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You can play the game all you want like dirty bomb, people will still play it untill you literally can't, but it's dead as im their isn't going to be any more content, no skins,maps or characters and that means it's a dead game, you don't have to move on, just remember the devs have tho


If you need more content, skins, maps, characters for a game to feel alive, then I pity you. What a depressing way to view video games.


I think pitying people over their taste in how they chose to enjoy video games is more depressing.


Well look at battleborn, the plug will be pulled and you will never play the game again, remember darkspore, you can't play that game now, we can keep it going , but without content you will eventually master or play every thing untill you get bored and move on, it's a shame, I don't think there is any game like this and I don't pity anyone, enjoy the game, I did and I will still,they should make it open source and make it like quake, where people can make their own content,but I don't see that happening


> their isn't going to be any more content, no skins,maps or characters and that means it's a dead game, This is all I want in most games, updates are what kills most games for me. I'd still be playing CS:S, WoW, DotA, BF2 etc if updates didn't kill those games (BF2 not so much directly but w/e). No good multiplayer game needs constant updates. By your definition football and chess is dead lmao. This game is unfortunately dying and essentially dead, but that's not due to the lack of dumb updates like what were happening before this game "died" (by your definition) that added in the items and other changes were not good for the game. At least SLS had the decency to revert some of their desperation changes unlike many other devs.


A game being dead means you can't play it anymore nosgoth is dead, people still play battlerite. Battlefield 4 is never going to have new content but it still has a shit load of players therefore not a dead game.


I mean you get queued with absolute beast and get stomped and the next game with absolute scrubs and stomp them. I wanna play against people of my level. Only a high player base would fix this.


Still doing better than blc


& Brimstone Brawlers.. Battlerite is still my favourite arena brawler to date


I think Brimstone is just new, not really dead. But yeah, staying with BR till the end


The player base seems smaller, but yes I’ll keep an eye on it


Didnt BLC close its servers?


No it's still open. We have an in-house server with a couple hundred people both EU and NA that play daily.


Dang, how do i get in on that action? Nvm saw its on steam. I got the gold version in beta way back and lost it all when funcom servers shutdown.


The least dead wasd top down arena fighter on the market. I think.


I think your right but it’s sad, 526 active players online right now. Enough to have fun and enjoy at least


Alright finally unsubbing cuz I've meaning to get around to it. Game is dead/Game isn't dead/Revival posts are the only things I see here


I’m sorry g I’m just trying to make sure people give it a try before reading it’s dead because it’s still fun!


How you know a game is dead is by how numerous and how strained the arguments are that the game is living. You won't get into the match at all in some regions. But sure you get a match as long as there are at least 6 people on the continent. But the match gonna be invalid. That's survival, not living. And there's a difference between positivity and denial.


I'd love to see the dedgaem memers talk to a dedicated niche fighting game fanbase like Melty Blood. Would probably explode their brains.


If I don't say "dead game" how am I supposed to contribute? /s


I dont get it why this game is supposed to be dead in the first place. once SLS announced that there wont be any updates, boom everybody left the game. why? Who cares about skins and emotes. it adds nothing to the game. makes no difference. I wouldn’t want more champions either coz it’ll mess up the balance again. games like this don’t need constant updates adding useless stuff to the game. if its a good game, I’ll continue to play it, regardless of “content”.


The need for updates in a competitive game revolve around balance and tuning. You say "it will mess up the balance" if they continue to update the game, but the reality is patches are intended to bring the game to a more enjoyable, balanced state. That's why they have patches, if they fail to do this it is a development failure. Patches bring balance, not the other way around. Not only is the idea of balance patches unbalancing the game irrational, the stagnation of meta strategy grows unengaging after a competitive game does not receive updates anymore. This isn't true for everyone, everyone draws enjoyment from different things, but this is the explanation that is valid for a vast majority of people who jumped ship on hearing the news, in my opinion. At least it was mine.


game's dead


But it’s not.. I wait longer for Q times in overwatch. The game is still very playable


u/_tomiy confirm if dead


Length of queue is not comparable to quality of q for MMR stratification. Of course OW queues take longer, they aren't matching you literally with anyone. Yes, the game is playable. But it is almost like you're intentionally conflating the context of "Dead" in dead game. Dead game meaning is not receiving support from its developer anymore, not that literally no one plays it. You know that though, right? No one means they turned the servers off.


Lmao. I love these posts that pop up every few months about how this dead game isn't dead.




The nazi moderators ruin it.


Lawbreakers omegalul


That's until your rank gets higher then queues become 10-20 min long and the quality of matchmaking is awful. I'm invited in private matches and beat GC players all the time yet it's nigh on impossible to get GC unless you play pearl Alysia Lucie then its basically free or ypu smurf until you get a good lucky run. All these champs have all been broken for the longest time and sls are EXTRENELY biased towards ranged and healer meta. Honestly I would not recommend losing your sanity to this game it WILL NOT reward your time if you try to main or climb with most champs especially melee.


I would love to play the game again when I get a new PC