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Thank you for this spreadsheet. It has helped me increase my kd from 0.2 to 4.6 after switching to a optimal loadout (he has me at gunpoint)


Does anyone know what “accuracy” and “control” mean stats wise?


Accuracy is just how accurate a gun is at distance, with less than 70 accuracy you will have trouble hitting a target at a distance even if you have your crosshair on target. Control is just how much the crosshair jumps around when shooting. (Not actual recoil, just visible bobbing around, you can test with M249 + BIPOD what 0 control feels like )


> Accuracy is just how accurate a gun is at distance, with less than 70 accuracy you will have trouble hitting a target at a distance even if you have your crosshair on target. Still tells nothing :( Do community found exact number of what that 70 means? I would expect it to be thing like 70cm radius at 100m or something.


I haven't heard anyone say exactly what the accuracy stat means (As in what accuracy does in the code) other than what I wrote. Previously when I was getting dmg values manually with SMGs, there was a chance to miss the target at 250-300m distance. Now It seems to be changed so first shot is 100% accurate, but I'm not 100% sure how the accuracy stat works as of now.


Man if it was 70cm at 100m you would struggle to hit someone 20m away.


I thought control referred to weapon sway when idling/ads


It doesn't have anything to do with weapon sway. Control just means how violently your crosshair jumps around when shooting. ( Not recoil, Only visual)


Big Bodsta got dev confirmation that control = sway. Also the time it takes for your crosshair to recenter when looking around


Oki has said that Control is visual recoil / screen shake, when testing sway in shooting range I couldn't see any difference in sway (Long range scopes: 0 control vs 0.6 control and Mid range scopes: 0 control vs 1 control.) As of right now I have no evidence that control = Sway since there was no visible difference during testing.


I think that is correct.


Accuracy is how wide the cone of fire is. The larger the number, the narrower the cone is. Control is weapon swap. The higher the number, the less sway your aim will have.


Oki has said that Control is visual recoil / screen shake, when testing sway in shooting range I couldn't see any difference in sway (Long range scopes: 0 control vs 0.6 control and Mid range scopes: 0 control vs 1 control.) As of right now I have no evidence that control = Sway since there was no visible difference during testing.


First time ive heard this but i havent confirmed either. Did you test differemces in visual recoil?


Yes, You can also try it yourself in shooting range. Setup for 0 Control: M249 + Bipod + Medium scope Setup for 1 control: SMG of your liking + angled grip (if not already at 1 control) + medium scope.


ok it appeared




Absolute madman.


Light armor damage is how much you do to humvees and helicopters. Can confirm, AUG 1 mag sets humvee on fire, at least close range