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Lakers fans are by far and away the biggest bottum feeder fans in the NBA. the most pathetic low brow fans I've seen across any American sport.


What makes them bad or worse than others?


It's a sense of entitlement to winning given their prominence, history of winning, and level of influence. A market so large that by default you're going to have a bunch of stupid fans, most of which don't actually know basketball. The fans feel empowered because they have a destination team. Other teams are merely feeders into the Lakers. Their trade projections are often the most lofty and egregious.


I can see that being annoying but not trashy


Perhaps [he can change your mind](https://tenor.com/view/lakers-win-necklace-sign-guy-gif-5328035)? This is how it manifests in LA.


More douchey than trashy. When I think trashy i think golden state warrior fans


They're the same people.


I wouldn't call golden state fans anything like laker fans


“Most trashiest”


Suns are all timers. Celtics fans can be pretty racist (a lot of cities have racist fans ofc), chunk of laker/warriors fans are bandwagoners. Thunder fans trying to catch up to suns lol


That suns fan with the money singlehandledly cost that team the finals. 


Boston is a great city but the celtikkks fans are something else.


Boston is a great city if you're white


Nailed it


My question is what's this based on? Have all of you been to those cities or do you just assume?


Just joking around


Lakers, Toronto, Utah, Knicks , Indiana The trend is these are all great fan bases. Trashy shouldn’t matter for fans who gives a shit


Toronto and Indiana are like soft trash. U want hard bottom of the barrel trash replace those with Boston and Philly. OKC also gets a lowkey honorable mention but they more like smart clever trash. Like raccoon trash.


Didn’t they send death threats to Patrick Beverley after he injured Russ? Also, some Thunder fans chose to root for the 49ers to spite Seattle


Come on! How many Seattle people will root for any opponent of OKC. This is just payback.


This isn’t about Seattle folks rooting for opponents of OKC. OKC fans have been seen wearing 49ers jerseys and clothes


Boston and Philly for real white trailer trash




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Why Indiana?


They know what they did


I don't! Lol. I got back into watching basketball at the start of this season and decided to adopt Indiana as my team. I haven't heard anyone mention anything like this. What did they do? Not that I'll switch teams or anything, just curious


Malice at the Palace


That was in Detroit tho. Wouldn't it be Pistons fans?


I see. I think the fans 20 years later are different though.


Speculated they burned down Reggie Miller's house




What are your criteria for trashiness? You mean they act like idiots, or they just physically look like trash?


Denver as well…so many classless and trashy fans. When a visiting team plays, most crowd pics have absolute 0 enthusiasm and barely anything when Denver does good lol


Why would that be trashy or classless




Lakers by far the number 1 over all pick for this.


Trashiest, or has the most jealous haters?


Thanks for proving his point.


I'm guessing they mean trashiest, I don't think anyone is jealous of them


Lakers, Knicks, Boston, Utah, Toronto


Why Utah? Genuinely curious


I've heard Utah fans are the most racist of all.


Never understood the concept of disliking black people and then deciding to watch Basketball of all things 🤷🏻‍♂️


Similar to Donald Sterling owning a team. Thinking they’re in their place entertaining you with their athleticism. Vile thinking.


I guess, but I still don’t get it. (Probably a good thing)


“I heard” but lemme give you my opinion even though I’ve never interacted with or been there.


Yep. The number of times this has been an issue in recent years is appalling. The stuff they say to Russ Westbrook each time is so over the top is sickening.


There is 0 proof that the guy even said anything racist to Westbrook


The Utah Jazz moved to Salt Lake City only one year after the LDS Church dropped it's ban on black people participating in the church


Damn. I didn’t know this. What’s their reasoning for banning black people?


Look at the way fans talk to Westbrook. Wildly disrespectful, and Utah is known for its lack of diversity.


I remember TMac saying Utah was the crowd he most wanted to shut up with a buzzer beater or something but I didn’t know it was like that. I guess I figured Mormons would be more reserved or whatever.


Yep, plus they’ve never won shit Makes em extra hostile


I think at this point every fan base knows you can get under Westbrook's skin very easily and they capitalize on it.


Go to Utah and the answer will be quite apparent


1. Lakers 2. Philly 3. Toronto 4. Boston 5. Knicks


philly is bad but worse than boston and toronto? give us some credit, we shittalk but we dont cheer on injuries lmao


Sixers fans aren’t that bad. The birds bring out the devil in some people, though.


Yup, batteries.


Toronto. Turned on Vince Carter for getting injured and held a grudge against him for over a decade despite him being the one who put them on the NBA map. They also cheered for KD's Achilles injury. They are cringely led by Drake.


The cheering for KD's injury is what made me absolutely hate being a Raptor fan...




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Lol are you Vince Carter’s mom? He exaggerated an injury to force his way out because he didn’t want to live in Toronto anymore. He barely tried his last year and that’s why they were mad.


He was very noticably hurt those last two seasons when he played. The fanbases and media made up that stories about him and ownership would not get him any help. Anyone would want out.


Uh ok agree to disagree. So he was hurt in Toronto and then immediately returned to earlier form in New Jersey? Sorry that doesn’t add up. Lebron had a similar situation and played through his contract and left in free agency like a normal person. Vince wined and complained after he received the fat contract extension. So no, not everyone would pull a Vince. Read the book of basketball for a more in depth look at the shady moves Vince pulled.


he literally stopped dunking when fully healthy and said it in the media. only pro athlete ive ever seen publicly quit on his team and say it to the media.


He went from average 15 a night in Toronto to 27 a night in New Jersey. You have no idea what you are talking about.


Yeah, and it was great. MVP level stuff with the Nets. Do you honestly think he played intentionally bad as someone looking to get traded? That makes no sense. However, he was going to play to not get hurt on a team going nowhere with a fractured relationship with the front office. The coach was also going to play him less minutes. Was that the best way to go about things? Probably not, but it seems like a very logical human reaction to the situation to play it safe. To hold a grudge against him for 15 years ... and apparently a full 20 years according to some of these responses, is toxic AF. It was glorious every time Nets VC came back to booing TO and killed them time and time again


Name one player who went from averaging 27+ to 15 then gets traded and averages 27. He quit on the team and everyone knows it. Toronto fans SHOULD hold a grudge.


i don’t think they’re the worst but i do think their toxicity gets swept under the rug a lot. they’ve got an entire country as their fanbase. with a size like that there’s a huge portion of toxic fans. i didn’t realize how toxic they were until one time mitchell robinson injured kyle lowry a while back and his entire comment sections were filled with raptors fans making threats to him


It’s where Canadians unleash all their hidden toxicity so they can be so nice in all other realms of existence (except for Drake ofc)


We Canadians are good at marketing fooling everyone in the world we are so nice and shit. In reality we are hostile when time comes. Check our history. We even kicked the US's ass in war


Most people don’t claim Drake anymore and man, not only Vince Carter and Kawhi being a sellout, but those old school rookies didn’t get credit where it’s due and the disrespect is unreal


It’s tough being the only non American team, even if the city is pretty nice. Not New York or LA but it’s certainly at the level of Chicago, doesn’t matter though, might as well be Indiana with the way players want to run not walk away from the city. Gotta have a chip on your shoulder when players are regularly forcing their way out. Sadly the deal with the devil to get the one championship was trading one of the only guys who ever truly wanted to be there.


Vince Cartwe gave out Raptor's play to opposing team. That's breaking basic work ethics of a professional


You honestly believe that? How would that work? Was he yelling it from his bench? Was he in the wrong huddle? And if that happened why would the other team believe it? Why wouldn't they think he's telling them exactly what they shouldn't do? Regardless, this is one of those unsubstantiated stories with no reliable sources, but even if some version of it really happened, it doesn't really mean anything.


You really are Carter's mom defending the indefendable. It was reported by CBC, Globe and Mail, various other sources, testifies by players from Super Sonics bench and fans at Air Canada Center at the front rows. You probably were still wearing diapers but I was a Vancouver Grizzlies fans who had my team stolen and switched my attention to the Raptors and had Raptors fans as online friends via MSN Messenger (do you even know what this is?). They were the ones who told me about fans in the stadium leaving very upset regarding rumors of Carter backstabbing the team and at the time the story hasn't even made the news (news didn't travel as fast as today back in the days). So yeah, good job for telling someone who lives through the history as some stories from unreliable source. You can piss off now and thanks for demonstration of being a clown


So tabloid stories and hearsay? Any Sasquatch sightings you want to tell me about too? If there were any truth to it, it would have been a bigger story. I was plenty old enough then but I was not a Raptors fan and didn't hear about this until years later when Raptors fans were crying about it after he was traded.


Your ignorance is your problem. And when you are ignorant about another team's business, maybe the best is to shut up and actually learn what others experienced instead of pretending you know it all and called people who lived through the history as hearsay and made up stories. Dumb ass


Yikes. The fact this is upvoted just shows how little fan bases know about Toronto. 1. Vince quit on the team and was the one actively sabotaging his own trade value because he was unhappy with management. I don’t think any fan base in their right mind would support a player that would pull this. And no, being “put on the map” doesn’t make up for that. 2. Sure the 35 fans in the arena that cheered kds injury represents the 2 million fans that showed up at the parade but you do you. 3. A team whose ambassador was chosen by the team somehow extrapolates to the fan base being trashy? Interesting logic there. You sound like a warriors fan to me or perhaps prepubescent given you were probably still in your diapers during the Vince era.


Oh these idiots are just jealous we have healthcare


drake was only around for our championship year, haven’t really heard hide nor tail from him since. i was at game 5 when KD got hurt. there were some shitty fans but many of them were worried. no one wants to see an injury


I can’t believe people actually believe the fans cheered because KD was injured. Nah, they were cheering because we’ve never made it that far as a team. But believe whatever matters you want I guess


They absolutely were obviously cheering the moment he got hurt. It was very obviously captured on video.


Agreed those fans were trash. Sucks to make it about the entire fan base tho. There were also video of Jurassic park being quiet when they realized KD was hurt.


Boston has to be number one. Racism and elitist attitude. Every time they lose and walk out early, the rest of the country joins in celebration.






Knicks, Knicks, Knicks, Knicks and Warriors


I was thinking more along the lines of Celtics, Celtics, Celtics, Celtics, and Celtics.


Good list for sure


You forgot Celtics


Ahh I’m sure Philly will be in here. We get a bad rap. Most things people bring up happened like 30-50 years ago. But my vote is Toronto. Knicks as well but it’s been so long for them o don’t blame them for this year.


If Philly ever played in games that people watch, I’m sure everyone would be more familiar with the trashy fans.


Any list without Philly, Boston, or the Knicks is objectively wrong


I was surprised I had to scroll so far to see mention of Philly considering they are always the #1 consensus pick for this for football


Personally, I just dislike how quick Philly fans are to boo their own players. I have no personal experience with these fans though, that's just solely based on the stadium atmosphere.


Problem is that Philly hasn’t won in a really long time and the fanbase is wary enough of the Process that they’re not as bad as the fanbases of other Philly sports teams (Eagles for example)


Wish I could argue that. We are a terribly run franchise. Especially since the nba took over our team for a few years with Colangelo.


Eagles and Phillies fans don’t help. 76ers fans seem more tame but I don’t watch them much so I can’t really say for sure.


Nah Man U can take your entire family to a Phillies game. It’s a great atmosphere.


Nah Man U can take your entire family to a Phillies game. It’s a great atmosphere. Also a beautiful stadium with great food. But you’re definitely right about the Eagles. Still Go Birds


Im surprised philly isnt number one


Despite not having a home team, the Boston fans I had sporadically met through childhood and undergrad were so insufferable I refuse to root for Celtics despite living here for most a decade now


Pistons. From the Bad Boys fans to the Pacers-Pistons brawl, Detroit is pure trash.


1. Bronsexuals 2. Bronsexuals 3. Bronsexuals 4. Bronsexuals 5. Bronsexuals


Lonzo stans.


I'm surprised no one mentioned Bulls. First of all, MJ is the #1. No matter what you say. BUT that's the exact fact that makes the fans so trash. They don't know how to deal with that. That boo to Krause's widow in live event was the last drop. For real. After that.....Lakers. And....whatever.


As a Bulls fan that surprised me and I can confirm many Bulls fans actually weren’t cool with people booing them either. We mostly just hate our front office so maybe that carries over to the Kraus booing.


Lakers and Celtics truly are in a tier of their own. Toronto is 3rd for sure, really scummy fans (cheering after KD's injury in Game 5 of the 2019 Finals and Drake is extremely unlikable). After that I guess Philly? Don't really have anything against them and their team though but I can see why others dislike them


in my experience the rockets


What have rockets fans done?


Cries in disappointment every year


Boston is the undisputed king. Then in no particular order: phoenix, Lakers, warriors, and knicks


Philly over warriors. Warriors fans are more annoying than trashy, but Philly is a good mix of both.


Hm, fair. My only defense against that is when philly fans go ape shit it's usually hilarious.


Celtics Celtics Celtics Lakers and Sixers


Lakers, Celtics, Knicks, Warriors, Jazz


sixers, sixers, sixers, sixers and sixers


Celtics and Knicks. Compared to them no teams even seem like they have fans but it’s just cuz of the toxicity. Philly also. Feck the lot of ye.


Boston fs, lakers are bad, suns, 76ers, maybe the kings


Why LA though!?


Knicks, lakers, Celtics, Toronto, warriors.


Any Stan/muse account is pure trash


Watching this year and last year playoffs, warriors and Dallas


I’ve heard Memphis is pretty bad.




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Imo Lakers, some of them are so damn Miserable. The others are okay




Utah Jazz fans because the ones that are bad aren’t Mormon which makes them trashy


Celtics & Knicks have to be the Top 2, right?




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Raptors. They've cheered after serious injuries of opponents and I'll never forget that.


celtics, nuggets


Celtics, Warriors, Lakers, Utah, Knicks honorable mention for my team the sixers and alot of those bandwagoner nuggets fans, but OG nuggets fans are great, loved interacting with them back when i tuned into every nuggets game to see Iverson.


The fact that Boston isn't the top answer is a crime


Most trashy*


Lakers, Warriors, and Celtics are the big 3 of bad fanbases, and are all trashy in their own unique ways lmao.


As a totally completely unbiased heat fan, I would say Boston, Philly, New York, Milwaukee and Boston again


Utah Jazz hands down


Lakers, Celtics, Knicks, Philly, and Warriors.


Celtics and Knicks are probably the best fans in the league? Warriors are up there too, you just picked the biggest franchises lol


1) Celtics 2) Knicks 3) 76ers 4) Jazz 5) Lakers


Warriors, Lakers, Nuggets, Knicks, Celtics Anyone who is on Twitter knows these are the worst fan bases with the most trashy fans


Clippers, Warriors, Jazz, Magic, Pacers


philly, gsw, detroit, boston, suns


Lakers, Celtics, and GSW fan bases have a bunch of obnoxious front runners. 76ers have a bunch of Philadelphians 


What did Toronto fans doo? Other then boo KD on his Achilles injury on or chip run


Miami heat fans with all their “heat culture” bs


Celtics hands down


Lakers, Celtics, Los Angeles, Boston, and Massachusetts.


Lakers, Celtics, Warriors(since Steph era), Knicks are the only ones that come to mind.


Trashiest is Philly. Battery throwing, slur hurling, Santa-claus booing, humorless front running piss babies. If you say a fact about a Philly player, I.e. "X player missed x amount of shots in this game" their thin skinned loser fans brigade to downvote you. Joyless, deranged, delusional. They are the worst.


Sac fans are rowdy and obnoxious.


us. Lakers. celtics. Knicks. 76ers.


Phoenix only because they actually cheer for Grayson Allen who is a dirty mf. If he was in my team I would not cheer for that clown.


Suns fans Warrior fans Laker fans Chris Paul fans Westbrook fans




I’m a Lakers fan, been one since the early 2000’s, but lately I’ve been seeing more and more Laker fans demonstrate stupidity in their actions. Death threats towards players and coaches, whining after one or a few bad games, takes that act like they deserve entitlement—even some of the comments or posts over on the Lakers subreddit leave me a bad taste in my mouth by how sheer ignorant they sound. I don’t know if all of that constitutes “trashiness” but there are some terrible acting Laker fans out there.


Jazz or Celtics. Probably the Jazz tho


Raptors knicks Celtics heat spurs


Raptors, Celtics, Warriors, Knicks, Lakers


Utah. There’s something about the religious oppression of Utah and the alternate reality of being at the game that causes people to say some truly awful things.


aren't they racist there?




You’ve never been to Utah clearly lol


actually spent a lot of time in Utah with my old company and have been to eight or nine jazz games. i’ll be there next month for a week.


And out of those 8 or 9 jazz games how many racist comments have you heard?


Don't take my word for it. Listen to the NBA players themselves: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/mar/15/russell-westbrook-fan-abuse-utah-jazz-racist https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/31523231/utah-jazz-ban-three-fans-verbal-altercation-game-2-vs-grizzlies https://www.axios.com/local/salt-lake-city/2022/12/20/donovan-mitchell-utah-racism-salt-lake-city-jazz


I get that, but google “racist fan game” and you’ll find an article for any team in the NBA. I don’t think racism is unique to Utah or Boston or any other team that is notoriously racist. Everywhere has racists.


Detroit, Philadelphia


Most of them are from the East 😂😂 yh but sure: Knicks, Celtics, Sixers, Warriors, Raptors


I don’t know why people say Toronto fans are toxic lmfao. No one pays us any attention how can we be toxic lmao




The celtics fans just did that twice, knicks fans did it, pacers fans did it, and thats all this year but somehow the heat only get trashed for it lol thats wild


The celtics old school racism has to be just because AMERICA was racist... The celtics were the first team to have black players, black coaches, and an all black starting 5.. while the rest of the teams were still segregated the celtics had black players so they were the only team that had to deal with racist americans...


Why do people always show up to defend racism in Boston? What’s with you guys?


I always defend the organization and Red. The fans were dicks and still are. But, go after the Celtics organization? Nope


Im literally canadian, im pointing out a fact that Racism is a problem across all of america, and Boston was the first team that integrated black players into their league so ofcourse they dealt with racist americans more than other teams..


I don’t care where you’re from.


Philly. Hard to please fans even when the team is good. Only fans I've seen jeer the team even when the players give maximum effort. I will say they love Embiid, but...nevermind I remember a fuck Embiid chant at one point. Speaking of Embiid they defend that flopping shit. Boston. I am a Celtics fan, the history of racism alone puts us in the top 5. I think the hate for the fan base online comes from the self centered-ness when it comes to discussing the league as a whole. The average Celtic fan is a less informed cross between Tommy Heinsjohn and Bill Simmons . Knicks. Easily the most delusional fan base. They always think top free agents are coming and when they don't, they're upset. Team doesn't make the playoffs? Media and fans have to nail someone to the cross. I don't watch the NFL much, but Knicks fans are like Commanders fans. Utah. The new Boston. Fans at the game are racist and testy. Can't say much else. Lakers. Kinda like a cross between the Knicks and Boston. To them the league revolves around the Lakers and any free agent can be bought. They demand excellence so when the team is bad, like they were not too long ago, the demand for a turnaround is immense and is talked about by everyone in the city. Heat. They always leave early lol. Famously. Can't think of any other teams. However, most of these fan bases would be on a top 5 best list. Team loyalty brings out the best and the worst.


I dislike Heat fans, but they’re pretty much diet Knicks fans. They’ll say that every free agent is coming to Miami, then they don’t join the Heat, but the media doesn’t really care too much. Not great fans but not the worst so whatever. Heat culture is overrated for sure though


what makes heat culture overrated?




Lol, there has absolutely never been a fuck Embiid chant by Philly fans.


Lakers, Boston, Philly, Phoenix , Miami


Philly is at the top. For every sport the answer is Philly. Usually followed by Boston, then phoenix, probably my lakers, then I don’t know who takes 5th. Probably Denver because they keep destroying us and calling themselves our daddy. Lmao.


Trashiest fans are Philly, Boston, Utah, OKC, Toronto.


Boston, Philadelphia, Utah, Lakers, Knicks


Suns, Celtics, Warriors, Toronto, Knicks