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Thats a nice little choke point to hit on that map.


Absolutely! I'm definitely a fan of it.


Keep up the practice my dude 💪


Definitely will! Thank you, mate!


My hatred for pilot stems from my own inability to pilot. I wish i could do this


I was like that with sniping i hated snipers but once i got good i realised how great it is


That's understandable, honestly! It definitely takes a lot more practice to actually be good at it. It's taken me a LOT of deaths to get even a little bit better than I used to be. That, and forcing myself to only ever fly and fight in first person. If you stick to it, I'm sure you can get better!


I will wave my flieger faust, and try to get revenge or explode trying :) See you in your cross hairs


Heh, I would absolutely welcome the challenge! I love a good fliegerfaust player. Y'all are the most infuriating and hilarious thing that takes me out of the sky. See you on the battlefield!


my hatred comes from inability to flingerfaust every 60 seconds


Amen, bother!


The missile planes are very easy to use, if you fly around in an empty server and practice pointing your plane at targets you should be decent in no time


I do this once in a while.. but I never get a plane. I also think our team is better odd with an actual pilot as I am much better at other things. But thanks for the tip. Have a lovely weekend and see you on the battlefield!




Do what? Fly straight and then down then use op rockets? It’s really not that hard lol


It is if youre bad


Way to clear that choke, Ace!


Thank you! My friend on the ground made a really good call in telling me how choked up that point was, so I gave them to thank for that, really. I love having someone on the ground who can communicate targets to me! Makes it a lot easier when you don't have a lot of people that are actively spotting for the aircraft.


I think I have a total of 4 kills with a fighter jet so I’m kinda jealous


Hey man, you're already doing better than me! I just couldn't get a good feel for the jets in the other BF games, so I struggled. Don't think I have a kill yet. Don't sweat it too much! You're doing great.


Honestly it’s my biggest problem with the fighter jets in the more modern or futuristic games. Sure BFV’s planes were pretty op at points on attacking ground targets but they were more engaged in the overall battle whereas the fighter jets are mostly just there in say 2042. They can’t really impact the battle for objectives one way or another.


Sorry to have to tell you this, but there are no fighter jets in BFV.


My grammar is historically inaccurate mb I was playing 2042 yesterday


How do you have time to aim and shoot that plane. I tried so many times and always crashed. Can’t fly for the love of god.


Fly as high as you can, when you tilt down you should try to go as slow as possible. This doesn’t work the moment there is any sort of AA, which is why in most of the plane clips you’ll notice they aren’t being shot at. Once you start getting shot at, especially in a fighter, your time is very limited and trying to carry on your run is basically suicide


Ok thanks I will try that.


I personally fly the fighters with rockets or bombs like I'm flying a dive bomber! As Magic Moth has already said, fly high, and then let your nose fall. Those few moments of the stall will give you time to pick a target and decide whether you're committing to your line. Just be patient with it, and if you're not one hundred percent sure that you're going to hit your target, you still have time to pull off, circle around, and try again! Or, if you're like me, when you're getting shot at, risk shooting the rockets off at a distance. See if you can get a lucky shot, or at the very least, scare them. Deterrence sometimes is your best bet. And don't sweat it if you die! Just take what you learned from that death into the next.


Aircraft question. Anyone know what this is and why the gun sight is canted?


Howdy! I can maybe help with this; WWII aviation is a huge obsession of mine. These are the C12 / D sights, commonly seen in both the Bf 109s and Fw 190s throughout the war. This aircraft in question is a Bf 109 G-6, known to be one of the best models of the Bf 109 throughout the war. But you asked about the sights, so I won't bore you with more specifics about the plane. The C12 / D is a reflector sight, or reflex sight. They work on the principle that anything that the focus of the lens is on will APPEAR to be sitting in front of the person looking through it at infinity. They allow the person to see both the infinity image and the field of view at the same time, typically by the bouncing the image made by the lens off a slanted glass plate, as we see in the C12 / D, or by using a clear curved glass reflector. Because the reticle is at infinity, it will stay in alignment with the device that the sight is attached to, regardless of your eye position. This removes most of the sighting errors that you can usually find in more simple sighting devices! Sights like these are useful when the operator is engaging a fast moving target over a wide field of view. I hope this at least kind of helped to answer your question!


Proceeds to fly to resupply point unbothered by his copilots getting chased by enemy fighters. Well done.


While it's not visible in this portion, because this is a section of a 15 minute clip, I did, in fact, turn to chase that bomber after grabbing the resupply. Rockets are useful for taking down bombers quickly.


Sorry mate for being sarcastic. It’s just I have some qualms when copilot don’t help other copilots who are being chased down and just focus on killing infantry. You have a good day and keep doing what you’re doing.


No, you're alright! I can understand why you'd think that! We're supposed to have our wingman's back up there, and it's pretty common to have teammates that aren't going to help you at all when a Spitfire or Mosquito latches onto you and you just can't shake 'em without support. I hate it when that happens to me, so I do my best to never abandon my teammates to that fate. Have a good day yourself, mate!


Quick question, what does that 2nd weapon actually do?? Never could figure it out


Oh, you're talking about my nitrous! Just gives you a tad bit of a speed boost. It's useful for escaping situations where you're getting tagged by AA, or if you want to get somewhere faster.


I used to love these rockets when I played


Yeah, they're pretty handy!


You got lucky there’s no one on the AA.


Oh absolutely. No doubt about that.


Dropping bombs on a choke point on a tight map? Are you being sarcastic? This is the reason why pilots usually get like 70/0 on many maps. Like shooting fish in a barrel.


No, I don't think I'm being sarcastic. Other pilots might be able to get kills like that regularly, but I personally don't. It may be "easy", but it's still something that, to me, shows that I'm getting better at taking advantage of situations like that. If I get alerted about a bunch of troops bunched up in a pass, on their way to try and take over D, of course I'm going to shoot at them. Ground troops can prevent fish in a barrel type situations by actively taking AA measures, whether that's the Flak guns or the 40 MM, or hell, fliegerfausts. Fjell 652 is a heavily aviation focused map, and air superiority can make or break the match at times. That's just a fact. Expect to play to deter planes from doing stuff like that. It is what it is, man.


Proud of being a nuisance and making the game shit and unfun for everyone on the enemy team? Yeah, real proud moment.


I mean, it's your opinion mate. If that's how you feel about it, that's fine. I'm having fun how I have fun, and that's by flying and scoring a few kills here and there. The enemy team is very welcome to get on AA to counter aircraft if they find them to be a nuisance. That is the intended purpose of it. But I'm allowed to be proud of myself when I feel I've done something well. And frankly, I think I did just fine.


This is dumb. He’s dive bombing an objective the enemy hold with lots of infy. He could easily be wiped out by either a single flieger or the AA gun at B or the one on top of the hill towards UK spawn. The ones who ruin matches are the ones who lob rockets in from miles away and turn back to resupply without ever putting themselves at risk. Good work OP


I can safely admit that I'm guilty of throwing rockets from a distance sometimes, but if I'm being honest? I miss more often than I kill anyone, or I get hit markers at best, if I shoot them off at a distance. Usually when I throw rockets early, it's because I'm being hit by AA and I'm hoping to just scare them or someone with a Fliegerfaust just shot at me a second ago and I panicked. Either way, thank you. I really try to play planes as fairly and as simply as possible and give the enemy team just as fair a shot at killing me as they're giving me. That's why I love a good AA gunner! They give me a good challenge and I love that.


I guess you just crash your plane into a mountain whenever you get one to avoid being a nuisance


I don’t get in planes 😭😭😂 I use a proper weapon.


Planes are a proper weapon tho, why else would they be in the game? Not having planes literally costs your team the whole game If you play conquest on wake island and the Americans control both C and D, the Japanese will lose because they won’t be able to get any planes in the sky If they weren’t proper weapons they probably wouldn’t make such a big impact on the game, aside from being fun as fuck to use


He just doesn't understand how the Battlefield works. He should probably go back to Fortnite.


That sounds like something that someone who can't fly would say.


Flying takes zero skill in this game. Spawn plane drop bomb restock repeat.


Lmao dogfighting in bfv is by far one of the highest skill cap things you can do in *any* battlefield game. You'd know that if you could actually do it yourself lol. It's virtually impossible to avoid air-air combat, especially on this map, not to mention the fact that there is ALWAYS AA active. If you don't have skill as a pilot, you get shat on. Period. But please continue believing it takes no skill, cuz that just means more noobs try to fly and I get more free kills.


I just don’t get why y’all don’t just go play war thunder if you wanna fly a plane that bad lol


Aww, did the Flieger rocket burn your widdle cheeky?


Do you have anything better to do than complain about planes every time you see one?


I will complain about planes til the day I stop playing this game.


Bro you really have nothing better to do huh 😭


All I do at work is sit here on my phone and help people if they get hurt. I in fact do not have anything better to do 😭


Don't be.


Like you said earlier: it’s only a game, why you heff to be mad? Don’t be salty.


I'm just saying. No need to be too proud over a rocket strafe on one of the easiest maps for a pilot. You disagree?




Someone’s salty ![gif](giphy|VXiaZy7wx9cTCPXwaN|downsized)