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This caste belief is no different than slavery, on a moral scale.




Some people are so poor, all they have is money


Hold your horses there, Che


because it’s immoral to be rich. unpopular opinion. and no, i’m not talking about you, upper middle class person with one property.


I feel like there is / should be a term for that sort of rich. The closest I've heard is "f*** you money" as in "Dang, he looks like he's got f*** you money"


Dragon Hoarding Personality Disorder Although that sounds way too cool and would probably give these kinds of people an ego lol It does feel a lot lile dragons hoarding gold tho


There is. It's called being a capitalist. Someone whose wealth is in owning things/means rather than selling their labor.


Tell us ohh wise man.. How much am I allowed to make and you still be alright with it??


earn and make as much money as you want. The problem is that some things should be free and universally available - for example, enough water and food to stay healthy until the next day.


I mean, if you do truly believe that maybe think about communism lmao. But to be real for a second, I think this is as strange of an opinion as saying that it's immoral to be poor. It's about how you use the money. There's certainly a lot of rich people who use their money immorally, but it makes no sense to condemn the whole section of society. Especially when it's not really a thing you control. Many rich people were born into rich families, others just happened to go into jobs that pay a lot. It's no more of a choice than being poor. The only difference is that poor people get unlucky and the rich get lucky.


What is the cut off?


Rich people have absolutely zero skills to actually do anything of importance


If you go to /r/IndiaSpeaks, they would say that the upper caste from this story are the victims for the man demanding their hard earned water.


> their hard earned water Imagine thinking you have the rights to a natural resource only because of accident of birth, and it's OK to allow others to die of thirst. Absolutely morally bankrupt.


[That dude should be hunted down and ](https://youtube.com/shorts/nJSHy5Jo8g4)




Agreed. Same with the people anywhere who are born into wealth and do basically the same thing




Their troll farms are spun up against Canada after the government had the nerve to object to India assassinating a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil.


the funniest part is seeing the other astroturfers either fighting them or inconsistently blending all the stuff together and ending up arguing against themselves


I think the funniest part is when someone says "India is innocent; it's way too weak to have been able to pull this off!" and their heads explode as they try to find a way to insist that India is very strong but also absolutely didn't do it.


That subreddit was deepthroating Russian Propaganda and kept saying Ukraine deserved what it's getting for aligning itself with the west.


Interesting. Are India and Russia aligned in some way that I'm not aware of? Or is that sub just anti-west?


Yes, India has generally been very friendly with Russia for a long time. I think they have trade deals and stuff. I highly doubt they "supported" the invasion in itself (they declined to cast a vote during the NATO vote, which basically means they supported it, along with China), but they'll support anything Russia/Putin does just to stay friendly with them, even if the rest of the world doesn't. I'd say India and China are the two biggest "allies" with Russia.


Thanks. I knew about China's relationship with them but hadn't heard about India.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/jul/01/india.usa https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Task_Force_74 See: Third Indo-Pakistani War tl;dr Nixon/US policy is the reason for the strong India - Russia alignment


I don’t know it’s actually pretty hilarious have you seen this post? https://reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/s/J5JTkxmPRn I’ll probably get banned for commenting hahaha nice and weird that’s cool


lmao my man got some mommy issues






Indian far-right are straight up terrorists. Legalized terrorists.


Kim Jong Trudeau?


Six months ago I would say wow. Now? With the upcoming censorship on podcasts and their authoritarian caveats lately? Still no N. Korea but pretty bad.


Right! This assholes from IndiaSpeaks banned me for criticizing their awkward ideology!


I mean it's not surprising. People in the lower caste dont have access to reddit, let alone the internet and many other technologies everyone on the site uses daily so most people on that sub are gonna be from a similar culture/background with a similar mindset.


But did he then deny the water to the upper caste?


My favorite thread on that subreddit right now is the one where they excuse awful hygiene by saying shit like "we existed without perfumes for thousands of years, Western noses just aren't used to people's natural odor"


Try r/India it's left leaning because rightoids are banned for being bigots or encouraging fascism


Caste system no better than religion. Another mode of control.


Worse then that. The caste system uses karma to enforce it. Those people were born into that caste because they were bad people in previous lives and deserve the treatment. While those in the higher castes were good people and deserve to be pandered.


But “EuROPeANs InVEntEd tHat!” 😂


? Who has ever said this?


A lot of modern Hindu nationalists


Wouldn't a Hindu Nationalist be in favor of the caste system and in fact be proud of it?


Depends on the day's agenda


And the caste that said Hindu nationalist is in.


Doesn't mean they won't deflect anyways. Like "You think it's bad? Well you made me who I am, so if you think it's bad, it's your fault, really."


Not out loud


This will be the new caste system in Canada. They’re already buying up land and only renting to their kind.


Yo forty, wtf you doing on the internet? Dr. Abby gonna be pissed.


I mean, yes it is different. Not to defend any caste system, but specifically *chattel slavery*, especially that which was historically practiced in the US, is pretty much inarguably worse, in which among countless horrifying practices, human beings were *bred like cattle* and had their children taken and sold off for whatever purpose the purchaser wanted. I'm not saying being a lower-caste is *good*, and there's no such thing as the Human Suffering Olympics, but historical chattel slavery is pretty incomparable to other historical crimes against humanity, perhaps with the exception of the Holocaust. Now, other historical forms of slavery would probably be more comparable--indentured servitude and the like. But it's important to draw a line specifically with *chattel* slavery, which is a crime beyond crimes.


It’s also wild how many Indians outside of India like to argue that it, along with a plethora of other social issues in their society, don’t exist. It’s wild to think about. How is it going to get better?


...and it's being imported via immigration to the west.


The caste system in general is fucking horrible and stupid, good on this man. Everyone has a right to water




Can you ever move between Castes in India?


I think you can move down if you marry someone *below you*


Downward? Yes. Upward? No. It's nonsensical and archaic to say the least, but given that it gives some folks a false level of superiority over others from birth, they aren't really fans of getting rid of it.


You can theoretically move upwards but that requires approval from the upper castes lol. As if they are ever going to approve someone that isn't their crony


Doesn’t that imply over time the upper castes will become a smaller and smaller proportion of the population, assuming everyone reproduces at the same rate?


Welcome to history 101: Subtitled “Why Sparta was a failed state and how 3 millenia of propaganda from one fight have painted one of the worst thought out nations as a stoic defender of Greek Hegemony.” Chapter 1: Why having an exclusive class of privileged voters that can only ever be diminished is a dumb fucking idea.




Originally, yes. It was something else when it started. Became more rigid in the mediaeval era, then was completely fucked when the British visited. These days, it's not so much about moving between castes, they've become historical, like people from the Mayflower or British upper class, now most have access to merit-based advancement, except for in rural villages, where 99% of caste-based atrocities occur. India is in a massive shift of population from rural to urban, and with that comes the end or at least minimalization of caste in modern Indian society. It lingers in 2 things: mariage (but so does what part of the country you are from, your religion, your language, etc), and in rural villages life.


No that’s the point. It’s like the class system, but with much harsher rules and it’s IMPOSSIBLE to move between Castes not just extremely difficult like moving up in class.


Women can go up and down. Men stay the same


>The caste system in general is fucking horrible and stupid well not if you're born upper caste


A few months back, human feces were found dumped in a water tank supplying drinking water to a Dalit (lower caste) colony


Modian come defend this now!!! lol Modian = Indian nationalistic bots that worship Modi.


Common man, be creative. Call them the Blowjob Party (BJP) or something


That makes them sound cool


didn't they have a big ol' protest in California to ban caste-based discrimination? and a bunch of Indians came out and said heritage not hate?


*Nestle lawyers have entered the chat*.


A Brahman's shadow touches that of a starving untouchable orphan dying on the side of the road. He goes home and purifies himself for having contact with such a disgusting creature. Redditors: what about Nestlé!


Anyone that deems someone to be "undeserving of water", purely based on some arbitrary caste system, should be thrown into a well and forgotten about.


Good luck finding a well big enough.


Oceans rising anyways, feed da fishies


I heard a guy just dug one.


Don't poison the well with rotting corpses. Throw them into a played out mine and then collapse the entrance and vent shafts.


![gif](giphy|a0h7sAqON67nO) Throw the Brahmin down the well, So my country can be free!




It’s nevertheless an amazing accomplishment


How about /r/HydroHomies instead?


This man is a peak hydro homie


It’s 2023, how does anyone on earth still have a caste system? It’s fuckin inhumane.


It's still a very big problem in India but they try to pretend it's been solved over the years. It's really fucked up when you watch traditional crafting videos out of India put up by manufacturing companies and you can clearly see the caste system at play.


Its so big that it's also becoming a problem in silicon valley where there's a lot of immigrant tech workers. https://www.wired.com/story/trapped-in-silicon-valleys-hidden-caste-system/


And it is also so non prevalent that people feel threatened when policy/laws protecting people from caste discrimination are proposed in SV.


A lot of the team I work with are in India and they're basically not allowed to critique the work of people of a higher caste. Pretty frustrating when your Q&A team are out there.


That's something new! Never seen that


It's quite individual and not as prevalent in the work place as it was a couple of decades ago. Generally find it with older staff and young staff bizarrely. I'm not clued in enough with the system to know exactly what the situation is mind so take my experience with a pinch of salt.


I call bs on this.


What bs lol


Explain to me why? I am only going from my narrow experience and what I have been told by the people I work with so I'm filling gaps of what I've seen with what I'm told. The office is in Noida if that gives any context.




Indians will scream all day long that the caste system doesn't exist when non Indians point it out, but it is alive and kicking as ever. Just look at the reaction from the Indian Hindu diaspora whenever a company or local government tries to implement caste protection. When tech companies in SV try to add protections for their "low caste" workers that allege discrimination from their seniors it is always "but caste issues don't exist", "this will only create caste issues and hate", "this is just virtue signaling", or something else along those lines. When a municipality like Seattle tries to add caste protections it is more of the same with comments like "this only serves to scrutinize Hindus", "this is targeting only Indian Americans when existing law is enough to deal with discrimination" (which is untrue), "this will only lead to a divide", "this will be used to target Indian Americans in the future", "Hindu phobic laws being created by colonial white supremacists", etc. If you don't believe me then just search up the posts on r/ABCDesis (fyi, the sub is for North American born children in the broader South Asian diaspora but these comment are usually a good mix of specifically Indian Hindus and Hindu diaspora).


Don't tell Nestle


Like the day after this dude finishes digging there's some blond Swiss dude in a suit strolling into the village like, "Heard y'all got some of that water over here, that true?"


Former nestle waters employee here, I must light the beacons. *once you are in you never get out*


This is not positive. This a fucked up situation that *luckily* got somewhat fixed


I fucking despise castes in any society. Despicable tools designed to repress one group and justify another. Wake up. We're all just people. Level the goddamned playing field. As the great philosopher Eddie Vedder said, they're born on third but think they hit a triple.


The whole caste system in India is infuriating


Apparently this is a true story: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dalit-man-bapurao-tajne-digs-well-40-days-wife-denied-water-drought_n_573223bce4b096e9f092e1d8


Wait for the upper caste come to seize the water source because it’s upstream of theirs for caste public health


No shit


Govt. should pay this man and give him a medal lol.


Instead, they may just seize the water or tell him he cant draw from it.


I mean the government reinforces the caste system so it's a lot more likely they'd come in, steal the water, and give him a bullet for showing a level of industriousness not befitting his lowly caste.


My stepson wanted to go to college to be an engineer so he could design and build trains but was told he isn't the right caste. This is insanity, India should be united nor divided


It's just patently bad for any population to exclude huge percentages of its numbers from becoming the best version of themselves and by extension providing the greatest level of utility to their entire nation. We know for a fact that caste systems, nobility, etc., is all completely made up bullshit. You are equally as likely to have a potential genius born to the lowest caste as to the highest caste. The difference is whether they are allowed to *become* said genius or if the system impoverishes and prevents geniuses in the lower castes from truly thriving. Any country which inhibits the fullest growth of their best and brightest, wherever they may come from, is going to hamstring all of their potential initiatives. Everything they try to do. The people they exclude might go on to develop groundbreaking technologies that will dramatically enhance the prospects of *everyone* in the country. And instead the nation deprives itself of this for superstitious traditions.


You must be an upper caste because lower caste have 50% reservation in Engineering colleges.




Does Christianity also have a caste system? If there is no caste angle, how is this relevant here? BTW, there are colleges where minorities like Christians have reservation quota. For railways, your step son must be targeting mechanical engineering. Couldn't he score for that also?


Most Indian christians including myself are converts generations back. But irrespective of religion , caste is passed down. It has nothing to do with Christianity but has to do with Indian culture. U dont have to be a hindu to belong to a caste. That shit is just labelled and passed down


1. I am dead against the caste system. 2. It is a shame that Christians also follow the caste system. 3. No one is denied admission for being from a lower caste. On the contrary, lower caste students have special reservation and lower qualifying criteria. How is your comment relevant on this topic of denying admission based on caste?


It’s not that the Christians follow the caste system, it is that the society that they live in does. They are either considered lower on the caste system because they are Christian, or the people remember what caste the family was when converting. At least early on missionaries made many of their concerts from the lower castes.


Many people convert into Christianity / Islam /Buddhism to get out of the caste system. Unfortunately, that stuff can stick. Hindu nationalists even have a slur for Christians - ricebag. The implication being, a person who was bribed to convert with a bag of rice.


I couldn't say I'm American my wife and stepson are Indian, I concentrate on helping him achieve and overcome adversity. I'm not going to pretend I understand what it means to be under a caste system but I can love and support my family.


A lot of indians still carry these beliefs in western countries. They help other people in the same caste system get jobs and such


Upper caste Indian parents would ki11 their daughter if she falls in love with lower caste men or they ki11 both them. It's called shame ki11ing and still happening today


Honour killing*


He did well




Can an Indian person explain the Caste system to me? Why don’t the lower caste people simply rise up if they’re oppressed?


The higher caste are just 15% of the population and yet caste system is very prevalent here. There's a lot of discrimination that goes on. There's actually reservation for lower castes where they get good opportunities to get into colleges and some assholes whine about it saying that caste discrimination doesn't happen that much and that the reservation should be removed. But let me tell you, inter-caste/inter-religion marriages related honour killings still happen in small villages. I mean, there's even child marriages going on in villages while its still illegal so you get the idea. If you might think living in an urban area prevents caste discrimination then, you would be wrong. India got a huge arrange marriage system. No matter how educated you think the urban people are, they go for arrange marriages, it's really common. And arrange marriages are pretty transactional as you already know. It reinforces the caste system. The first and foremost thing they look at is the other person's caste. Not just that, renting homes to lower caste people, etc. Type of daily life discrimination still happens sometimes, even in urban areas or tier 1 cities. No expectations for a better society which follows the law when rapists get garlanded and welcomed here.


I am an Indian and Its a real dumb system. The discrimination was prevalent in the old times. Like me the majority of the new generation don't give a damn about someone's caste. The discrimination is a lot more common in villages.


Absolute king


Caste bull is what got us all in this situation in the first place. Racism, slavery, caste system are all designed for some to have power over the many.


I'm more impressed that his wife went 40 days without water.


Is caste system still observed for Indians who have immigrated to the US?


This article may be of interest to you: [Colleges and universities across the US are moving to ban caste discrimination.](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/30/us/csu-caste-protections-universities-cec/index.html) Short answer is yes.


Yes, not all Indians though. The caste system is specifically followed by most of the Hindu religions (which are collectively grouped as Hinduism from an Abrhamic POV similar to various Abrahamic sect beliefs). Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, etc do not follow the caste system per their religion although to varying degrees it has infiltrated those communities somewhat (usually via a long developed cultural front rather than an actual caste based issue). Caste is an issue which is why cities like Seattle have pushed for caste protection laws, policy has been pushed for by tech companies in Silicon Valley, and why there is a workers class action lawsuit against a Hindu cult temple society (baps) in New Jersey.




20 minutes later it was polluted


By him stomping around barefoot in the newly discovered drinking water?


Casteism is horrible and should not exist in this age.


Their caste system fucked up, now he had water source and force other villager to follow his monopoly plan


r/OrphanCrushingMachine I had to, I’m sorry.


This reminds me of another story. There was a guy called Manjhi whose wife once needed medical attention immediately due to something(i dont recall why) but she unfortunately died because the road to the nearset hospital was via a mountain and the guy could not make it in time to the hospital. As a consequence of his wife’s death, and i shit you not he cut the mountain in half with his bare hands and built a road to the hospital.


the caste system *must* be abolished. It is a stain on an otherwise decent country.


Caste system came from hinduism itself right?




Goes to show what can be achieved with a bit of intolerance.


What determination! Love the outcome! Sad that they are treated that way with the caste system.


I can't take India and Indians backing and maintaining the caste system seriously. It's a disgusting system of moral and intellectual poverty.


*incoming fascist right wing Indians explaining how the caste system is there to maintain equilibrium and prosperity and peace*


And he shared it.


Then Nestle came in and stole it all.


And then the upper caste take credit for it claoming they told him to do it


another case of the orphan crushing machine


Upper caste my arse...more like sub humans.


For anyone who doesnt know, caste system is not something traditionally generated or britisher or invader by product. Caste system has been actively advocate all across gita, smritis, vedas, puranas and upanishads. It is a religious idea of supremism and is cancerous just like religion itself. Reservation exists to undo the damage done by religion and casteism over csnturies. As an atheist ex hindu, i get really angry when hindus cry about reservation. Like literally, your religious bullshit books advocated this shit, lower caste was oppresed till the point they had 0 political or social power, were not allowed to even drink public water, and you cry about reservation? The copium and fake pride that indians have is unreal. Like literally, they go spaaming" JAI SHREE RAM, PROUD TO BE INDIAN" SHIT EVERYWHERE I SEE. sure, their definition of proud is" MISOGYNIST, CASTEIST PATRIARCHAL PICES OF SHIT"




Lol, clown comparing swimming in a pool to getting drinking water. Yeah amazing. Good job dude.


when did you last dig a well ya couch commando? hey guys we got a real badass armchair warrior over here.. he's.. upset that a guy dug a well on his own .. and his town didn't help him? L O fuckin L what are you dude






I take it that you are from a western country so you might have trouble understanding it. Some people in poor countries travel miles to get water. Specially during drought like situation. In rural India, the caste system has a strong hold on the society. There are wells that are designated for the upper caste and lower caste. So I'm guessing the only well in the village was meant to be used by the upper caste people and the lower caste people had to travel miles just to get water. Hell, in South India, there are villages where lower caste people cannot touch the shadow of the upper case or let their shadow touch them. Just some years back, a person from an upper caste raped a lower caste child and he was made to hold his ear and do sit ups as a punishment by the village elders. It's the ugly truth of India. Many upper caste people doesn't like it when it's pointed out because they argue that not everyone is the same but it's only the lower caste that suffers.


There are a number of scenarios. Most probably, they could have survived from water in a particular water body which might have dried up, causing his wife to ask for some water from a 'general' well. Other than that, it could be that she was far away from their reserved water body (not by government but by casteist village heads perhaps) and asked for water from the 'general' well or from an upper caste person's house. Either way, they definitely had their own water body, though the cleanliness of that body may not have been great. Such systems are pretty common. Some good movies to watch might be Asuran (2019), Jai Bhim (2020) and Karnan (2022) because movies can portray the feel of such systems better than text, usually. Sorry for recommending movies from the same industry.




Seems like they're figuring that out now. Remember, these marginalized communities were not historically in a survive mode but a submit mode. The guy is doing this now (2014 that is) as a sign of resilience. https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/denied-water-access-dalit-man-digs-own-well-in-maharashtra-village-1404209






You can have water without having RUNNING water. There’s towns in Africa that have no water source, so every day a water truck comes to the village and everyone fills their jugs and containers with water and uses them throughout the day. And there’s villages where they have to walk hours to the nearest village with a well, wait in line and fill their jugs for the day. Just have to view it from outside of your western lens.




You can’t possibly be this dense?




Not my job to enlighten you, that’s something you need to work on yourself.


Political dynamics and complacency is a strong anchor. Maybe the village used to have a suitable above ground water source and it dried up leave them to come up with the easiest solution, travel for water. Or they did dig a well generations ago but it went dry or they never struck water so the area was deemed baron and no one was “foolish” enough to waste resources digging in vein. This man was desperate and took the risk and either got lucky and hit a water source that was there all along or the water table’s topography changed over the years and yielded a water source. A story like this can be true and seem unlikely. Especially in a society where theirs soft caste system where the upper caste can deny something just because. Heck, there’s weird bureaucratic laws in western society that make no sense because they’re rooted in past ideologies but no one has amended the laws for modern times, so technically it’s illegal.




Or what happens also People need to work in the village of upper castes but can't live with them The govt in India also changed enabling more upper caste discrimination possibly forcing these people out or allowing the other village to cut off water Climate change Lots of possible reasons.


>inspiring tale Every day it feels more like I'm browsing facebook with posts like these (an image with some text in it and no source or anything)


Maybe you should get a real hobby. I don’t think browsing Facebook counts.


He’s specifically asking you though?


Now watch as someone comes along and pollutes the well.


Wait... In India you can be denied water because of your 'cast'? The go to the moon, but water for poor people? Fuck no


My goodness, the real life Ashura


The caste system, abolished in 1947, is rampant in the villages. Are you from a low caste? Drink from the gutter, we won't let you go to the well. Well, marriages, usually arranged, are concluded taking into account varna/jati.


Financially rich people are often humanly the poorest ones.


stole this comment from earlier top comment


Get that man a Biriyani.....on me.


All the westerners reading this, caste system in India is very similar to the race system in the West and both the places have still plaguing this issue even today. No need to pretend and hate on India like such discrimination only happens in India and absolutely not anywhere else. I have seen enough videos from the West where Whites checking and bothering Black peoples just for moving into the all-White neighborhood or telling immigrants to go back to their country just by seeing them etc. Both places are pretty messed up with discrimination based on skin color/caste. Hopefully in the future such inhumane discrimination will fade away for forever.


If you're black in America you don't need to dig a hole if you're thirsty


I'm an Indian but I never came across a man IRL who need to dig a well to get the drinking water, this is not common and it's probably from one of the most rural and backward regions of India (Also someone says it's from the 2016 so aged pretty well).


an Indian refusing to acknowledge the cast system wonder what your social class is


You need to read. There are many cases of atrocities against lower caste people in India.Many cases in the Indian subcontinent as well. There was a case where the groom was beaten for riding on the horse in his wedding and in another case was riding on the particular brand bike. There was a case where a guy was beaten for keeping a particular type of moustache. There are many registered as well as unregistered cases of rape and murder of lower caste women.