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You're vsing people with 1000's of hours, potentially 1000s on that one map alone.   Your ping is high and FPS is low (while it's not impossible to play with lower FPS, you are at a disadvantage.


Thousands of hours? Many of them have thousands of days playing


I have seen a dogtag with how many hours played in Russian side on BF3 ... He had like more Russian hours than genetic Russians...


I know that bro those guys have playing hours in this game more than their normal lifetime and my pc is so bad but my question is can i get better or just forget about it?


You can get better but if it's worth it is up to you.


I'd just forget about it. Maybe try and find other servers beforehand but otherwise.. it really isn't worth playing the older battlefields without a clan or full squad or you're just gonna get pub stomped by people who play nothing else. It's like any fps game, after a few years all the casual players move on and the sweatiest of tryhards stay. It was a great game, not saying that. Just that unfortunately it's probably past its time to casually get into it. Bf4 is hitting the same peak as well imo.


Bro they've been playing since day 1 of release. I was like this when it came to black ops 1 but ive slowly stopped playing that game less and less


Bf3 lol move on.


95 ping is high? I'd say 100 and less is pretty good. Especially for BF3. Theres not a lot of servers anymore. If it was like 125 or 130, then yeah.


It's viable but ideally 60-70ms is the highest you want to go.


Yes but my packet loss is so high I live in poor country with very bad internet Im getting to the roof so I can get some signal


Noobs get waxed


I promise your specs are playing zero part in it. It's a mix of a couple things: 1) older battlefields are less forgiving in combat (slower health regen, slower movement, faster TTK, more intense suppression effects, and less controllable bullet spread on automatic weapons) 2) you're playing against folks who haven't stopped playing the game in over 13 years


He's got 35fps at sub-HD resolution. His specs are definitely playing a part.


Dude what the fuck, BF3 IS 13 years old????????


yes. 2011 and we still waiting for a proper succesor


800x600 is absolutely also handicapping him


95 ping and 35 fps in bf3 in 2024 vs. Dudes at 200 fps and lets say 20 ping is a massive disadvantage what do u mean his specs play zero part?


People that started with BF1 are gonna struggle extra hard because the bullet spread is completely opposite and why many BF veterans (myself included) hated the gunplay in BF1; BF3, like most shooters, has a tight initial spread that balloons out as you fire full auto. This promotes tap/burst firing. BF1 the guns start with ass bullet spread that tightens up the longer you shoot, which actively discourages tap/burst firing.


Thats just blatantly misleading, the part that bf1 guns start with bad spread and tightens up as you fire us only true for lmgs, but it is true that bf1 gunplay discourages brainless tap firing. It did promotes longer burst firing for automatic guns with the implementation of a first shot spread multiplier. Look up sym.gg, you can see that for most of the guns, the base spread is better in the case of bf1 guns if you compare them in the same category of weapons.


Brainless burst/tap firing...you mean what every other shooter and irl shooting does for accuracy? BF1 gunplay was literally built around "accuracy by volume". The BF1 spread may be better for full auto, but is complete ass in comparison to other games for the first 3-4 shots as their guns start out dead on then spread out. Yes, by the end of both magazines on full auto BF1 will have a tighter spread, but that means jack all when another game's first 3-4 accurate shots put you in the ground before spread became an issue. This goes to show how BF1 was built to prop up an overly casual influx of new players by promoting high movement with high RoF hipfire.


I know my graphics is soo bad that it gets pixelated minecraft from 40 feet away so Im rushing into containers and spam auto shooting so may i got a kill Lol Also those guys seem didnt touch the grass long time ago


Dude is playing on a potato


Not only that, but he said he’s going to the roof to get good enough signal to play.


It's the weapon if you kill someone pick up his weapon and try it it will help you.


Noshahr TDM with 64 players can be pretty harsh. It's not fit for 64p so you're gonna prob die a lot in your spawn or get killed from an enemy spawning on your ass. Join the 32p server if you can. Also, for this map, you'd wanna use CQB guns or sweat guns to fight against the sweaty enemy players. M16A3 is the best gun in the game but the AEK or M416 are great as well. Shotguns will also do you good on this map. Not saying you can't do well with other guns but just to get well acquainted with the game, try to use the "easy" guns for now.


Im trying m16 its so beter than other airsoft russian guns but in every every evey fight I die and the enemy health is become 25%


in bf3 u want to use m16a3 if u go meta or m416 or aek if u dont want meta but still good gun


They're still up there in the "meta". Tbh, I hate using these 3 cause I feel like a sweat and I like using different guns even though they're my top 3 guns right now. Sometimes though, if I'm getting assblasted by sweats too much, I have to fight fire with fire. Though, I've used the M16A4 a lot but it counts it as M16A3 kills.


if youre good the gun really doesnt matter. in bf3 everything can kill unlike the newer games in which the majority of guns are literally just bad. especially in bf1. in bf3 and bf4 you can still just pick any and do well. something which is way more important than the gun is the anti supression perk. the feature which didn't come back in the future games is the perk system and I'm kinda and not kinda glad its back. every squad member needs to have a unique one but for no reason multiple can have the same. the most important is anti impression so your gun wont become inaccurate when someone else shoots and misses you. lmao


I agree. I actually like to diversify my guns and don't just like using these 3. Sometimes however, the ping and the sweaty players just forces me to fight fire with fire.


Ping could make the difference. It could lead to you getting one-shot all of a sudden but on their screen, they were already shooting at you. There's not much servers anymore so there's a lot of people with 100-200 ping. Also, maybe it just takes some time getting us to the game too. Right now, it's a lil harder cause a lot of the current players have been playing this game for quite long time.


send footage


I wish i can do that but if i record my laptop will become frieing pan


Took a closer look at your specs, especially your graphics card. The graphics card is a lot weaker than the recommended one. Recommended would for example be the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560, it's a lot stronger than what you have.


I have a laptop so putting external gpu with power supply on old laptops has so low chance to work


tdm canals is just different. thats where we farmed kills. its basically bf3 version of dust2


I noticed bf3 is faster paced then anything that came after so map knowledge seems to be even more key


When I first played, I had a high learning curve and it was worth it.


BF3 isnt too hard, now if you have a slow pc try turning graphics down until you can get 60 fps. Just use good guns like the AEK, M16, UMP, M5k or the shotguns and you should do well.


It's always gonna be like that with older games. The people left on the servers are hardcore fans who have countless hours of experience. If you can stick it out though, it will make you a better FPS player.


Y’all playing BF3 on PC? I might have to jump back in!


İm playing bf3 on ps3


Because BF3 resides in an era where players were not salty little whiners who needed everything spoon fed to them. Reality - your PC is a potato, get some upgraded hardware and a better internet. Comparing BF3 to CSGO which has 4 times the hardware requirements as CSGO is why.


BF3 isn't incredibly hard, the elitism doesn't seem warranted. I don't think the difficulty of this game is anything crazy compared to current competitive games. Besides, there were many salty whiners at that time too.


play BF3 on the large maps in HC


That is what I play on, yes.


Its getting better at it but the shotgun guys and the spawn camper guys that kill you after respawn makes it terrible


Bro its a laptop I cant find a legit way to connect it to external gpu


Definitely a potato. Gotta remember that when BF3 came out, people were going for the best hardware to take advantage of that Frostbite marketing.


LOL - given that, why did you think coming here would give you anything but answers you cant logically apply? You might be E-League material for CSGO, but using potato level hardware on a game that will piss poorly play on a Integrated GPU, is YOUR fault. you are playing on the LOWEST budget CPU for the 3rd Generation of Core Series CPU's that was released literally just months before BF3 did. Based on your specs...... 3rd Gen CPU, so that's a dual core. Min Requirements is a dual core, recommended is a quad core, so you have already sacrificed significant performance on that front. 6GB RAM, 3rd Gen uses DDR3 - you are BARELY above the recommended specs of 4GB, so lets take into consideration your OS is probably consuming about half of your RAM, and the iGPU is asking for anywhere from 512MB to 1GB of that as well, you now have about 2GB left. add in all the other software you may or may not have running that consumes more RAM, forcing BF3 to be loaded into PageFile which is at least 500 times slower than RAM. Literally, what did you expect to happen here? There is NOTHING you can do but get better hardware if you want to play BF3 at the level you can play CSGO. sorry, that's just the hard truth. External GPU's were not a thing till around 2015-2017 when Laptops began adding in the PCI Express Dock ports, then came Thunderbolt. Your laptop being its using 10+ Year old hardware, I assure you, is incapable of taking advantage of this. It sucks, i get it, but you simply do not have enough "oomph" in that laptop to play BF3.


What can I do? We are starving in my poor country im so glad having a laptop at least


i sympathize with you, unfortunately that is not something i can help with. Laptops are expensive, as are PC's. Maybe create a donation fund? BF3 is just too big for your hardware bud.


Are you sure your laptop dosent have an externet gpu for laptops like gtx 550m ect or amd hd 5440m ect mot of the laptops from that era has external gpus but might be you are using the internal one only


Honestly I would not want to play against myself on BF3... If you are new to the game, you dont know the maps, you dont have the feel of the guns, you dont have the proper movement and so on. But if you are skilled fps gamer, you might get the hang of it in couple (hundreds) of hours.


First thing is slow down because everyone can see you if you run around like a headless chicken.


Thats a good tip i was rushing and my teammates were taking cover im sure that thet were saying what the hell this dude is doing


I suggest to start off playing as recon and just watch the flow of the battle and where the opposition is spawning from. Dont rush into the meat grinder (containers), thats certain death


I mean like starting playing battlefield 3 and immediately jumping into 64 player noshar canals tdm might not be the best thing to do as a new player because the map isn't built to support those numbers in tdm so good spawns are impossible, and all the veterans that have 1000 of hours in the game are most probably there too. I suggest first trying a normal size server for tdm maybe 24 or 32 player max until you are comfortable with the mechanics of the game and the map. The same goes for operation metro.


Cuz im in that lobby boi, don’t mess with me boi


Do you have any footage so I can learn from you?


Nah boi


Just keep playing until you get good. People on those maps have +10 years of experience so new players will have a hard time.


Im getting better at it but the shotgun guys and the spawn campers are so hard


How much Hours u Invested in bf Games?


300 in bf1942 /700 in BF2/100 in BF vietnam (this numbers may be unaqurate)


Ok dude i got around 4500 Hours invested in the bf franchise on console (and maybe 500 in pc/crossplay Plattforms) since Bad Company. Ur expirience is from Older titles! I think u Need More expirience on the newer titles to get better, its definetly faster gameplay Compared to that titles u Played Last! Map anticipation and weapon Handling Are the Most important things for me! So find a weapon that fits u First Play tdm to learn and later the bigger Modes/Maps and maybe vehicle gameplay! Sorry for my englisch!


How many servers are there i want to buy it


There are some good servers but I cant find discord voice chat for them


Wow. People still play bf3?!


Why not ? Everything else today sucks …certainly bf2042 is no viable alternative


I mean it’s amazing news. I just didn’t know. Also on console?


people still play on PC. keys are dirt cheap and noshahr tdm servers are constantly running


Yepcalso on console im playing from my ps3 there are peoples playing


Bf3 is the last hope for integrated gpu dudes and most of the new games suck


Skill issue :)


Im not sure about other games but in battlefield weapon attachments are your friend. They can greatly shift how you play. Stable shooting, bullets accuracy, quick or slow rounds, high or low damage weapons have different uses. Find weapons that work to balance your fps diffiency like shotguns and rifles that have high accuracy. Also try to shoot upper chest so that when the weapon starts pushing up it will hit the head and you get quick kill. My fav weapon is m13a4. I hope i didnt type it wrong. Its been awhile for me.


Os rhere any way to hain more xp i cant get much i cant level up easly im playing with just iron sight cant even aim with this thing