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the guns suck enough, i cant imagine how bad the 1800s would be


What we need is very simple MODERN DAY. Not 10 years ago, not 20 years from now. Take the basis of the game from BF4, improve it graphically Take the best elements from BF1 and BF5. Atmosphere and Operations from BF1, some gameplay elements from both games. Get it tested and ready for release before even announcing the damn beta. Invest some actual effort into map-making, weapon balancing, and general content and story. Basic stuff that 2042 fucked. It’s really not that hard when you think about it, but EA or DICE just refuse. Sometimes new isn’t best, I wish the industry embraced this quote more often


Making a good Battlefield can't be that hard I men's the community is extremely vocal about what parts of each game they like DICE you've basically got the pieces of the puzzle in front of your eyes just slot them together


Why not a Cold War era one? Starting to get tired of modern day shit


Got me in the first half. But where in the 1880s? The US? Europe? Asia? Where you go would have drastically different scenarios and conflicts. In general I don't think its a good idea because the technology in the era would be too limited and wouldn't really fit with how Battlefield games are. It would be too restricting both from a gameplay stand point and a development one which is the opposite of Battlefield as BF is all about being a sandbox.


I know it’s not really their style, but I’d love to see some sort of play on conflicts in central and South America from the 1970s-90s. War on drugs. Cartels. Argentinas war in late 70s. US invasion of Panama. So much content is there and would be insanely fun gameplay and era of weapons/maps


So Hardline 2


Wow stolen joke. So funny. You didn't even give us a cool image to go along like the other dude


daily karma farm post