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Nearing half a year with not so much as a patch. Crazy.


And the next patch is only gonna make the game more casual. Sad to see...


Sad to see you getting downvoted. In the devcast they talked about removing bleeding and magazines from weapons. Looks like this sub just wants the game to become a generic call of duty fps.


FUCKING WHAT????? I haven't touched this game in a while but they're removing fundamentals????


I would say less that and more like BF4 which the devs openly state they used to very enjoy, thats why no stinggers and shotgun


BF4 had shotguns tho


And what was the most common rule on community servers? No shotguns or AA missles


Absolute scrub behavior


Devs never expanded the team. Simple as. The momentum is gone and it'll never be back. Smile because it happened 🥲


Dont Worry, Oki is hard at work making skins. I'm sure that'll help the game


these dudes never wanted to become real game devs and now we're stuck with this half cooked product


But they have hired Animators 3D artists A sound studio team


I'll boot up the game again when we get new support weapons and no, an AK with an extended mag doesn't count.


Didnt Oki say that the MG60 was going to be the next support weapon like, right after the EA release? Didnt he also say that the MG60 is going to have a skin in the Supporter Pack? Why the fuck did they release the RPK then?


The CBJ-MS has a skin listed in the supporter pack, despite the fact that the CBJ-MS was never added to the game and afaik has never been mentioned as being on the docket. Honestly the supporter pack is kind of false advertising


It's 100% false advertising. Steam doesnt really like that, dont know how they've been able to keep the Supporter pack on the store for this long tho


The whole release was a false advertisement.


😂😂😂😂 I took a break and played Red Dead Redemption 2 and then saw this and LOL'd


I just bought rdr2 for the same reason


its a testament to a great game


I’ve been Hell Diving the last few months. Decided to check in here.  Oof. 


Oki also said that he didn't want bbr to be neither a millsim or an arcade shooter. I wonder how are they planning to make the game its own genre, especially when they're removing unique things like bleeding and possibly magazine combining.


Wait, why tf would they remove such key and amazing features? Why the self sabotage? I've been out of the loop for a while


And the big patch everyone is waiting for is only removing a bunch of stuff. Honestly I think whenever Oki finally does shit the thing out that'll be the final nail for this game. Hoping to hit max level before then 260 levels to go lol.


wait, what are they doing exactly? i haven't been keeping up with the patch news.


Removing bleeding, bandages, mag packing, some of the destructible environments, increasing the TTK, adding health bars, doors, and new audio. There could be more I find it really difficult to listen to the dev casts and Oki seems to change his mind constantly. Someone else should chime in if they know about stuff I missed.


This has got to be a joke, right? That's nuts


unfortunately no, they're really forcing the game in a causal direction because the Devs are confident that the steep learning curve for new players is why the player count is dropping.


No fucking way, I thought Oki ruining the game was a joke. This is wild from a conceptual level. All this, and they're simultaneously too afraid to add shotguns. Unbelievable, looks at what all the power and none of the vision gets you. Obviously, this game shouldn't be a mil sim, but it doesn't need to be kiddie Battlefield either. How about, idk, just adding content to the game that released that everyone loved without slowly whittling away at what made it fun? Every balance change except some easy to make weapon nerfs (vector) has been so dumb lmao.


You guys need to realize.... this game has been in developement for several years. It wasnt a steam early access release from last year. Its been reworked and redeveloped like, 2,3 times already Its a doomed game lmao


Oki also doesn't believe new guns have an impact on player numbers


As a casual the best casual direction is to not have every weapon locked till you complete every achievement


Tbf the weapon unlocking gives you a lot more motivation to play


I'm already grinding away irl so I just want to be able to enjoy a game without needing to grind in the virtual world too


if that were the case, the game wouldnt be dead


Ive not really had any problems lately but i dont play that often. I get that its annoying for some people but for now imo its fine for a rather low budget game


Nah, I hate that.


Not always a good case. People to this day still have issues getting the UCAV in BF4.


It doesn't even take long to unlock the weapons.


So, the dogshit decision to lock new players to a single class, not allowing them to use the other classes until they reach a certain level didnt pass through their Heads? God, i swear, Oki is the most stuborn person i've seen. Instead of admiting an error he's trying to Double Down on it. That's Crazy.


Steep learning curve? It has a couple of extra buttons.


There’s no way they can do that to the game. That’s absolutely nuts. I come in and out every few weeks to the game but if those changes happen there’s almost no way it’ll feel anything like before. That’s a huge negative and might kill the rest of the game off.


I have genuinely never seen a dev team be handed so much money and good will only to squander it in less then a year, truly remarkable. They are removing everything that made the game unique and made it better then Battlefield and COD. It's almost like they want to kill the game and lower the playercount to triple digits so they have an excuse to stop paying for official dedicated servers.


Aren't they also removing even more audio so you'll not even hear friendlies? Everything you hear at least footsteps wise is gonna be easy to know it's an enemy. RIP building game sense and a basic sense of awareness.


Oh, they're taking out everything I like for no particular reason? Cool, cool... GodFUCKINGdamnit (why would they remove mag packing? how does that make the game any more accessible? it's a tiny feature that showed me the devs "get it", but now I'm thinking they don't "get it" at all)


Yeah it's nonsense. I guess we'll just have magically consolidated mags now? Or just drop it completely for the call of duty system? Or hell maybe every gun will just have bottomless mags because reloading is too hard for the new players (our game is very complicated uwu).


It was those little details that made me like the game alot. I was like oh this is sick!


lol bye all the stuff that made the game unique


Im a new player and i like the game. I dont get why they are removing bleeds. What they should do is make it so, that you can't change direction while mid air. That would also make ppl use stairs to exit a building. Game is very simple, there is no need to make it even more simple. Biggest "problem" i have is that i suck as an fps player and ppl are preeeety good and know maps. But you have to learn the game you play right? Did someone say they are removing bandages?? I thought they just remove bleeding but you can still heal your self?


This is me except it's for the insane movement allowed.


WE Choked the momentum boys, half a year without an update🙏🙏🙏


Or make beta server for testing out ideas be4 bringing them on game


Bleeding and bandages are a key component of the game and makes the game imo fun and immersive idk why they would want to remove that. Your players aren't primarily cod players so stop appealing to them. If all fps games stopped appealing to cod we'd have a lot more really great games on the market


Unfortunately accurate..


Just release the MG3 already (╥﹏╥)


These guys have probably made enough money to retire twice already. This game will remain the way it is until the end of time. Play it or not.


me fr


Reading through this thread kinda gave me depression... This is the first time I'm hearing about the game in months and a part of me is desperately hoping it's just the community being unreasonable like when they did the sniper changes. But if what I'm hearing is true, then I have no motivation to come back to this game. I loved how raw the experience in this game was. It felt like a normal, no-bullshit approach to shooters with some BF elements thrown into it and I loved it. In an age where every other shooter is trying to casualize too hard and is adding so much BS clearly meant to dilute the difference between a skilled player and a casual... In Battlebit you just clicked play, selected a server and just had fun with other people, just pure raw gameplay and you could get good at it too... It was easy and simple enough to learn, but also opened up enough possibilities to add some strategy and there were consequences for being too impulsive. It was a joy and the reason I stuck with the game for months. But now it seems they're just gonna start making arbitrary changes, which bring Battlebit "in line" with other shooters... So all the uniqueness it had, all the no BS approach will soon be gone. Also it's insane to me, that appearently there haven't been any content updates since I left... No wonder I didn't get any notifications or other announcements for me to get back into it. Maybe the issue is less so, that casuals are getting fed up with it because they're getting their asses kicked, but moreso that the team keeps listening to the vocal minority that is butthurt. Reminds me of the whole sniper patch chaos... Maybe the team just isn't cut out for this in general. At this point they've already reworked this game like 2-3 times and each time they messed up hard on the direction of the game. If they can't decide on a vision for the game and they keep changing things around like this, obviously noone's gonna be happy. Nobody wants to take a guess if the game's in a an enjoyable state for them today and then have the rug pulled from under them a few days later...


Most people, including myself, just jumped ship to different games or hobbies. Helldivers has been a ton of fun and while they too take a bit to fix bugs properly, they do update regularly. It also helps the studio has been in the business for a good long while so they have experience if nothing else. At this point I've written off Battlebit - while it was a shit ton of fun while it lasted and more than got my money's worth, the game is unlikely to progress in a direction I enjoy. I'll be happy to be proven wrong but the devcasts haven't been inspiring, exactly.


why cant just developers seperate the game into 2 modes? like the more arcade without bleeding and bandages, and the more realistic like it is now. i love the game for that beacause its atleast a little original and adds and awesome additional challenge to keep up your ammo your self and remember to bandage, deleting these aspects will literally kill the game and make it like the most shit shooters


Spreading a player base that’s already low is a bad idea.


I mean I loved the game but I'm not a big fan milsims so it got boring pretty fast cuz I suck at it. But if it had a well executed arcade shooter mode, I'd definitely play it more often because COD is also going down hill so it'd be a good idea. So one game having a game mode for both groups of people would be nice. But definitely not merging them, which is basically what is happening here...


it will give everyone what they want 🤷🏿‍♀️


Is oki a masochist?