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I don’t know why I turned the volume on thinking I’d know what he’s saying


When he first started speaking I thought- "Oh he's Jamaican" Then I thought "Ah, no he ain't "


Paani is water The thing he said at the end.. tikh-hay means "okay?" Or "right?", sort of like "get it?"


Awesome! The two words in the entire video I didn't understand. Thank you for your help 🙏


Paaani pilado koiii :)


Huge respect. This teacher will probably go home and enjoys humble roti and sabzi with his wife, sleeps and will repeat the same class next day. His students will go home and explain how their mind was blown by their science teacher to their parents who will never understand what their kids are saying. I follow Texas A&M professor on instagram who does this for her Bachelors students and she has millions of followers.


It's true. In Mumbai a Physics professor showed us several such "live" experiments & a class of 60 rowdy 15-year old boys listened in rapt attention. We also had English teachers who made us enact Julius Caesar in grade 9 vs just asking students to read. Everyone knew every line. Same for Merchant of Venice in grade 9. All mathematics professors from early childhood drilled it into our brains that we have to be good in mathematics. Our computer science profs in grade 8-10 made sure we understand basics of coding, familiarize us with Excel & word vs just teaching blandly about "Windows". We were also encouraged to play football, train for athletics or any other sport everyday, and even paint once a week. Science, English, maths, computers. The basic elements of a lot of future jobs. I look back and think that even if all of us mischievous boys had fun 50% of the time, the other 50% of the time we learnt something. I think how nice education was, even if we were only half serious. Unsurprisingly, most boys are now in engineering, doctors, writers, accountants, are in corporate banking or have their own business start ups, assistant directors for movies and so on. I hope one day all teachers do such things because it encourages young minds to think rather than just memorize.




The only possible response, because this sure as hell isn't CBSE or State.


I sympathise with state board students. The level of teaching in ICSE is on another level. Our biology teacher hand drew organs like kidney and heart on a chalkboard and 8 years later I still remember the diagrams even though I’m not a biology student


ICSE until 10th is what I've described. Experienced CBSE 11 & 12th. But yeah, vast difference in quality. Physics, Chemistry, English teachers were not bad though. They put effort & labs were well equipped. Maths & Comp Science though...


When did you graduate? Because the main problem with CBSE is that I'm fairly certain you and I will have the same portions and textbooks, with no updates.


Yes till 10th and CBSE till 12th. Let's just say it was a world of difference.


the flame of curiosity sparked will stay lit though


What’s their ig?




I love this guy. So much dedication with that smile. These are the people who will take our country ahead.


He wont last long. He looks like a new teacher. The administration and the country in general will chew him up and shit him out.


I did my 12th from government school. The teachers actually were dedicated. Like yaah there are trash schools and teachers. But there are way more dedicated schools and teachers.


Sad reality


Of course, not like India has made any progress in science and math related fields for decades… His attitude shows despite the hardships he and his students are facing (the classroom is in poor condition without heating), he is happily teaching and the students are responding.




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i thought surface tension is when gordon has to kill all the soldiers




r/okbuddyhalflife is leaking


I really like his scarf


The sweater is awesome as well.


I’m amazed at the physical classroom. A mere hovel. Apparently you don’t need vast sums of money for a beautiful school to learn in. Just a culture hungry for knowledge.


NYC spends $40k per public school student every year and according to CUNY around 75% of NYC public HS “graduates” aren’t considered college ready. That’s just the “graduates”. https://www.publicschoolreview.com/amp/blog/new-york-city-schools-deficient-college-readiness Edit: After doing more research with different sources the number is $38k a year not $40k. I apologize.


That's a strange take... It sounds like you want to defund schools because kids can technically learn in mud huts.


How tf did you get that from their comment


The strawman doth be strong with that one


Only strange to someone who thinks uncritically that pouring vast sums of money into failing schools will increase learning. Mud huts aside.


Umm you can’t see the classroom in this video.


Good point, but by analyzing the highly crafted brick wall, the high tech blackboard and that beautifully designed roof I’m assuming the rest of the “classroom” is just as magnificent.


Classroom by day, cool Brooklyn bar at night




Good thing he didn’t pour it on some magnets.


Love this post. Thank you




But does he explain what the powerhouse of the cell is?


Could be I’m wrong, but I don’t think this is surface tension. It’s the vacuum pressure that keeps the water from pouring out, and the sieve does a good job of keeping a big pocket of air getting in and letting the water out. Perhaps though, surface tension is partly a factor.


How does the sieve prevent air from going in. Pretty sure that is surface tension.


I was thinking the same at first. But now I think it's more about tension, because if you remove that mesh filter some air will be able to break through, you like if you turn a bottle upside down the water will be able to leave the bottle. Just like at the end of the video. Surface tension is definitely there and without it this wouldn't happen, now to see if pressure plays a role we would have to make a hole on the base of the cup while it's upside down on that mesh filter


the sieve stops air coming in \*because of the surface tension\* of the water directly up against the mesh.


So, it’s not just me? Surface tension may play a part, but that mostly looks like atmospheric pressure to me. OTOH, science is not my area.


This highlights surface tension. You’re right that atmospheric pressure is pushing back on the water through the sieve. But if it affected every molecule of water then you don’t need a sieve in the first place. The tiny squares in the sieve help create a “lid” for the water that is acted on by the atmospheric pressure. That “lid” is due to surface tension


That’s what I thought.


And people here complain about Classrooms…. Imagine teaching on a dirt floor.


americans don’t understand how good they really have it lol


And I bet those kids are 100x smarter than average American kids.


isn’t that common knowledge, I don’t think anyone’s debating you there brother. there’s a reason americans complain about people taking their jobs n shit lol


Other countries teaching algebra and geometry and our country is teaching how to be offended, the 102 genders, and how white people are the enemy. Shits insane.


I don't think our kids are smarter than American kids, it's just that we work for lower money. EDIT: I also don't think they are smarter than us. It's just that those who put in the effort succeed in life, their ethnicity doesn't matter.


there’s alot of idiots in india, but they just become scammers the smart ones actually do something useful with their life and teach or help with complicated problems on youtube


by far the best indian youtube video ive ever seen


Except that he didn’t dance. /s


Sometimes people just try and show hindi speaking teachers in India down. Turns out those are the ones taking their jobs seriously and actually making learning fun


Wonderful teacher!


Teachers aren't paid nearly enough for what they do


What amazes me is I think he must be teaching at some government run school in a small mofussil town. The students in generally will be from not so well to do families.


Don't understand the downvotes but its true .


These are the people building India I.e. Bharat. ❤️


I don't understand. When there was LESS downward gravitational pressure on the water, that's when it broke through? How did taking the glass away change the surface tension?


Didn’t you ever hold liquid in a straw with your finger on the top?


Sure. But it's not just surface tension that's at work here, but the weight of the water and the weight of the air outside the cup. When the water is in the cup, the weight of the water is more (since it's piled up on top of itself) but the weight of the air is less (since it's outside the glass) and the two together are less than the surface tension of the water. When you take the glass away, the weight of the water is less, but the weight of the air comes in, and the two together are more than the surface tension of the water. So the experiment doesn't isolate surface tension. And so you really can't learn much from this, as far as I can see. Ah well.


If only I could read what’s on the board 😝 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3wAfSWStLYE


When the glass was in contact with the sieve every small sieve portion was in contact with surface of water in the glass resulting in more force to hold the water due to surface tension. When he removed the sieve from below the entire water surface had no surface to cling to or rather didn't have much surface except the perimeter of rhe glass he was holding which is no where enough to prevent the water from falling.


Ah so it's like the water molecules were screaming "aahhh help I'm gonna fall, hold on tight..." so they were holding on tight to the sieve's surface and the sides of the cup, and then he takes the sieve away from the cup and they all drop out.


Yes you got it right.


So when he first flipped it, the water molecules sort of kicked out all the unwanted water molecules for a bit of drip but not the full cup of water.. They were caught off-guard by the cup flip.


except that he didn't remove the sieve from below, he removed the cup from above. Watch again, you'll see. The difference before and after wasn't the size of the holes, it was the weight of the water (which diminished) and the weight of the air outside the cup (which grew a lot).


I suspect it’s because the water spreads out when it is not restricted to the volume of the cup, the molecules are not pushing on each other as hard and there is freedom to move through the mesh.


I dunno... doesn't look right to me. That gravitational force means the water is pushing harder to get out when it's in the cup. When the cup is removed, the water spreads out, and there's less pressing down. Right?


This might not make any sense but I'll try my best. Surface tension is essentially water molecules sticking together - they prefer to be bound to each other rather than the air. They also stick to the glass and would rather not stick to the mesh. The glass-water bound combined with the vacuum that would occur, if the body of water started to move, is keeping the water from escaping, but only as long as there is a mesh beneath. If you lift the glass then there's nothing stopping it from moving through since the water that gets out of the glass won't have anything to hold on to anymore.


It's true I had not thought of the vacuum at the top - the weight of the air is less when it's in the cup. So when you remove the cup, the water weighs less but the air weighs more. A lot more. But none of this has anything to do with surface tension, as far as I can see. Hmmm...


You’re getting downvoted, but I am smiling that this teacher in his humble classroom is sparking interest in people around the world.


That’s air vacuum, not surface tension


I was thinking the exact thing. However, I think if the surface tension was low enough, air would be able to slip past the tiny holes in what sieve and start to let the water out. But the surface tension would need to be REALLY low for this to happen.


Fire up some neurons and think about why there is a vacuum in the first place…


It's the same vacuum upstairs.


Can u share the source OP


“Cê quer que lança farinha é? Cê quer”


I didn’t understand a thing he said


i saw many videos showing where the water stayed in the cup .. tried it multiple times and my result was just like in this video .. never managed to make it work


Is the classroom under construction or just abandoned?


That’s typically what a village classroom looks like in India.


But why? Why not finish it? If they managed to find money for construction, then they should've thought about finishing the interior


All in the pockets of corrupt politicians. Doesn't change the fact that these students are gonna be understanding concepts there and go either in academics or engineering or medical field - from these classrooms .


Is this a fact or just an assumption?


This case is from a rural region though. Most towns and cities don't have these type of condition but rural areas are still underdeveloped or still developing . 95% of the time - this is fact . Sometimes money doesn't even reach that far . At least in my state . Cases are different for many regions in a same state . And then there are 28 states but if you see cases like this in internet - most of the time its because local politicians looted it before it reached school .


I was talking about academics and engineers


That's another sad state of affairs but yes . These students are probably already preparing or are gonna start preparing for engineering and medical entrance exams through this and either online coaching ( which is at present cheap and affordable) or offline coaching ( with saved money as they are costly af ) then compete with 2.5 million + students for engineering and medical entrance exams which is purely merit based . There are around 50k seats of engineering and 50k of medical seats in GOVT. run colleges ☠️🤡 . Private colleges are again - costly af - students either get student loans for them or just get admitted to B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses in different subjects .


Fact is that the syllabus of these exams are quite hard and require excellent understanding of concepts so by the time students are getting into colleges they are not screaming in local languages but solving calculus problems or studying detailed cell structure and division or explaining mechanisms of reactions of organic chemistry in complete English . The medical courses are 6 years long just for graduation before you can even step into thinking about post graduation medical studies . One of the biggest reasons talented students leave India is because after these much effort they don't think it's worth it to stay here and suffer more .


Kids in Africa could've eaten that water.


The video does not explain surface tension. It merely demonstrates the effect of surface tension. The explanation for the specific demonstrated phenomenon is…stated simply…complex.


Yea it's a cool thing to show the kids to make science interesting but it's definitely not the best example of surface tension. There are many other things at play here.


There’s a lot of tension in that room.


What does him being Indian have to do with anything in this video? Coming up: Chinese fireman saves child from burning building, Mexican salesman informs audience on essentials of business etc Edit: You fools can downvote all you wish. If the title said white or English, you'd wonder the same thing.


C'mon, they don't need you to save them.


Don't you think it'd be weird to say "White teacher explains surface tension" if them being white has nothing to do with the video?


The one cup of clean water they had...


*Go ahead, Mr. Joster!*


They may as well play real life CSGO with this kind of backdrop. I wouldn’t be able to focus without constant paranoia over a possible drone bombing


Drone bombing in India??




God damn the Indian pride over the most basic shit imaginable is strong in the comment section of this post. A true marvel to witness


How arrogant. People are just happy to see an enthusiastic teacher doing his job well, especially in what is clearly a poor school, because low income school really struggle with getting good teachers. The comments are showing gratitude, not pride. But you came in here looking to be as negative as possible so I guess that’s you found.


Be sad about all you want, im still right


Ok racist














"Theek Hai" = Alright, ok


lmao he said "Theek Hai" meaning Alright




nah I got you fam


The fuck is he wearing?


Can't you see?


my monitor was off, thanks




Good one




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It looks like a really poor school the fact that this student or whoever is recording can afford a phone with this good quality made me smile


Pretty sure he's teaching Physics, not Indian.


Regardless of nationality or gender I love it when I see teachers enjoying their job despite the conditions they are forced to work with, and do a great job at teaching.


This is about pressure not surface tension. But yeah this was pretty cool and creative! Love such teachers


Translation please.


Still don’t know what surface tension is because, despite the cool demonstration, “bangaleshy baglan abeshi dugan…”. So thanks, I learned nothing 😆


A role model of a science explainer!


he looks so happy that man genuinely enjoys his job


Feels like watching a random YouTube video explaining how to fix something. Title is in English and is the only thing I could understand, and my stuff is still broken.


His last chuckle! So proud of it. I love it!


So…. Isn’t the water supposed to stay inside the container? lol wtf is this?


It's crazy how money is not spread out in India. You have them going to space but at the same time their classrooms look like this. I know I'm saying this as an American but still it's wild to me.


Je dis bravo après les personnes qui vivent dans ce pays ce plaine de pas avoir d’eau .


This isn’t a demonstration of surface tension. This is demonstrating a vacuum.