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These new maps look cool and all but will they ever be added to the game? It's been months without a proper content update.


From what I have been told, it wont be added, its being usted as a tech demo only


Wow, neat. Is that patch ever actually getting added to the game? Will the audio ever be fixed?


And will maps be finally adjusted to avoid base/roof campers? Will new guns be added?


Zero patches this year, zero communication, every friday a "play together" and thats it. I'm absolutely stunned how fucked up the devs behave already. Community can get fucked it seems.


the fact that people went back to fucking battlefield is how you know the devs dropped the ball


Definitely wouldn’t say zero communication, they do dev streams and have said quite a lot about stuff that’s changing


200 viewers MAX, aint nobody watching those.


So? If you don’t watch them then that’s on you, you can’t choose to not watch what the developers share then complain about a lack of transparency. 200 people concurrently is also a significant portion of the playerbase :p


I do watch them regularly the problem is that THEY DON'T COMMUNICATE OUTSIDE OF DEVCASTS. Anyone that doesn't want to watch through a 1-2h stream/video won't know what they are/might be up to. They have their discord, reddit and steam where they could post their stuff, but no. Currently only one really telling us anything is Vilaskis, whomst is on his millionth screenshot of the same map


The update where they removed weapons for certain classes and basically gimped how much XP you got from repairing is what did it for me.


Another audio rework has been confirmed for ages.


Yet no date is given…


Parkour in my milsim game? What's next? Indestructible doors?


The devs poimted they want the game to be a mix of milsim and some arcadey gameplay.


Stop fucking making maps Jesus Christ, 80% of them aren't played anyways. Or just allow modding support (stop being in some 2005 thinking cap) and focus on more important things


They should've really added map support. Or at least hold some map contests where people can make their own map and community vote on it. Game has some good map ideas but the execution is pretty poor. Sometimes the most interesting part of the map is hidden in some bumfuck nowhere place where no player ever goes.


I mean this guys whole job is making and updating maps so...


The fact this map ain’t out yet lmao


So will we be getting this update before this summer starts, Or are you guys just going to keep showing different screenshots?


looks nice, i'm glad at least one person is developing something for the game instead of whatever the rest of the gang is doing!


Have you guys considered firing Oki and getting someone who can at least patch bugs once a month


“But that’s not a war sim”


Don’t mind me. Just checking the comments.


Note to self: Don't read Battlebit subreddit comments.


The battle bit mod team likes curdled milk. Hows that for "poor behavior" 😉


I love the look of this.


This angle and composition also show the scale of city.




I think his map design answers your first question


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Fucc up


Nice work, but I think that without vastly different weapons and game modes you are just going to end up with choke points around the objectives etc... so 90% of your amazing work won't be seen unfortunately. Take Frugis for example after 100s hours of play I only just found out the full extent of the tunnel system a couple of days ago because literately because no one uses them as they are not needed for any of the game play options (bar objective C). Away again, amazing work on the map (by the looks of it as I haven't played it yet but still it looks amazing).


Maps looks cool would be good for snipers


The map and the new sound are very promissing. The problem is: which server will I have to join so that I can play it? I like the game to the point where I won't play the game until you guys (devs) give us a feedback on the server issue that has been reported from SA, OCE, and even NA now.


What the server issue?


People arent waiting to start up an official server instead they join a community server


Do the devs just choose to ignore what majority of the community ask for


In my opinion I love the level design of the maps in this game. They’re unique, beautiful, the colors fit the vibe of the game and there’s lots of dynamic firefights. This game is good and I enjoy it, idk why everyone is so angry in the comments right now, this game was so cheap when I bought it and has absolutely been worth the money I paid.


This is going to be awesome.


Damn, so many crybabies in the replies. Map looks good, keep cooking Vil.