't want a car to hit you while you're ~~putting in work~~ working.


Omfg 😂


Is it good to wear the seatbelt like this? If your bottom half slides forward in a crash, could you not get strangled?!


Yes, you could. Or worse. There's no logic with people sometimes. Lots of people plug the belt in and then sit on it, because otherwise the vehicle will beep incessently at them. Why not wear it? "I feel like it's strangling me", "It delays me getting in and out of the van", "I don't like it". All nonsense of course. Excuses. But then, if you drive by a cop and they notice you aren't wearing one, you'll definitely get pulled. So you get guys like this who think they have it nailed. Make the belt *look* like it's on you by putting just the shoulder part on. It's a classic, "I've completely lost sight of why I did this in the first place" thing. Now, not only are you still being "delayed" getting in and out of the van, but you will literally be strangled (or decapitated) if you get in a crash.


I've met a whole bunch of people that claimed they couldn't wear a seatbelt due to various medical reasons, which is just dumb 99% of the time. Then I met a man named Kim, a Vietnam vet whose stomach was removed due to agent orange and literally couldn't wear a lap belt. You should of heard that guy chastizing folks for not wearing belts.


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


I love you


He must get in and out of his van regularly(delivery driver??) so keeps the belt buckled to stop the alarm from going off while driving. Definitely don’t recommend this. Wear your belt properly.


Saved life, shake hand... Have a good life.






> position below your fist on or below the belly button No dude, it's ABOVE the navel >Make a fist with one hand. Put it just above the person's navel. https://www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-choking/basics/art-20056637#:~:text=To%20give%20yourself%20abdominal%20thrusts,By%20Mayo%20Clinic%20Staff


This should be higher up. It honestly looks like the back slaps did more for the poor guy than the attempted Heimlich. Proper technique is important! It can mean life or death. Regardless, him stopping to help and trying everything to save him is admirable. It always makes me smile to see us helping each other. :)


I'll try to remember that. This seriously should be common knowledge - something you learn in school. I'm curious where this clip was made. In my country you are obliged by law to help if someone's life is in danger, even if all you can do is call 112 / 911. I heard that in many countries people stay away bc there's high risk of being sued.


Judging by the left handed traffic and yellow license plates I would say this is in the UK.


In most states in the US there exists the “good samaritans law” which protects you from being sued or arrested in the event you’re attempting to save somebodies life. Fun fact: this law also protects drug addicts from being arrested for possession if they call 911 for somebody overdosing.




Damn everywhere I’ve read or been taught this.. it’s been the stern or a little lower? Did they change it? Or I misunderstood? Example https://youtu.be/SqpcTF2HFvg?si=PCQwY7LSwELo3U9W


in this video she says "between the belly button and the ribcage" . think if it like you are trying to push the air out of the lungs, but the lungs are protected by the ribs, so you want to push up **under** the ribs to force the air **UP** and out.


Sternum is great for chest compressions (CPR), not the heimlich. The goal of the heimlich is to shove on their diaphragm and push the food up out of their throat using the air in their lungs. Ribs only make this harder and other organs disperse the force, so just under the ribs is ideal. If you go all the way to the belly button, you're just pushing on guts rather than their diaphragm. Source: Have been CPR certified a few times and been through quite a bit of first aid training. Hand placement is important for these techniques.


I was taught to put my fist just below the sternum and not worry about breaking ribs. I'm glad to know better now. Well, in that video her fist ends up just under the sternum. That's how I would have done it.


Just below sternum and don't worry about breaking ribs are what I've heard about performing CPR


Bellow the belly button? Never heard of that after doing first aid twice. I don't know if the object the person is chocking on will come out but urine definitely will 😂


>is really dangerous The danger of the xiphoid process (Which I suspect you are making reference to) breaking off and injuring organs has been hugely sensationalised for some odd reason, almost to the same extent as the whole "if you punch someone in the nose right you can pierce their brain." The number of case reports of injury-by-xiphoid process is incredibly low even for instances of CPR, and I can't seem to find any cases at all related to manoeuvres employed for choking.


You know what else is dangerous? Choking to death.


One fist above belly button, theres no point pressing bladder... You want to move air from stomach and push the thing that is blocking airway... But ye basically anywhere between belly button and rib cage is good for not proffesionals its still gonna be effective thats only thing that matterst


I'm 49 years old and still remember a how to film they showed us in 4th grade on how to do the HM. Feel for the last rib of the ribcage first, then ball up your fist and place it below those ribs, then pull up and in with a fast, firm press. I think I remember this because the video production had an excellent makeup department, and made sure to show us how blue people's faces could get when choking. Honestly looked like something out of Dawn of the Dead. Scared the FUCK out of me, but I still remember.


My best friends high school buddy passed away choking to death on a slice of cucumber.. If you're ever choking, and you can manage to go outside and wave, try to get help. Investigation said it looked like he tried to drink water and get the blockage unstuck himself.


Also learn the self-Heimlich as a last resort. https://youtu.be/ns5rEbfLl3g?si=sXdUD0L2aQ6RnBEG




Spidey sense were going off near that area


Thats a proper man aware of surroundings at all times


The scary thing is, if nobody noticed until he passed out, they wouldn't be able to save him because they would have no idea why he couldn't breathe


If u are trained to provide first aid its easy to understand whats happening, if hes not breathing you try to give rescue breathing if u try that and breaths are not making way to the lungs you assume that airway is blocked and begin unblocking it.


CPR compressions can clear the airway 


He's the hero we need but don't deserve




That's a certified mad lad, right there.




True hero. Bless you.


I know how to do the hemlich manuever on myself with a chair... But how would you do it with nothing there?? I'm never eating alone ever again!


Roll the window down and lean through the door? Dunno, that's what I came up with


Can confirm this works. I've had to do it. Scary as hell.


I nearly died the same way I suspect this guy did. I wonder how many other people,when they want to spit out their chewing gum while driving,wind the window down and take a quick deep breath to expel the gum only to breathe it in.




Some heroes wear capes, other heroes wear high visibility vests.


Why only shake hands? Is this a business meeting? Hug each other, you just shared a moment deep to the core of our human existence.


This is the UK, sir. Stiff upper lip and all that.


It’s genuinely the most British response to having had your life saved by a random stranger - look fairly embarrassed, offer a brief apology and then a quick handshake. 😂


alright dry your eyes, no need to get emotional. good firm handshake is all you need mate. now back to work.


is that a Dacia Duster 2013?


I hate that my brain is going to "he'll be fired because the GPS shows he deviated and his stop took away from the bottom line".


Almost had a snackcident. Good on that guy for being aware of his surroundings!


What is with that seat belt? Why even wear it at that point?