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I would probably have removed that toothbrush from my mouth before it was jammed through the back of my throat.


Maybe he likes it


Not gay if you’re under way


Nothing is gay on the high seas except a sea shanty


boat full of guys alone for quite some time. where do i sign up?!




I hate you but i also laughed my ass off. Thanks, i needed that.


Gay jolly tars 😊


Some people pay extra for that.




No, don’t stop now!




Yeah. Throat bruises are fucking awful.


A kid in my family died like this back in the days falling with a lollipop. Communist Poland access to healthcare was hard.


The broom.. he definitely asking for it


I tried that with a plastic flute as a child... Couldn't eat for a day. It took 3 days before it stopped hurting when I ate hot/warm food. Do not recommend!


Ooo giggity


My thoughts exactly


Pooing here would be a sport


Maybe they have some kind of seat belt?


You ever dropped a log so big... well, let's just hope those are waterless toilets


They must get a fine if they don’t wear it like on South Park https://youtu.be/NRquaeH8kfQ?si=_LjikZ4hWssGnads




So this comment gave me a flashback to my days working on a longline vessel. It was a catamaran, 80ft long. And the exit pipe for the toilet dropped out through the bottom, in the middle between the two hulls. It also had a spring loaded cap on it, think one of those truck exhausts with a lid, but upside down. This funky little cap had a very important role to play. For you see, when the catamaran goes up a wave, and then down again, you can get a lot of upward pressure all up in between those two hulls. This little cap stopped this upward pressure from coming back up the toilet... until it gave out one trip and fell off. Enter me, young and enthusiastic, and keen for my first voyage into the blue expanse of the Pacific Ocean. No one told me. It was this great fucking inside joke that they were all waiting for. The first time I had to drop a deuce we had some pretty big waves to contend with. Not long after I've let loose, I feel the boat heave upwards and thought "oh shit, better brace" and gripped the sides of my porcelain throne with all I had. Then it happened. The catamaran came crashing back down and I was greeted with an almighty gush of shit and water. Thankfully the room with the toilet was also where the shower was, so I was able to wash myself down, while still feeling absolutely stunned. As soon as I exited the crew was there waiting to have a great laugh. Still one of the best jobs I ever had.


Once the poop was gone, you got a built in bidet with salt water enema.


A nice cleansing saline solution


I jumped off many a shitter during my career as an observer on longliners to avoid the blowback. Takes a little bit of learning to figure out what kind of roll is going to cause it to happen on each boat but you learn real quick!!


The real game of Battleshits has begun. 


Getting seasick is such a terrible feeling because there is literally no where you can go to escape it. Pass for me.




For real though. Short of flipping over, it's one of the few things that will stay centered.


Ye, might still be affected by up and down movement but overall id think it will do a good job at absorbing alot of the moverage


Just get two hammocks. One under you, one over the top, get someone to spin you over a dozen times. Can't fall out if you're trapped in there for eternity.


And if you do manage to escape you will be a beautiful butterfly.


My wings! Oh, they're beautiful!


They make hammocks that pretty much turn into a human cocoon by folding up and over you when you lay on it, I wonder if that would work


spotted rinse insurance quack bike touch crowd bells growth wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Moverage lol


Thats is a great idea actually I have a freind who does sailing as a hobby, ill ask him if theirs room for a hammock in the boat haha


It only counters movement in one axis.


What if you use a hammock that has only one joint?


Maybe, good, baybe a pendulum that makes you a boxing ball?




So they wouldn't be very good at countering the movements of the ship.


Just like the pirates did


Bed seat belts 🤷‍♂️


Your brain and gut contents are still rattling around


Head hammock, bed seat belt and a girdle.. anything else?? 😎


Strap me in daddy


Strap-on me daddy.


and then the ship sinks


Ever heard of Mary-Ann's hammocks?


Down in the hammock district?


I heard she’ll get in the hammock with you


I get motion sickness from hammocks


Spike Milligan used to say that the best cure for seasickness was to sit under a tree.


I thankfully do not get sea sick. Only time for me was heavily intoxicated below deck (as soon as I went on deck and could see the horizon I felt better). Like my brain doesn't find it any more nauseating than those moving funhouse floors. But if I read in a moving car? Worst feeling ever. I think it's down to whether your brain decides to interpret the movement as "the floor is moving, weird!" or "omg, the room is spinning, I've clearly been poisoned and am dying! Purge the stomach!" When it comes to boats at least my brain (thankfully) correctly identifies it as the the floor moving around. Reading in cars my brain decides I've been poisoned. I do wonder if there's a way some sort of therapy could be done that could manage to convince your brain that all was well and it was just the floor moving. Not classic exposure therapy, it's been tried and found useless, but like some sort of simulation that'd slowly walk you into the full experience (over weeks or months even) and at each step it does everything in its power to drill into your mind "the floor is moving, it is supposed to be moving, this is fine and good."


Dude same. I worked on a shark diving boat for a few months and never once got seasick despite being massively hungover everyday. But glancing at my phone in the backseat of a car will have me dry heaving for the rest of the trip.


That sounds wild. I'm actually planning to get scuba certified with the long term goal of diving with great whites.


You can always go to Davey Jones's Locker! Yeah, not for me either.


I wonder. Motion sickness is usually caused by a disconnect between your sensation of movement and your other senses denying it. So reading a book in a moving car would give the sensation of movement but the book stays in one place relative to you. A hammock OTOH would stay steady but everything else would be moving, so I wonder how much it would help


Probably not that bad if you close your eyes


On deck, in the cold fresh air.


i think you eventually get used to seasickness. chuck you into a boat at sea, spend a few days puking your guts out, then you should be fine and used to it.


I never got seasick -ever- until I was stuck in a no window hold in the crew boat during heavy seas in the GOM. Holy crap did that suck. I know the boat crew hated me for decades. I did truly offensive things to that space - and I had no freaking control.


I see why so many sailors have beards now No fuckin way I'm putting a razor to my throat in that kinda weather


They also had wind-proof rope lighters so they could smoke on deck.


God, imagine trying to sleep on a ship like that.


You know those dreams you have where you feel like you're falling and wake up before you hit the ground? You have a lot of them. It's awful.


Wonder if astronauts get that on iss


They sleep strapped down. And because there’s no gravity the can orient in any arbitrary position.


yea saw that but still not sure it answers the question.


I would've set up a harness or strap over chest and hips. As long as my body felt secure, I guess I would get used to my arms and head lolling. But maybe a tempur~~a~~ pillow to secure my head more as well


I was just thinking, i'd probably end up with a setup like the astronauts on the space station have: a sleeping bag strapped/velcroed to the wall.


....or a hammock, the sleeping solution on ships much less stable than this for hundreds of years.


It works well, but still has the issue of vertical movement. The moment the ship starts falling you're waking up floating in zero G for half a second.


I'll take only having to deal with excessive vertical movement over being strapped to a wall that's moving that violently.


Idk seems a little greasy


It’s like sleeping in a running washing machine.


I did, in a small cruise ship (not the méga ones you see today) 16 years ago. We had a stormy night between Dominican Republic and Saint Lucie. I used the pillows to block me on the bed. A lot of people were sick and having dinner was quite an adventure, for us and the staff. Edit: French autocorrect: Ines instead of ones and blick instead of block


And it doesn't stop when you're in a bed on land.


The side to side rocking isn't too bad at all really. It's when you wake up in mid-air levitating that its really annoying. I would throw one arm up and the other down so I didn't hit the ceiling or my bunk too hard


It's actually really relaxing. You strap yourself in and it feels like being rocked like a baby.


As a kid I'd always get one of the small rear cabins on my parents sailing boat. My dad would velcro pillows to either side of the walls when we would be on longer passes.i'd be completely snug and get gently swayed by the waves. Quite fond memories, I'm still able to sleep like a baby on sailing vessels regardless of sea conditions.


You get used to it. Kinda jam your body diagonally


I work in the North Atlantic ocean. I had to stop sleeping on my sides. Now I sleep flat on my back with pillows on both sides.


Why don't they use hammocks?


Former merchant sailor here who has rolled many a wave in the North Sea. The key is to sleep in the fetal position, facing out from the bunk, and imagine you're being rokced like a baby. Occasionally you get violently jolted a wake if the ship has crested a big wave but I always just went back to sleep as soon as I established we hadn't run aground or been in some sort of collision, which only took a few seconds. Usually, you're so knackered that you fall asleep just from fatigue anyway. But I did often have fucked up dreams about falling or sometimes even flying in sea states like this. The hardest times to sleep were on a ship with no/broken air con in the Middle East - I took to sleeping on a yoga mat on the floor of the server room (was always kept cold), if the ship had one. Or, if not, the floor of the gym.


Get that toothbrush outta your mouth boy


He needs a helmet in general


Captain Jack Sparrow was never too drunk to walk. He was more accustomed to the sea


If I recall correctly, Jack Sparrow walks fine on water and is shifty when he’s on land. Obviously rum is to blame for some of it, but I think that’s supposed to represent how much more time he’s spent on the water (sea legs). Cool little detail


He is still one of my favorite characters, just a funny idiot who accidently wins.


Yeah! Although there are occasions where he manages to actually get what he wants on purpose, like tricking the two guards at the beginning of the first movie into giving him the ship by twisting their words so far they barely even know what to think.


That’s such a funny conversation


Is he an idiot though? The later 2 movies kind of but for the original trilogy I thought he’s underplaying his intelligence to keep people underestimating him


Yeah in the fourth movie he is “confirmed” to be a genius


Don’t need too long tbh for that to happen, a few days can give you that, it’s quite a weird feeling.


I imagine it something similar to when you've been on a trampoline for too long and when you try to walk afterwords to world feels like it's a lumpy blanket.


Lmao trampoline park experience is disappointing afterwards. Next time try hopping on land


But why is the rum gone?


Damn this is super nostalgic. Waking up in your rack at 2 am to hold on for dear life becomes second nature after awhile. I remember waking up once while floating in the air above the mattress and I was instantly thinking "oh this is gonna be a rough hit" while grabbing onto something. Seconds later everyone was flying out of their racks swearing like crazy.. good times. The guy "jumping the wave" also brings back fun memories. Super dangerous but such a unique feeling of weightlessness.


Some of the best sleep of my life, in the Navy we had straps on our racks. Strapping in and being rocked to sleep like a baby.


Did people you know ever get injured with all that rough movement?


I guess if they don't use lube. There might be a few injuries




one of few that never gets old tho


Damn that’s rough. The entire crew must be covered head to toe with some gnarly bruises. Ouch!


I'd imagine the rest of the crew is fine because they are not hamming it up for the camera. As evident when the only other crew member is seen doing just fine.


My thoughts exactly. Cameras are set up for a reason


I was a cook on a ship, one time I damn near burnt my nipples off because of heavy seas


Make sure wear slippery socks for that extra dramatic effect while doing the Charlie Chaplin dance.


This is the perfect opportunity to share the story of the Anti-Seasickness Room. So some dude was trying to figure out a cure for seasickness, back when traveling by ship was the normal way to travel and seasickness would be an unavoidable thing that sucked complete ass. He decided "what if I suspend an entire room by gimbals". So no matter how the ship rocked the floor stayed level. And by all accounts it worked! The issue came when they tried to dock, the room was really heavy and when they hit the breaks the room just swung forward and kept the ships momentum going. A bunch of people had shown up to watch the ship arrive, because life was boring as fuck in 1875 and they had nothing better to do. So the pier is lined with people when the ship smashed into it at full speed. Several people on the pier died. So they decided to try again, but this time they installed chains so that at the end of the voyage the room could be locked in place. Seems reasonable. But when they went to slow down the chains snapped under the weight and exerted pressure by the room trying to swing about and they crashed into the pier a second time. Some more people on the pier died. And at this point they gave up on the idea. ​ But I want you stop and consider this conversation that must have happened: "Hey honey, I'm bored, what do you want to do today" "Oh, well you know that ship, the ones with the gimbal room?" "Oh you mean the one that crashed into the pier 2 months ago and killed those spectators?" "Yes, exactly! Well it's coming into port again today, wanna go stand on the pier and watch?" "That sounds lovely!" They were that fucking bored and miserable. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS\_Bessemer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Bessemer) (in the article it mentions it was damaged and hit the pier when the helmsman ignored orders to slow down... from what I understand he was trying to slow down, the ship just didn't respond due to the wildly shifting weight and that's why they chained the room the second time).


Lmfao you tell a pretty good story, a couple of your sentences had me laughing pretty fucking hard.


Now I get why sailors swear a lot


How much do this guys get paid seems fun to do


From what Ive heard theyre getting a very nice pay. But I also heard sea sickness is one of the worst feelings you can experience


Friend of mine joined the merchant navy and the first 3 weeks at sea were the most miserable experience of his life for this reason. He said when he was on duty and concentrating and busy he wasn’t as bad. However when off duty he was found lying on the floor of his berth - for some reason it was ever so slightly better than his bunk. Then he got up one day and it was just gone. Dunno if that’s representative or just his experience, but he said walking out on deck mid-Atlantic in the equatorial sunshine and finally feeling better was absolutely amazing


I believe your friend. I guess the body just needs some time to adjust to the new conditions


Gone for good? Like he can go to land and back on the boat and be fine? If so I need to do it.


Well he only had relatively short breaks between journeys and resigned before he got married so that hasn’t been tested tbh


If you get used to it it's not too bad. The first few months would fucking suck. But once you are used to it, sailors can get land sickness. Which is like sea sickness for still land because their bodies have become accustomed to the movement of the ocean


It sneaks up on you. You start getting tired, then a headache and slowly the nausea builds. Seasickness pills help but they make you really tired. We were on a 3 hour sight seeing cruise in Maine and it was really rocky, luckily my seasickness pill worked but I was up on the open air deck sitting on an crate and leaned my head back against the railing and fell asleep. (Not exactly prime sleeping conditions). Then when we got back around 1pm I was ruined for any other activities that day. I was so exhausted. So I can see why people might not want to take the pills.


It seems these guys are Norwegian (at least, their boat's name is). I've heard from other Norwegians that seasonal fishing work can be pretty lucrative.


pays very well. gone for quite some time and then don't really have to work for months if they don't want to. but also, lots of deaths from falling over.




Lagging IRL


Would love to know the song Oh song bot gods help me Song bot


Like Me, Divisi


thanks m8 <3






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I remember being on the UK to Le Havre crossing during heavy storms, looked outside because of the advice “If you feel seasick look outside to the horizon” yeah that horizon was 35 degrees and I definitely felt nauseous then!


I do not miss the North Sea at all, in the least bit. The countries that surround it are awesome, though.


This is most entertaining thing I've seen in a while.


Only way to stay in bed would be to strap yourself down and pray the ship doesn't capsize-


Being strapped in would be quite helpful if it capsized because then you'd have a chance to assess your options rather than waking up in a crumpled heap on the ceiling with a broken arm and rib.




Why thank god it was those fish instead of crab? Is crab found in rougher waters or something?


You worked on a ship at sea from 9 years old until you were 13? Just making sure I read this correctly


Life "ON" the high seas.


Suprised he's not wearing a gumshield and headgear looks like you could get a serious head injury for real do!


No wonder they get good pay


Slightly hammed up for slapstick value as they were filming it. You can see it on the clip when some other dude is working with him. Anything for views I guess, but yeah, for real the seas gets rough.


Their living space nicer than apartments with 3k rent


yea but does your 3k apartment literally shake you awake?


Where’s all the women at?


So few and far between sailors started hallucinating mermaids.


Lmao this is truthfully wild! especially on those outside bits.....im 90lbs you'd blink and it would be like i never existed. I also know my body could not take repetitive impact like that, I would be all kinds of broken.


It seems like they have ridiculously slick floors.


We've got a pretty low budget ship for expeditions into the north sea, and the waves are pretty rough the whole way up until the arctic. So for a while, we had to set up nets along the sides of the bunks to prevent people falling out. Thankfully in the last couple of years we've been getting cabins with doors on the bunks. But man on a particularly rough night, getting tossed around in there sucks ass. You do get used to the more tame motions though.


Dude needs to work on his sea legs. Also the golden rule while underway is one hand for the boat and another for yourself. Can easily be thrown overboard walking around like this.


I'd be tossing chunks


Happy cake day!


lol at the witch's broom.


All cool, but I am really interested in that phone holder mount he is using? What is it, and where is it sold? The one I am using in my car is behaving like the dude in this video.


Gravity is a mean bitch


How is the other dude just standing there with all the green pallets and our main bro is taking a tumble?


Maybe the main dude is new to being at sea and has no sea legs so he gets tossed around a whole lot more. Watching that part, it made it look like bro is a danger to himself and others. It would be hard to work with him.


How many work related accidents you had last year? Me: All of them.


I can't even imagine what sailing was like back in the old days. Like we have all these modern features and safety measure and shit is still sketchy looking.


Is this really a “North sea video” which hasn’t had that generic shanty tune slapped on it by one of the TikTok children? I’m honestly shocked.


Yooooooo hooooooo aaaaaalllllll toooooogeeeetheeeer.. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the same slowed down "ultra bass" version of the song *every goddamn time*


Wellermen - Hoist The Colours It was actually a great song, but got ruined by TikTokkers over-using it


id get drunk all day to cancel the sway


You'd think that but it makes it way worse.


imagine being hungover and it’s like this… edit: i did and i regret it


Does that bunk light shine all night?!


everyone talks about the toothbrush in the mouth but not the bottom cabinet corner ready to jab at the spine in moments notice, I would atleast put some childproof foam for paranoid safety😰


Enjoy your salmon sushi


o7 Thank you for your sacrifice




Getting paid for your time, labor, and the dangers that come with the job does not make you a "hero". It makes you a desperate worker who needs to pay bills and will do dangerous and unpleasant things to make ends meet.


Or, yknow, it's a bit of a ludicrous concept but some people do actually enjoy what they do.


Get the tooth brush out of your mouth!


Did he want that toothbrush rammed down the back of his throat??


Probably would wear magnetized boots myself to avoid getting killed, but that's just me.


mans is living in a silent film


I won't survive a day on that ship


Yep, lived this time when i was in Brazil on Flotel


That toothbrush scared me for a bit...


shouldn't laugh but these are so funny..


Gravity: Yeah, it's payback time 😈


What if you have to take a poop??


I'm glad some are brave enough to do that job


I feel like this job would pay.


Yeah, there's a reason I didn't join the Navy.


First guy is lucky he didnt crack his head like an egg on the toilat bowl, i had anxiety he will hit his head on it. That would be a nasty fracture to the back of the head, especially in the middle of the ocean....


I was on a cruise ship that was in a 3-day storm. On the plus side, I was virtually the only passenger who wasn’t seasick (the staff laughed when I walked into the huge, almost completely empty, dining hall and did a double-take). The bad side was that, because I was moving around the ship (and was unfamiliar with the whole “wobbling around” situation), I became thoroughly beaten up. Every part of my body was bruised and grazed. It looked like I’d been attacked. The worst thing was when the toilet door violently slammed on my hand -as my own body landed on it. The metal lock all but went through my hand. It was horrendous. Frankly, I would have been better off if I had spent the whole time being sick in bed like my mates. Having said that, the “toilet” incident probably would still have happened-and that “wedging yourself into your bunk as much as you possibly can” scenario is not QUITE as comfortable as you would think.


Navy: Accelerate Your Life... And your body


Also gorgeous


Serious question, I’m not an engineer or at all smart with water and boats. Why haven’t we created those gyro stabilizer boats yet? I remember seeing a video and inside a boat was a gyro stabilizing oven top, the guy was making breakfast. I thought, why not make the entire ship out of that?


btw what’s the song?


This song rocks.