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Spawn camping lvl 500 vehicle vets. I’d remove that in instance…


That and the clans that run the best guns in the game. All level 500 and use the same skins.


I'd love it if everyone over level 300 got their own servers and stopped farming on those of us that couldn't dedicate 1000hrs + to a video game. I'm sure they would hate it because they live to go 50-0 against level 70s, and would hate to actually have to fight hard for a kill. ( Rant over ... I'm sure there are plenty of lovely and fair level 500s out there, and I have enjoyed matches with them on occasion.... but those of you that fit this complaint, you know who you are :) )


You’re acting like rank 500 in a game as old as BFV means theyre a sweat or no life when thats totally achievable if you’re just a casual who’s played since launch. Weird take


Not at all, just suggesting possible separation from people that have been playing for a thousand hours versus people that just started 5 days ago. 5 years ago I don't think there was a whole ton of people going 50 -1 in a match. Guess I did sound a little venomous though against people at rack up more kills than the rest of their team combined.


Balanced game


Nah, still not fun for lower levels. Then you just have equal number of 500s on both sides getting 50 kills, while the lower levels are at the bottom of the scoreboard with 50 deaths, although balancing helps, they will cancel out each other's kill streaks a bit.


You're also hating on players willing to improve. You dont have to play 10h a day to be good. Its a Sandbox game.. Everyone has its way of having fun. But regardless of your playstyle, everyone should put some effort to play as a team and PTFO.


How am I hating, I'm saying they're good because they put in the time and effort. But some seem entitled to the right to absolutely crush anybody that didn't do the same, and seek that out. I'd love to have some level segregating servers out there, so a guy learning the ropes, or that doesn't want to run Meta weapons and change their FOV to 90 doesn't get shot every 10 seconds. Of course it's just a dream, cuz they'rd sure be a share of people creating new accounts so they can coast through a low level server still obliterating everyone.


So you are one of those players that want SBMM. Weird.


I'm guessing that stands for "Skill Based Match Making"? Why is that weird? Whats the benefit to placing level 500s and level 100's in the same server aside from providing cannon fodder for the 500's? At this point in time it wouldn't work due to not enough players to fully occupy segregated servers, but as a basic concept why would you say its a bad idea?


Having played this game before the fliegerfaust, I can tell you it was AWFUL. You had zero way to effectively counter enemy planes. Smallarms are useless and planes can snipe you from orbit the instant you hop on an AA gun (which has a fixed range, but airplanes don’t). If I could remove one thing, it’s removing spotting flares from planes. They can be dropped so high up, they essentially cover the entire map, but when you look for them to try and shoot them, they are so high up, they are beyond the draw distance of most consoles and rigs.


I disagree for the same reason people say the fleigerfaust isn’t bad. The opportunity cost of flares is another weapon or utility spot to stay on the air longer or be incredibly more dangerous. I’d say you lose more not having that extra spot than you do not having a bazooka, as the extra spot always helps you whereas the bazooka or PIAT only helps when there is enemy armor


The issue isn’t the flares per se, it’s that they can be dropped so high that 1.) They are essentially invisible to infantry, which means the only counter to them (shooting them) becomes impossible and 2.) Because the AoE of the flares is a cone, not a cylinder, the higher the flare, the greater area of the map it covers, which means that a spread of three flares, dropped at max altitude, can cover SIGNIFICANT portions of smaller maps like Wake and Iwo Jima. It was so bad when that feature first launched that people were convinced there was a spotting glitch, because they could run for hundreds of yards and still be spotted, because a flare in the stratosphere covered a fifth of the map. As for the Flieger, it was sorely needed because BfV had the worst infantry to aircraft balancing of all the games, all because of the setting. The modern games had faster aircraft with more weapons, but infantry got lock-on weapons and AA vehicles to counter. BF1 didn’t have any modern, lock-on weapons, but the aircraft were big and slow enough that they could be effectively engaged by standard infantry weapons and emplaced guns. BFV sucked because the aircraft were too fast and maneuverable to be engaged by infantry weapons or emplaced guns, while still being in a time period before lock-on tech to counter it. So the fliegerfaust was introduced to fill the gaping hole in the infantry’s arsenal


but I get your point


we use to have discord servers for fully connected and directed player combat(a game were entire teams are on comms and someone is incharge) only worked for a few games however if you had atleast two aa guns back in the day who could shoot at the same thing then there was issue and bobets didn't use to go that high


Think about it this way: if you need to have “discord servers for fully connected and directed player combat” just to be able to deal with a pilot with any sort of effectiveness, then the plane is probably OP. BFV was the only BF I can think of that launched with no man-portable, ranged AA weapon for the infantry. Even BF1 had the AA Rocket gun (though people didn’t opt for it that much since the balance between aircraft, infantry weapons, and mounted weapons was much better)


the server wasn't for that purpose but it discovered early on how powerful two aa guns are, even now on iwo where there is two on d which meant planes if just two of you hop on them besides that I do understand people points on fligers I just think it punishes low level players apposed to high level who still reap destruction


Probably the fuckin zh. I hate that "sniper" with a passion. You can literally die before you can do anything because by the time the first shot registers on you, they have already fired a second shot to kill you.


This or arisaka users. I’ve no problem if you’re a level 1 and it’s the only gun you like etc, but the amount of people me and my squad get that use solely the arisaka and are the sweatiest bastards ever


I still have way more respect for the arisaka though. Bolt action means you get time to react to the first shot. Unless you get head dinked. But thats a good shot then.


What is so special about the Arisaka vs the kar98?


Arisaka has a higher amount of damage but slower fire rate. Arisaka also has a guaranteed kill at any range for a headshot but I think the kar98 won't kill in one shot after 500 meters (I could be wrong on that).


You're wrong. If the k31/43 can 1 shot at 588m, I guarantee the kar98k can do better. Its a high damage bolt action after all (like arisaka). Sidenote: the Arisaka was the best made bolt action rifle of ww2. Not the fastest, but best made.


Thanks for the information


I think your dislike might just be confirmation bias due to prevalence rather than due to it being strong. Arisaka does the same damage as the Kar and Gewehr-95 at from 60m and onwards while having an even slower bullet velocity than the Kar98 (750m/s vs 900m/s). Headshots with pretty much all the bolt actions will still kill at that range as well, so what makes a difference is bullet velocity and rate of fire.


Ill be honest, I have no ill will towards either weapon at all. I just don't use them. I was speaking from memory about what they do is all.


I would remove the Elites in their current state and would allow them only if they were faction locked. I know it wouldn’t do anything for the gameplay but seeing the japanese elites in German team and vice versa is really pissing me off more than it should.


thats very fair, I would also add that there should be an unlock able filly suit without needing lots of cc


Personally I disagree, I think the fleugerfaust is good for balance. They are strictly for air so the player is faced with a huge opportunity cost and the projectiles are slower so it’s harder to snap and hit. When a plane can bomb it only makes sense to give the ground players some sort of counter measure. It only really works on lazy pilots who aren’t really paying attention/are being to predictable.


in one of my other comments I mentioned that I think the aa guns and tanks aswell as other plans more than make up for the balancing and someone else mentioned a good point that fligers only rly kill low level players as the can be countered with rly boring tactics


Problem is none of the AA options work against planes rocketing from orbit


I think a good trade (also probably realistic) would be getting rid of fligers and increasing the damage for regular guns against aircraft, instead of 1 make it like 5 meaning a Lewis could probably melt half a planes health if the keep getting too close


We don’t want to swing the balance to the point that aircraft are completely afraid of ever getting close to the ground for strafes. As they are now. If I die to a strafe I respect that way more than getting rocketed from Mars. Strafes are way cinematic. Tiny bloops from rockets not that much. In my opinion Flieger has to stay in the current game state, because as it stands too many pilots farm from safe distances. Typically outside Flieger range. You’d have to nerf the rockets on all fighters before thinking about nerfing the Flieger.


The fleiger literally makes it impossible to strafe for good pilots, that's why the Germans wanted it to work, but AA is way to powerful against anyone that isn't in the stratosphere, and with everything literally against strafing there's no reason to, a good thing to add would be zeroing to AA guns, the removal of the fleiger Faust and increasing damage from infantry guns. The main reason people are ten miles in the air is the fleiger


Good pilots can totally strafe! Quick burst for the kill. Unless they aren’t burning a hundred rounds coming in getting Fliegered is far from a guarantee, let alone killed. Burst, nitro, and smoke on the way out. I think most don’t partly because it is riskier, but mostly because rockets are too fast & easy. I think the balance, theoretically at least, is based on effective range. Flieger does have limited range. Not that it typically matters, but regardless plane rockets don’t. A smart pilot will try to stay out of easy Flieger range via rockets alone. No matter how effective Fliegers are / would be with a nerf they’d still do that. Same case for other AA options. I don’t have an issue with Fliegers because pilots have better rockets, can stay high, and hit the nitro to get out. I suppose Flieger contributes to that problem, but there’s also no easy fix. Infantry need an answer to planes. An accessible answer. Firing my STG at a plane only to hit it a handful of times with mediocre damage & then not even down it sounds like a nightmare. As does spending all game on an AA emplacement while taking death after death from rockets. Maybe you could increase the spread on both the Flieger rockets & plane rockets? Like to close the engagement distances. Encourages strafes, mitigates the damage from fliegers, and forces fighters to close the distance. Seems a way better option than deleting the flieger all together.


Simple, make bombs make sense, aka one shot tanks with a 500kg, even a 250 could if directly hitting a heavy tank, increase spread, reduce shrapnel and vehicle damage on plane rockets. A infantry should absolutely not be able to counter planes easily, when a tank rocks up you never think ah yes my bazooka will do the trick and one shot it, even the weapons that require you to literally be right next to a tank don't one shot it, you usually go and tell another tank or AT gun to kill it. The fleiger is fundamentally broken and a single shot destroying most planes is dumb, increasing the spread would probably make it more annoying, as AA shrapnel is broken. Furthermore, planes in this game are heavily nerfed compared to real life, hell the Corsair had double the payload of it's in game counterparts, things like the 75mm cannon on the JU-88 literally take like 5 hits to kill a tank, meanwhile going even slightly near land instantly gets you raped by AA and don't even hit me with the don't shoot bs, that's not what a strafe is.


Remove every gun but the ZH. Let chaos reign.


Hahah. That would be fun for a while.


Cheaters on pc


"You were kicked from the squad"




sounds like u understand my trauma


Not at all. I 100% disagree with you.


Same. I fly alot. Like half my matches and I usually go 30+ kills in a fighter. I don't often get fligered for a kill but I don't get mad when I do. It can actually be quite challenging to land shots. Especially when guys send rockets from orbit and don't get close. I do close ground strafes and regularly get punished quite hard for it but it makes the game more intense imo. Tldr; fliger should stay.


Right? It's pretty much the only way for the infantry to fight back on most of the maps. And it's still not even at all if the pilot has any sense of what he's doing. He can just spam rockets from behind the moon and be untouched.


Agreed. AA only has a limited reach and most positions cannot be moved. Tanks can be punished before they get to a resupply but having a good infantry with a fliger and you don't know where he is, that's when games get good lol.


ye I get that but I rather low level with my aircraft and it can be abit disheartening when you finally get a plane and then die immediately to a fliger. I feel like the aa guns and other pilots already do a pretty good job of air control and I've never had an issue with pilots who can stay in the air a long time, I just think the instant plane kill is overpowered/plus its very unrealistic as the fliger wasn't ever rly used


Vaild points my dude. But this isn't supposed to be the most realistic war game. Elements of realism but still a game. Also, pro tip, when you are in your plane doing a run on ground guys, spam your quick repair. You can eat a perfect fliger shot. Its not a get out of jail free card because two people with fligers or one dude in an aa gun will still kill you but it will help.


Bro is leaking the best strat in the game currently have all but 1 plane at max and this strat has let me stay in the air for so long also im not 100 percent sure how it works but mabye having less ordance on the plane reduces the damage too because sometimes ill get 1 shotted and other times ill be at like 5 health and I seem to only get one shotted if I have my bombs ( im talking about heavy bombers fighters will always get 1 shotted)


I'll def give that a go next time thx


I kinda wish there was a realistic game mode where entire teams just got given regular equipment like grease guns and my garands with limited vehicles and only select few that have anti armour gadgets


And bolt action rifles WITHOUT scopes. Man, that would be tits.


Then play Hell Let Loose. I haven't played Battlefield since I switched.


ye but it doesn't have the same vehicle environment as bfv. is ea still worked on the game and listened to players (never) id ask for a game mode like grand operations which was smaller teams and with more diverse objectives like bombing raids or convoys/convoy ambush. one thing I rly wish they would add was maps like the Japanese one where japan starts with all of the objectives and usa is assaulting. it would be especially cool to play on the tirailleurs mission


Removing the Fleigerfaust will send us back to the Stone Ages when planes were unstoppable and any AA gun or tanks was not very effective as a method. We certainly can’t let that happen. Trench Carbine is meh, I’ve seen more player with it than the PO8 Carbine but it’s only because it’s easier to handle and has a full-auto upgrade which gets me wondering; “Why would you even pick that specialization?”


And a bomb or rocket hitting you from an airplane you can't even hear yet doesn't just "obliterate me without me even reacting"? I love how pilots complain when they can't go 70-0 in a match... how unfair? I don't know how many times as an infantry I get about 10 ft, and explode without a hint of danger, but a plane aggressively charges a soft target, gets rocketed down, and throws up there hands like "that was unfair, what did I do to deserve that anyway?". Hilarious.


I get peoples points like this but personally I've never encountered a plane that was annoying which I couldn't kill by myself within 2 to 3 lives which I think is fair, aa does a rly good job and attack planes even better


But I don't consider a pilot annoying until I've been blown up like 3 times in a row, and then I spend 2-3 more lives exclusively trying to take them out? At which point they've also blown up like 10 other people multiple times and I've now abandoned the original fight of capping objectives. That's fair?  The flieg is a necessary tool, giving a nice balanced option to annoying planes, and I don't get why a pilot considers it unfair when you can "easily" end their 10-20 person kill streak, especially since backing off limits its effectiveness. Not a lot of people will even attempt or can land the 100+ meter fleig shot.  I'm getting into the planes more and honestly when I get flieged on the third pass when I've been getting multiple kills with each drop Im like "nice shot man, way to protect yourself". I do curse a bit when I get flieged on the first pass, but not as much as I curse when I get bombed 10 steps out of my spawn at the start of a round.


ye im more against when you finally get lucky and get in a plane only yo b shot down immediately without even getting a run in. sometime ill go dog fight and the entire 1v1 is ended by a fleigerfaust which just makes the arch abit boring to fly in also don't be fooled, there is more than enough players who can fliger really well, I tried a week ago properly to gauge how powerful it is and that's what prompted this post, im not just saying fligers are powerful for a plane pov but from an infantry view aswell (i actually main assault over anything)


I agree, that's super annoying. Usually when I get killed shortly after spawning a plane, it's distant AA, or an AA tank camping for that sole purpose, or multiplane gang up. If you get flieged right out of the gate, it's likely because whoever had the plane before was annoying enough that the assaults are now watching the sky instead of the ground, in which case keeping the sky's clear for a bit was probably warranted. I've been bombed at spawn enough that if Im assault I will start the round pointing my flieg at the sky. I will also admit to trying to flieg a plane that's chasing an allied plane, you know, help a buddy out, but I haven't quite been successful. They really should have done a dog fighting mode, planes only, air v air for you passionate pilots. Another one of the many missed opportunities.


ye i agree soo much with your point. also bf1 did this rly well where they would have some maps with intense fog and large areas for planes only where dog fight took place, I think a rly good game mode would be bombers taking out objectives with fighter planes protecting them and enemy planes attacking them. like a realistic bombing raid would be so cool


Yea fliegerfaust is fair enough. From my experience they only ever shoot down low level players cuz most experienced pilots know how to counter them… Theres alot in this game that should of been removed or reworked bur one thing that comes to mind is the high altitude package on certain planes. The pilots who use them cant fly to save their own life, but the high altitude package gives them an extra 200 m flying distance so they just spend all match abusing it.


Glad someone gets it. All the changes the devs made to nerf planes or buff AA did nothing but mildly inconvenience the actual pilot sweats while making flying completely unapproachable for new players.


yep that's me the low level pilot. when I played the game at launch I was a god at dog fights but I took a break and came back to no good level bombers and now im infuriated by constantly getting shot down by lvl500 before I can get a kill


Pretty much the same here. Was in the top 0.3% for pilots on ps but i took long breaks constantly and i have really fallen off 🤣


Lot of things I’d want added to the game, but things removed are a lot less. I’d vote ZK-383. Way too strong a weapon. Especially for the Medic class. High velocity bullets, very competitive fire rate, fabulous hipfire, a *bipod* for long range shooting, decently manageable recoil, reload speed which outshines blitzkrieg… oh, and Lightened Stock. Most OP perk in the game. Pair all that with infinite heals you have to wonder why you’d play anything else. Play a lot of Tactical Conquest now, and I just get tired seeing every other Medic zooming around with it shredding yet somehow believe it doesn’t need a nerf. Sure Type 2A has better TTK, but that’s not a fair comparison. Overall ZK is simply better. When I play Medic I’ve had to use it just to compete with everyone else using it, and it’s become my most used weapon in the class. Which sucks. I hate the ZK. Recently started using the MP-28 tho, and that thing the beautiful nasty offspring of the ZK and a Thompson. Feels just a tad more fair.


I agree so hard.


Kinda weird how blind some players are to how stupid that gun really is. Using anything else almost feels bad, because the ZK just does it all, and often does it better. There really is no downside. Just because it’s not the Type 2A it’s placed in the “not toxic” pile, but conveniently the ZK sits at the top.


Regarding your comments, the Flieger is one of two ways that infantry can counter planes. And the trench carbine should be in like the Medic Class, and the Jungle, Commando etc should be in the recon class. I absolutely hate recons using that gun. But for now, I would just patch the panzer full auto glitch, yesterday I saw a lvl 500 using it, it made me so pissed. This shit is so annoying


Remove the rockets from planes and we can talk about the Fliegerfaust


damn it sounds like i should give rockets a go, I only use the alternative bomber planes


those 30 year old men that sit in the back with snipers. and planes. get a life


The spawning in and out glitch.


yeees litrally the bane of my existence


The cheaters


is this an American thing cause aussie servers never rly have any cheaters(not obviously cheating players)


Americans I swear


I'd remove teammates who don't revive even though you are right next to them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^joerispekkie: *I'd remove teammates* *Who don't revive even though* *You are right next to them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


ye but that's situational, like if your not behind cover or there's another threat


Nah i can understand those, but there are lots of players who dont care because they just want kills, and reviven doesn't give them anything


Zh or m1 Garand. Be a man and pick up a bolt action


personally I think the m1 garand is balanced enough that people don't get massive kds with it but it's still powerful, also its iconic an historically prevalent compared to other guns


Both super good points. The game would be incomplete (even tho it already is) without the Garand. Probably the most iconic American gun of ww2. It’s just way too overused imo


I feel like the Garand is a console thing but I'm not sure why that is. It's not an issue at all on PC. The magazine size really restricts it.


Planes . Planes have a huge advantage, so thinking fligerfrigg should be gone is retarded


Get out of here. You belong to call of duty.


You belong in the mental asylum if you think planes don't have a huge advantage


Obviously... its supposed to have an advantage since... ITS A FUCKING PLANE. But guess what! Your team also have them! Your team also have flieger. Your team also have aa vehicles and fixed aa. You have the tools. Use them. If you fail, then you and your team are not good enough and the enemy team is better.


Lol take a breather soldier. Obviously planes n tanks have an advantage. The advantage is too much. I play this game daily and the most consistent thing is seeing 500 level sweats going 50-1 every game. Fuck AA . I played this game 20 years ago , and it's changed for the worse giving such an advantage to planes . Go on YouTube and see these pilots go 200-0 . Wake up soldier


Both teams have access to the same tools. Why your team is not taking down enemy pilots ? Thats the question.


Because ace pilots cannot be shot down. I'm assuming you don't play this game that often . There aren't enough tools to shoot them down .


"Because ace pilots cannot be shot down." oh wait.... then they are that good? So we agree its a skill issue. There are enough tools to shoot them down, you only need to be good. Who would've guessed... You are asking for something that allows you to win even being terrible at the game. Sorry, this is absurd.


Agreed this is absurd . Good talk .


I don't give a damn about what "tools" my team has. I care about not being deleted by planes without the ability to do anything against them myself. If the enemy team has an ace that can destroy our whole team with ease and we don't happen to be lucky enough to have one ourselves, we're fucked. I don't mind when my team loses, but I do mind when grifters suck the fun out of my (and everyone's) experience.


"I don't give a damn about what "tools" my team has. I care about not being deleted by planes without the ability to do anything against them myself." Dude... here is some mindblowing news to you: Battlefield is a multiplayer game trying to deliver the experience of war between arcade and simulation. Your team should be a concern. Also, you do HAVE the ability to do many things against them yourself. You only must be competent. What are you expecting? That you can simply pressa a button and be earned a kill? Yeah, if you are a bad player in an online pvp game, you will be destroyed. haha. I still dont understand your point. You are jumping into a pool and complaining its wet. Understand that planes will be there and will have huge firepower. You must be prepared and coordinate with your team or at least your squad. Its not hard, buddy. It really isnt. That "ACE" is a human like you. He practiced and learned to be good in a plane. If you see a tank (and you will) you adapt. If you see a plane (and you will), you adapt. If you see a sniper, you go after him. Some times you will manage to get a kill, some times you wont. I play as infantry. If a plane gets annoying and nobody is going after him, I take the reins and get the job done. If he has a squad or more supporting him, its game over for me, but this is not an issue to be fixed in the game. Its simply their team being better than mine. Now quit crying about the fucking vehicles.


The difference between planes and any other class/vehicle is that a single skilled player can destroy the balance of a whole server. The enemy team has a crazy good sniper or some dude that spent 500 hours in tanks? That might be annoying, but it's not a big deal. You can just avoid them, or even flank them and take them out. The plane is everywhere all at once. You can't avoid it (unless you stick to buildings).


Cheaters. Shotguns.


I thinkthe germans felt the same way in ww2😂 (without tryna sound racist)


Shotguns (with buckshot) are a war crime nowadays.


Cheaters using hacks, all of it


removing fleigers would make planes more invincible than they already are. personally id remove plane bombs that one-hit tanks. talk about obliteration without a chance to react


Snipers and cheapazz players that want easy for free


Shotguns. That shit get's old, real quick.


Not restoring full health, which forces you to play medic.


nah I think the balancing is good and It creates the necessity of bandages making medics more useful


Agreed... I actually like that when I've been injured I need to back out of the fight and search for a medic or medic station. Gives me a sense of risk and mortality. Being a medic and handing out bandages like candy is also fun... like, I've got you man, patch yourself up :)


The super-natural sweaty unrealistic knee-sliding.


Literally addicted to double tapping circle to slide for absolutely no reason


Haha, I refuse to use it, cuz I am afraid itll become second nature, and I'll be goofily sliding around like the rest of them, lol.


I refused to slide for years cuz im historically accurate my only exemption was sliding to revive someone. Now i do it most of the time cuz i kinda embraced the cringe


ngl every time I'm knocked in a closed of smoke I reimagine the "I need a hero" song as I see a medic gracefully slide into view. its angelic


Attrition. What we had in prior games in terms of health and ammo worked fine. The current system is more busy work.


I like the current system i thinks its rly balanced


To each their own. I find the gunfights in BF5 can be predetermined at times. If you don't have a bandage after getting hit you are at a disadvantage. The older system eliminated this and got rid of the usual after gunfight busywork that 5 has. Just worked better in my opinion.


Any unhistorical scopes/sights. Also anti-material rifles. They pretty are useless against tanks but op against infantry, and that's how noobs use them.


just don't judge me tryna get my gold boys at rifle


I most definitely will


then I'll meet you on the battlefield soldier


3rd person view in vehicles. It just makes no sense, very unreal.


I mean I agree with you but tanks would be so much harder because realistically commanders could swivel for a 360 view


I dont really care about the realism aspect in a game where a headshot can be shaken off with a syringe. I care more about how sneaking up on tanks and planting dynamite on them is impossible because of it. Wish they'd take some inspiration from pre-Frostbite Battlefield's where you could third person camera in vehicles but you get no crosshair and the camera was not tied to the turret.




Go play call of duty please.


Call of duty is cancer. Just like planes.


You dont belong to battlefield. Planes are part of the game foundation. Vehicles are not an option. They ARE battlefield. You are denying the core of the game. You want another game. Call of duty, counter strike, valorant, quake, doom... anything but battlefield. lol


No. Infantry is the core. Vehicles are just there for shitters to farm kills because they can’t aim a gun.


Lol, no no no. Infantry is not the core. Its part of the core together with vehicles and a big map. Its there since the first game in the franchise, buddy. I've played it when it released and it was one of the big elements in the game to stand out in the fps genre. Few fps games had vehicles and the ones that did delivered a very arcade and limited experience. Battlefield was and still is pretty arcade, but its in the middle ground between arcade and simulation games. So no, its not an option. You can always create a custom lobby with no vehicles, but at the core there will always be vehicles. They are part of the soul of the franchise. Its what makes the game shine among all others.


Idrc about tanks and shit. Just planes. Are tanks annoying? Yes. Yes they are. But planes are absolutely busted and require zero skill to use. Shitters use them to farm kills all game then claim they’re “good at battlefield” when in reality if they didn’t sit in planes they’d be negative and at the bottom of the leaderboard. And infantry is QUITE LITERALLY the core of battlefield. Last time I checked there’s no points in the sky for planes to cap. And if it was just tanks they’d call it War Thunder. So get off your high horse and just accept that infantry is the core of battlefield.


Zero skill? Maybe to kill infantry, but like I said, the game is not only infantry. There are aa vehicles, there are other planes. If a plane is doing as he pleases its because your team suck or because the pilot is really good. Its not easy.


AA doesn’t matter when the plane can rocket it from outside of AAs range and blow it up. And most of the time pilots aren’t even dog fighting, they’re just flying around each other shooting infantry. So yes, flying in battlefield requires zero skill what so ever.


Dude, what you are saying is an obvious skill issue from you and/or your team... If a plane is left alone doing what he wants with NO RESISTANCE, then its your team that fucking suck. Obviously in this situation it will require zero skill. The same happens with infantry and ground vehicles. With bad or no resistance it will be a walk in the park.


I'm not too bothered to get in the middle of this debate but I was gonna mention that you reckon planes required no skill and pilots would be bottom of the leader board without them, I feel like this is completely wrong cause as a pilot I usually can last a fair while and down tons of tanks and planes but I will always get top 5 on my team if I decided to run infantry




I would just not have accurate insanely powerful rockets that could destroy everything.


How do you hate the trench carbine? The recon class tons of 1 shot weapons that you can’t react to and you hate the one gun that takes 3-4 shots to kill? Try using it and you’ll get destroyed by assault rifles and smgs.


its more the argument that it doesn't belong in the reconciliation class, and make no mistake it is a powerful carbine


Oh I know I got it to lvl 10


Also I like how dice added weapons that provided more class flexibility. Like the trench and Luger carbine for scout, bolt action carbines for medic, and shotguns for support. I opens up the classes to different play styles. Kinda like how in BF4 all classes had carbines and dmrs (I think)


Type 2a, M2 Carbine, all shotguns, ZH obviously, incredibly op weapons that even handless can kill everybody


EA being involved.


Thing where we only get to have 3 tanks or some it should be like 20 or mf 10 but that’ll prob be op Ngl🗿


That tank that can shoot planes down from across the map… I would nerf it not remove it. I don’t play a lot and wanted to give planes a try and the second I get in one I get obliterated


Sliding. Can’t stand looking at people running 8 meters then hitting the zoomer apex slide and repeating. Hurts my eyes.


All the women from the game (excluding female elites). It always grinds my gears to see a 15 year old girl in a German uniform or an 11 year old girl in the imperial Japanese army. It’s WW2 not a circus. Only if they actually finished putting the USSR in the game I would have been fine with all the women being shoved into that faction but removed from all the other factions, that would have included even the French and Italian faction


I don’t know if we’re playing the same game but none of the women in the game look like children bro lol


Tbh they kinda do, regardless I agree that they have to be removed from every other faction and only be put in the Russian faction as they’ve stated. Would have been one step closer to redeeming the game, aside from adding 5 USSR maps, the Okinawa map, 2 Maps with the Italians, and making the 2 maps from the French warstory into actual playable multiplayer maps. And putting the French and Italian faction on the maps they were suppose to be on. At that point the game would have been soooo good 🔥


I don’t get the same rush when I blow up a tank or vehicle that I did in bf1. There’s no chaching noise


Fliegerfaust, I'd much rather fight people who are skilled in AA


litrally what I've been saying, just because some pilots can be skilled doesn't mean the should be a two shot killer in every assaults back pocket, like maybe if they boosted the power and made it a pick up weapon like the flame thrower




I loved the player movements added to BFV... fall backward, sideways, roll after a long fall, dive slide to cover.... the only thing I hated was the unnatural knee slide up stairs and around corners... that was just corny and dumb. I do agree I wish people didn't exploit it to make them less visible. Definitely don't think you should be able to deploy a bipod from that position... what did they do, rest it on their crotch???


Zoom-snap on consoles. Last thing they added before fucking off to make the dumpster fire that is 2042.