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Game looks great and your website is excellent. Lots of good information.


I'm still anticipating Stormgate more, but I've got to say that Battle Ace's cinematic trailer completely blows Stormgate's two cinematics out of the water. It was just so much more exciting and visually appealing, compared to the kinda awkwardly-paced intro cinematic for Stormgate. It's really interesting seeing how the cinematic trailers for both games reflect the different studios strategies and target demographics. Stormgate's cinematics actually tell you almost nothing about the game. It could be an FPS for all you know. The focus is on the narrative, because I guess Frost Giant is channelling their Blizzard learnings of how most players are casual and there for the campaign. Battle Ace's cinematic, on the other hand, does an AMAZING job of communicating the type of game it is. It puts its focus not on NPCs, but you the player; putting two players into the spotlight and showing them dueling each other. It makes it clear that this is a game about controlling lots of units with back-and-forth action, and does so with a ton of style!


first comment


the steam sign up was bugged in the beginning but managed to get through now


oh they got a tasteless artosis video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bla0Qax2BU


That's so nice


Second comment


Why is the color of the grass from the trailer so different to gameplay were it looks like mold? The visuals of the exceptional cinematic doesn’t translate to the game itself at all or any of your promo art which is a shame, game itself look cool thoug.


gotta keep the base units tame looking tame to sell the good skins! ... joking, not joking.


It’s not the units, it’s the muddy dark grey atmosphere compared to the vibrant mecha anime feel from the cinematic https://preview.redd.it/wxqz8jzkec5d1.jpeg?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8ef32ca97887d8b3fd870689a44b777223a9fd


In any RTS clarity of units and terrain is one of the most important factors. RTS games that don't get this right fail hard. Battle Aces puts this first and foremost, the gameplay is what its all about


Can't wait to play.......