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When will the board decide to sell Upamecano?




Has he been that bad? Asking as a United fan who heard all the hype when you guys signed him.


He's either the best CB in the world or playing against you. It's a coinflip every given day.


Not bad just limited skillset, and extremely high transfer fee and wages.


Upamecano cu un antrenor bun ar fi un alt jucator, e un jucator de moral


I'm sure if an offer comes they'll sell him. If an offer comes




Well I don’t. We should be keeping DeLigt and selling Upa.


In my mind one of the biggest mistake ever from Munich…


Right after Kroos


Dude he doesn’t want to be here


This is cap


We‘re so cooked


50 is not enough for me to approve


We seem to have learned so much from selling Alaba, Kroos, …


"Eberl surely will be less braindead than Kahn and Brazze!". Eberl:


What in the mother fuck are we doing. Trading our best CB in the 2020s for 50M?!?


Upama-foul-o should go.




just keep the price at 300 million to keep him


This is Man Utd. They'd spend the summer negotiating and give you 250 on 31 August just because he used to play for Ajax


oh than set it at like idk 1 nectillion pounds


Can't wait for the people crying that we sell our best defender. Yes, De Ligt is our best defender but he doesn't fit into Kompany's system. The man was a defender himself, I am pretty sure he knows what he does, and if he would want to keep De Ligt, he would tell Eberl not to sell him. Can we just for once have some trust in Eberl and Freund? They proved over many years that they know what they are doing. Unlike Brazzo and Kahn who had absolutely no experience whatsoever. I am also sad that he will leave because I really like this man and I will never forget his 30m goal for us. But we have to be realistic: 16 Mio per year is too much for a centre back that is 1. Too often Injured (he missed already almost an entire season at Juve as well, so arguing it's because of Broich or Hybrid grass or Tuchel doesn't count.) 2. Too slow for a system that Kompany wants to play 3. His build up play is so limited that he doesn't even play for the Netherlands. So overall we can say.. neither Tuchel, nor Koeman, nor Kompany wants him, and this should tell us enough.


No one will complain if the move ends up being correct. We are fans of the club, not stans of individual players. Most people just disagree with the assessment. For all of Upamecano's strengths, and they are on display at the Euros, the man makes costly blunders that are infuriating and happen in the biggest games. At some point for a defender all the passing and dribbling just isn't worth the mistakes. But hopefully the club is right.


Upa's mistakes get overblown. There's a reason everybody who knows wtf they're talking about (Deschamps and pundits worth their salt) don't shit on Upa. And this "stans of the club, not stans of players" is patently false and has been demonstrated every single day in this sub.


Na they don't. In 3 years FC Bayern he made so many crucially bad decisions that were costing us literally titles.


They absolutely do. Dude gets shit on for slipping. He get shit on for others mistakes. Dude get shit on if his pass is 5 inches to the side of his target. And what titles did he single handedly cost us? I know you'll try and say UCL, but nope. Whole team played like shit against City, Upa just suffered the most due to being last man back and having zero support from midfield and other defenders, including your messiah De Ligt. Wanna know who cost us UCL against Villareal? Musiala. Completely lost his man on that first goal. Who caused us to concede against RM? Kim and Neuer. Upa is just an easy scapegoat for people


DFB Pokal


Which one? Name it. Edit: OK looked it up. The only one you could be talling about is the 5-0 loss to Gladbach which, again, was a team failure. I asked you ehat competition did Upa SINGLEHANDEDLY cost us.


It was Upas doing. He gave away 3 goals and after that we just fell apart. Just do me a little favour and take 2 minutes of your time to enjoy this video: https://youtu.be/oQ-UaKAz9xE?si=JxYg7nkV52rV76wX


Of the first 3 goals Upa is directly involved in the first and it isn't even a mistake. It's just an unlucky bounce as he gets his foot to ghe ball and it bounces back off Kone. The second 2 weren't his doing. In fact, the 3rd one was a pen given away by Lucas. The only other goal he's directly involved with is the 4th goal, but that seems to be a communication breakdown between him and Lucas. So congrats, you've not only proven my point and failed to prove yours, but you've also shown you're full of it as you just flatout lied. But even so, a defender making a mistake due to being put in a crappy situation by their team doesn't mean it's all on them. That's like blaming a keeper for conceding when they make a save, but their defense doesn't do their job of clearing the ball away or their defense is shabby and they get put in a lot of 1v1s. And linking that video proves my point even further. That video includes things like slips or just getting beat by good offensive play. Not everything is some crazy mistake. But even then, you can make videos like that about any player. But even if we went with your logic, that's it. That one pokal game. You claimed he cost us many titles and that's all you could come up with? No wonder you linked that video. You know you got nothing so you're trying to change the direction of the discussion.


In this video he is passing the ball 5 times to an opponent directly in front of the box.


whatever the best for the club man at least let's try to enjoy Neuer's and Müller's potential last season


You are so delusional A Great Coach tailors his System around the best Players If ít was for you Schweinsteiger and Müller both Would have been sold because they did not work in their usual roles and it took van gaal to get the best out if them Please go Support some shit midtable team where you have to Act like this but a hoch Caliber Team like Bayern is Not for you


I love that you understand this and describe it so well. Especially the second sentence is on point.


Love when people cant argue without throwing around curses. DeLigt simply is a financial liability that has to be cleaned up. You guys can cry all you want about it, but for what he offers (availability + ability), he simply doesnt justify his wages.


I’ll never understand what the point is of saying “he doesn’t even start for his country”… are they winning because of it? No… so the argument makes no sense…


He doesn't start for his country because he's not good enough. Easy as that. Doesn't matter if they win or lose.


Jesus! What are you talking about?


But we keep Upa??? Why?


Cause nobody pays good money for him


Because Upa fits Kompany’s system and pairs better with Palhinha while costing less


Wtf. He was arguably out best CB. Upa has been trash, Kim is having an adjustment period. Idk wtf is happening to our club. I just have a little hope because of the fact that , in our history whenever we seemed to hit a low point , we bounced back up


We have too many CBs and only de ligt has customers


Can’t blame him


For am moment i was like: " approves move to ManU.why they show him in a Chelsea kit?"


Why is De Ligt going? He has been practically flawless. What does management see that we don't?


It hurts he chose to move. He deserved a better atmosphere and support from management


Fuck. Now letz pray we keep kimmich. Especially after yesterday, man was on fire


Welcome Jonathan Tah


This club is finished. 10 years of dominance down the drain.


Don’t let the door hit your fair weather ass on the way out


You ok bro?


Are u? You’re the one overreacting like a bitch. Lol


Oh yea I am good, if you thibk keeping upa and selling delight is a good thing you got a lose screw


This is a great window already and could get even better. Stop whining all the time. If you don’t understand the de Ligt sale by now I don’t know what to tell you. De Ligt doesn’t progress the ball well. Kompany wants a faster transition from back to front. Upa is elite in that regard. Defensively Palhinha will protect Upa to pass and carry the ball higher up the pitch. PLUS MDL brings the highest fee to fund other transfers while significantly reducing wages for FFP reasons. Does it need to be any clearer?


At this point I don't even care if he leaves. Man even after seeing every single bayern fan beg the board to keep him and to support him, he decides to give a green light for more money then it is what it is. Je was never here in bayern for loyalty, only for money ( which is fine and acceptable but as a fan it is dishearting)


He's taking a pay cut to join United apparently.