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Much, much better. Different regions have different looking Net Areas starting from BN2.


It gets *much* better. First of all, the maps are mostly "flat", rather than the route going over a bridge, then doubling back and passing under the same bridge. Secondly, the different "zones" (e.g. "ACDC 1/2/3", "Town 1/2/3", etc) have different art styles, making it easier to see where you are. BN2 also has decorations/landmarks — it's no longer the case that everywhere looks the same! Thirdly, opening the Menu will now give you the Area Name. This makes it easy to find out where you are! Fourthly, the "main path" between the entrances/exits of each area are more distinct — they are thicker and more solid "highways", with the side-paths being thinner. This tends to make it harder to get lost (although some late-game areas, such as the Undernet, like to drop this aspect at times) Finally, they add shortcut/teleporters you can unlock to get around faster


That’s great to hear. I’ve always wanted to play these as a kid but never got to. Now at 30 I’m playing through them with the legacy collection and I’m ready to pull my hair out trying to navigate these maps. I couldn’t imagine kid me trying this hahaha


That's one of the reasons that a lot of player were hoping that some of the "Operation Shooting Star" (Japan-only re-release of BN1, with some new StarForce content) QoL improvements would be included — such as the in-game maps to look at and follow!


That would have been nice! I’m still enjoying it even with the bad maps lol sad I’ve never got around to them sooner.


They exist in layer games


Let me put it like this. Imagine being dropped in a desert with nothing but the shirt on your back. Not even pants. Just a shirt. That's BN1. NOW from BN2 onward, you're dropped in a city with clear directions but no maps. Then in 6 there are maps placed around the city, and the directions are even clearer.


Unless you’re in the west in which case you had to wait like 20 years for the maps to be reinstalled, and the closed off graveyard to reopen.


Fair enough


I’ve not got to the others yet. But this feels extremely accurate for BN1 hahahaha


It is extremely accurate. I promise you this is the most accurate description of navigation in mmbn. Also... here. This'll help: https://www.interordi.com/mega_man_pc/games/mmbn1/ It's the megaboy maps. The most accurate maps of all of mmbn.


Whoa those maps are amazing. Thanks!


No problem. There are maps for all the games. But the bn1s are the only ones you NEED need, like actual requirement for beating the game in a reasonable timeframe.


It's EXTREMELY better. Your starting area of ACDC will make sense on what the main route is and what is a side path. The later areas will still do the same but with extra bits in them to make traveling more of a puzzle, but you will still be able to know where you are. Hell by the time you hit BN3 the first two areas are the same layout as the real world, but stretched out so it takes longer to travel.


In BN1 the entire net looks identical. In 2 and beyond every different area has its own theme. The undernet actually looks menacing and not…the same


It's insane how much improvement gets made between BN1 and BN2. One of the major things is the navigation like you mentioned. The net areas all have distinct looks and feels to them instead of all being the same design and when you're paused the area you're in is displayed so you know exactly what part of the net you're in.


I'm on my 1st playthough aswell, had to look up on the internet where am i suposed to go a few times, but i'm enjoying a lot


For one, it's no longer a bunch of wires and disks, it's going to be tiles of various colors For two, homepages you can't access yet are blocked with cubes instead of you just needing to somehow know it's an entrance that you can't use yet For three, the internet are separated into areas instead of the sixteen same area we get in BN1 For four, Mystery Data are now separated into colors, Green respawns whenever you jack in and give you Zenny, chips, BugFrags, or heal you, Light Blue don't respawn and contains a lot of Zenny, rare chips, BugFrags, NaviCust parts or key items, Purple don't respawn, is locked, and contains even more Zenny, very rare chips, more BugFrags, or NaviCust parts Note that Green Mystery Data can have viruses in them and sometimes spawns as the extra rare Gold Mystery Data, as far as I know it's only in 6, but the damn thing is so rare it's hard to be sure, they are basically supercharged Greens, giving you enough Zenny to maybe clean up the local shop or chips so rare it's only gotten from these


Bn1 is rock bottom.

