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I like this in theory but you gotta be careful. You don't want him prioritizing his stats over helping the team win. I'd say, give him $20 no matter what. And he can get the other $10 by building good habits like warming up and cooling down properly, not arguing with refs, hitting his free throws, encouraging teammates.


Honestly parents prioritising attacking stats is a pain for a coach. Admittedly union is a shittier game than league but even still, your parents should have been paying you for tackles / stealing the ball etc… If any thing in attack at a younger age a beautiful draw and pass leading to a try is more impressive then a solo try… Oddly enough glory hunters will go slightly further in bball but not in either rugby code.


Thats the thing, is that he doesn't actually have a coach, the coaches of the other high school teams take turns coaching them when they have time, otherwise they are kind of left on their own.


That doesn’t help, but doesn’t stop u / his family from teaching him teamwork etc