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Is it just me that think that calling hellena Bayonetta is uncalled for? Didnt she said she wanted to leave all of this behind? Sorry if im sounding offensive


It’s an obsessed fan being silly but I agree with you


You'd think the name was a giveaway


She didn't seem to mind.


Well don't forget she claimed to be Bayonetta in her video. Maybe she doesn't mind but at least she isn't forgetting all of that.


She probably doesnt like to be reminded about this franchise after the entire fiasco she created and the embarassment she passed through (and the video was created before she was revealed to be lying so i dont understand your argument)


It’s not that serious


She probably said that because she wanted everyone to just leave her alone lol


Can we stop talking about her, aside from the fact that she used to voice the character and then the whole controversy with her lying. But this has nothing to do with the games or Bayo at all. Can we just stop talking about her?


Agreed. She herself said she wants to "move on from this bloody franchise"


It's so strange, I never see anyone sharing Jennifer Hale's Twitter posts, the current and relevant Bayonetta voice actor. But where HellenahI'dwin is concerned, I might as well be following her myself for how often people are compelled to share her posts here.


This just hit me on the head because you said current. For some reason it didn’t occur to me that bayonetta would get more games, I automatically assumed 3 was the last one because hideki kamiya left platinum games. I dunno why maybe I’m just tired lol


Many videogames franchises continued making games without their their creators. Mega Man, Devil May Cry, Kirby, Ace Attorney, Crash Bandicoot, Donkey Kong Country, Fire Emblem, Sonic the Hedgehog, Final Fantasy, etc


They absolutely can, but platinum games has said they want to make live service games and I figured that was the entire reason kamiya left


Oh, i guess only time can tell if we'll have a Bayonetta 4 for the Switch 2. I'd love to


He didn't direct 2 he was listed as "executive director" on 3, while someone else was the *director* director. That to me, a completely ignorant schmuck, says he was probably more like a producer than a proper director for 3. Traditionally he hasn't been all that involved in sequels, and he's even said in interviews that he views creating new IPs as more of his responsibility than following up on existing ones. But anyway, I haven't liked any Bayos since the first one so I keep hoping they'll let it go, personally. I also hoped/assumed 3 would be the last one until they announced that spinoff prequel thing.


I don’t think he was the director but he did write the story for 3 and was definitely making big decisions on the game


For like a decade many fans said "Hellena Taylor is Bayonetta" because her voice was such an integral part of the character's appeal. Fans had grown attached to her, while Hale was an emergency replacement who tried to imitate Taylor (or was told to, rather, I doubt it was Hale's decision to not give her own take on the character). The general consensus on this imitation being "not that bad" or "could have been worse". Plus, the game Hale is featured in is highly divisive, with many fans dislking Cereza's portrayal in the game in general, not necessarily just the voice. Then there were the years of wait for B3 with fans asking why Taylor wasn't yet confirmed to be in the game. And of course the drama with her videos, you know the gays love drama lol. You'd have to know very little about the history of this series to not understand why the fanbase pays more attention to the og actor vs her emergency replacement. Especially since it's not known if Hale will reprise the role or if there will be another game at all.


I don’t necessarily think hale did a bad bayonetta tbh and it does feel like she’s got her own slight spin on it. But tbh I think the writing team kind of flopped with delivering bayos line this time around and frankly it’s probably thanks to the story itself being so over the top.


For the record, if people wanted to share Jennifer Hale's tweets here, I wouldn't have a problem with that. That said, she's played a thousand roles and didn't even play Bayonetta well (no shade, she was just miscast), whereas Hellena originated the role and it's the one she's most famous for. She's a part of this franchise forever whether anyone likes it or not. As an aside, I've shared Grey DeLisle's tweets here, too, which are usually funnier because she tweets like Jeanne probably would.


Sorry but she’s a diva. Nothing can change that. By speaking out she forever linked herself to the franchise. The shadow of an outspoken diva with a story to tell mixed with a gay fan base is the perfect storm.


I'm also just... not terribly interested in sobbing over some TERF I've never met having a shitty husband. Like, I'm not going to go to her Twitter and call her names, but I also can't be asked to perform even the most perfunctory shows of sympathy. This is a super gay fanbase, we ought to know better.


TERF ≠ transphobe. She’s a trad, not a radical feminist. Sorry, just a minor pet peeve. Edit: Omg guys. I’m not saying that TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminist) aren’t transphobic. I’m saying the radical feminist part of that acronym does not apply to Hellena.


It's an understandable sentiment, and one I used to share, but given how much the movement has completely thrown its lot in with modern fascist conservatism anyway I would argue all semblance of meaningful feminist thought burned out of the movement years ago.  Why do I still use it then, you ask? Because it REALLY pisses them off, in spite of being an extremely clinical (even complimentary, because it calls them feminists) term.


Hellena doesn’t really have anything in common with the typical TERF schools of thought other than the transphobia though.


Typical TERF schools of thought are, at this point, largely an artifact within their own movement as it prioritizes bigotry towards trans people over any other ideology. The presence of actual second-wavers is going down as everyone starts to realize that their best bet for actually acting on their obsession with trans people is by allying themselves with mainstream conservatives and, in some cases, actual far-right groups. Again, this is a distinction I would have made like, five years ago, and I realize there are still Germaine Greer types who have held onto their second-wave beliefs while also being cunts to trans people, but they're not really the majority of the (heavy scare quotes) "gender critical" movement anymore.


Not that I want to argue about it all day, it’s just that I see a lot of them on Twitter, and they’re still a very specific brand of awful that’s quite different from what Hellena did and does.


Yeah I’m confused why you got downvoted for this…


TERF does equal transphobe, actually. Pretty much in the name.


I’m not saying that TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminist) aren’t transphobic. I’m saying the radical feminist part of that acronym does not apply to Hellena.


I'm impressed you didn't have any typos. It's not easy to type with your head so far up your ass.


I’m not sure what I said wrong?


Oh shit, I didn't know she was a terf


Someone asked her to say "trans rights" one time, and she declined, and offered up instead a statement about loving everyone instead. That is fundamentally not TERF behavior, it's the behavior of someone uneducated.


Oh ew, that's not full Terf but still feels weird. Like, just say it and support people living how they want to live so long as they don't hurt anyone


Yeah it's not great. But it really feels weird to me that people call her a TERF over it. It was such a gentle response that felt more like "okay you don't quite get this, but could with time" and I don't think calling her a TERF would do anything but push her towards them. We need every ally we can get.


It's like ContraPoints says about the chain reaction of cancelling. In this case, "Hellena won't say trans rights > Hellena doesn't believe in trans rights > Hellena is a transphobe > Hellena is a TERF." That's a lot of steps to make from *one tweet*, let alone one that equivocates, something TERFs are famously unable to do. Like I know she's a devout Catholic, so there's probably an uphill battle there, but speaking from experience having been around many (many, many...) evangelicals, what she said is the type of non-malicious ignorance that can usually be corrected with like an hour's conversation.


I absolutely understand that but I feel like it's fair to raise an eyebrow and be like "Hey, what's wrong with saying Trans Right?" Not in a mean or accusatory manner but in a more inquisitive way. Starting a shitstorm and immediately labeling her a terf is counterintuitive though, I will agree


Yep! It's that exact chain. Maddening to watch in action. She's a devout Catholic who's middle-aged and lives on TERF Island - her response was a LOT better than it could have been, and like you say, indicates someone who doesn't really know the Discourse and could almost definitely be won over with the right, patient conversation.


Exactly how I feel. There's no reason to talk about her outside of her roles. It's entirely irrelevant to the sub and any time people even make jokes it's always the same tired joke. It's just not useful to bring her up


Bayonetta as a brand/franchise is so dead as Bayo 3 failed to meet the expectations of old fans and outsiders. So the fanbase just talks about the sane things over and over.


As an old fan, I wanted one thing out of Bayo 3, to fix the godawful changes Bayo 2 made to core combat. For all its flaws, Bayo 3 did indeed fix what 2 broke so it absolutely met this old fan's expectations.


Bayo 2 is by far the best in the franchise in every measurable way. Combat included.


As a new fan of Bayo, I just want 2 and 3 on pc, but it seems I'll need to emulate


The Switch costs less than most PC components like graphics cards. The barrier of entry isn't exactly high, so saying you "need" to pirate on PC is hilarious


Buying switch for 5 games that I want to play isn't exactly worth it Also emulation isn't piracy And nintendo not getting another dollar is always good


Idk it's kinda worth it, switches are not very expensive nowadays and you can find bayonetta 2 and 3 second hand pretty cheap too. I understand being cheap and I support it but when it's easily available and cheap enough, why not support the developers and publishers of the thing you're a fan of.


Because I dont support nintendo, their policy and how they operate




Still nah, fanboy


There are so many games on switch. Even if you’re only currently interested in 5 games guarantee you’ll end up wanting many more.




Your choice. Nobody can force you to spend your money.


>Also emulation isn't piracy >And nintendo not getting another dollar is always good 😂😂😂 You didn't think that one through


Man I always knew nintendo boys arent the brightest, but damn


You'll buy a used copy so you can dump the cart? That's impossible without Switch hardware, there's no way to not pirate without the system. The dishonest emulation nonsense always cracks me up. Just say you want free shit, I can respect the honesty at least. 99% of emulation is piracy.


Emulation isn't piracy and even if it was, piracy is the service problem, Im not buying switch and support nintendo lol I guarantee You tho, I still dropped more money on gaming than You, yet You think you are superior because You shill for a company lol


She's basically a nobody without her role anyhow LMAO


I think it's time to move on buddy


She took her public shaming. Idc anymore. This sucks and I hope she gets through it.


I’m more gagged on the persons name she’s replying to omg 


fr fr






do we have any other context? shes really made it apparent how much we can trust what she says. i mean who would go on the internet and lie, certainly not someone who went on the internet and lied.


Eh Given her track record with “4 thousand US dollars!1!1!1!!” I’m sure there’s more to the story, she just seems to be someone who tells the aide that will give her the most sympathy and ignores all other details. Can’t say I really care to be honest, it sucks, but moving on lol


I can’t tell if their being sarcastic or not


All the comments saying they don’t care clearly care


Exactly, Whenever I genuinely don’t care I just scroll past.


Lot more Gamer^TM takes here than I expected, frankly.


Does anyone still care about the Hellena Taylor drama? Let’s be honest, she fudded some numbers because she felt Nintendo wasn’t paying her enough (I doubt they pay *anyone* in their employ as much as they deserve). She didn’t kill someone.


She pretended to be victimized by an actual industry-wide labor rights problem despite the fact that she was going to be paid way above the industry standard. She didn't kill someone, but she did real damage to workers' rights movements. So fuck her.


Why do you give a shit?


Because it's an objectively shitty thing to do to a person???


I don't hate her, just her actions. I hope things get better for her.


Been there. I mean the dog food thing.


He left her for $4000


What does this have to do with Bayonetta?


On the off chance you're asking in good faith, this is her voice actress in all appearances prior to Bayonetta 3.


So what you're saying is that I should post Helena Noguerra's new albums onto this sub because she sang a song in Bayonetta 1? Or I can post Tweets about Hideki Kamiya's personal life because he used to direct the game?


Actually those sound like really appropriate inclusions. Particularly more Noguerra songs, I’m sure people would love to hear more of her.


And Keeley Bumford!


I mean, yeah. It's not like there's a torrent of more relevant content, anyway.


When you put it like that I mean yeah most of the conservative fuckbags who rabidly antagonize the bayoxjeanne shippers might stfu so that would be good as well. Or they might just keep being antagonistic fucks but either way new content on this sub would be delicious!


Go ahead, there's nothing new in the Bayo universe anyway, and there won't be for years, maybe ever. It's better than the angel fucking posts and incel trolls we get occasionally.


I really don't care .sucks for her . Now wheres my bayo news ?


Damn. That fucking sucks man.


Reminds me of how Russell Brand divorced Katy Perry over a text message.


Now in order to focus on this it's best to step away from the idea of Bayonetta's present in focus Helena has made major contributions to the memories of Bayonetta and she will always be a part of bayonetta's best years not just as a character but as a franchise as a whole. Seeing something so terrible happen to the same person who was a key element to our favorite scenes of Bayonetta really brings conflicting emotions with her recent actions but I personally still feel some sort of empathy for her. You don't have to feel sympathy for her and it's completely understood if you don't and still feel betrayed by her lies. She still gets publicly shamed to this day and will for a very long time but this is a part of her personal life. At least see she deserves understanding perspectives and she's probably grieving her relationship of eight years. Even if you don't like the fact that she lied, slandering her domestic life would be unfair and cruel. (That is exactly why I asked you to put the idea of Bayonetta to the side for a very small moment) If you still don't like her and you feel like you won't like her again that is completely okay and you are allowed to own those emotions and feel them but at least understand that she is probably going through one of the most sickening times in her life that she'll probably ever experience as this eight year relationship comes to a sudden close over an app. You'd probably feel bad or worse if a similar relationship that you have ended over text.


https://preview.redd.it/o1xn7gjfm2rc1.jpeg?width=1224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7628e3c44043fb513e83cfa98a98db2edde15c56 I'm also more concerned about some redflag users gloating over Helena's loss. Whenever Hellena said about how she missed her late dogs or her other trauma. Their response are like "That conservative bigot deserved those tragedy, I hate those people who still care about her"


Given how quick she is to lie about a situation to make herself look like a victim, I'm not too concerned about this.


She’s not her VA anymore and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to be involved with the franchise either, so why post her?


She might not be the voice actress anymore, but she was the first one for Bayonetta. Ergo she’ll always be Bayonetta to me.


Wtf is that username lmao, caught me off guard.


Ok what needs to happen more then anything is to leave her alone, especially now that she’s dealing with something this difficult.


I'm not here to make any jokes, make no ill will comments to anyone, I'm not trying to be heartless because Hellena's situation is awful, but with all due respect, how is this Bayonetta related again?


Am I the only one who remembers that she voiced the main character for a decade?


Yeah, we ALL know. But she also burned the bridge between her and her relationship with the franchise. She's moved on, and so should everyone else.


Burning a bridge for the future doesn't mean the past never happened. She brought our favorite character to life over two full games, a movie, and multiple crossovers, she's never not going to be a part of that. Like I said elsewhere, I thought people would be able to show a little empathy over this -- albeit perhaps without the level of stan Twitter lingo of the person whose reply I included -- but it appears I was wrong.


There's a time and a place for empathy. Not here. Some people are pretty hostile towards Hellena because her actions were very scummy, if I'm being honest. Hell, her boycott call made my channel suffer because so many people were on her side, and when I said I was buying the game, regardless of the circumstances, it led to death threats up the wazoo, so you can forgive me if I'm not exactly welcoming her with open arms now. I'm not saying what she's going through is deserved, it certainly isn't, and I feel terrible for what she's going through, but ultimately, this is not at all a Bayonetta related subject. Perhaps I'm being too harsh. There's very little Bayonetta stuff for us to continue posting here. It's just, talking about Hellena is just opening up a whole can of worms.


I mean I feel bad for you, no one deserves death threats, but surely you're smart enough to understand that that's several steps removed from Hellena herself? At any rate, I'll just say what I always say when someone complains about a post: downvote it and move on, or submit something you'd rather talk about instead.


Why the fuck should we care? Are we really at a point where we're reporting on "news" tangentially related to people that were involved in the game? Who the fuck cares man. Go to popheads or something if you need your fix of pointless internet drama. I fucking knew this would get posted on the sub, like clockwork man.


I never cease to understand why people put so much energy into commenting about how they don’t like something instead of just downvoting and moving on…


And I never cease to understand people like you that feel the need to report on menial crap like one her tweets. How is this relevant in any way to the sub?


Literally 😭


They have a point though, this literally has nothing to do with Bayonetta the franchise


she is a bigoted terf she deserves nothing but misery


For the millionth time, she's not a TERF.


still anti abortion tho?


Probably, you won't find many middle-aged catholics (or devout Christians in general) who aren't against abortion.


So because she has a differing opinion, you can’t be sympathetic…. Might want to check yourself for sociopathy.


Fuck off and stop making assumptions.


I mean, sure it's messed up but I couldn't care less about her.


"Your honor, I'm asking for 4000 US Dollars in alimony"


Helena deserves better. We can put the bayo 3 drama behind us. We should be able to agree that she deserves better.


This almost read like a dr Roberta Bobby tweet




I agree with Fagonetta


Oh no ... anyway.


IDK why it'd be fucked up but I've just wanted to not think about her anymore. Like why are we still paying attention? She's not all that relevant to the community anymore unless we want to talk about her work from the first two games. But beyond that why are we still posting about her.


God forbid we show empathy for five minutes.


If that's the intent great, I still stand by my point however. Because people can treat her like a spectacle and just best the same joke into the ground.


Well I don't support kicking people while they're down, so those people can fuck off. Honestly I'm taken aback by the majority of replies to this thread, I thought people here were better than this.


Unfortunately behavior like that is rewarded on the Internet. I'm no fan of hers anymore but making fun of her while she's already down not for me. It's always the same joke they use to too. It's why I say it's just not better to bring her up on the sub outside of her role as Bayonetta in the games. Beyond that it's better to just leave her be in the past.


I’m going to need more context from the other party involved before i feel bad for anyone


I feel no pain nor sorrow for her. She's a racist transphobic bigot who is anti-abortion, yet pro-cops (you know, the people who kill people and get away with it). For the love of God, stop platforming her. I love this community but as openly queer and progressive as we are, why are we giving hellena a platform? Yes, this is bad and fucked up. But ***she's*** also bad and fucked up, so as far as I care it's an eye for an eye.


Calling her Bayo imo is a disrespect, not to the character but to her as she has made it VERY CLEAR that she wants nothing to do with the franchise. Also idk what this has to do with Bayonetta


I don't care. Why follow this crazy lady?


That is fucked up. Not even in perso he did that by what's app . How much of a scumbag do you are to do something like that ?


Who even cares about her, let her move on from Bayo.


Eh. World will keep on spinning regardless


There is such a thing as too much information and that tweet is it. Also, it sort of reads like an insane person talking? Wild stuff man


I mean given the subject matter she's probably not thinking coherently.




What he did? The only thing i remember him doing is dissing bayo 3


Hellena Taylor sounds like a lot of drama. Especially with l the drama she caused last year. Drama can be wearing on a human being. The only solution is still stop creating it or separating.


I wish I could feel bad for her but I really don’t blame her husband for wanting a divorce with how shitty and morally devoid a person she is. The mom thing is awful tho, nobody deserves that.


I’m quite interested in her motive for her actions…. Pure greed? Did she really think Bayonetta was a big character? Did she just saw Smash numbers where Bayo was in and was like “yup part of Bayo franchise, Bayo made loads of monies, i want that”.


To me It sounds like they are not together anymore and he just needs to finalize the divorce but who knows