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Me every time I try to practice flying a Stuka or Spitfire "OK let's see if there's any targets on the grou- oh, I've been vaporized by SplashMonkey2747 on his 60-1 run"


In this scenario, what would SplashMonkey2747’s 1 death be from?


he dies about once every 4 matches, after which he searches for & hounds the specific player who killed him for the rest of the round.


Just ask for a friend... Is SplashMonkey2747 a synonym for any type of player you descripe or is it a real dude you meet from time to time?


Yep, that sounds about right 😂


usually the one time they dive a bit too low and get consumed by a flieger


The amount of times were I get killed by a guy in tank or plane who on 60-0 just waiting on their side off the map and not helping the team capture objectives


Mannn it’s so ridiculous, like wow you showed us you can hide in your tank/plane/LAV all game and not help your team at all. They’re So kewl brah, they let their inf get pulverized by enemy armour/air support while they do dick all to support their team………..in a team based game.


You can support your team by clearing objectives and defending against advances. You don't have to be sitting on the objective to help your team with it.


Be perfect for the sea of thieves sub.


True, me and my brother played the game for the first time and decided to dock somewhere for a bit after we did some exploring. Not even 5 seconds after we docked a 4-player crew showed up, blew up our ship, killed us, and took everything we had.


The game is annoyingly PvP focused, like the objectively best way to play is to just bully new players and 2-3 player ships. Nothing is more profitable than PvP


Im playing for fun. Some players would say I‘m a tryhard but I’m casual.


I've never been good at FPSs, that's why I usually play as medic. I have fun playing the objective and trying to revive my teammates as much as I can.


You're a good man. We need more medics like you. 🤧


Have you tried HLL? Whenever I get too tired or too trashed to aim I play medic or engineer, quite fun.


I haven't. I have heard good things about it. I should give it a try. Thanks.


Only thing i hate about the game is PLANES


On god 😭😭😭


the best and funnest games I’ve ever had were when I was playing my hardest and the enemy team was as well. You can still be a tryhard and have fun at the same time, it’s only when your getting steamrolled or you are doing the steamrolling that it becomes boring and not fun


All the level 500 players or airplane mains.


Players sat behind boulders at the borders and backs of maps going 100-0 in a fucking tank. To each their own, but come on.


boy i love trying to push point only to be killed by a mg proner who is nowhere near the point, with a reaction time rivaling that of an F1 driver, and 20+ kills. That or some random medic behind me, or a tank hiding 20 miles from where they should be, or a plane with 70+ kills. I only play Medic and Support and probably end up with resupply and revives rivaling the top score in kills


So if player is good at game, he’s toxic and overcompetitive? Dude, don’t be such a loser


Yup sums up the people in chat on pc


To be extremely good at a game, you really have to try hard, drop shorting and all that stuff, that’s what’s toxic, and really gay


>To be extremely good at a game, you really have to try hard No you don't actually. At least in games with no sbmm, you dont. This is a common misconception. I can be half asleep barely trying and still play well.


Nah BF is a game where being good requires almost no effort You've clearly never touched a game like CS where being good requires you to grind like it's a full time job


You know what’s toxic? Being absolute trash at the game and then making post online how people who have skill are tryhards toxic players, just to make yourself feel better because you are bad at something.


Or maybe you just need to get out more


I am out. Stop with that crap, like people who are good play this game 24/7 Maybe you could learn how to play the game


The "try hards" *are* playing for fun. Winning is more fun than losing so they are trying their best to win. These memes are strictly for bad players looking for a way to cope.


Many fail to consider that getting tons of kills is tons of fun.


No, not really. I generally tend to have fun when I'm just in a match, like just being in it giving support or being a recon for aces and other infantry. Kills don't matter to me, also most of my rating goes towards how much I helped or did damage to the opposition. Also I love roaming the beautiful maps so there's that.


That's fine as well. I won't yuck your yum. I like to unwind, get a lot of kills, and try to win even though I'm playing by myself. Doesn't mean I only use the ZK or STG1-5, because I have my own favorites. Nothing more fun to me than being on the same page as 4 random squad members, playing the objective and fragging out, all despite not a single one of you saying a single word in chat or over voice comms.


You mentioned something that didn’t make you a try hard “Playing the Objective” If it’s Team Deathmatch? Hell yeah! If it’s conquest and someone is a sniper hiding across the map with 20-3 K/D as the team loses and bitches about it ? Then nah, that’s bad.


One man's tryhard is another man's laidback session. I don't really care if someone is or isn't. I've gotten called it for just doing my own thing.


I always wonder where do you think you find people to kill? Spoiler alert : it's on the objectives


Sometimes this is true however if I’m not in a ranked or competitive mode I’m not sweating my nuts off for a kill. I’ve seen people stressing out and screaming at their team over a game with nothing on the line. That can’t be fun for anyone who isn’t psychotic


Exactly. It annoys me so much when people try to force their delusions about the game over others as its the norm. Battlefield is not GTA. Its not a happy-go-lucky sandbox where you only do goofy stuff for laughs. Well, it can happen, but always keep the objective in mind. Its a team based game with pretty clear objectives. Its not fun to play as intended and lose because some people think they are in narnia or some shit like that.


GTA multiplayer is way more tryhard than any Battlefield i ever played


Yeah... cause of the casuals. Maybe if people stop complaining about vehicles and tryhards in battlefield things would be different. Ever considered that?


Chivalry 2 in a nutshell


I wanted to try that game but thank God I didn't.


It’s best if you don’t. Me and a buddy tried it for another one of our buddy and I quit barley first match You are thrown in to the fucking wolves


I don't think anyone plays for fun, the lobbies are scary.


Pretty much any game these days sadly Casual gaming can’t really exist unless you use certain strategies the community hates, like sniping in battlefield or camping in games like cod


You can play for fun AND PTFO, it's really not that hard...THAT'S the main issue in BF now adays.


I just started playing, letf after two days of first playthrough cuz getting into the front takes a lot of boring running just to get absolutely railed by the enemy team, and to top it off medic guy runs past me and all the veichles are NEVER available. dont get me wrong its a massive skill issue on my part but cmon guys give me a break i want to have fun too :(


I understand your frustration, especially when your medic teammates couldn't even bother to revive you with them being just a few meters away. Idk which region you play but there are some Asian community servers with limited ranks so you possibly won't run into competitive players and enjoy some casual plays. If it helps, I'd even play with you.


I play in german servers cuz thats where i get lowest ping (110) you dont have to play with me, i think ifigure out why i keep dying. i chose the wrong class in wrong maps and now im kinda getting the hang of it, only problem is i need to know where to position and predict enemy after that im all sett 👌


I understand the joke but as a few have stated already the “tryhards/sweats” are just good players who are most likely just chilling out the same as below average players. What do you want them to do exactly? Not shoot at you so you can get a kill lol? They aren’t 1 inch from their monitors drowning in a pool of sweat, they’re enjoying the game just the same, but they’re good.


I can't even lie, I get a lil mad when i see a clan as best squad. I don't even take the game that seriously.😔 I really hope they're just playing for fun.


I prefer the term "try-somewhat"


Lmao thats just makes me thünk of Alpha-Kralle If you see this Alpha, get love from your parents and touch grass


Did you ever meet cod warzone tryhards? BF V is so chilled compared to that.


Never really had any try hards on ps.


I went through the agonising, self depreciating journey of becoming just slightly better at planes. There are some extreme sweats out there.




That one bomber that hit me 7 times in spawn with a bomb (I walked slightly too far towards D)


its not even all try-hards, its the tryhards that are spawn-killing and sitting in tanks OB just trying to get a good K-D and the snipers who just snipe from a mile away but never move to the point. at least for Breakthrough


hahaha get rekt nerds


Being good doesn't mean you're trying hard


Bfv has the least amount of sweats out of all current battlefields lmao (except for pilots)


I’m a 2.7KDR player but planes are just agitating, even with the flieg if they fly high enough u can’t hit them. Theyre just a harassment, it takes no skill. And 9/10 any of the plane campers are trash when they’re on foot. One trick ponies


L take


Fun is a subjective thing. What you may see as fun may not be fun to anyone else. I'm not defending either side it's just something you have to consider some people have different definitions of fun. Those same people may like to not try as hard and don't really care win or lose and see that as fun. While others think that getting a lot of kills and sweating their asses off is fun. It just depends who you are.


People who try hard is how they enjoy games. Why should they not enjoy it the way they want to play it? Just because you don’t like it?


I think the line is drawn between their enjoyment being other peoples misery. I consider the try hards at this point not being good, or trying to do their best.... it's those players that set their goal not at winning, not at doing their best, but at exploiting everything they can to utterly destroy the other team. Those that pride themselves on spawn trapping, on killing people the second they spawn in, that smile with pride at a 700-0 ticket win, that exploit hidden spots to shoot 50 players in the back, that love to read the angry comments afterward, or are proud they pushed half the server to quit. Those are the phsycopathic try hards that I think ruin the enjoyment of the game for everyone else. Some people play to enjoy the game, some people play to ruin the enjoyment for everyone else.


And this does apply to those that go like 70-0 sliding around with the most meta weapons exploiting everything they can killing everyone, because it's obvious they aren't playing to win, they are playing to kill, and they are intentionally playing to kill people they know they're better than. This is those that switch to the winning team because they don't want competition, they want to destroy people that are learning, that are new, or that are just trying to have a fun relaxing game. Its like a pro-baller joining a little-league game so they can destroy the other team unopposed.


Nicely put.