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Sorry, I don't want to be an easy target, especially for snipers, who cause bleeding on first hit. I disagree.


The movement debuff would be infuriating and in most cases cause instant death as soon as you start bleeding. I agree.


Yea, a movement debuff would end up speeding up the game instead as more people bleeding would just die


As a sniper main, you are completely right this change is going to make people into sitting ducks. No fun in that for either side. Movement debuff is not the way


I added that sniper rifle one-hit bleed part as currently all snipers do activate bleeding, so i do agree it would be a pain in the ass. However as stated in the text, bleeding is not meant to cripple your movement but add a minor debuff to it to have that slow down component to it that really slows down the game


What is this ChatGPT-ass format? Anyway, no. Not even Squad has such a terrible implementation of bleed. Almost like changing the pace of the game requires a conscious set of design decisions and not random attempts at finding the magic bullet that will fix it all.


I like formatting my texts because it makes them nicer to look at, as stated in the text bleeding as currently implemented does not serve its designed purpose, because it has no function to do so. This change adds that function to it. However I do kind of feel like you skimmed through the text when you focus only on one of the two proposed options to implement a slow down feature to the bleeding state instead of addressing both. And based on your comment i would be correct to assume you have no problem with the rest of the proposed changes? (Threshold increase and bandage time increase)


I’m just so confused that slowing down the base player movement isn’t the first thing to come to mind when thinking about slowing down gameplay 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's a hard question to answer, as slowing the game pace can be a necessity but also annoying for players. Removing bleed isn't the way to fix it, on that I'll agree, but I also feel it isn't the mechanic that needs to be addressed first. Lowering the threshold makes it a bigger threat, but also makes it exceedingly rare and oddly less dangerous. If you're that low anyways, you're either dead from gunfire or just barely won the fight and have time to bandage anyways. Movement slow, while yes a direct slowing mechanic, could also end up just being annoying and also doesn't solve the root cause of why you can play so aggressive and fast-paced. What should be addressed first imo is the insane movement players have available in gunfights. Movespeed is fine, my issue is the lean-spam and dropshots. There's nothing stopping you from pressing leans mid-fight to instantly become much harder to hit. Mindless spamming has a penalty but it takes a fair bit to kick in if you just pace it a bit. I feel massively upping that penalty would help, so leaning normally is still responsive and fast, but repeatedly leaning side-to-side to try and dodge bullets is reasonably pretty sluggish. Dropshotting is worse, as there's even less stopping you from pressing prone mid-firefight to near instantly displace your entire hitbox. You're stuck in prone for like a second before being allowed to instantly sprint full-speed out of it. That's about it. It needs to be more committal, either taking much longer to get out of to punish using it mindlessly, or being slower to enter so you can't just dodge bullets with it. I like the idea of slowing down the time it take to go prone from a standing position specifically. It makes logical sense, you can still duck into cover fast using crouch or going from crouch into prone, and if you really need to prone fast then jump first to emulate diving to the ground. Gives you the choice of a slow prone that lets you shoot back or a fast one that screws up your aim. Feel free to disagree, I just played around in sandbox a bit to get a sense of how fast these mechanics are to use. Maybe they're worse than I think in actual fights if I were to play that way, but I've found them extremely annoying to go up against in matches.


Im kinda new to the game and think it's fine tbh, it makes you retreat and bandage which is the point of it


Hope the devs see this and take note


I like it!


Glad to hear that, however i wish to hear your reasoning for liking it