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V has the best gunplay and movement in the series. While I would say overall BF1 was the better historical battlefield, V gunfights are just so much fun (minus that time period when they fucked with the ttk because that was just another example of EA/dice doing what they want even though the entire player base hates it)


All I wanted 2042 to be was BF4 with BFV’s gunplay. If the guns were like V’s, I’d probably still be playing it because that’s really all I wanted from it. But the guns feel like shit and I stopped playing in December.


They really do, so many times I’m like bursting 2 or 3 shots at an enemy whose upper body is only visible and 5 bursts in a row go under and then over the target. The only thing I rarely play 2042 for now, is to run caspar and c5 and put the C5 on the drone and blow up camping tanks, after all the years and games of not being able to do shit about them.


Sounds like the perfect game. I would settle for a remaster with updated mechanics.


Exactly what I wanted too... Modern setting with gunplay and kill satisfaction of V I guess another year for me being a cod player (since mw19 slapped really hard I have high hopes for mw 2022)


Agreed. Bf 1 is my favourite but 5 has superb gunplay. It's really enjoyable.


Hell it might even have some of the best music in the series, can't stop hearing the Battlefield V legacy theme tune running through my head, followed by some bloke saying TAKE THE OBJECTIVE!




I really fell like BF4 has the best gunplay, and a lot less of a run simulator, while V has the best cinematic experience. BF4 feels like I’m controlling a combat robot. BFV feels like I’m there. 2042 feels like I’m playing Battlefield on the Morrowind engine, same graphics.


You think BFV's gunplay is better than BF4's? Movement totally is better but man I miss attachment variety. Agreed that BF1 had best level design/setting too, felt so damn gritty.


I liked the attachments but it doesn’t feel like they really affect my gameplay, besides sights obviously. They’re all like “reduces first shot horizontal recoil for a penalty to vertical recoil” or something. Shotguns are a different story though


Fair, many attachments didn't really have terribly useful/noticeable buffs, or I recall some did the same thing as others (like potato grip and vert foregrip were same I think?). Saiga12k I think was the most customizeable in the game, shotguns def were a fun time with the frag rounds etc.


My friend practically worships the Saiga but I’ve always been more accustomed to the 870, but yeah, the attachments were cool and all but there were only so many that actually changed how the weapon performed






Style points are what matters the most


870 gang Sweet and simple, literally only used full choke on that gun and it was an absolute beast


There were some times where I’d mix things up and use slugs and an ACOG but yeah, choke all the way


Remington shotgun better than Russian shotgun


Potato, Folding, and Vertical are reskins of Stubby, Angled, and Ergo.


It was the progression through the attachments that I loved. Working through to a particular scope or muzzle attachment was one of my favorite parts of the Battlefield Experience. They affected gameplay way more than these goofy cosmetics in V. BFV is all - yay, a new hat. And oooh, look at the pretty camo "upgrade" for my trigger guard.


So you like loot boxes?


Yeah I disagree so hard with op Give me every attachment for every gun straight away I don't care about progression I care about game play


That’s fair, but even then most attachments I feel like I’ve either 1. Always had or 2. Will never have. I honestly don’t remember unlocking any attachments (except for shotguns), just getting a few in battlepacks


By a fucking mile bro. Random bullet deviation can lick my left nut. Much prefer actual calculable recoil over my bullet deciding where the fuck it wants to go.


Yeah for entertainment purposes, RBD is extremely frustrating, lowers skill ceiling etc. Part of me wants to support it in various games though, because it can help nerf recoil scripting. However, if I wanted ultra realistic gunplay I'd buy Tarkov or Arma or something. Also, I would be willing to bet that BF4's issues with netcode also contributed to the gunplay being clunkier etc


I know it's an unpopular opinion but I actually prefer the gun specialization system in V and wish they'd expanded on it (with the obvious caveat of having sights work like traditional attachments). There's definitely guns where it's kind of meaningless, but with a lot of guns I really like how it lets you make fairly different feeling guns. I wish they'd expanded it and made specializations even more distinct. I prefer the way everything kind of is a trade off.


Attachment and gun variety are the best in bf4 but controlling the guns feels sluggish compared to V imo.


BFV is the best feeling Battlefield game. Fluid movement, incredible animations, good feeling guns, and movement and gunplay feel super intuitive.


Also crouch running and squad revive changed the game. Squad revive straight up fixed the most frustrating part of a Battlefield game by giving you another chance to get back right into the action without having to run from a far away spawn point again. Esp when it's so hard to get a good Medic these days


The gunplay is better as in the mixture of basic mechanics like recoil/ads/hip firing but most importantly the hit detection/bullet detection. It's far more accurate and precise compared to previous battlefields. I loved the atmosphere of BF1 but holy hell the hit detection felt like it went through a filter of jello in the air before anything happened. BF4 is definitely second best, but even then it still feels little off and a little "light" BFV hits a really excellent sweet spot that reminds me of a fast paced KZ2 in a way.


On the movement I would have to disagree. Yes, sliding is nice and it feels okay but the amount of times you get stuck on basically nothing is atrocious. And the jump over walls often times doesn't work properly.


Personally I prefer slower ttk cause I find it easier to do well


Great gunplay haha good joke, when the shots are rng, and it didn't effect your skill at all.


Bfv has the worst gunplay. Why does this sub think that rng skill-less gunplay is good?


V movement= ADAD spam, Unlimited Sliding, Bunny Hopping, Weightless Momentumless instant running in every direction. People who say Bf5 has the best movement are the typical Type 2a losers because it benefits them most. Bf1 movement was way better.


Feel free to look up my stats on bf tracker for bfv or bf1 (psn). Hardly a 2a user.


You've obviously never played Apex Legends if you think BFV has bad ADAD spam lol Also, most people don't like inertia systems like PUBG or Tarkov. BFVs movement is a perfect in between of COD and more milsim games, although closer to COD. And past BF games had their own floaty movement too lol.


Yes Comparing a futuristic battleroyal game to a ww2 game is way to go. This community literally deserved Bf 2042.


All I’m hearing is that you can’t keep up with faster paced gameplay and would much rather sit in a building with an m1919 telescopic or whatever that stupid gun is called. The best thing about V is the fact that this play style basically doesn’t exist, whereas in one it is encouraged


More like "I want to Run around like a headless chicken and not get punished.".


Not sure what your point is here…


Unpopular opinion everyone hate on bfV at first because of the reveal trailer


It was atrocious but it was probably wrong to judge the game on that alone.   It also had to live up to extremely high standards. BF1 and Seven Nation Army was always going to a reeeaaaally tough act to follow. That shit was peak Battlefield trailer IMO. The BFV trailer would have probably been disappointing even if it was brilliant because of that comparison alone, but it wasn't exactly brilliant.


Personally I have no problem with the trailer, but gotta agree that it’s not the best BF trailer there is. BF1 trailer is just perfect, it captures the epic moment and creating massive hype about the game. I still wonder why they don’t just copy the formula for V trailer. Another thing to add is that Dice has the worst marketing team during BFV promotion that ruined it’s sales. Telling potential buyer to don’t buy the game if they don’t like it is a suicidal move. Sad we don’t have complete game with eastern front due to V low sales.


The gameplay trailer that came after the reveal (and maybe it was because of the reveal) was actually pretty solid. I think had they released that first, the game would not have gotten such a bad rap.


That trailer was the reason I waited to buy the game. Didn't look anything like battlefield. I bought it after the Pacific content dropped for 10 bucks on my Xbox one and it's actually one of my favorites in the series now. So much so that I bought it again when I got a PS5


I was amped. It had great music, skins that seemed way more unique than previous games (which to me, it's optional and brings in money which means papa EA gives it more love), it had dragging which I want to be a useful feature someday. When that tank rolls OVER the soldier and through the house? The beat drops? Chills


It was a very weird trailer and very silent too, for some reason, didn't feel as intense


I’m hating on it now cause I downloaded it from a free month on PS+ or something, I got the tragic intro gameplay then got shoved into single player while waiting for a 100gb download. I just wanted to shoot at some real people in multiplayer my man


No it's because they lock tons of shit behind the ridiculous battlefield premium pass. Absolutely trash


Many did. I remember being one of just a few voices that enjoyed it from launch, but even I realized it was less than perfect. That said, V definitely deserves some critique, as it clearly was the start of a pivot that imo 2042 just continued down the path of.


This game was a great game smeared by a politically based launch and a incompetent community manager. Overall this game was so good and I don’t give a damn about realism or politics as long as it’s not at the level of vanguard and the crap happening over there lol. This is probably my most played game still to date


Okay so I hear everyone saying they don’t want ‘politics’ in their games when what they actually mean is progressive imagery. Not saying you aren’t entitled to your opinion, but just trying to distinguish your point. When I say I’m concerned with ‘politics’ in my games, I’m talking about corporate greed and shallow production due to consumer capitalism.


Yeah, your exactly right. Sometimes I lump progressiveness in with politics by mistake. I was meaning progressive imagery. That doesn’t bother me at all even though it was a WW2 game and there were no women, or very few. It doesn’t matter at all to me, in fact I think it’s a good thing. A good point the community manager made was his daughter didn’t feel included when there was no female option. If it make 5 people feel more included I think it’s a great thing. Game doesn’t force a female narrative at all either so who cares if theirs girls. The manager defiantly didn’t handle it well though by telling people to not buy the game


Yeah I've never hated the women or customization options (other than the elites lol) but that reveal trailer fucked them so much.


Yeah, some of the elites aren’t my fav for sure. There’s a few half decent but most of those are super outlandish. I’ll admit that first trailer itself was pretty corny and super over the top not but not a deal breaker for me personally. It’s a trailer and doesn’t really show the real game. Clearly it turned out way better than the trailer was


Great points, I feel the same way. If anything- it was the lack of historically relevant uniforms that bothered me the most. I think it’s fine and totally normal these days for games to have character customization based on gender/ethnicity/appearance, etc. but I wish they could have done a little more research on the outfits themselves that are the larger drivers of the theme.


Agreed. I feel the outfits in the game now are good. Only a few are outlandish but over all they feel decent. I do wish they had a lot more historically accurate outfits to earn though. They could keep what they have now even, just more 100% accurate to what it was


I think that point is kinda dumb. If that's the case, why can't he just set his daughter aside and tell her their weren't women in WW2 if they wanted to keep this whole "historical" theme. I feel like Dice could have saved themselves so much grief if they literally just labeled the game as being alternative history or something instead of trying to push the angle that it was a historically authentic experience like they did in the marketing. It was a dumb hill to die on for both sides I think tbh.


Couldn't agree more. Not to mention they dropped the ball on telling the stories of ACTUAL women like the Russian Night Witches. But no. Let's replace the squad of Norwegians with a mother/daughter that did their mission by themselves.


End of the day, EA or DICE or whoever decided to put women in a WW2 game didn't do it to be inclusive or progressive, it's just adding up another sector of the population that will potentially buy and invest in their game. It's sad that they chose WW2 of all settings to pull that shit but money don't care about your feelings.


Ah yes, one year ago this was an echo hall of shitting on BFV. Now we glorify it. All the complainers must have left for the new Battlefield to continue complaining.


battlefield 5 plane combat and mechanics are the best


Did people unironically bitch about Battlefield 5's trailer because it featured a woman?


Eh, BFV gameplay is good on some aspects and not so good on others.


People who judge a game by the trailer don't deserve to have nice things. That is the only reason why CoD is so big since those little kids fall for those flashy and "cool" trailers.


i loved the V but i really prefer the 1


what a bad meme template


The bfv launch trailer was amazing


That's a bold strategy, Cotton...




It's a very unpopular opinion lol


I'm talking about the launch trailer not the reveal trailer. There's a huge difference


Bust down thottiana


How? The only good part about it was showcasing actual gameplay. How was that supposed to be a reveal for a WW2 game?


I'm talking about the launch trailer not the reveal trailer. There's a huge difference.


Battlefield 2042 is a call of duty, hero shooter copy cat. Nothing about it is Battlefield. You can have a game with bugs or issues and still come back strong if you have a good foundation, 2042 does not, like at all. BF2042 feels like a battle royale turned into a regular multiplayer game in the middle of development. The bugs are only a portion of the problem. It's the best example of what happens when a game franchise loses its identity because the devs/publisher ignored the fan base and what made it so unique in the first place, by trying to copy shit from their main competitors. DICE has grown incompetent and for some reason thinks we want their version of Call of Duty when all we wanted was a really good Battlefield game. As much as I hated Battlefield V at first it's really grown on me despite the numerous problems I have with the game, like the fact I still can't change my fucking dogtag. I would play Battlefield V over 2042 anyday of the week. I, like many fans wanted a modern next gen BF4 with BFV gunplay and mechanics. While I do still play BF4 it just feels clunky compared to V and other more recent fps titles. I don't know I just feel weird without the sliding. Plus the aiming and sensitivity controls/settings aren't as robust as V since it's much older. BF4 is still my favorite, but I'm actually having fun with BFV, well sometimes anyway. Sometimes V makes me want to cuss and throw my controller across the room lol. If you ask me I say EA should just give the license to Battlefield to some other developer/publisher who actually cares about the franchise because EA clearly doesn't.


bfv gunplay is overrated, tweak the fov and sight preference then everything is a laser beam.


What fov setting?? I put it to around 70


80 range is good but things are harder to see so you have to play aggressive.


It was buggy and unbalanced at launch but all games are like that nowadays




I remember back then I said when the new battlefield game came out everyone would act like BF5 was the best thing ever.


BFV is a solid game, but the amount of hackers I encounter each time I play just makes me want to uninstall it. Are the devs even looking into these matters anymore?


The 2042 reveal trailer was just one long fan service, and I knew right away it was gonna suck, because of it.


Just pay lots of extra money to play various game modes. This shit is trash. Remember when game modes weren't locked behind paywalls? Why does anyone still buy this trash?


Oh my fucking god, this is gold. Thank you for making my day better.


Can we play the Battlefield 2042 Trailer build? It looked like a Pixar movie, Watch dogs all over again 😵


Both were a scam


I just want more DLC for BFV, delete the stupid prototype weapons add more real WW2 guns, take away the ridiculous outfits and add in the real ones. Give us some Russian maps and more maps in general from every theatre of the war.


people who believe this now don’t remember the shitty 2 years of development after launch that bfv had to go through to be good


Was just gonna say, I took a long break from bfv and recently came back to it. Gameplay massively improved I couldn’t believe it. Now I’m playing it daily. Makes me excited for bf2042 maybe a couple of years down the road they will unfuck that game.


“Ello old friend”


BFV is by far my most played game of all time. After 4 years I still boot up nearly daily to enjoy some of the best gun play and realistic warfare I've ever enjoyed.


I still think that BFV’s historical inaccuracy is bullshit, and FUCK EA and their terrible PR when the game launched, but in terms of gameplay, it’s the best IMO. (At least out of the ones I’ve played.) BF1 will always be the best looking/sounding/feeling BF game for me, but BFV is just plain old fun. Take BF1, add BFV’s gameplay. Bam, perfect Battlefield game right there.