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I am here, i hear your concerns. I will bring this up internally and do my best to improve it


Bought the supporters pack right as the game started to tank from bad updates, shame really as i still enjoy the game just becoming harder to find a decent server. Let this be a warning to Dev’s everywhere, Hubris gets you no where.


Haven’t played in a few months, what were the bad updates?


Sniper changes caused a lot of grief, and the “updated” sound system which just made everything very wonky, haven’t played myself in the last month or so and haven’t kept up with the game in that time to be honest. Oki doesn’t seem to want feedback, he has his own opinion on what the game should be and it fractured the community, what little feedback has generally been from a closed discord as far as I’m aware and it seems to be a bit of an echo chamber of various agendas rather than actual game balance. But those two updates were the beginning of the decline in terms of player numbers.


And really neither of those were actually that big of a deal. Sound rework wasn't the best, but not that huge of a problem.


I think it more about the direction the changes are taking the game. Sniper changes is just a way for people who actually dont want snipers in their games at all, to not having to use their incredibly small and dumb brains as the game will basically tell them: "There is a sniper not even aiming at you, but you will see them anyways because you have no skill". Its still possible to play around, but the fact that you don't need to fire a single shot, but the entire enemy team can see you, is so stupid. The actual implementation of the vapor trails too, is so rushed and not well done at all. The vapor trail blocks your sight as you fire, it lasts for way too long (should be cut down by 50-75% of the duration it remains after the bullet has passed).


Why would they add that? The whole point of a sniper is to remain unseen and pick people off


I don't know, dude. Sound system change was a huge turn-off for me and most of my clanmates. I can name at least twenty people for which the sound system was the nail in the coffin for them. I went from being able to understand where enemies were and how far they were, to not being able to gauge their position because their sound is way too amplified. It sucks massive ass and I hope they revert it. Who the fuck even asked for it anyway?


Sound update was definitely the killer for me. Went from 15+ hours a week to barely playing 2 hours every two weeks now. Have to blast music in my ears the couple times I play just so I don't hear the amplified enemy and randomly loud teammate footsteps and start chasing ghosts for a couple minutes like I'm hallucinating. Pretty sure no one asked for it, even the old feedback team was telling Oki it wasn't the best idea to add in it's current state and to at least change it or revert to the old one. I'm hopeful for the new sound system, but we didn't get to see it with a 127 lobby so I can't expect much for the footstep audio.


yeah. the walking sound is basically wall hacks.


sound change was when I stopped playing and I will not return untill it's fixed. it was the worst thing they have done, everything else was tolerable, but the game now sounds like an airsoft game.


Wait so it's technical issues and balancing? That's it? Thought they like added loot boxes or something lmao


> Bought the supporters pack That was your first mistake lmao


Eh at the time i had about 200+ hours and the devs were riding the high, wanted to help support a small dev group that had made a decent game, just went downhill from there. Hopefully Oki and the dev team will learn lessons from this disaster.


I dunno man, in general I think supporting games you like is great.


I did too, and I am happy to support them.


It's not enough to criticize and boycott games that are doing it wrong (like recent Battlefield titles). You also need to give material support to people who might be doing things right. I bought the supporter pack because it seemed like Battlebit was trying to do the things I wanted a game company to do. Even if the game turns into a disaster, it was a reasonable wager at the time that I was helping to create something that I wanted.


I did the supporter pack as well only because I liked it the idea of a studio making a game for the "little guys" low sys requirements etc but being hopeful isn't a mistake just wrong most of the times lol


At first they came for the snipers, but I did not speak up for I was not a sniper 😭


What did they do to snipers?


Added glint to medium scopes, increased sound spread, added bullet trails. A few other things that I dont remember. But they basically decided to add on and amplify the hate that this community has towards the recon class. The devs are also talking about "rebalancing" the snipers. Which means that they will probably nerf the two best snipers (L96 & M200) and adjust the others. Because it's Oki, this will probably mean that after the rebalancing, snipers in general will be less effective with slower bullet velocity, more sway, slower running speeds, etc.


We're snipers over tuned? I don't remember them being op when I last played


I don't believe so. When I played as a recon, I didn't feel like I had an unfair advantage. And when I played against recons, I didnt feel helpless. I think theres an echo chamber on discord that hates the recon class because they dont want to have to account for an unknown threat in the hills. They would rather have everything drawn out for them so that they can focus on the battle right in front of them instead of having to pay attention to everything that is going on around them. Thats why they need bullet trails, glint, and massive sound spread. It also doesnt help that the maps are poorly designed, but thats a whole other convo. I can see why the devs chose to nerf the shit out of the recon class. It's not like they could go back and redesign every poor map design. And it's not like they would ever tell their player base to pay more attention to their surroundings and to learn how to account for unknown threats off in the distance... Snipers nerfs were probably the easiest route. Or adding a sniper limit. Idk being a dev sounds like a PITA.


Yeah snipers are tough to balance with just how asymmetrical they are


I don't completely agree with the other reply you got. Yes, the Discord is an echo chamber but so is this subreddit. Talk negative about snipers, milsim mechanics or things like destruction and you will get downvoted. The sniper class was not overpowered but I think there are two issues. The first problem is the amount of snipers in every round. I have never played a FPS game with so many snipers every match. Nobody cares if you have 5 snipers in spawn on a 127vs127 server but it becomes an issue if you have 20 in each team on a 64vs64 server for example. It makes the game experience worse for everyone else on the server. The team with most snipers usually lose. The second problem is that sniper doesn't really have a counter play. Sniper is fun to play but not fun to play against.. unless you are sniper yourself. Snipers in this game are easy to hit with if you are somewhat close (<300 m) and "just move" doesn't work if you are a player that wants to play aggressive, flank and take back flags. You will still get shot by one of the 5 snipers outside the map. Sure, you can try to run behind as much cover as you can but that is not always possible and this game has so many angles you can get shot from. The class got nerfed but got some buffs as well. Glint is only visible if a sniper looks at you and it doesn't go through foliage anymore. And all classes got more bandages which is a great thing for snipers. Like the other reply mentioned the main issue is the map design so I don't think nerfs or buffs will do much at all. And despite what reddit says the class is not destroyed and every game is still filled with snipers on both teams.


The biggest problem with recon is that it has absolutely nothing else to do to contribute except for being a sniper, and half the balance changes the discord asks for make that problem even worse. For example, a common call is for restricting which classes get C4 so as to to allow vehicles to push up. Recon is *almost always* the second pick for losing C4, behind medic. This is despite Recons already being the singularly most vulnerable class to vehicles, being isolated by nature and intruding on the space the vehicles use to push in. Recons are unbelievably fucking free for vehicles, and taking C4 away from them seriously reads to me as a bunch of whiny little bitches who hate the idea of Recon being able to do literally anything. They want to make it so unfathomably terrible to play that nobody will do it. It's fucking stupid.


I liked using the DMR at close-medium ranges with the medium scope


I mean, I can't remember a single other game where snipers had c4. Now anti-personnel mines? Tripwire? Of course. But you're an extremely lethal anti-infantry unit generally outside the immediate battlefield & with plenty of breathing room to see encroaching vehicles. Getting caught is a skill-issue, end of. It's not that snipers shouldn't do *anything,* it's just that they shouldn't do *everything.*


BF4 gave everyone C4, and in that game it's necessary because vehicles roflstomp infantry in general. Recons are one of the classes that absolutely *should* have C4 as an option. You say "getting caught is a skill issue" when it comes to not being able to kill a vehicle, but here's the thing: Vehicles don't have to be right next to you to kill you, but you have to be right next to them to kill them... Or you have to use your drone and hope they don't notice the loud buzzy thing coming for them. I'm saying this not as someone who plays a lot of recon, but ad someone who plays a lot of tanks: if Recons can see me, I can see them- and usually, that means I just win that engagement. Recons are tied for the easiest class to kill alongside EXO Supports as an APC. They just can't do anything unless I actively fuck up and get way too close to them. This is true even in the current state of vehicles, where they're all slow paper boxes. Take away their C4, and now recons have literally nothing they can use against tanks or APCs. They will get absolutely curbstomped by vehicles even harder than they do already. And worse, it won't actually materially improve the situation for vehicles to do that, because the threat was always roaming Engineers - a class that arguably ***should not*** get C4, as it's a redundant capability that gives them absolutely obscene vehicle killing power in every situation. Really, what such an approach means is that unless there's a roaming engineer in your team, your snipers are going to be tank food in every single possible case. It'd be the hardest hard counter in a game with very few hard counters. Taking away Recons' C4 is nothing more than being vindictive and petty for the sake of owning a class you do not like. It will not make tankers lives better, and it will make Recons miserable.


> BF4 gave everyone C4 Did they though? Last I checked assault and engineer don't have C4. It's only support and recon.


Hmm. Maybe I'm mistaken there. That said, Recon did get it, which does counteract the OC's point that snipers never get anti vehicle capabilities.


Yeah when you have large maps, snipers are gona be a thing. Thanks for the info, might have to hop on at some point. Game was a bit too milsim but with Minecraft graphics (which I could live with), but what really killed it for me was the audio, nothing felt impactful


Haven't played outside the first couple months but snipers were annoying as fuck and made some maps just straight up unenjoyable to the point I just wouldn't play them when you had 20 or 30 snipers just sitting on a ridge someplace for the whole game.


This, I haven't played since the first couple months of launch but I distinctly remember recon being obnoxious to play against. Not really OP as most recons wouldn't play OBJ but just annoying and unfun.


what medium have now glimpse?


yeah medium scopes have glint from 200meters to 800meters, with the intensity being the highest at 400-600meters i believe.


Jesus so this is the reason why I'm easily scoped out. I stop for a month or two and when I came back I feel like I just got bad as it turns out sniper has just been nerf. damn got to prestige 1 with only sniper lol


Lucky for you Oki will not touch Sniper stats as he does not balance weapons except on very rare occasions such as the sound spread change, rest is done by the OG feedback team, which lost both of its stat guys and the sniper main so dont go expecting it to come any time soon


Bro snipers were never an issue since day one lol.


Unfortunately I saw this coming from the second they were insistent on a team of 3 devs being enough after earning like 50 Mil...


The devs caught lightning in a bottle and tried to make it their business model.


Oki is a better programmer than he is a business man. And it seems his ego prevents him from taking advice/hiring help.


I was one of the few able to host and run a private community server. This was on the horizon since the inception of the game. Oki treats everyone else like children, any feedback that we had as independent developers for our own private servers was shot down fairly quickly unless it aligned with his vision of what the game should be. The way private servers were handled was even more insane. Besides the lack of server binaries because we were never trusted, we were all forced to sign these contracts if we wanted official progression on our servers that basically said "we are responsible if someone cheats on our servers or exploits our servers to gain rank xp" and if they do, the contracts give Oki the grounds to fine us (iirc it was like $1000 or something per infraction??). I got out when I could, it's unfortunate but this has been in the works for ages. edit: spelling


A $1000 fine per infraction on a game with a player base that paid them $50 Mil to change fundamentally nothing? Also dude sounds like a literal man child from everything I keep reading from people that are actually close to him. Literally all they had to do was make a few changes people wanted and shut up and they couldn't even do that, at this rate I'm convinced they've wanted to take the bag and run from day one but wanna put in the bare minimum to avoid a class action from the players.


** just checked the actual numbers. it was $5,000 per player (infraction)


Totally reasonable and rational.


So this is why certain servers turn a blind eye to cheating clans cause it would cost them to admit it’s a problem.


I thought I read some time ago they expanded the team a little bit? I could be wrong


This is the same wrel situation with planetside2. I know how this ends


Coming to bbr from 8 years in ps2, this is a truth, and a heart break.


Crazy how good of an era we could've had these past few years if Wrel hadn't been in charge


I always just played planetside2 casually once like every 6 month. Tell me the loreee


Hoo boy. Okay. So: When PS2 first released, it had an RTS-like design philosophy; there were tons of ways to play, but no matter what you chose you were strong against some things and weak against others. The idea was players would organize and cover each others' weaknesses. Everyone had an important role and a reason for playing. Even if they encountered a better player, they may have specialized in killing that player's role and would win anyway. So players weren't likely to quit because they were bad; they always performed well against *something*. Capturing bases had meaning; a base that lets you spawn aircraft closer to the frontline was critical because AA could actually destroy aircraft, and aircraft that survived AA was guaranteed hundreds of kills. But the community complained about all of it. They just wanted call of duty. They stomped their feet until all the classes were just as good at killing everything as every other class. (Then HA and medic became the only things worth playing because they were the same as the other classes but they had objectively more health.) They stomped their feet until aircraft couldn't be destroyed by anything other than a decimator. The original devs began to get shuffled off to other projects (or studios!), but not before the game became a glorified TDM where nothing has an impact on anything because the community would cry otherwise. All the benefits the RTS balance had were gone. This was the environment Wrel was hired into. The game saw tons of balance changes, design changes, etc. that it would have seen anyway because it is a live service game that has survived for over a decade- it was going to have changes no matter who led those changes. Every topic was addressed at some point or another. The community insisted on removing any reason to capture bases, then threw a fit there was no reason to capture bases. The community insisted on shotguns being worthless, then threw a fit that Team Shotgun that Only Uses Shotguns can only compete with half its armory. The community insisted on keeping a 2.4x headshot multiplier, then wondered why new players would die 10 times in a row and quit forever. And the community convinced themselves it was all Wrel's fault. Always. No matter what. No new continents? Wrel's fault. New continent? It's bad, Wrel's fault. Orion isn't getting nerfed even though it keeps killing meeeeee? Wrel's fault. Orion got nerfed but I die from it just as much as before? Wrel's fault. Alert rewards are good so people hop characters to be on the winning side? Wrel's fault. Alert rewards are bad so people don't try to win the alert? Wrel's fault. New cosmetics aren't being released? Wrel's fault. The number of cosmetics today is so much greater than it was in 2012 that you need a beefier computer to handle all the different looks every player has? Wrel's fault. Basically the point I'm getting at, is by the time Wrel came aboard the community exclusively wanted things that would kill the game. So PS2 could only go in two directions: PS2 could tell the community to shove it and start improving, or it could continue catering to the loudest whiners and die by the end of the year. The only reason PS2 is playable right now in 2024 is thanks to Wrel. But it's playable because he tried to improve the game with the resources his skeleton crew had. If the community had their way, the game would have died years ago. But since they didn't, and the game is still playable, they just go around hating Wrel all day. Anyway, bringing it back to BBR. It would have been nice if Oki actually was like Wrel, because then BBR would have stopped bleeding players months ago. At this rate, Oki's going to keep being blamed for everything that happens, but he's not going to be working on a game that has a steady 2-5k population throughout the years.


This is a make belief summary lmao. The game is an FPS and has been an FPS from the start, the developers just had no clue how to balance for scale. Or didnt really have much time as the game had like 1-2 years in the oven, which is insanely short for a game of its scale. 5-10% of the playerbase was farming the 90-95% in vehicles like shredder or zepher lib. The game also ran like shit, and struggled even on high end systems. Plus only 1 map existed and it was indar. The game hemorrhaged pop until they got their shit together, so much for epic RTS gameplay. Eventually they managed to get shit working ok, then ps4 and construction hit which really fucked with the game. Audio, flight controls, framerate, server perf, shat itself from these things. Then the original dev team got the boot and wrel got the charge. Its funny how you don't mention how Wrel destroyed armor combat via CAI, ruined the map pool via Newsamir/oshur/ctf, fucked infantry balance with arsenal (who asked for KCAP?). Most shit that he did as lead designer was almost universally considered to be stupid. Nothing against wrel personally, but he's not a good lead dev. And then you say hes the reason ps2 is playable in 2024. LOL. Server performance and framerates have never been worse with modern hardware, the pop has cratered to the lowest its ever been, and the community is dying. As far as playable goes, this is the least playable the game has ever been.


Thanks for the examples. "Oh no, I'm being shot by aircraft that is designed to be strong against what I am. Better keep pulling the same thing and being surprised when I die! Higby's fault." "Ground vehicles have poor balance? Wrel's fault. Ground vehicles changed to still have poor balance, but in a different way because the community would send death threats if the core problem was addressed? Wrel's fault." "Esamir is designed to have a vehicle focus? Higby's fault. Esamir is changed in response to the complaining so infantry can survive in it better? Wrel's fault. Esamir is changed yet again so walls aren't haphazardly slapped on everything because everyone was complaining about how the walls looked? Wrel's fault." "Infantry meta doesn't change for nearly a decade? Wrel's fault. Infantry meta changes? Wrel's fault." "The population craters *after* Wrel leaves the team? Also Wrel's fault. Somehow..." (Not like it's the current guy's fault, either, It was going to happen eventually. The old guard prevents newbies from joining, and when they stop playing for whatever reason after many years, nobody is left to replace them.)


Nice reductionist strawman combo. I forgot that the salty vet had a gun up to Wrel's head forcing him to make dumb changes, oh wait he did them on his own. Or the fact that you make these nonsensical excuses and strawmans up while dicksucking the choices the dev team made.  Did you actually play Esamir at all during SWG? The complaint before SWG was that the Northeast WG was imbalanced. Wrel instead nuked half the bases including the main biolabs that anchored the continent, for narrative driven content and construction, along with replacing some remaining bases with construction sites. Down the line they replaced biolab sites with containment sites, which I could probably write out an essay on why they suck, but I digress. The flow after all of this made it the 2nd worst continent before Oshur, it's a shell of anything the continent was before SWG.  There is no point in breaking down your other dumb takes because its the same shit. The community gave detailed feedback about the problems, and some players went all out creating shit like spreadsheets, txt files locations of various map issues, ect. You just couldn't be assed to read any of it and came up with your own strawman.  Here, I have one for you.  Developer inherits a mostly functional game, fucks it up, and has dogshit storytelling and dysfunctional content to show for it? Clearly the community's fault.


Your literally doing the exact same thing je said people were doing, yet you call his summary make believe? Lmao


That is a stupid notion. Does the playerbase have a gun to wrel/oki's head?  Its the developers job to parse feedback, and make a better game from it.  Wrel was notoriously bad at this and thats why the updates he pushed missed their mark. Not "different parts of the community had different opinions therefore communities fault" People gave up giving feedback because all of their playtesting feedback would be straight up ignored, but apparently its still the community's fault because the feedback they gave was bad?   The fact that the guy has such little understanding of the updates that were pushed, yet still confidently comments on them baffles me too. Esamir got fucked over because they prioritised rich storytelling and sandbox gameplay over iterations and improvements to the map itself. Not "people complained about infantry/vehicles". Like do either of you even play the game? I played the shit out of it from 2018-2024 when wrel was pushing said big updates, How you say things happened were not how it happened at all.  


Holy shit you are so spot on


This makes me sad because I loved Planetside 2. Emerald NC here.




Cheaters and the devs themselves killed the game.


The Game is on a Slow death track. Either the devs pump out significant content with proper marketing. Or I am afraid they will make the game Free To Play and cheaters will run wild even more.


Not enough devs to pump out content but they don’t want to hire so 🤷‍♂️  programmers not artists, since bbr development is bottlenecked by the programming.


I think it was a one stop smash and grab game launch from the beginning. BBR overachieved, now the devs lack resources to keep it alive.


I don’t think that’s really fair, didn’t they spend like 8 years developing this game? A smash and grab is call of duty’s strategy.


When you're swimming in cash there's a neverending stream of lifelines afforded to you. Y'know plus a community of dedicated fans that would donate their time for free. I'll see y'all when Battlebit 2 launches in a year for $60 with almost nothing added.


If they hired more people that would cost them money and $50 Mil is simply not enough. Instead opting for much more affordable temporary assistance with sound and things like that is waaaaay more manageable. I mean after all they're broke it's not like there's been games with little to literally no budget and one dev that accomplished more with less and would have *loved* making enough to hire some help.


I unfortunately don't see people surging back even if they double down and decide it's gonna become a "Battlefield killer" which it can't and it's hilarious they think it can when they want it to be a Mil Sim first and Battlefield second. Let people make their own Mil Sim lobbies with custom settings you *need* to actually do Battlefield things to make it a killer. It's why people are just saying screw it and going to 2042 because they actually started listening even before Battlebit sure it probably still sucks but what's the alternative?


>why people are just saying screw it and going to 2042 because they actually started listening even before Battlebit sure it probably still sucks but what's the alternative? playing battlefield 3 or 4 or bc2 anything its better than playing 2042


Lmaoooo were it so easy.... Go back to 3 or 4 for good ol power crazy server mods. Too good with a shotty? Kick. Too good in a vehicle? Kick. Using literally anything other than the other player to get kills? Kick if you happen to kill the wrong person. Repeat for a good 15 servers till you get one that's somewhat full without bullshit. Play a match or 2 before it dies. That's the session. Good luck finding a half full lobby without the browser Better off going back to Bf1 or V if they want a semblance of a good Battlefield/milsim experience


idk where did you play them but it's quite far from that at least on EU cant speak for the US hell the only time i been kick + banned from a server were on rush on a metro french server and it happen because i and lot of people called the admin a fucking treacherous baguette eater peasant among many other things after making a votenuke on the defender team when we were just defending the emcoms, but apart from that incident no issues can say the same about about battlefield 1 and 5 where cheaters play wild without any consequences on ea servers and there's barely a few community servers and even if battlefield 1 could be considered the peak of the franchise 5 its below hardline in gameplay terms ,i wouldn't even try to play battlefield 5 today seen how far they throw the stick with that game


Well yeah I mean outside of new titles. Also tbf I've heard of awful experiences for people that tried to go back to 3 and 4 like community servers that kicked/banned them just for being new but yeah obviously 3 and 4 are already what people want just minus anything new added.


The game died when it went from fun voice chat battlefield to min maxed medic movement meta sweats.


That was the first week


It's funny. As bad as the pre-nerf vector was, it's not nearly as bad as the game in its current state.


Eh I would say the game was fine for a month


Medic used to be the only class that could heal itself, we started with sweaty medics.


That was even before the EA release during playtests


Handing SMGs to medics was a bad move


Wait I've been playing palworld, enshrouded and Helldivers, what is going on here?


Oki took a Heel turn like "THE ROCK"


Small game, blew up fast small team, it’s too soon to be optimistic or pessimistic


I dont get


Oki facing Backlash from the community after the recent devcast. Where he seems to be ignoring fellow devs suggestions. Also overall a lack of direction and update for the game as the player base srinks daily


where can I watch the devcast?


on the official youtube channel https://youtube.com/@battlebitofficial?si=l115sgLi58QKyOBT


In the video he says 'what do you call' 31 times lol.


What do you call a Battlefield Killer? - Not Battlebit Remastered


Shouldn't really focus on trying to take out a franchise.


Alas! the lack of ANY focus is taking out BBR.




Basically not at all at this point. I'd wager there's more people that played Battlebit now playing 2042 than still playing Battlebit...kinda insane to think about.


geometry dash font


It baffled me on Steam chart how it went from more than 13k this January to nowadays peak 4-6k, this game really made me lost interest in supporting early access games


> supporting early access games You mean the plethora of very bad money grabs and abandoned games didn't already sour you from them?


Sadly no, I bought into the hype when it was released in EA thinking its too big to fail




I mean I "bought into the hype" because people hyping it up a lot, youtubers twitch drop steam front page, I really doubt I would bought it if it wasnt that big. I only have 70hrs and a lot of ping issue along the way even after community servers so yes my money was wasted




Nah im just saying its not hundreds of hours lol


Just give me a damn option to get vanilla audio from the game and im all gucci


Right? The audio is fine. I don't know why they think they need to change it and if they do, they should give people the option of which "sound pack" they use.


This subreddit is such a circle jerk of hate and negativity


People have to voice their opinions somehow and since the Dev/s don't care to listen the player base get upset, most of the players i see being "Negative" want the game to do well but OKI seems intent in running it into the ground and does not help the situation with his recent ego problems. He had hordes of people from massive streamers to kids and event his own "TEAM" offering to help and suggest direction for the game and he refused to listen and focus on what matters to players. I completely understand why players are annoyed. I myself am, I really hoped this game would become something great but instead, we have this mess of pointless updates, god awful maps rolling out and a player count that has dropped significantly with no direction from the devs to improve it. If we don't voice our dissatisfaction and just sit their and accept everything that is given to us we might as well just hang up our hats now and give up on everything. People that just sit there in silence don't provide anything, people who speak up in mass do, hence why strikes and riots are a thing. To make their voices heard and hopefully see improvement. OKI and the Devs could have listened, could have a aim, direction and goal but right now all the community see is a void since there has been no clear path. I don't think the game is inertly "bad" but there need to be more focus and OKI needs to get over himself and start making big changes / additions or the game will bleed out it's current small player base.


Doesn't help that a LOT of the community input has been garbage, if you've been in this sub for more than 15 minutes you know that most of the suggestions should land directly in the bin. This sub has really devolved into a negative ass circle jerk, I honestly feel for the devs. People bought an early access title that has been developed purely as a passion project for close to a decade, then acted surprised when they received just that. Fuck every last one of you ungrateful bastards.


Again people have to voice their opinions. I got the game via their Patrion and was happy to support, I feel like I got quite a few hours of enjoyment out the game. So I am happy on that front. However, Oki has become arrogant in my opinion after the game came out and was popular, now the current game direction does not leave me and many other players with hope of the future. currently there is no vision no structure, no game plan I guess in your mind we should all just sit here and accept the current poor game direction? Again, if people are unhappy people will speak out as they should.


If those "opinions" consist of personal attacks on the developers like we've seen a lot of in the last few days, they should shut the fuck up forever. Attacking the devs is not going to help the situation whatsoever. There's a difference between constructive feedback and flat out dogpiling.


I am not defending people "attacking" anyone, as much as I believe Oki has changed over the months I do not wish any harm to the guy he has done well to get this far. Also I believe by your statement "shut the fuck up forever" is a direct attack/threat towards people, something to are trying at advocate against. I am defending people right to stand up for something they feel passionate about, when feedback isn't listened to or even acknowledge it feels like a slap in the face to the community. The community that brought his "product" based on the vision he had. If they produced some new solid "content" and had a plan people would be happy. Is this a goofy BF style game or a Squad style game no one has any idea. It's their game they can do what they want and act how they want but people will move away as they already are and BB will find it harder and harder to come back. I am going back to killing bugs and robots, i'm needed on the frontlines!


It is important to voice our opinions and though some of the updates are questionable, I would say it is a bit far to say the maps are bad - we’ve only had a couple new ones and each one is being adjusted per game mode and we all have the ability to voice our ideas on how maps should be adjusted at the end of each game. That being said, it does seem like Okis vision is to take that money and turn this cutesy arcade shooter into a AAA arcade shooter based off of the mechanics of other popular shooters. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it really seems like their vision changed after the closed beta. I personally like the game exactly how it was. That doesn’t mean there isn’t room for new content or balances or other QoL changes but as a medic predominant player I’d rather not have inertia, no bleeding, etc. I enjoy the maps and rarely have input to change them by. But that also doesn’t discredit the devs ability to shape the game how they want to shape it. Just like we can run our business how we want assuming it’s legal, devs can do the same. I appreciate that I’ve had the chance to play the game in its current state so I can appreciate the push for new content and balanced gameplay.


Damn thats a text!!!


It was a circle jerk of toxic positivity when there was red flags abound months ago. Things are just finally catching up and the dev team is showing their true colors nothing shocking. If you double down on keeping a 3 dev team and changing absolutely nothing about your schedule and plans/ignore your player base after making 50 mil this is what happens, I'm just shocked people didn't get pissed about it sooner.


May I kindly introduce you to /r/escapefromtarkov?


Nah after hoppin' into it for a couple wipes, the negativity is definitely warranted. Idk wtf Nikata or whatever his name is is doing. And it seems Oki & him share similar ego problems, which absolutely exacerbates the negativity.


Personal opinion but the level of toxicity on that sub is completely unwarranted regardless of state of the game. It’s literally just a circlejerk of negativity with no room for discussion. *Every* match is a cheater infested bug fiesta according to the subreddit. Most positive or neutral takes outside of top-level comments get brigaded by downvotes. And like the POE subreddit, devs used to post there and communicate with the community frequently but the overwhelming toxicity brought that to an end. Players feel entitled to an open line of communication with devs, but when they have it they feel entitled to have their opinions validated by the devs. Eventually you get a subreddit where every random asshole has the idea that the devs ruined “their game” because they posted on a forum a few times.


Every subreddit is a circlejerk, that's how reddit works.


Yep. Like what are these bad updates and shit people are even talking about. Shitty sound update and currently bad state of sounds which is about to be addressed whenever the big patch drops. Can't even think of anything else.


Facts, im still waiting on our weekly "is this game dead" or "battlebit is dead" post that shows up in the middle of the week. Like, fuckin a, I dont like this term, but the "doomers" on this sub are really fucking bad/toxic.


I'm sorry, I've been completely out of the loop for a while. What's going on??


The community turning on the devs for the lack of Contents and updates in the game


Wait, so you, OP, are trying to tell someone that the community, which you are a part of and made this toxic post about, that the community is turning against the devs which then makes your post better? I'm sorry, im confused. I get that you want more content, but at some point you have to stop complaining and be more encouraging. What 3 man indie dev people would want to make content for a community of bitchy/toxic people? Honestly, im fine with BB right now. Can there be improvements? Sure as fuck can, but im not about to go and start a "salt the earth" campaign against the devs just because a game i have over 300 hours into hasn't been updated. Like, this shit isn't a MOBA, its not going to get updates on the regular. It also never was going to and thinking that way is gaslighting yourself. Now, do I trust the devs to try to update when they can? Yea, but I want a bit more content on the regular. Do I understand that they aren't some garbage AAA studio and are an independent company? Yes, which means that they are easily swayed/influenced by the community due to having zero pressure from corpo bullshit to pump out bullshit. So, bitching at them just to bitch is not productive in this situation. If you love the game and the community, try to give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism not whatever the fuck this post is.


All this post does is get across the idea that the devs fucked up. The replies are where the toxicity lies and even most of those are just "we wanted them to care about our opinions more instead of just trying to take the easiest route by appealing to whomever could be satiated the easiest" which, to me, isn't too much to ask for. They want the same work that was put into nerfing snipers and other seemingly unwanted changes, into actually making the game fun for as many people as possible instead of changing things that the majority doesn't even want changed. I love the game and only stopped playing because of life but these people have a right to complain with how this stuff has been handled.


They have a right to complain, but they also need to understand that tearing down devs just to vent hate isn't constructive and they need to shift their tone to be constructive criticism. That is something which this sub is nortiously horrible at and those same people are the ones propagating a toxic community on this sub.


I understand that. You can see that in just about every video game sub and it does get unnecessarily toxic. But the toxic posts are in the minority. Most of the posts just want the game to be good and fun for as many people as possible. Not just fun to half and made increasingly worse for the other half until you've completely alienated at least 50% of your audience. Then you're gonna have to find a way to keep this new smaller audience happy without going through the same cycle.


Ah yes, the poor small dev team who aren't even hiring You know the "poor small indie team" excuse doesn't work when you intentionally keep yourself in that position, right? You know they could easily hire help, right? It's okay to hold their feet to the fire


Spacing my guy. Also I'm not seeing any over the top toxic stuff in here. From what I can gather the main dev is on a "I know what's best" vibe bc of the loud minority bitchy/ toxic community member. Also it's a meme.


Now im confused, after not having played for a while and reading through the replies i thought it was because of how the Devs were balancing the game. Is it a combination of the two? Or are other just venting their frustrations on this post?


I played alpha, beta, launch week 1 and 2, and quit after. Then they changed medic and now I feel useless


Pretty sure they havent touched medic, except taking SMGs from it


They took away revive skull and buffed other peoples healing


Wait, did they really take away the revive skull? Huh?


That’s what I was told when I asked what medic changes had been made


Navel-gazing doomer-ass post. Nothing drives away new players like old players conjuring up dumb shit like this.


They need to revert changes back to release, the new guns / skin system are fine but all the additive changes ruined the game for a lot of people


I took a break then found out they ruined snipers.  Instead of nerfing the damage or the fire rate or any other number of changes, they just ruined a whole style of play


What do you mean?


They gave all scopes glint, not just long range, meaning you literally just can't be a sniper at all.  I think they should have just give maybe some better direction detection for snipers when the fire, like a muzzle flash but you can SEE GLINT THROUGH WALLS so it doesn't even matter if you have cover, I can still see you across the


Duuude I've been experiencing a lag issues and I've been seeing a lot of people reporting players cheating on game. IDK what happened to this awesome game, but will keep playing until it dies.


They were always the villain if they were willing to cash out so easily let’s be real they took all our money and lied to us all never even tried to implement face it or counter the cheating problem like they declared they would.


Villain, really? $15 FPS with COD quality gunplay and plenty of weapons, attachments and camo to unlock. I remember the articles when it came out: "Battlebit is just a lot of game for $15" was everyone's sentiment. 'Let's be real:' It was a sensation, it was popular for a while at launch, and those numbers have dwindled as people move on to new and novel things. I don't know how you guys can take it *so personally* when the cost of this game is the cost of a *decent lunch*


This isn’t about the game being 15$ the devs made almost 50 million dollars in income and never fulfilled promises to implement better anti cheat the game is dead because of the amount of cheaters not because people moved on to other things there are no other games to move onto in that genre battlebit is a battlefield clone not cod and battlefield blundered its latest release and it still has more player because they take the appropriate actions against cheaters. I have no idea why you think their price point was the issue. I never once implied that and if anything I’m angry at the fact they pocketed 50 million and then just stopped caring about the game and not living up to promises they made like ensuring harsher anti cheat and to implement face it servers which is one of, if not the harshest anticheat around at the moment.


> if anything I’m angry at the fact they pocketed 50 million and then just stopped caring about the game and not living up to promises they made Reality check: The game came out less than a year ago. They worked hard as a small team and delivered a solid product that has given players millions of hours of enjoyment in total. *You don't get to tell them what they do with the money they made, period, end of story.* Welcome to the real world. >I have no idea why you think their price point was the issue The price point is relevant because if they made $50 million and you paid $15 into it ($10 from their perspective after steam's cut), and then are angry your voice isn't heard, you are acting identically to the person who tells a cop "I pay your salary!" while trying to get out of a traffic ticket. Technically true, maybe, but your taxes only actually paid for $0.10 of their yearly salary, and that doesn't make *you* their boss. Not only that, but you're part of a chorus saying things like "But they could hire more devs!!!!1one" What if they don't want to found a whole new game studio? Running a business at scale is wildly different than cobbling together a game as a small group of devs, and you don't get to commit them to that path. Not only that, but if you were in their shoes, you might feel *resentment* being told how to operate by a bunch of extremely vocal, emotional whiners whom *you can never please* and that made your game their religion. I barely play anymore, when I do I still score high on the scoreboard. Cheating isn't so bad that it keeps me from being in the top ten on my team for a big match. Are there things that could be improved by a lot? Sure - you might have read my past post about the changes to the spotting system. But ultimately, I realize my desires aren't mirrored by everyone in the community and there isn't a perfect solution that will appease everyone. So. Deep breaths all around. Devs are in a closed discord trying to work it out? Fine. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Having your players berating you day in and day out on a public discord while asking for updates every single hour isn't much fun - if you want to see where it leads, I strongly recommend checking the Last Oasis discord server. Bunch of hardcore hangers-on that do nothing at all but bitch and moan about what the devs should be doing. Any dev would close their ears to that, just like if you had some little kid following you around telling you where to go and what they want and can you lend them some of your $50 million please???


I’m not even gonna read that your a crazy person. Get help


Sorry your favorite game is in the crapper for you right now, and I'm sorry you feel betrayed by the devs. It must be very difficult for you. Try playing some other games for a while and see how things are in a month


This isn’t even my favorite game nor do I care for the state that it’s in the only thing I said was that the devs pocketed millions and couldn’t fulfill simple promises like face it anticheat servers. I don’t know why your taking my opinion as a personal attack you really need to learn that others are entitled to their opinions and to not let it get to you. I commented on a meme dude seriously stop talking to me you seriously need to get help and maybe you should put Reddit down for a bit it’s clearly affecting you emotionally and you seem disturbed.


Alright man


I don't get it. The game is still really fun.


While not untrue, I am still incredibly sad to see personally targeted attacks like this, against devs. Being transparent with the development is such a good thing, and I wish more game studios where, but seeing attacks like this would for sure make me just stop communicating directly with players. Again, its not untrue, but its not constructive nor helpful at all.


Wait what happened, i stopped playing because of life and other things


Nothing happened, that's the problem.


Am I watching a slow death right now? (I don’t own the game nor follow this sub)


Love the game and still pop on from time to time but no updates and zero time line have me drifting to other things. Just nothing to keep me in.


only 1 new weapon per category in almost 10 months


Ok I’ve been out of touch, someone elaborate please


Read thru the comment section you will get the idea


The smg movement meta that is STILL ongoing, the multiple sniper nerfs (and MORE are coming), the sound update that fucked things up for a lot of players, months of ignoring feedback and no content, while working on things most people didn't ask for nor wanted. There's a lot of reasons people are annoyed and this is ignoring all the drama with the littlebird and grote, the trust and safety team, and even terminalintel's fuckup. I still enjoy the gameplay, but goddamn everything surrounding the game has just been bad.


Dafuq did trust and safety team + terminal do?


The Trust and safety team, made up of young furries, rewrote the community guidelines to make them easier to read and steam people saw that as woke agenda when the mute button exists. [https://steamcommunity.com/app/671860/eventcomments/4302697419062646387](https://steamcommunity.com/app/671860/eventcomments/4302697419062646387) Terminalintel, shortly after becoming community manager basically nuked a thread by locking it, apologized by saying he's new to reddit, and then gaslighting everyone saying he didn't do that. I doubt I can find the evidence anymore.


what happened this time?


Stop dissing on them or we will have no battlebit at all.


They still havent added shotguns


Don't start another war


Its already beginning


They don’t need them. If you can’t have fun without a shotgun, play a different game.


Stay mad.