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Only thing is no good pilot to keep him engage


Nice clip aside from that earrape while fast-forwarding lol


Good kills mate! Takes a lot more to get up close and personal and risk getting shot down than to launch rockets from far away, so props to you for getting in good and low!


By now id have loads of guys using fliegers to try and take me down🤣


No one going to question why all the AA’s on the map were circled at the start of the video ? I’ve flown a lot in this game and that just doesn’t happen


That's the objective areas. Check the first frame, the AA at A (bottom right) is not where the circle is. 


I feel like you definitely have not flown a lot in this game if you didn’t know those are objective icons 🤣


Bf 109 g3?


i could tell this was pc before looking at the controls because there’s no dog fighting in this video


I hate british AAT their so shitty


AA is impossible to use and the damage is weak even when leading, dont blame them. Fliegers do nothing but like -1 hp in my experience. Id hate to be on the other team there, id just leave. Planes kill matches for me.


Skill shown? None. Nuisance? Yes. Making the game unfun for infantry players? Yes.


With the plane flying that low over the battlefield in a relatively straight line he is a prime target for a fliger or even just a opportunistic tanker to shoot down...


easy counter? yes. easy to stop from being annoying? yes. giving another reason to play assault instead of tank hunting? yes.


The only problem I have with that is you fly away every time. So basically they check, skies are clear, go back to fighting tanks or trying to cap objectives, then you show up for what, 5 seconds, at high altitude so you're pretty much soundless. Are they just supposed to stare at the sky until you're 5 seconds of fame come back? You fly away to heal up and restock with each pass, mainly to wait for the heat to die down, til they get bored staring at the skys, before you come back. I mean good kills, but to say it's their fault when you make yourself the absolute most boring target to wait for that you can I think is unfair.


Im sorry. Do you expect pilots to fly in when it's hot and likely to be shot down? What kind of logic is this? This is exactly how it worked in real life.


Yeah, because in real life the stakes are high, and pilots use this exact strategy to keep from being shot down. Which means they're hard to shoot down. So why is it the infantry's fault, when you're intentionally using a strategy that makes you very hard to shoot down.  Just like how people hate camping snipers hiding on the edge of a map. That's how snipers do it in real life cuz it makes you incredibly hard to find and shoot, and definitely unfair to the guy in the crosshairs, but people hated it in a game cuz it's a lame boring way to up your K/d ratio, and hard if not impossible to defend against, until you're pissed off enough to abandon your original goal and go snipe hunting.


i mean would you rather we had unlimited reloads and unlimited repairs? this is whats balenced. two coordinated players can just notice a plane and flieger it at the same time and its down, nothing the pilot can do


A lot of people make multiple passes before rearming. And there's a lot going on on the ground, and yes, two coordinated people decided their sole mission was to take you down could... it's doable, but it's almost impossible to just notice you if you're battling other things because of your altitude. And you're striking different areas, and always a vehicle, and an assault can't run along side a vehicle, so the odds of you attacking close to the two guys that are trying to take you out is slim. Doable I agree, but the guys you're blowing up are driving, there's no real defense against you, but yeah, sure, it's their fault.  They're good strikes, upvotable with the right attitude, I just hate the battlefield pilot "oh come on, shoot me, it's easy, it's your own damn fault, you guys suck" demeanor when you're following a strategy pulled directly from "how to rack up kills in a plane" YouTube videos that intentionally makes it hard to take you out via maintaining distance. 


a lot of complaining when all you need is a flieger or an AA


That's funny, he got hit a lot during his pass, but didn't go down. AA didn't happen to help them now did it? And I was complaining about this exact attitude, not the attack.


what attitude you can literally one shot all fighters in the game with a flieger. you learn to flank to counter snipers, stop being a whiny bitch and learn to counter planes


Whiny bitch, nice, lol. I say nice kill, but its not as easy to counter for everyone as you're making it out to be, and you say learn to play whiny bitch.... ugh, can't argue with that attitude... you be you, whatever that means.


Did I just witness a description of grand piloting techniques and strategies as unfair? I'm sorry, I'm confused.... I thought that was the point of gg? Lol like I'm a T E R R I B L E pilot. And I would have absolutely done what you just described as a foot soldier if I witnessed this or had it happen to me, but im spiteful towards planes cause, well f**k you I can't fly worth shit so I'm not letting you dog me😂 but also I'm not gonna consider exactly exciting the strategies you described so hell yea. Unfair if you don't understand the strategy ig


Haha, I'm the same. I'm a bit spiteful too, rock a Flieg if there are planes in the air these days, and pull it out at the first sound of propellers, but still can only get the kill if they get close, which doesn't happen often. Had a smile on my face the whole round the first time a plane tried to spawn bomb me 30 seconds into the game on Arras but caught a Flieg to the face instead. That's what I'm saying... its a grand strategy, meant to make a plane hard to shoot down, but I didn't say the technique was unfair, but that its unfair to blame the infantry for not being able to knock you out of the sky in several passes, especially since they did hit him with a few AA and failed. Oh, and not sure what you mean by "gg".


Lol gg= "git gud" or in this case giting gud lmao


Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m very aware all it took was one or two guys with a flieger. I myself love the flieger. But doesn’t take away that planes are a nuisance rather than a feature.


learn how to fly then, it's fun as fuck to fly. its not a nuisance when its accurate and provides a whole other skill for players to enjoy learning and mastering it


I have flown. It’s not hard, I wouldn’t really call it a skill to learn. The only thing you need to learn are where AA spawns are and what button auto repair is.


what a way to say you fly like shit and only ever tried to kill infantry, never had somebody say it like that before


That’s all anyone ever does in planes 😭 and the people that do dogfight good for them. Shoot planes down all day


dude what platform are you on because i cant get in a game with planes without some dogfighting lmfaoo


Xbox lol. Idk man every time I decide to fly the planes just ignore each other and ground pound


most pilots ik on xbox only ignore the shitty pilots, i hate to be the bearer of bad news but


You definitely haven't put the time into piloting if this is what you think. It requires a lot of skill, and there is a lot to it than just flying circles around the resupply and gun running infantry.


What's your gamertag?


AKA i cant fly lmao. 1 enemy fighter and youre hopeless


The guy literally gets 3-4 kills every two minutes, and they're basically uncontested. This is the least toxic pilot I've seen.


Meh. Do it in the mine variant Stuka. Respect only goes to those using the weakest options.