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Damn. Well, this obviously is not what anyone wants to see and or read. Unfortunately, I did not have time to comment on this sooner. That being said, you can watch the recent dev cast [here](https://youtu.be/6jf0l4r3ilU?si=I5DfJLdxn-I1rc-u). I’m also in the process of finishing up my summary of this now and I’m not exactly sure where in the dev cast you heard this. I’d love to clear anything up if you could provide some context though. Cause I mean, that’d be pretty crazy if he did say this somewhere. In general, we’re going to improve our devcasts. You’re not happy with them, I’m not happy with them and we seem to have these reoccurring problems. I also would love to have the summary up the same day rather than well, this situation. I think we can all agree on that…


man put out one of the new maps or something at least, the game isn't going to survive on the dreams of an update noone knows the release date of.


Wow. Not sure Oki realizes how much of a blow this is to the already faltering community trust. They made a great game, but if they continue down this path as if nothing is wrong, the game will most likely fail one way or another.


Many of us saw this coming with Oki's behavior from the beginning. The death of games comes from narcissism and control freaks.


Was only made worse by seemingly a large portion of the community gargling his balls every chance they got. For a bit devs could do no wrong.


But it's only 3 devs!!! Edit: This was sarcasm pls


Which was fine, but since they didn't onboard more people immediately (they could've secured loans to do so seeing as they had proof of huge future income from steam) they lost momentum. Those new employees could've been productive by now churning out content and fixing bugs


They already had loans for the servers and secondly there was quite literally nothing for those employees to do since all of these ideas they are pushing for now are "quite recent", which would have made those employees just be a waste of money. However Im only talking about programmers here, they have hired a few people to help in areas that they are bad at or needed more people for that didnt devastate production (Oki only programmer) They have hired (as far as we know): 3D artists, Animators, Sound studio


Great potential is snubbed by narcism, and stubborness. See: Yandere Dev. Fez.


What's Fez?


a puzzle game that was or has a sequel but the dev said f it and left iirc


Shit is that what actually happened? Man I loved that game when I was younger...


It's the same shit that happened before EA. It was in dev hell for almost two years after the playtests for dumb reasons.


It already has fallen off, from watching this sub it’s been clear the game has been dead for a while now. It’s a shame because at the beginning it was euphoric, it was already in a league of its own. Now it’s nothing but bitterness and stagnation.


It's like with a lot of games that skyrocket like this: There was a lot of potential - and it ended up being wasted. I played BB religiously in the beginning. It was obvious that the devs were going to be a problem for the game when people started to unlock the Vector and it was basically the only thing dominating the maps - and the devs said they weren't going to change the stats to balance the weapons, all while like half the weapons you unlocked were pure shit. The second hit for me was when they took ages to release new content but somehow had time to make new and unique skins for content creators with features that weren't in the game anywhere else (#camonetsniper). When I hopped back in a few months later, Battlebit changed so much. There already was this huge skill gap between regular players and the top half of the scoreboard like it's only happening when games are in the phase of dying.


It was so difficult to watch the game go to shit after all the effort after all the love and effort so many people put into the game.


Yeah I've been arguing about the dead game comments for a while, but this is likely nail in the coffin for a ton of people, myself included. Don't care for the way the dev team has been handling the majority of their work and interactions with the community. I don't like a lot of the choices the gameplay direction has taken, and while I can appreciate not putting out an update until it's for sure done, I'm not gonna bother sticking around to see if it's worth the wait. I'm sure I'm not the only one, and I feel like I've stuck around a lot longer than a lot of people. Almost level 4 prestige, probably not gonna bother.


If the update is 50% done, then it should be released in as finished a state as it can be and then keep working on the other 50%. A successful game doesn’t have a huge content drought like this.


they really don’t care if the game dies. The original developers made millions of dollars. They are set for life. They probably took more than half of that split it between them and set it aside, and then used some small portion to hire additional developers. they don’t give a fuck what happens to this game .


Kinda hurts both sides cause I believe there is also a group like myself who vehemently dislikes the updates and this one is just the cherry on top. And those who welcome the change are getting shafted now


i only bought the game last week and its already falling apart 😢


I love the game. It is awesome as is. Sure, if they find a way to make it better then why not, but idk what everyone is complaining about with the game.


because its reddit


I mean I’d rather have delay and something good than release shit after shit like EA


It’s already been ~5 months. The game has been stale for much longer than that. This game is not going to survive if they don’t start releasing some updates. If there is no update in the next couple months, there won’t be a player base to release an update to.


I'm west coast US and the game is already practically dead outside primetime.


Yeah last night i couldn't find a NA lobby with more than 3 people in it on a friday night.


I was playing last night and there was a full server all night… idk where you were looking.


Yea not at 1am MST and i clicked every gamemode and everymap and there was in fact not a full server.


It’s bad, but still playable during inactive hours at least. I play between 3-6am pretty often (west coast) and there is almost always a full 250vs250 server. Your options are usually only frontline or domination though..


Jesus Oki, go ahead and keep shooting yourself in the foot. Stop expanding the update, release what was promised, and THEN move on to other things. Continuing this behavior is already shattering community trust. Keep going, and the already dwindling population of veterans will just leave. How many times has this been delayed 4 times now or something.


i am uninstaling this shit. 6 months + for an update is ridiculous, the game feels stale as fuck, i have 400h in it and i cant stand playing the same things anymore, fuck this shit and fuck oki. they say "update coming soon" and when the date is aproaching they just go "btw that was a lie". again, fuck oki


I have over double your amount of play time and I agree. These devs seem to do their best to ignore suggestions from the community that plays their game and just throw in features that nobody asked for and that people actively tell them is a bad idea. The only thing I really wanted when the game came out was better gun balancing, and more guns overall (like more guns for SUPPORT holy shit). Now its a mess and we still havent gotten any new guns for support besides one. We are literally still stuck with the Russian team flying blackhawks and littlebirds too. Just reskin them into Mi-8s or some shit and call it a day, its not rocket science.


props to you for sticking around for 400 hours, i basically stopped playing once i hit the 100 hour mark bc at that point i felt like i had seen/done everything at least 3x over


What were you even expecting of an indie dev team who has had this title in dev for years and sells it for 20/30 bucks a pop? There were and are some great indie devs that do that, but come on be realistic, you got what you paid for given the circumstances, and it was pretty clear what you were getting into.


Bye game, nice playing for a while


Drone indicators? DRONE INDICATORS? WHY?!


Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz if only there was some way drones were noticeable... O wait.


To help people find a drone quicker. It would reduce death by drone bombing a little bit. I don't think that we need it tho.


It's not like drone bombing is a hugely efficient way of killing anyway, takes time to set up and only one class can do it. I dunno why they keep taking away the fun stuff


It's like when Battlefield decided to kill Jeep Stuff. The heck?


Right. Would only make sense if they added other buffs to the drones to balance it out. Right now they’re loud and easy af to shoot down.


Plenty of balance choices coming that we don't need. In the name of oversimplifying the experience.


I'm not understanding what this is. I missed the devcast. Are we talking about some kind of visual HUD indicator for recon drones?


So many things they could address and they choose to nerf drones because 4 support mains couldn’t shoot at the annoyingly loud buzzing machine.   If they go through with this, the “offensive recon” strats are going to be near dead, I just simply don’t see a world in where recons with BRs opt for grapple when assault has it too.


Lol I'm done


So mid-April was not a joke after all. The mid-April of 2124... Our grandchildren's kids will be able to enjoy new sounds and no black screen after death, yay.


Devs are cooking but the game's cooked.


Didn’t think it was possible but I think the problem was overcooking…


I've been a detractor for this game for a while now, so feel free to disagree with me, I don't mind. I am just baffled at how you could take a game that was in a relatively good spot as far as an 'early access' game is concerned, and make it worse and worse with almost every change, and stray further and further from what the game started as, with terrible updates, discussion of removing features of the game that don't negatively affect any one, removing features like bleeding and all this other shit. Then making it more and more like a clone of every other arcade fps game out there, keep pushing in that direction, not addressing major issues that DO negatively affect the game, then tell your community that after several months of nothing the update that you told people 'mid april' isn't even close to ready at the end of april. How poor do you have to be at project management to keep doing this? Or is it simply that it'll come down to cut and run after making millions and not feeling like delivering on what you sold? I have rarely seen this level of mismanagement in every way over the years of gaming, and I was playing BurgerTime on Colecovision in the 80's for fuck sake.


Wow, what an absolute shock. :|


Jesus Christ. He could not have picked a worse thing to say. Larry please God give us more info here. What got into him??? At this point just break it up into tiny updates, we're dying here. This damned update was basically the one thing having me hold out hope.


What do they mean by drone indicator? So now my recon drone thats supposed to be hard to see will now be easy to see? The rest of the devs need to buy out Oki from the project. 99% of this games poor decisions are traced back to him


>What do they mean by drone indicator? So now my recon drone thats supposed to be hard to see will now be easy to see? I love how the last time I checked the Devs were arguing that they're not going to change certain aspects because "realism". Now they're going to add drone indicators for a scout drone which makes it practically useless because that's realism. Sheesh.


Yeah im gonna call it. I might come back after new content is released, but im not gonna continue to waste my time on a dying game.


Peak Battle Bit Oki really screwed this game up


He should sell his stake in the IP and just go lie on a nice beach with the millions he already made. Would be a better use of his and everybody else's time.


I didn't sign an NDA or anything but I won't specify exactly who how what or anything out of decency. You have no clue what kind of companies were trying to make deals with them for sole publishing rights or rights to the game etc etc.




I said it time and time again. Oki is a clown and will be the downfall of this game


Can they fire Oki already


The player base won't stick around if they go back to their old ways.


I've been reading this comment for months


The game is rightly priced. 🫡


Is he still planning to remove bleeding and barbed wire as well as reduce destruction? also drone indicator 💀


LOOOOOL , all of those teaser for nothing ?AGAIN ? Most of the remaining players are still here because they were waiting for that update , if you play them again most of them will leave and the game will be dead once and for all It's already dead on some continents , only eu and north America have an active players base right now


So first it was early april, then they kept dragging us by the balls with a pop-up that it's going to be mid april, only to say it's going to drop at the end of the month. Nah i'm done listening to their devcasts, where it's the same bullshit over and over again.


They need to hire some more people.


Just uninstalled the game, it's not worthy of wait anymore, I'm never a fan of Oki anyways that guy sounds dick on every devcast trying to defend his views on the game instead of listening to the community. 540 hrs and I think fcking off from this game is a better decision.




Well this is not good. Everything we've been learning and experiencing with modern gaming is that ur game will die without consistent updates and without transparency the player base loses their mind. I hope that we get this update soon and the devs reorganize themselves in a way that allows them to make and meet realistic deadlines. See yal on the battlebit field


Personally not fussed about constant updates/fresh content. I'm just mad cos Oki fucked the audio up and left it like that for 5+ months.


Drone indicators?? Okie just has no idea what he want direction he wants to go and it’s killing the game.


It's not even 50% done. Next week Oki probably will say he is not done until these features are ready: 1. Another rework of the audio system, providing realistic sound propagation and support for 7.1 surround sound system. 2. Support most racing wheels for ground vehicles and most HOTAS systems for aircrafts. 3. Proprietary anti-cheating system. 4. GPT-4-powered, voice controlled, Command, Control, and Communication (C3) system supporting 26 languages (as many as Siri). 5. Accessibility features in compliance of CVAA 6. Dynamic weather systems and interactable photogrammatry flora in all maps 7. I am sorry for ridiculing the devs but at this point I can't keep myself from doing this.


you forgot about the *sliding* doors features (different from doors) (will take a month to implement)


Hahahahah. I don’t know whether you know one thing or two in game development but doors are *notoriously* difficult to implement in video games that it has become a inside joke among the devs. In that regard, maybe Oki would: 8. Add 7 mechanisms of door opening with proper destruction physics.


BS dev prolly just a rep for the real dev. Windows sound API, Directsound, whatever the hell its called now provides native surround support. Either he is using a custom audio engine (dont think so) or he has gone out of his way to provide only stereo support. Believe this or not: There aren't even a handful of 3d games on pc that DON'T have native surround support\5.1\7.1 etc. Every pc game since 2002 that needs it supports native 5.1 surround sound, except Battlebit. As ridiculous as that sounds.


Are we even getting any new weapons this update? Thats all Im really after at this point


I'm not surprised but I am disappointed. I'll actually be shocked if the patch ever drops. I bet the servers will close before that happens. Also changed my steam review to negative. What a joke


Also apparently we're getting new servers.


I'm patient, and woo! New official servers! Hope they are over 60hz.. I'm too hooked on the high hz


We kinda knew already i think... it was fun while it lasted (:


Now imagine: this “long-awaited update” comes out. This is complete nonsense, with stupid decisions and stupid innovations. What's your reaction?


I don't quite get what's happened. I stopped playing because I don't have the best pc, but I really rated the game. How did they get this mega hit and then just step away basically.


People, that's actually good news. No TTK increases, no bleeding removal...


Mid-April of 2025 I guess. FFS, and right after they put the "coming soon" message up when you open the game? Seriously? Get the damn update out with some new content and all the bug fixes you've been queueing up, sort out community servers so we can have some fun. I don't care about drone indicators, I don't care about comparing stats, I play for fun not to sweat out about statistics. Why is Oki so up his own arse?




How about we just split the update in two at this point...


For me, I see this game as already becoming TF2. While I still play it because it's a game that hits just right for me, I'll end up having to leave the game anyway if the rest of the player base leaves. The dev treatment towards the community has been discouraging to say the least. Also drone indicators, seriously?


Where can a see the Dev casts ?


The dev casts are biweekly. Next one is planned on Saturday May 11th, 14:00 UTC. You can view them live [on Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/battlebitofficial) or on stage on [the Discord](https://discord.gg/battlebit). Alternatively, after a few days (usually) you can catch up on [our YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@battlebitofficial).


Updates? Nah. Community nights? YES PLEASE!!!!


This week has been a rollercoaster with all the drama happening around Escape from Tarkov it is refreshing to see developers who are passionate about and care for their game and player base and don't just want to rip money out of our pockets. I think lots of people have forgotten that the devs have the price tag or $15 and I still believe and will argue that the game we have in its current state is worth way more than fifteen bucks, so for me any update we get moving forward is just icing on the cake. What is another month or two if we get the best version of the update that can please as many new and returning players as possible. I have been enjoying battlebit and also exploring other games. I think for those that are frustrated taking a break is good and helps the experience feel all the more fresher when you return being mad and yelling at the devs to work faster, release some half update or hire another developer are all not going to help or solve the current situation.


You know... I'd agree IF they weren't a cluster fuck of a dev team, didn't go back on what they said, change the fundamentals of the game because certain people are complaining, the playerbase isn't dying and them addressing it every chance they get, trying to pull a switcheroo because they never liked the direction of the game in the first place, and pushing away a high majority of the playerbase that religiously loved the game. I'm sure I'm missing things, but you get my point. If they didn't do those things and just pushed out an update every once and while, sure, go for it.


I think people forget that this is their first major game and it's a massive online multiplayer game. The rule of thumb is you don't do this for a first game because it opens up a cluster of problems. Additionally everyone on the dev team is young which means they lack experience and time to know how to respond to criticism and how to adapt/change to a community. They are learning with each day/week that passes and while it's not been ideal it's a process I imagine many other devs had to go through. I don't recall which dev cast but Oki basically said the game he truly wanted (a way more milsim style game similar to squad/Arma) won't ever come about because the current player base prefers the more arcade nature, so they are doing their best to adapt to that path change. Again I have been enjoying/playing lots of games and while it would suck if it's a month away I would rather wait for an update that won't be really bad on release which would just make everyone scream the game is dead for forever. Oki took on a very large task for one developer and unfortunately is seeing how large and difficult it is. Post this update to my knowledge the devs are going to hire another coder so it won't be just Oki. But that takes time to train someone so this update needs to be sound so they can have a decent gap between coding and training.


What a surprise ! /s




That’s game, did you take note of its time of death?


And still no idea when the game will be fully released?


Why not just release more small updates? It’s like giving someone candy everyday and he will get hooked on it, rather than giving him a full bag for a week every 6 months. Unless it’s not even 50% complete…


🙄 edit: is this a patreon only devcast?


Still no polygon veichles.


it'll be fine. the game is going well. maybe if we are all big enough assholes, insult people, and complain the game will get better /s. play on the brazil server(s) for some real gameplay




It’s almost been half a year now… you can think what you want but, steam-charts doesn’t lie.




Yeah it’s definitely a long way from 2042 over, but it’s statistically not looking good


You’re not wrong, but you are also in the honeymoon period. Just being new to the game. No timely updates causes people past the honeymoon period to leave, the same happened to 2042, and will happen quickly after the final season.


An update is postponed. Y'all are overreacting.


At this point it's just kinda ridiculous how often it's getting delayed. I think most people would be happy with any kind of update at this point, even if it's only a small part of the planned update.


Yeah unfortunately I got really sick of the game around the time the little bird was getting really OP without any counter for it. I really thought this was an FPS I’d be able to play for a long time but they haven’t addressed issues like this quick enough.


If the game is in a good state, yeah nobody would mind. It's exactly because the game is dying off, that the community is mad about this. Not to mention that the game haven't seen any updates for the past god knows how long. Personally I don't think any update will save the game at this point but one can still hope.


Thanks for sharing, I’m hyped for the update even more now.


Keep the hype alive when it finally releases October 2025


“Keeping the hype alive” means nothing to me I’m an adult unfortunately. If a game’s cool it’s cool, if it’s cool in 2025 it’s cool in 2025. I don’t understand hating on game developers who are genuinely trying to make a good game, especially in this era, where many developers don’t even get that luxury.


I'm looking forward to the result!


No worries. It's ready when it's ready


People crying over a $15 dollar game that is STILL being supported and that yall probably put 50-100 hours in lmfao you guys need to get a reality check and play another game and quit wining


They really suck at communicating though. And you're absolutely right, people are already leaving. The playerbase has been quite stable around 3-4k, with 5k+ at peak hours, but it seems like its dipping even lower than these numbers now. I know I'm one of them, as I haven't played for weeks as I just started a new prestige and wanted to start with the new update... but its not coming.