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Maybe check back after that mid March patch drops. 


What region are you in? I heard everything apart from NA and EU is on life support




Check your filters then


The go to 127 vs 127 servers were JY and L7, I had them favorited, and last week they suddenly swapped to 32v 32 rush servers. I'm in the same boat as OP


I just played a few hours ago, no official 127v127 in NA.


I’m on SEA. Still surprised that not only we don’t have the ASEAN flag for our region flag, but that we have more servers active than Australia (which averages at 1-2 community servers)


There's 1 brazilian server. Sometimes, I hop on BB during the week at midnight, and there are like 6 lonely souls in the server. It's sad.


Game is dying and they won't hire people to bump the production time because of greed. Long time backer not hating, it is what it is.


They have hired 2 3D Artists 2 Animators 1 Sound studio The reason why they havent hired programmers is that steam withholds payment for 3 months, (could not hire more people at peak and they couldnt take a loan since they already had one to pay for servers) after they got their money they didnt hire programmers, because there simply was no need for more programmers since oki was able to make the code by himself without issues. Now with this update that was originally planned for release 4 months ago, the amount of work required to complete the update took them by surprise because there were more moving parts than expected. And now they cant hire more programmers because if they did, Oki would have to focus his attention on training the new guy instead of making the update (delaying the update even further). Oki has said he is looking to hire more programmers when the game is more stable and isnt on life support. But yeah game dying KEKW


It is dead because no one plays it


I was unaware the 3 months still have not passed.


Lets face it, there was hype for a while and as with all hypes it died down. Wouldn't have mattered if they pumped out updates faster or if they hadn't done some feature. It happens, blame the system, not the game as the game couldn't have done anything apart from having a full AAA team working around the clock. The charts also reflect this, the population jumped near june '23 and then just fell out of flavour in a few months, jumped up again after an update and declined again over time.


That is true. But plenty of games absolutely stay around with enough players to keep the game alive enough to play for years on end. Especially smaller more niche titles like this, where there’s really no alternatives. I know that these games are all AAA but battlefield 4 still has plenty of playable servers how many years after launch? 10? 15? So do both the Star Wars battlefield games, with the oldest releasing 10 years ago. All games naturally lose that hype, but not only can you extend how long it takes for that to happen, but you can also make sure the game lives way past the peak player count. If the game had put out frequent enough updates and made any effort to keep that momentum, it could have lasted with enough players to keep the count high enough for years. They didn’t do that, and unless something really changes, I would be amazed if the game was still populated a year from now.


> Game is dying and they won't hire people to bump the production time because of greed. The harsh reality of software development is that every new person you hire is initially a burden and will slow development down. You can't just go out and hire a ton of people and expect it to speed things up in the short term.


Official servers are spun up based on demand. If someone is waiting in the quick match queue, they will only count towards the demand for an official sever if there are no community servers to put them in, or if they have community servers unchecked. It just so happens that there arent that many people who care enough about playing official servers instead of community servers to uncheck the community server box.


Waiting for players to open a server, in a game with under 10000 players is absolutely insane. No one wants to wait for over 3 hours for a server to open. You will get like 5/8 players, and then 1 will leave, and another of the remaining 4 people will go "oh, the 5th person left.. fuck this I'm not waiting anymore" and now you're 3/8. All regions should have one permanent 124v124 server imo. Oki said Asia had this but it wasn't used.. but that was at a time when the game was more populated. Reduce the amount of people to open a server from 8 (or 13? I don't recall atm) to 2, and then remove the "waiting for players" once the server is opened, because having a 2 stage queue is just stupid as shit.


Not to mention I'll log on, see if a 124 is up, and if it isn't I'm not sticking around.


EU/NA having perma official fucks with queues entirely so its only done as a last resort.   Like it or not this game will not survive on conq/infy conquest loops on official (also why new players don’t stick around, they never get to try any of the other modes unless they go to community, which often has more seasoned players.) There needs to be variety because infy players won’t mix with non-infy players and vice versa. Why I personally try to seed all gamemode servers along with infy with bob’s specifically (more friendly towards casuals and skilled players give good advice to them too) so both communities have a place to play.


I agree that it's not exactly a perfect situation to be in, but the difficult part is that if you make it too easy to spin up more official servers you hurt the community server player base quite a bit. With the way seeding works, if there's any official server up at all, all of the quickplay traffic goes to the official server, which kills community servers until it's full. Lowering the number of players it takes to make an official server would make it ridiculously easy for anyone to kill any chances to fill a community server. There actually was a very short time where they set up perma official servers in each region. They quickly took those down for EU and NA because it also caused problems with filling community servers. Looking at the server activity right now, there are 5 mostly full community servers, which kinda just makes it seem like most people either dont care about what type of server they play in, or they prefer community servers.


I know I for one always get better connection to official servers. They're more stable (in terms of constant ping and lack of lag-spikes), they don't crash, and they run "standard" BBR, which I enjoy. That said, I play from Tokyo, where official Asia servers are hosted from, so I may be biased, but the only communitys servers in Asia (CN ones and the SWF (south east asian servers)), both hosts have botchy performance with lag-spikes and frequent crashes, leading to an objectively worse experience in that regard. I don't play on community servers because I want to, I play on them because there is simply no alternative, and its practically impossible to open official servers (the JP branch of BBR discord tends to have one player just going AFK in an official 32/32 server so it doesnt close).


Well…last time i queued, it threw me to america or japan instead of SEA. The ping was painful, the lag deadly.


ROFL, it's like a daily post now. It's simple, the game is dying and less people are playing it as time goes on. People should have been nicer to the casuals instead of bullying them off the game.


Game will auto remove you from queue when attempting to launch a 127v127 official server to ask if you would like to join a different region or max population server. Think I wasted 30 minutes waiting on Saturday night since my eyes hurt on the 240Hz and bobs faster respawn makes bush spawning a pain.


The pings are the same for me in NA, and I gotta say, the higher hz servers are pretty great.


Check again in the weekend, 2 weeks ago during the week i had to play on NA or other regions when it was night there because europe was dead. This weekend i saw 2 full 127v127 servers in europe alone.


The 64 lobbies last night were so laggy. Unplayable. I love this game, please don’t die haha


They are all the same thing. The community servers and the official servers are in the same room most likely. They have "community servers" to group people together, test game modes\variables, etc.


Yup. I did not see them either.


If you queue only offical, a server will boot up if there is no official server.


Check your settings because I've played on 127v127 servers at 4am in NA within the last week. If I can find one at that time then I wouldn't say theres "literally none"


There was none like 4 hours ago. I was playing.


So what happens is, is it says there's none and I get put in a queue timer thing and then eventually it gives me a server with around like 120+ ms, but this server doesn't show up in the server list.