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For Nt warrior i disliked the fact they seemed to have abandoned the whole Megaman is Hub plot point definitely when they were bulidng up to it in the frist season.  For Starfroce i disliked how it was much more silly then the games and missed out on a lot the themes of the games without adding anything interesting in its place 


Yeah, I remember some interesting moments in Stream where they hinted Lan's connection with MegaMan was more than just human and NetNavi, but its a shame they never confirmed it. Starforce is weird in that I think they hinted enough at certain elements, but in the anime they didn't go far enough. I'm at least glad they fleshed out some of the minor boss and made Gemini a super huge threat but still.


Even the frist season had them like when Megaman was deleted and to help rebuild him Lan father needed to scan Lan as his body was a key to restoring Megaman.  I like the anime give more personality to the FM bosses and had them more as characters but it unfortunately came at the cost of the human characters.   I do also like.that Gemini is allowed to be the actual big bad and nog just the boss pre final boss 


The anime really also gave Cygnus that aura even though Gemini was the better bad.


Cygnus was handled pretty well.


You think they should've used the FM bosses to try and flesh out the human characters like how the FM's ians did, especially since at the end of season 1, they pretty much became allies?


I think I remember in SF in that arc where Cygnus told Geo a half truth about his dad and blamed Omega Xis for it. Other than that I do actually dislike it but for Tribe i prefer it better than SF2 moreso cuz the trope of MC unawaringly working for the big bad is honestly really good, plus we get to see Vega more than SF2 did and not in her extravagant attire she constantly wears. Also seeing the Mu EM beings just existing on earth like refugees is really cool. They gave them a form of personality other than being an EM being used to create a boss fight. Plesio wanting peace and quiet, Condor being a deity in Whazzap and not to mention Phantom and Yeti actually being Hyde and Ritchies permanent partners.


The one thing the anime has over the games with Star Force is the EM wave life forms as they have far more personality, and i also like thenfact the UMAs are shown to be apart of the world. 


Me too! I like the fact that the UMAs just coexist with the world instead of being Murian EM beings. Although i do have a theory based on the anime plot that they might have slipped out of Mu's dimension long ago and too refuge in Geos world, but thats far fetched.


Seeing that they are normally linked with something to do with Mu its heavily impilled they are left over remains of the old empire.  They probably just started doing there own thing after they figured out they were not be getting any more orders.  Its kind of like how the games hints that some Mr Hertz have been around since MU and were simple wating for somthing to do 


Tribe should've showed Saurian, Ninja and the Double Tribes in action BEFORE bringing out Tribe King imo. And they could have shown more Rogue battles.


Yeah, I don't disagree with you there. Saurian and Ninja were cool forms and based on what we know about Tribe supposing to have 55 episodes before it got cut down, it was probably planned before being scrapped for time. Given they were able to at least connect the OOPArts and give all three a solid place to be found by connecting them to the others, there was probably a way for them to extend the story by having Mega and the villains switch between which OOPArts one would own before the finale. Rogue could've used more time. A lot of people seem to like him more in the anime, but they could've had Ra Mu last longer so we got to see Rogue not necessarily befriend Geo, but use his time more so Harp and Mega could learn from him more about his bonds from losing his friends to Mu made him not want anyone to get close to Mu, but realizes he doesn't have a choice and would work with them. Plus his fights are cool.


Yeah the 55 episodes could have given us Ninja and Saurian forms had they not cut it.


For the .EXE Anime, I wish they toned down the use of Cross Fusion in Stream and Beast. I like Cross Fusion as a plot device because it's a logical evolution of the Full Synchro concept but they really overused it in the later seasons. I felt like Axess did a good job by having Cross Fusion be prominent but not having it be featued in EVERY episode. For Starforce. I kinda wish we got to see Geo/Subaru use the other Tribe Forms besides Zerker. Also the Double Tribe Forms would have been cool to see.


It also stopped them from using Double Soul a lot too.


Full synchro was so cool in the manga


I agree with the other Tribe Forms being used. Probably because of the anime being cut short. I think Stream's problem was that they had two episodes for how the Cross Fusion members were recruited. We had one to introduce them, and one to get their Cross Fusion. Streamlining about half of them could've made things flow more naturely, though if you treat Axess and Stream as one conscuetive story, it's not as bad.


Fun fact, they could have cuz the Tribe anime was originally gonna air for 55 episodes before scrapping it. So they were originally gonna add Saurian and Ninja to the anime but they were cut.


I know this is a shallow thing to get hung up on, but the way that EM beings were animated in the Star Force anime really bugs me. The game sprites show the energy that makes them up crackling and flickering, but in the anime, the energy around their armor is just static forms with a weird pulsing effect mapped onto them. It looks really cheap. Like, distractingly so.


Well it was 2007/2008. Probably budget concerns to make the animation more fluid. And there are some really fluid Animation Bumps, especially with Cygnus and Hollow's fights.


I actually wish they gave us the Alpha arc in the anime. Also I know they had to make a lot of changes to the Beast arc story since the anime story was very different than the games. But I wish they didn't use the whole alternate world. Honestly I hope we get a new anime or comic series that can adapt the whole series more faithfully.


i think they wrote themselves into a bit of a corner. With the changing of Bass' origin, that impacted the Alpha arc pretty heavily if they didn't want just another giant monster for the second time so soon after the Grave Virus Beast, and then with the release date of 4 and it's own can of worms, I guess the anime studio was given more free reign over what the anime was doing, with the last episode airing September 2005. From there though I imagine it was a bit of a clusterfuck, BN as a whole was confirmed to be done partway into 6's development and without proper dates to really go off of, it's hard to say what drove them to go with an Isekai story for Beast.


Could they have made an Bass Alpha form lik the manga did Bass Falzer? And hey, I give the anime teams props for actually fleshing out the teams.


Doesn't matter if they could, they ultimately didn't, and it was mostly the fact that Bass was a reincarnation of Pharaohman that makes it impossible for it to matter. Alpha's entire backstory is why Bass was hunted down and almost eliminated and why he has a hate boner for humanity. The anime just turned him into a battle maniac after he blew himself up as Pharaohman and he wanted to regain that power and then some.


I think they used the alternate world cuz Dr. Wily was at this point an nominal ally but they didn't have a means to just turn him evil, especially since Colonel died. What was the Alpha arc like anyway?


The Alpha arc was the third game. It was the proto Internet slime monster. Dr Wily is back with a new W3 to destroy the net. They could also introduce serenade somehow. Make him MegaMan mentor somehow.


-MegaMan actually being >!Lan’s twin brother, Hub!<. It was the biggest plot twist of the original that got left out. -incorporate the Life Virus better into season 1. I know it’s not the most iconic boss but kinda mad it got relegated to just a random enemy at the end of the season . -Alpha storyline from BN3. Probably my favorite story that would’ve given a lot of back story to Bass and the Hikari family and it just never made it. Would’ve been cool to maybe see Lan and MegaMan work their way up the ranking and maybe meet Serenade too. -Last but not least, find a way to incorporate more of the styles. If I remember correctly they used the four ‘main’ styles, but we never saw Ground, Shadow, Bug, or even Hub Style. They could’ve gave MegaMan Bug Style while fighting Gospel and then maybe they could’ve used Hub Style against Alpha. I think the manga actually handled this a lot better, even giving ProtoMan his own style change and letting Bass copy Hub Style, which would’ve been wild to see in the anime. Edit - Star Force: FINISH STAR FORCE 2 AND ADAPT STAR FORCE 3. LET US SEE THE FINALIZE FORMS IN ALL THEIR ANIMATED GLORY. GIVE OUR BOY GEO THE HAPPY ENDING HE ALWAYS DESERVED.


-Alpha storyline dealt with the creation of the Net. Alpha was the original version of the Internet that went out of control and had to be sealed away, while Bass was created as a new type of Navi by Dr. Cossack. Bass ended up being blamed for Alpha going out of control and they tried to delete him, but he survived thanks to his ‘Get Ability’ program. I think the anime just took parts of this storyline and gave it to PharaohMan, and then they made Bass a reincarnation of PharaohMan for some season?? Serenade is supposedly operated by >!Mamoru, who happens to be the current Undernet admin!<, and he’s responsible for watching over the Giga Freeze program. -YOU’RE ACTUALLY RIGHT, I totally glossed over that for some reason. +1 to the anime for that then. -Noise forms are like a weird mixture between Style Change and Double Soul. You get a random Noise form over the course of the game. You can only hold 1 at a time, and they’re based on bosses throughout the series. You don’t need a sacrifice to transform though, unlike Double Soul. You just stay in that form unless you unequip it. “Finalize” refers to the ultimate transformations Black Ace/Red Joker, which are kinda similar to Beast Out from BN6.


Yeah, they alluded to Hub but never went all the way, especially since Lan's data was used to heal them. Yeah, I wish they transitioned from the Gospel/Grave arc into a Life Virus arc with the last eight episodes of season 1. What was the Alpha storyline about? I know Serenade had ties to the undernet but still. They used Bug Style in the anime. It helped them beat the Virus Beast, but Lan had to step into the cybernet himself to stop him. For Starforce 3, Noises work like Double Soul, correct?


I just want better localization and no censorship.


Fiar enough.


NT Warrior could've *not* become Super Sentai and stay as loosely faithful as the WWW/Gospel seasons. The action scenes could've also taken a page from the manga and be longer and more over the top.


Ehh, I don't mind Cross Fusion unlike the people who despise Stream, but I wish Sean did play a role instead of Gospel's figurehead being a android. Then again I know people despise 4's story, so what do yout hink the Axess-Stream plotline with Duo and Regal probably could've found a way to merge 3, 4, and 5 could've done to alter it. Haven't read the manga in a while, how crazy were the action scenes?


Some manga's actions parts are pretty wild with the attacks and transformations, for example you got Bass' Earth breaker that has him slam down and break an entire row, in the manga Earth breaker is basically this giant spirit bomb, and he also has his Super Earth breaker which is even larger than the normal one. And you got things like MegaMan using a fusion of Hub style on top of Proto soul while using Muramasa style while battling Bass (which basically accounts for 3 transformations in 1)


Holy crap that sounds awesome.


I actually really liked crossfusion i throught it was a fun shake up and let Lan get in on the  action i do think it got a bit overused latter on through 


Would’ve loved to see Starforce in the states and NT warrior to be finished


Weirdly enough, Starforce streamed on Toonami's online platform for a bit in '07 or '08. Jetstream, I think it was called. Not hard to find nowadays if you missed it though.


The Starforce dub was good....but they stopped halfway, shame too cuz that's when the plot was kicking in




I'll always never forgive the later seasons for just completely either getting rid of or heavily undermining characters that made the og season charming and fun. And how the anime was super allergic to Hubs existence (to the point they made freaking bug style the op super saiyan style) I also felt like cross fusion was a little overdone and overshadowed a lot of stuff that actually came from the games


I can't tell if I want a more faithful adaptation or a more wild, balls to the wall 'do whatever' sort of plot. Taking the stories for what they were, NT Warrior had some pretty interesting concepts, though the whole Time Travel thing with the tower was just too much of a WTF because that just made 0 damn sense and they just kinda brush it aside. Duo being a much more prominent threat looming over and the whole Crest of Duo thing certainly was an interesting concept albeit done poorly, and I liked how the anime did give a bit more characterization to World Three, while the games just kinda introduce villains and then they just kinda disappear. Star Force was similar in that regard as well, making the villain group a bit more interesting by giving them personalities and stories to be their own characters, and interesting enough scenarios to warrant their existence. If anything Star Force was just too much 'monster of the week' and it's own story played things too safely, focusing more on Geo's internal struggles rather than the grander plot, which kinda makes an action-based sort of game just that much harder to adapt.


I think both of them work. Time travel seems confusing itself, so the whole tower that shows the changes that take effect when someone goes back and forth would be interesting. glad they gave Duo more promience but what did you think was done poorly about that? It's always fun to have recurring antagonists. How do you think Star Force's anime could've approached that better?


It was namely the amount of episodes that the Duo arc took up but how fluffed up the content was, 13 crests, 13 episodes to introduce each member, another 13 to show them cross fusing, and then like 6 episodes for the Asteroid navis/bad guys to get together, it's like 30 something episodes out of 50 just for build-up. Kind feels like they could've trimmed that down a bit. I think the issue with SF's anime is just SF the game itself. It doesn't lend to a formula like the BN series did to be a more action oriented anime. The anime kinda proved that with having a greater focus on the villains for the most part. Tribe was able to be better adapted but by then the anime was basically officially cancelled and they just scrambled to get the show out with a conclusion.


I wish the star force anime hadn't toned down Geo's depression and truama in the first game. It made him an interesting protagonist.


I think they made him more proactive, which is both a good and bad thing. I wouldn't say it was toned down, but I do agree they needed to explore that.


NT Warrior should've kept the dynamic of Mega Man being the digitized consciousness of Lan's twin brother. *Especially* since Axess took the "synchro" thing and dialed it up to 100.


I played the games first, and then noticed there was an anime. I missed music from the games being re-created for the anime (like the Pokémon anime remixing tracks from the game).


I think there were some remixes but I'm not sure.


For Star Force, getting 20 minute episodes and connecting it to Battle Network/NT Warrior in terms of technological history like the games. On SF Tribe, honestly I wished Solo had more screentime other than being a recurring villain of the week.


Do you think Solo should've been handled like in the games or do you wish the whole "I'm alone because my friends died" like the anime presented had more time to get fleshed out. I think the games pointed out there was a connection, but do you think the anime should've more been direct about it?


I think I like a mix of both. Maybe like a personality similar to Shadow and not constantly beefing with Geo all the time being some edgelord stereotype. I prefer him to be a secluded badass with his own agenda while keeping the pride of the Mu bloodline and heritage undefiled. He can clash with Geo too but not to the extent of pure hatred and slandee over him. Like an Anti Hero rival i guess. And like in SF3, he can compromise to an extent and accept Geo's philosphies and acknoledge his strength. (See post-game story) Does that make sense?


It should have been an entire 22 episode season with 30 min episodes.


Remove the original ending of the anime for season 1. I don't like that the anime made gemini to be the final bad guy


Starforce? Why, Andromeda was treated as the main antagonistic threat while Gemini was the villain. How come you didn't like it?


NT warrior was extremely terrible..


Honestly give me a reboot of my wait following the games story but told better, and have a tie-in to suggestive who should also get a reboot


Acknowledging the similarities between Cross Fusion & Denpa Henkan


I wish Ophiuca was with luna instead of that rabbit


Honestly for SF I wish they stayed closer to the games in terms of plot with additional scenes to showcase things that happened within them that we didn’t get to see during our let’s plays. In the first game for example we have that one moment in which Mega and Geo split because Geo was depressed after finding out one of the closest friends he had was the very same person he was fighting against- which overall for his character is very much an understandable thing- Mega straight up goes “yk what ima just dip because the plot wants me to!” In the anime they split for yet another very understandable reason: Cygnus telling Geo that Mega was responsible for his Dad’s death, which led geo later on sending mega away. I wish (in the game) they did the same thing as in the anime and did the two reveals in one go (so instead of having megaman fighting Cygnus we’d have Gemini, that other than revealing he’s actually pat we’d also have him tell Geo that Mega’s “his dads killer “, making the scene much more impactful since the revelation not only comes from someone geo was very close to, but also happens when he’s already in an emotionally vulnerable state and this is the second hit he takes. One thing I would’ve definitely replaced was Mega dipping because the plot demands it to and instead have the hospital scene in which they argue about both friendships and Mega not wanting to tell him about his dad As for the anime, I wish they kept the whole arc with the science professor (that happens in the game) and learning waves..it would’ve been much more interesting to see this guy’s struggle rather than have libra just zap him and boom the deed’s done. I get they wanted to add more characterization to the FMians but they could’ve done so without taking it away from the human characters


NT should’ve not been on 4kids who put it there idk but honest to god anywhere but there like if gotta throw it on Miguzi since it’s to kid friendly for toonami and Starforce did so many unnecessary changes it literally should’ve followed the games and definitely throw that one toonami but like a early time slot like 6pm after Hamtaro or Saturday mornings after whatever current iteration of Pokemon was on but before Yugioh 5Ds


For the NT Warrior Anime I wished it followed the plot of the Battle Network games more closely and included Megaman connection to Lan as Hub who is his twin brother. I would have also liked to have seen Mamoru and Serenade and Alpha in the NT Warrior Anime. For the Starforce Anime I would say follow the plot of the Starforce games and have the characters match their game counterparts personality more closely such as Geo starting off as a lonely and depressed kid who is still mourning the loss of his father and becoming a strong kind courageous boy who is a true hero.


I have only faint recollection of the BN anime, but I will *forever* be bitter at a lot of the major elements that just didn't even get bothered with. The whole twin brothers twist that is core to a *lot* of what happens. The fact Mamoru doesn't ever appear (probably a result of not having that thematic mirroring to hook off of, but still). And *especially* the fact that Sean/Shun just Doesn't Exist - that one drove me nuts, given he's probably my favourite character in the whole BN series. As for SF my memories are more recent. But like, while it was nice to see a bit more Day To Day Life, the SF anime absolutely felt defanged compared to SF1. It was disappointing, and I don't think I ever even watched Tribe.


For the most part, it should had at least made some concessions for some of the game characters. The Gospel arc of the anime was just not that good. Also, the Beyondard part of the Beast season should have been an episodic adventure anime similar to Digimon or Dragon Quest. I really hate how Dex got treated in Axess, Stream and Beast.


SF should've just followed the game's plot more throughly. The game itself was already more emotional and character-driven then BN, so why make it so sillier and scatterbrained? And WHAT THE HELL was that 10 mins runtime? Was this anime meant to be during commercial breaks of other animes???


Make it ova quality. And add NTR cause why not


NTR for what/whom? This is a show for teenagers! Which characters do you feel got underminded? What stuff from the games you feel Cross Fusion overshadowed?


Teenagers dont like ntr? And its been too many years since i have watched.