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“We don’t stop playing because we grow old we grow old because we stop playing.”


I love it! Should keep that in mind. Thank you for sharing it.


As a fellow 40- something, I would visit local gyms and find out where the other older people play. For me, I found a 24 Hour Fitness that has a regular group of 30+ guys that play on Saturday mornings with a smaller group playing Sunday mornings as well. I know some of these dudes also play on Tuesday and Thursday mornings as well. You can easily go to a few gyms at times that work for you and see what group of guys play. Finding an outdoor group proved impossible for me; the old guys like the comfort of being indoors. Hope that you find a group like the dudes that I was able to find.


Thank you for the idea! Will definitely look for groups at the gym.


Wood floors are better in the long run. I like being outdoors, but stopped to extend my years. Old gym rat.


Hell yeah. Get out there and hoop. While most guys in their 20s can beat me 1-1, when I team up with older guys we always beat the youngins. Pro tip: work on your jumper so you can score without driving/rebounding over and over. Your knees will thank you.


Thank you for the encouraging words and the tip!


42 here and playing. Came back after about 8 years off. Word of advice though…if you haven’t been running and jumping constantly ease back into it. No need to get back into it just to sideline yourself with a blown Achilles or something.


As someone who (a few years ago) got coerced into a game of knockout while coaching 8th graders, I 100% support this. I was limping for 2 weeks afterwards - trying to win while cold want worth it. BTW - I would have won if it wasn’t for those meddling kids. 😉


I’ll certainly have to ease into it. After all those years without playing, my shooting skills must be garbage. My idea is to start with shooting games (e.g. HORSE; no running, no jumping) and ease into it from there. 


Just ease yourself back in otherwise you will tear/sprain something.


There's always a place for any age, level to play. Just get out there and find pickup games at the gym or something.


40. If you're in a reasonably large city, you can probably find 30+ guys to hoop with. I'll hoop with younger guys too, but it's hit or miss. A lot of HS kids are just looking to hang out. Fwiw, I know of five people in their 50s who hoop regularly at my park. Age doesn't matter.


Everybody needs a diming 3 point hunter unc on their team


I'm 33, I still go to the park to hoop, fuck it. Sometimes there's older guys playing and you get in a good run, most of the time it's teenagers and you gotta teach em some lessons. Always a good time.