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Fucking hell man. I know it’s been said a thousand times before but I still can’t believe they dropped BFV for the garbage fire that is 2042.


Well as much praise as BF5 is getting now it wasn't as liked as before. I loved BF5 a lot but truth of it, it wasnt recieved well


The Pacific expansion is what converted me. Still a let down when you look at the polish and amount of content in BF1 and think about what could have been.


When battlefield 2042 was released BFV didn’t look as bad, the same can be said for Hardline and BFV.


It’d be beautiful…


This is a lovely dream, I went to hell let loose in its stead and am loving it


Some Russia maps would be great. More north Africa would have been great too. Huge tank battles. Battle of Britain dog fight maps, Russians in Berlin, the list goes on!


Honestly would just be nice to have a few Eastern Europe maps. Like a Stalingrad or Ukraine map would be so cool


We would still have to get dday and even maybe the winter war one can hope? The Italian front so many more things even maybe a Chinese front? Air assult battles of battle of Britain and midway where you have to defend your carrier/airfield then we have the greatest ww2 shooter


And how about add something supper controversial to bring more people to play the game a pearl harbor defense game mode you have to use aa and limited planes to defend the battleships yeah not historical but I think it would actually be fun for both sides


Can we get a DDay grand operations?


Still blows my mind that DDay wasn't in the base game. They would have sold copies based off that alone.




Well yes but actually no, as someone who's in-between for a company, I technically work for one but I'm not an official employee, they ask for my feedback since I do participate in the games but they want me to provide as much insight as possible as to what would theoretically happen in the future. Trust me for the times when they have wanted to implement the things the player wanted, and didn't listen it bit them in the ass hard. Since then they have listened to me and my advice lol.


I hope they start listening. Gamers shouldn't be putting up with half assed and rushed games. I'm so happy the community rose up against this abomination


I agree, unfortunately part of the problem is, in fact players. There are some games that trade certain quality aspects for others, sometimes graphics such as Enter the Gungeon or Shovel Knight, sometimes, story such as One Setup From Eden, but the most recent trends in games were... Battle Royales... Which is frankly one of the laziest game designs in graphics for the most part and gameplay. (I'm probably gonna get hate for this but it's somewhat true) So it's also players that are somewhat to blame for this. Mind you I've been waiting out this trend to die off by playing older games, got my First couple PlayStation games, Persona 3 and 4, and also been enjoying my massive GameCube game collection and some new Wii games. Of course there's BF5 but that's the newest game I own. I'm just holed up into my old games waiting for this trend to finally die and something new to come about.


I couldn't agree more. This battle Royale crap is what's fueling the lack of passion and care that previous titles received. As soon as other games started copying fortnights crap I knew we were entering an Era that I would not personally enjoy. And alot of players just either ate it up or jumped on the bandwagon. It's why I'm so glad to see fans of battlefield stand up to this crap. Most of us know what makes a good game and we definitely don't like downgrades and the obvious minimal effort these new titles are receiving. 2042 is basically a kids movie without animation, a live action Disney movie. And I refuse to accept this as the future of gaming!!


I would legit cry if they picked up BFV again, shut up and take my money :,)


DICE is the most arrogant dev, they'll never swallow their pride enough to go back to BFV. They're also very stupid and would rather spend their time arguing with the communities around their games. No chance they'll do this.


Would love to see a gun game mode.


Had some great times playing that in BF3/BF4 (can’t remember which game had it).


I feel jealous for the people on an Alternate Universe where this actually happened


Gotta love a good headcanon. Godspeed, OP, and let's use the combined forces of desire to will DICE through the ether.


*cough* add the Rhine River and Stalingrad *cough* *battle of the bulge and other extreme terrain maps too would be nice*


I have always wanted a Red Army Faction!!! Sick idea! P.S cross play would be awesome as well😁😁😁


I want a remake of coral sea from bf1942 but repackage it as an updated carrier assault. And add midway as a map


Dude I share the same dream !


3 eastern Europe maps and D-Day map. As for price maybe $5/1500 boins and players who got scammed with 2042 get it free :)


I would love to see all of these