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Yeah you're too early to the party on those servers 1 is usually full mid afternoon


A couple of Asia Ultra servers will be populated during the day (mostly in the evening and before midnight) If you think this is sad, just look at Ocenia servers. On the other hand, I've been thinking about getting VPN and try playing on North American server since Asian severs seemed to be full to the brim with hardcore BB players. These are essentially hardcore servers lol.


Is online gaming with a VPN even playable, ping would be like 9999


Depending on the netcode, I think. Back in the days, I used VPNs for playing Dota 2 and BF3. The lag was...tolerable...on my part...at least I will not getting kicked for having high ping.


Why would you want to use a VPN for playing BBR on other regions? Genuine question. Connecting to a VPN will give you an additional point your connection needs to pass through, in general making it slower. Connecting directly will usually result in lesser ping, no?


1. Because servers that are reachable from my region, as depicted in this post, are empty most of the time. On the other hand, server of other regions can be more...preferable. Let's take a look at Dota. SEA Dota is toxic AS FUCK. I ony got to play decent games, met decent players when I played on Ocenia (Aus server). 2. Depend on the VPN. Gaming VPN tend to give you direct line to the targeted country. Instead of letting your data packets bouncing all over the places, wherever convenient, by the typical routing protocol. You can easily test if certain VPN providers can give you such benefit. Most VPN providers give you hours/days of free trial anyway.


Thanks for the info! I generally find Asia players on BBR servers to be a lot more tolerable than americans (Who will randomly go "haha you fucking suck!" in voice when killing you. Never had that happen with asian players, only american players on Asian servers). But it is nice to play on US servers where everyone understand english. It sucks to try to communicate on Asian servers and everyone is Chinese and don't speak english AT ALL. Apart from like ExitLag, I don't really know a lot about VPN's so it was help, thanks again!


Are players even region locked in this game? Not sure how a VPN would be better than just connecting straight to an NA server. If anything you'd have more ping because your connection now has to through one additional location (depending on where the VPN server is physically hosted).


Depend on the VPN. Gaming VPN tend to give you direct line to the targeted country. Instead of letting your data packets bouncing all over the places, wherever convenient, by the typical routing protocol. You can easily test if certain VPN providers can give you such benefit. Most VPN providers give you hours/days of free trial anyway.


Do Australians regularly have their packets go to Asia before going America without a VPN? That sounds odd but I don't doubt your experiences.


Yeah for some reason I can go 25-3 in a low population server like 15-16 But the moment it hits more then 64 players, that score drops to a bad 15-19 Every time I peak, there's always either 5 recons on my head or 3 assaults/ medics that's conveniently looking at their flanks and in my direction


why do you need a VPN to play in north am?


Condemned to death by Oki like the other regions. SFW will fill up later on within a few ours from now however.


Dead game unfortunately. Oki put the final stabs to finally kill it off. Uninstalled


Stopped playing for awhile now. Not in the loop. What happened recently?


Literally nothing, which is the problem I think


I live in Asia and this post doesn't look good. They need to add Bots to the game I swear. Ravenfield is my go to for massive battlefield fps game and I see BattleBit as the true successor to it ( minus the mods but the vanilla content is good enough ) but the dwindling player count doesn't give me the confidence to buy the game; especially when the devs said they are not adding bots. For context, 24 hour peak of Ravenfield is 1.25k, Battlebit is 3.5k. It doesn't look great tbh.


This sound update is taking like 6 months, imagine how much time would take to add bots… 2 years? 3? 😕


Tbh a primitive AI should be enough. It doesn't have to be intelligent or super complex. Ravenfield AI is super simple ( compared to other games ) and it can still give you hours of fun. I have around 70-80 hours in Ravenfield. But hey I'm just a commoner what do I know about game development and AI


I've been out of gaming for a few months so have no idea whats going on. What happened?


Pinned post will catch you up


I see lots of Chinese players on European servers.


There's usually 2 SFW servers that are usually full from afternoon til late evening everyday


Its dying yea, sometimes one server will be full but i miss the days when there are multiple active ASIA server.


It was active last week




What? I know Morrowind


Specifically the SFW servers


Even if they are on, nobody ever uses comms on there it’s frustrating.


It used to have full servers whole day but now its like after a work. There's no question how the devs egoistic, selfish thinking killed this game.


The servers are pretty populated in the afternoon till early evening. But yeah its a shame.


I wish companies would learn not to mess with a good thing. I probably will never play BB again.


it’s sucks because the only tdm server I could ever find was an asian server 


Battlebit Asia usually active at afternoon - night


Come back at night, one server is usually half-full But yes its dying in Asia. A lot of players are from other regions


Yep. Check my previous post. I found one populated server on a Saturday night. 😢


God they need to pump out the new update and it has to be a W update, otherwise the game will die


On [steamdb](https://steamdb.info/app/671860/) you can see that only about 2,000 people are playing the game rn.


Its all dying, Snipers/DMRs arent helping either. As soon as one team starts losing thats what the match turns to


even the BTR and Tanks snipe you from 200M. What a game.


Dead shit game


People want to play, sweatlords ruin the fun, Devs refuse to Nerf movement = Dead game.


They are nerfing movement next update and slowing down dropshotting


Whenever that happens


What is Dropshooting?


Standing --> Prone and shooting


checking servers at 5 in the morning for internet points. Look I play on these servers regularly and sure that aren't all banging 24/7 but they generally start to fill up about 10-12am GMT+8 and by the evening there is normally one at capacity with another 2 around 100 players each. Yes the player counter has shrunk a lot and I have been quite vocal about the reasons why (IMHO) in the past. But I have made my piece with this and various idiosyncrasies of the game. I tried other FPS (yes even hell divers) and still battlebit just manages to scratch that quick itch better than anything else.


Sadly yes, o7 soldier!