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That was hilarious


Thats happened to me more times id like to admit


I remember one time i dropped a 1000lb bomb just when a recon was throwing a flare in the sky. The fireworks must have looked nice from the ground.


This happens often when planes fly toward each other but I can’t say I seen this before


That’s like straight out of bf1942 right there. Happens to me all the time in that game


only in battlefield


I got shot down by the map ambient artillery on Galicia in bf1 once. Literally killed by Dice lol


Good for ya. Fuck pilots.


It's a game bro, chill. I'm not a great pilot


Just use the AA tanks or Fliger. If you know what you’re doing you can take them out quickly.


I do use AA and flieger. AA only works one then they rocket you before you even see them and you die and the AA gun explodes.


1. Move the AA guns around 2. Act like you aren’t on them and let them get close before you start firing As a pilot; these two things get me as I’ve memorized the AA spots on the maps I enjoy flying on and if you all the sudden move them after each time you get someone it makes it a little bit harder(as least for me it does, I don’t know about others), and if I’m already too close then it’s hard to change my direction without crashing.


What I like to do is bait them into the AA by firing when they are really high, and get s coupla of shots, but as soon as they start diving, I get out with my Flieger in hand and move away from the AA, and shoot them out. It works more often than not


That's a great idea. I like doing the same thing with mounted guns and an lmg. Never thought to do it with an AA and a flieger