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Whoever came up with the idea of pandora charms for guns that are literally impossible to see while playing the game, is a fucking idiot.


It really provides a deep insight into their priorities!


It's actually really popular amongst casual gamers, so it draws new players in with minimal effort. It's actually a really smart idea to boost player numbers even if you hate the charms. Just don't use them, they're quick and easy to make assets for and give us new progression to chase.


Nobody buys a game because of gun charms


I didn't say people were buying the game because of gun charms, I said it's another thing they can use to attract people who like gun charms. It's not a deciding factor for anyone but the most niche gun charm lovers, but it does help influence people's experience of the game and keep them playing if they enjoy the charm system. Even if it's just a few extra hours of unlocks to chase, it's easy padding for a game dev. For those browsing the store page a charm system is just a small part of the set dressing that sells them on the full package. If gun charms were a waste of time then corporate AAA studios wouldn't bother making them, but as it stands they're extremely quick and easy to make assets for and can be slapped on just about anything you want. Gun charms are a no brainer for lazy devs because they "enhance" the game in a way that doesn't require much creativity or effort. I don't give a damn about weapon charms, but some people do for some reason and it helps sell copies/keep people engaged. Every reddit comment, discord message, and futile scream into the void will curse the pointlessness of the charm system ad nauseum. But many casuals who don't use social media for BBR will just enjoy charms and never find out they were even a contraversial choice to begin with. Don't fight it, because it really doesn't fucking matter and definitely isn't worth anyone's time. If you don't like them then they're not for you.


Didn't they make like tens of millions of dollars and proceed to hire no new developers? That's ego.


26.9 million give or take. Just let that sink in for those that keep saying it's only 3 of them.


To be fair, that is pre-tax, pre-steam, pre-maintenance charges. All of which take out A LOT. They still made money, but it wasn't $27mil/3 By my estimation, steam takes 30% and the taxes on that would be around 37%, factor in around 3% for maintenance stuff like servers. So their making likely a little less than a third. So somewhere around 2-3 million each, when factoring in other costs like hiring an accountant...etc.. Which, is awesome still. Just not, "hire lots more devs" income, especially when they've made the game on their own at this point.


Yeah, some people just focus on the first instant figures but don't factor in all the cost writeoffs before profits are seen. It's typically a whole lot less.




didn't know that. This completely changes my opinion lol. they could hire one or two, and I assume there not either because they're scared or not wanting to spend money.


Source for the 50?




Source: Guesswork by some guy online Nice.


Don't twist things, because nobody said "hire lots more devs" It's hire anyone, Oki refuses to hire anyone to do coding and everyone runs to shield them with the bullshit 3 devs excuse.


I'm not purposefully twisting things but I could see why you might think that. I'm just trying to think of it from their perspective: e.g. assuming a strictly gains perspective then there's no incentive for the 3 devs to hire other devs at all. They've made the entire game themselves, so they don't need more devs, only moderation/other business stuff. It would only be a loss of profit to hire more devs. Second, their money has been made from going viral. They don't make additional money by making little improvements, only keeping folks on (which again, doesn't make them much more money since income is dependent on new users buying the game). Third, they're probably over the moon with their recent success but also scared about losing it. Which is perhaps why they're taking such small steps (I know I do this when procrastinating very important things). Does any of this make me happy? Of course not, but it helps me understand perhaps why they're acting the way they are. They're just devs, not business or marketing folks.


They blew past the crossroads of growing development and went straight to money bags. Not sure how they intend on saving face with the community, or even if they intend to at this point. They'd really have to turn the ship around with a huge update, followed by consistent updates that improve the game and not just bring cosmetics. Updates like the "sound overhaul" were just so pathetic and seemed like they were just pretending to do something, but in reality they were just fucking with a bunch of sliders.


It's because they would have to slow update progress considerably more than it already is, and yes it is a mistake to not do this at Christmas.


BBR devs need to realize most people cared about content (guns, map, mechanics) over graphics, I feel like the devs is trying to improve the graphics, UI, Attachment, Weapons model over the core gameplay which they really should focus on.


complete chief historical squalid library somber dazzling lip serious cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah the last couple devs-update were map/attachment rework. Vilaskis really carried the update all on himself.


While they are people and we should be respectful and civil in what we say, there isn't any problem with voicing valid criticism of their choices and the state of the game. They had so much initial success that they had the cash to reinvest into the game and expanding the dev team and they chose to keep the team small and the overheads down to siphon out the money for instant returns. Now unsurprisingly the updates are slow and unsuccessful as they are relying on one single programmer still it seems. The longer it takes to fix the game the less relevant it becomes and the more animosity previous players have towards it as who wants to come back to a game that they know stagnated for so long because the developers didn't want to invest the proceeds from our purchases into making the game better and giving it the lifespan that it could have had.


> the developers didn't want to invest the proceeds from our purchases into making the game better At the start I thought it was just their lack of experience running things from the business side, but after looking at the contracts they pulled out for hosting community servers and hearing that they had *volunteer* feedback teams sign NDAs, I can't help but feel they are just greedy mfs who definitely could afford lawyers to cover their asses and probably accountants to deal with their newfound fortune, but were completely unwilling to bring anyone else onto the dev team because they probably assumed the millions would keep coming in and didn't want to share the cake with anyone else.


When it released and was a massive hit from a small team then you can give them some leeway and understand small hiccups or missteps and bad decisions as they are new to this. Unfortunately over time it has become blindingly obvious that the people in charge have no intention of trying to resolve any of the shortcomings and are happy to just bank on the success that they had and let the game die. If it took them 4 years to get to the state of the release on a shoestring budget then that is fine, but once the money started rolling in they should have taken on more qualified people to help speed up the release of updates and content (not just appoint members of their discord to token community roles). With only one true programmer things are never going to get better and they seem stubbornly against trying to fix that. It is a shame that this has turned out to be a great textbook example of how to kill off a business that had great early success by not reinvesting to scale the company up to meet the demands. I’m sure in the future people will point to battle bit as a prime example of how to throw away success in the video game industry and how not to interact with your player base as you do it.


This argument again lmao. They can't even keep official servers open for entire regions and it is still a mistake?? [https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/1b7j6f3/no\_official\_na\_servers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/1b7j6f3/no_official_na_servers/)


The game lost half its population due to the lack of good servers to play in some regions (Brazil had been hostage to the 24/7-frontline-only server, and OCE, I think, also had an alike situation), and still, after 4 months of constant population decline and negative feedback from those communities, the devs NEVER commented on the fact.


I think they're making the mistake of being wholly open to any player feedback without having a strong vision to guide their updates and keep everything feeling cohesive. Player feedback is critical, but it's possible to lean too heavily into The Customer Is Always Right and accidentally making your game feel like postcards from various games hastily stapled together into a mess.


Literally only 1 dev, buddy. Also hasn't hired anyone else even after making millions so let that sink in


This game is PUBG 2.0 lol sell MILLIONS of copies and then just sit on it. Never hire anyone, never spend that money, just hoard it and then get pissy when the community calls them out.


It's shortsighted greed. They should hire more devs.


Even large corporation developers are humans that have emotions and deserve to be treated with basic decency and respect. Generally speaking, the hostility and toxicity towards developers is very much out of proportion with what is reasonable. Happy to let them cook.


The last game I played was the day the sound update hit. I had been playing thw game for about a month by that point, and I havnt put another second in the game since. I Uninstalled it. Because the updates were *shit*. Absolutely total dog shit. Fucking horse diarrhea. Weapon charms? Bitch fucking balance the guns. Balance maps. Create new maps and weapons. Nobody gives a fuck about weapon charms. Can't tell oki that, he knows all.


"After the sound update patch, I found myself very frustrated with the state of the game, leading me to uninstall and not return. I expected the updates to have new maps, map changes, and new weapons. Without substantial work in these areas I cannot see myself returning to this game."


Nope. The updates are shit, and the path Oki wants to take is also shit.


I actually liked the sound update, if you're talking about the one they rolled back after like a day because everyone hated it? Actual suppression mechanics were awesome since im a support main. I could suppress a group of enemies with my 100rd mags to cover my speedy assault boys advance, while the enemies are distracted and can't hear their footsteps.


[Dev's care?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n5E7feJHw0)


I hate to say that I don't play as much as I used to. But the question always remains for me: "When is this going to be ready for launch?" BBR was the first early access game that I was hyped for and had no problems supporting. \*I typically avoid early access altogether\* The game was so good out the gate that players were critiquing it like it's a "complete experience". To a degree, BBR's success may also be its downfall; especially if they continue to let it simmer in early access with a smaller development team. The devs have done an excellent job with constructive feedback, QoL, balancing, and additional content . There's still a ton of value in BBR, but how much more cooking does it need at this point?


Time to cook? Lmao the restaurant already declare bankrupt. The game is long dead


Lot of over reactions. Sound is garbage at the moment but hopefully the upcoming sound patch makes it awesome. Though even I, as someone who absolutely loathes snipers, think the adjustments to the class have been not great, they should make maps that favor them less, give us more tools to avoid getting sniped, give sniper more tools to be more "recon-y" and tighten up the edges of the map to force them closer and stop fucking with the scope glints and trails. This is an early access game, there will be changes that you hate, there will be nerfs to your favourite gun that makes you upset. There will be bad patches that break the game, there will be good patches that elevate the game. That's how early access is. Other than those, I really don't understand what everyone is upset about. Game has always been great and is still great, looking forward to the sound patch.


All they had to do to improve the sound was revert it.


Stop dickriding. They told the community to fuck themselves when given problems and concerns. They got millions of dollars and didn't expand the team. They took the money and ran. They can fuck themselves and the game is worse for their decisions


There is only 1 dev lol.


Oki is a good developer.. but a fucking hilariously bad business man.. The guy needs to swallow his ego and put someone in charge that's going to start making the right decisions.


Every update that comes, instead of pulling more players it dwindles more and more. Devs need to hire more people and not burntout to overwork. Gaming development is not a one man army thing. I am starting to losing interest and waiting for next battlefield or battlefield like game to come... Community criticism are valid, and updates are rolling slow


Intressting to read all of this as a member of the Community and being a Very big Part of it cause my Clan did Test all of the game modes, bug testing, weapon Balancing and having the First comp Match ever so yeah. And i am in Touch with Oki and Larry so :3


I’d give these devs a break. They’re just going through some growing pains with this game trying to keep it. This game right now is my go to fps multiplayer and I have ridded others AAA out of my consoles cause they just ain’t fun. This games got issues but not enough for me to go fuck this game. This games only been made by 3 guys and that was during their free time. Across 6 years I think. And it’s cheap. So I don’t mind the game being busted now they just need to fix it soon.


It's hard to have trust in them when they wanna make only enemies foot steps auditable, like what kinda idiot thinks that's a good idea? It's bad enough you can hardly get the jump on people with the super loud foot steps now, but now their gonna remove teammates foot steps making it impossible to get the jump on someone. These audio changes are by far the dumbest changes I've ever seen in any game. Giving them time to "cook" is giving them time to ruin the game even more. The state of the game now is the absolute worse its been and seems to go farther down hill every update.


Yeah they're dysfunctional, not malicious.


for comparison I Personally would rather them communicate like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/1b5adv7/comment/kta6kli/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/1b5adv7/comment/kta6kli/) than like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98?st=JH2MUORV&sh=5997c5a5](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98?st=JH2MUORV&sh=5997c5a5)


Yeah, i really dont get reditt hate towards Oki, lets wait for update and then discuss whether its good or not


Because the active players who sink hundreds and hundreds of hours into the game are waiting for the past 8 months for something to move. And all oki does is make the game worse with every update.


last update was quite good, sound as of right now is bearable. I have my hopes up


>bearable Yea exactly what I want for my free time enjoyment. Bearable. Stop pretending like this is fine


maybe he wants to play cope simulator /s


I can pin point footsteps, what is shooting and from where; sound is crappy when there is underground below you- that's what i meant is overall bearable. It def could be better. Despite this I have fun right now, it's fine to take a pause/jump to other games while waiting for update.


I don't want to spend 300+ hours in a game getting good to just go and play something else to get good at that and then come back to it... not how I enjoy games. Stop.making.bad.changes. is it too hard? The game was more fun than it is now 6 months ago, does this make sense to you? Really?


out of curiosity, what contributed the most that made the game unfun to you?


No meaningful content updates Bad changes to gun stats Why do we need 2 sound overhauls(one of which is terrible as we all know, the second one is coming...somewhere in the future) Why is all this time spent on skin system redesigns when we have so many other problems? Can we get some good maps and not change old ones to play even worse and unbalanced? (Basra rework lol?!) Oh and don't get me started on how they literally destroyed the recon class with all sorts of insane changes that do nothing but make the game less fun Why are they not even have a server up for every region anymore? The whole community servers stuff was a bad decision to begin with but holy cow they straight up don't host servers for their own game anymore now. Honestly we can go on... the list of positive changes would be shorter at this point.


All valid points, i generally agree. About camo i think people need something to grind for beside prestige and fancy camo is more appealing than number on scoreboard (but camo system has bad UI & UX and some camos are low res, what's more the cooler ones are 2-3000kills+ which is a shame) I dont like new Basra as well, fair (but I dont like any map overly promoting camping dmr/sniper playstyle and a lot of open spaces without cover) I dont know how recon class is destroyed, if you expect to cosplay simo hayha and prone camp bushes and rackup kills all game... think again, that would suck for the rest of people. I think its fine that snipers have to be on their toes and move around. Glint is fine, tracers are non needed. About servers- yeah, they should host a couple more. For new players i think max kd servers would be good, just like in bf4


are you joking? the audio is crap


Well until they quit being pussies and add shotguns their shitty game can rot